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Sinus Infections and other Disasters

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Topic: Sinus Infections and other Disasters
Posted By: LakeBoy
Subject: Sinus Infections and other Disasters
Date Posted: November-02-2011 at 4:03am
OK guys, I was going to write this in my home thread "learning to barefoot," but I thought I would make a general post about this as many water sports enthusiasts and others with allergies suffer from sinus infections. [bit long, but worth it...]

My run of sinus infections started in 1993, when I moved to Sacramento. I had 6 that year. Every year I had 2, 3, 4 of these buggers: congested, can't breathe, feverish, drained, tired for days on end 'til it clears up, usually with antibiotics. My kids started having similar issues so they went to an allergist/ENT doctor and was getting some good care. I went to him, he took a CT scan of my face and was stunned how infected I was, stunned because I was NOT complaining about a sinus infection at the time. I was diagnosed with Chronic Sinusitus.   He treated me with an array of antiboitics and months later a new CT scan showed improvement. This was in 2008.

Since then I have been on a crazy run of many, many sinus infections. Picking up Barefooting in 2008 did not help as lots of water gets up the nose. 2 weeks ago I hit my bottom: another sinus infection, a huge bottle of 56 pills of Augmentin (high powered), steriod sprays, other sprays, saline spray....right then I swore them off, there had to be a better way.

I asked myself, "is this cr@p doing any good, or is it making me worse?" Honestly I could not say. I did some research on homeopathic cures, alternate cures and swerved into some interesting possibilities. Upon researching further, I contacted a friend who was pushing this "cure-all" years ago that is mostly popular with the conspiracy theory crowd, Art Bell fans, and those on The Fringe.

The product is Colloidal Silver.

He makes it, uses it, and swears by it. I got some from him and said, "I will tell you how it works," He said, "Don't bother, I KNOW how it is going to work." Still suffering from the infection, his words didn't seemed to resonate with me at the time.

I started using colloidal silver in my sinuses, through a spray bottle, and a dropper, with my head tilted back on Friday 10/28/11. Today is 11/1/11. I've used it 5 days. My sinuses are completely clear as if I took all 56 of the antibiotics. But this is better:

I feel like ALL of my energy has returned. The last 2 years I was the walking dead, even when I did not have a sinus infection. I feel energetic, with a crackling spark of energy in my soul that wants to scream out: YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME! I told my daughter I felt like getting in a fight! (I trained martial arts years ago). UNBELIEVABLE!

Now before all the shills for "big pharma" jump in, there is a lot said about colloidal silver, is it safe, will it make your skin grey, blah blah, blah. Do the research yourself, talk to someone who has used it. And if the antibiotic-go-round has you down and dizzy. Give it a try. If Big Pharma has let you down, go to the Vitamin Shoppe or the GNC and get a bottle. You will thank me.

Got Foot?

Posted By: adamt
Date Posted: November-02-2011 at 6:00am
I've been taking augmentin 875 mg for a month at a time like they're m&m's, 2 to 3 times a year for years and years. Thanks for the info, I'm going to give it a try. Can you suggest something from Viamin Shoppe, they have 27 products listed under - Colloidal Silver any suggestion where to start? thanks.


1973 Skier

Posted By: Waterdog
Date Posted: November-02-2011 at 11:59am
I have sinus flair ups after being in the lake. Like allergies to to the lake. If it helps I'll give it a go.

- waterdog -" rel="nofollow - 78 Ski Tique

Posted By: LakeBoy
Date Posted: November-02-2011 at 3:54pm
Originally posted by adamt adamt wrote:

I've been taking augmentin 875 mg for a month at a time like they're m&m's, 2 to 3 times a year for years and years. Thanks for the info, I'm going to give it a try. Can you suggest something from Viamin Shoppe, they have 27 products listed under - Colloidal Silver any suggestion where to start? thanks.

Adam, I would start here: - Colloidal Silver
This one is 30 PPM which is stronger than the others.

You can put it in a spray bottle, the kind you get when you buy saline spray. Empty the bottle out, put the CS in it and give a few sprays each nostril a few times a day.

Or get a dropper, but your head back over the edge of your bed, go drop by drop until you feel the CS going down the back of your throat, lay there for a few minutes, let it soak in. I do in in the AM and the PM.

There are otehr ways to do it. Google "Colloidal Silver Sinus" and you will be on your way. As my friend said, "be prepared to have the best health you have ever had." He is right, at least for me!

Got Foot?

Posted By: critter
Date Posted: November-02-2011 at 4:12pm
I will go get some this weekend.... I have been fighting sinus issues
for the last 15 years.
Thanks for the tip...

1980 Ski Nautique
1966 Barracuda

Posted By: LakeBoy
Date Posted: November-02-2011 at 5:11pm
Critter: glad to help. best part about Colloidal Silver other than it is cheap to buy, it is even cheaper to make yourself. I am still new to all of this. If I am satified with results of using CS, I will buy one of these: - Colloidal Silver Maker

So pumped up today. So energetic. Wanna go rip a few barefoot sets RIGHT NOW!

Got Foot?

Posted By: Jones
Date Posted: November-02-2011 at 6:31pm
I've never heard of this product but will certainly give it a try. I actually stopped skiing about three or four years ago because I could no longer handle the sinus issues that resulted from taking lake water in my nose. Although I think my problems are more allergy related to the agricultural chemicals that get washed into the local reservoirs, this sounds like it could be promising. I was seriously thinking about a surgical solution just so I could get back on the water but I'll give this a shot and report back. Thanks Roy.

1979 Ski Nautique (sold)

1997 Ski Nautique

1998 Super Sport Nautique

Posted By: kapla
Date Posted: November-02-2011 at 6:42pm
wife happy also?

<a href="">1992 ski nautique

Posted By: LakeBoy
Date Posted: November-02-2011 at 7:40pm
Sebby: yes, the wife is REAL happy.

Jonesy: You will NEVER hear about this product. There are $0.00 dollars to be made on this one by the Big Pharma companies. There is a wealth on information about it on the internet, some good, and some bad. Those who doubt it's efeectiveness, or even call it dangerous, have never used it. Read up on the people that have used it and see what they say.

Try it. If it does not work, you will be no worse off, and out 20 bucks. If it works you will recommend it to everybody you know.

Got Foot?

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: November-02-2011 at 11:21pm
down in my neck of the woods, they call it Smack, nose candy, heroin.

you know lake, im pulling your joint, but my wife is in the 30s crowd, the kids sniffle and off to the doc, they pump them with that antibiotic ***************, the strep goes away and comes back 2 weeks later, and back to the doc for another regiment of augmentin.
Ive maybe taken antibiotics 3 times in my life, and I keep telling her the kids are going to get immune to that stuff, but, what do I know??
but im also a firm believer in alternative medicine, been battling a cold for about 2 weeks and im stuffed, so im going on your word and i will try it.
I always tell her when i was a kid, I never went to the doctor for the sniffles, and im sure most will agree, you just didnt go, you let your bodies immune system let it run its course...what the hell happened?"

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: Jones
Date Posted: November-03-2011 at 12:29am
I just picked some up at GNC. We'll see how it goes. I only wish I could test it during ski season.

I hear you Eric. My grandmother was a nurse back in the 50's and early 60's and she made my mother promise never to give antibiotic to her kids unless absolutely necessary. Even back then she knew how harmful it could be and I still have an aversion to the same for my daughter. I never missed a day of school until the 10th grade and that was probably a ditch.   

Another great example of how the pharm industry manipulates healthcare to maintain profits. (Sorry if this gets political)

1979 Ski Nautique (sold)

1997 Ski Nautique

1998 Super Sport Nautique

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: November-03-2011 at 10:03am
you think?
funny though, I was at the pharmacy over the weekend, they keep the Phseudophdrine behind the counter, I asked the girl with a serious face could i get all the boxes that she has available, she told me she could only sell me 2 boxes of it.
I looked at her, I said do you remember that guy that use to come in here?, he was very friendly and yes she remembered him, well indirectly your pharmacist back there was pushing him drugs indirectly that killed him, it will be a year December 20th

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: November-03-2011 at 10:08am
btw, deaths due to prescribed narcotics has tripled in the last 10 years, I dont want to get on that bandwagon, but 3 of my closest friends are looking down at us from it...its good ammo to keep me on the straight and narrow....

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: November-03-2011 at 10:13am
oh and yes, Pharmacists do take an oath, but I think the bottom line gets in the way

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: LakeBoy
Date Posted: November-03-2011 at 4:19pm
EL: I totally agree with everything you said. I am not down on Big Pharma, per se. I am not so cynical either that Pharma or a pharmacist would knowingly prescribe something not in the best interest of the patient. Nor do I really believe in a Health Care-Pharmacuetical conspiracy axis. I just think that the medical profession does what it can with the tools they think work best: a pill or a knife. My ENT told me I was an excellent candidate for sinus surgery. I did not do it cuz I am a puss, plus my co-pay would break me.

The fact is, the medical world knows very little about how to cure disease. They are great at trauma repair, broken bones, hip replacements, replacing organs, etc. But try to cure sinusitus. I have been struggling for years, and sinus problems are not all that sophisticated, let's face it.

So anyway, I found something that has worked profoundly well, and hope it continues to do so.

Got Foot?

Posted By: Waterdog
Date Posted: November-03-2011 at 5:45pm
[QUOTE=LakeBoy] EL: I sinus problems are not all that sophisticated, let's face it.

- waterdog -" rel="nofollow - 78 Ski Tique

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: November-03-2011 at 6:30pm
Originally posted by LakeBoy LakeBoy wrote:

My ENT told me I was an excellent candidate for sinus surgery. I did not do it cuz I am a puss, plus my co-pay would break me.

Get it done, you're still only using a band-aid with the silver. Many CCF guys have seen me basically inoperable after a day of skiing, fixing the problem helped me more than I ever imagined.

BTW, your first post sounds like you're selling the stuff, MLM style.


Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: November-03-2011 at 6:36pm
when my back hurts, I have a beer, when my neck hurts I have a beer, when my wife bitches, I have a beer, when i was younger and spotted an ugly or a fatty, I had a beer
ive come to the conclusion, beer is the answer lol

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: LakeBoy
Date Posted: November-03-2011 at 7:03pm
Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

Originally posted by LakeBoy LakeBoy wrote:

My ENT told me I was an excellent candidate for sinus surgery. I did not do it cuz I am a puss, plus my co-pay would break me.

Get it done, you're still only using a band-aid with the silver. Many CCF guys have seen me basically inoperable after a day of skiing, fixing the problem helped me more than I ever imagined.

BTW, your first post sounds like you're selling the stuff, MLM style.

Not sure who MLM is, but I am not him. I have talked to a lot of people who had the surgery. Half said it helped them, the other half said it did nothing, sometimes after two surgeries. Even the doctor wasn't able to tell me if the expense and disruption would create results.

I presume you are kidding about the "selling the stuff" crack. If not it only shows me how cynical people are and dismissive of something truly exceptional. I hesitated to make this post in the first place just for that reason. I have nothing to sell, only my experience.    

Got Foot?

Posted By: 65 'cuda
Date Posted: November-03-2011 at 11:14pm
I copied this from a story about Oxycontin abuse in Scioto county, southern Ohio.

"At the half-dozen or so pain clinics in this Appalachian county along the banks of the Ohio River, a handful of licensed doctors pump out prescriptions for an estimated 35 million pain pills a year to an ever-mushrooming population of pill-crazed patients who come from near and far just to cop.

Do the math, and it comes to roughly 460 pills for every man, woman and child in this county of 76,000 residents, according to 2008 state pharmacy board statistics.

It's gotten so bad that last year the local health commissioner declared a public health emergency, a rare step usually reserved for disease outbreaks.

Lisa Roberts, a city of Portsmouth public-health nurse on the front lines of the epidemic, says locals call it the "attack of the pill heads." She says a "pharmaceutical atom bomb" has brought the county to the verge of complete social collapse. "

If big pharma and the pharmacists themselves were at all concerned with public health, they would have put an end to this themselves, give me a break, I'll bet the regional pharmacuetical sales managers have been killing it in southern Ohio for quite some time.

Heres the link to the full story. -

Gary" rel="nofollow - 1965 Barracuda SS

Posted By: adamt
Date Posted: November-04-2011 at 3:44am
LB: I've had 2 major surgeries on my sinuses, and they are definately no walk in the park. After the first one I thought I would never recover from it, but I have have gone from 4 infections a year (one every 3 months like clockwork in the 90's) to 1 or 2 a year for the last 10 years. Have you had CT scans done, an untrained eye can see if there is blockage and if surgery can help. I had an allergist I felt I could trust who sent me to an ENT for surgery. Researched and felt good about the ENT before the surgery. If you don't feel right about the doctor or the surgery then continue to do the reasearch to see if it's right for you.

Just ignore any posts from Hollyweird, that's what everyone else does.
I'm with you, if you find something that works, you want to share it with your friends and I appreciate the information


1973 Skier

Posted By: adamt
Date Posted: November-04-2011 at 3:54am
MLM refers to multi level marketing, amway probably being the most famous and successful one.


1973 Skier

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: November-04-2011 at 10:26am
send me your transmission, it could work, or maybe it wont work,(you still have to pay me) I dont have 10 years of med school and can pretty much guareentee it will work when im done with it lol, maybe a little marketing there.
Lake, do what works for you, and yes once again i am very cynical about any Doctor, now think about this, why do you think they call it "practicing"
i did inform you guys once when my mother went to Egypt and suffered for 15 years with a bacteria in her blood?" couple million dollars later, a 15 minute bloodtest at the CDC,? and very close to death
thats like me not pulling a dipstick and checking for burnt oil

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: November-04-2011 at 10:30am
Gary, oxy contin is a synthesized form of Heroin, when you cant get oxy's you go to your local corner vender for the brown stuff.
I dont understand how our government allows 35 million of these pills to hit the streets, unbelieveble, I would bet one of these guy's here is reading this and saying to themselves, "I gotta get off of these things"?

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: November-04-2011 at 10:34am
Actually I blew out my back last week, I'm thinking Ive got to get on them. 35 million you say?

For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
1987 Ski Nautique

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