C&S Marine - Licensed Correct Craft / Nautique Replacement Skins
Calendar Photo Upload
NautiqueParts.comCalendar Photo Submission

Use this form to submit a photo for consideration to be published in the CorrectCraftFan.com annual printed calendar. All submitted photos become the property of Bagley Productions, LLC (dba CorrectCraftFan.com).

Please enter the following information carefully. You must include all data for consideration for the annual CorrectCraftFan.com calendar.

Photographer's Information

Photo Location
State / Province: Country:

Boat Information
Boat Owner's Name:
Boat Year:

Submitted photo must be a .jpg, .gif or .png files (no .bmp files). Maximum file size per photo is 10 MB.


Note: Photos submitted through ths form for consideration for the annual CorrectCraftFan.com calendar become property of CorrectCraftFan.com and Bagley Productions, LLC and are subject to unlimited, unauthorized use by CorrectCraftFan.com and Bagley Productions, LLC including, but not limited to, as reference material, for website promotion and for product merchandising.

Change Image
Enter security code from image on left


Note: It may take several minutes to upload photos, depending on your internet connection.

If you do not enter the security code correctly, you will receive a Submission Failure message. When you return to the this page you must click the 'change image' link to generate a new security code prior to resubmitting.

If you otherwise receive an error during upload, please email the error message to keith@correctcraftfan.com.

Copyright 2024 | Bagley Productions, LLC