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Length: (in feet, ex. 19.5 or 21)
Engine: (ex. Ford PCM 351)
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Hours: (digits only)
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Listing Fees - There is no up-front fee for listing your boat for sale (with a single photo) on CorrectCraftFan.com. If you would like to enhance your listing, you may include up to five photos for a one-time fee of $9.99, payable via PayPal in the next step.

In either case, if the listing contributes to a resulting sale, you agree to pay 1% of the selling price to CorrectCraftFan.com (payment instructions will be sent to you upon changing the status of your listing to 'Sold').

Thank you — these nominal fees help the site to survive and thrive, since it is not affiliated with Correct Craft, Inc. and the majority of our funding comes from donations for the services provided.

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You may include up to five photos (see details above). Each must be either a .jpg or .gif file (no .bmp files please). Photo 1 is the main picture that will be displayed at the top of the page at 500 pixels wide. Photos 2-5 will be displayed at the end of your listing at 250 pixels wide. If you need assistance resizing your images, go to this helpful free online image resizing tool.
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Photo 3: (Included with $9.99 listing fee)
Photo 4: (Included with $9.99 listing fee)
Photo 5: (Included with $9.99 listing fee)

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Note: It may take several minutes to upload photos, depending on your internet connection. If you receive a 'Time Out' error when trying to submit, it is likely because the file size of your photo(s) is too large. If this happens, please resize your photos to no larger than 1000 pixels wide at 72 dpi and then resubmit.

If you need assistance resizing your images, go to this helpful free online image resizing tool. If you still are having trouble resizing the photos, you may email them to Alison@CorrectCraftFan.com.

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