Obamarama |
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eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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do you really think we give 2 shts if they kill each other over there, WMD's mean a device to deliver a warhead to the US, '
I voted for the lesser of 2 evils, thats it, I was truly fed up with Bush and had no other choice. it baffles me that you think january 30th 2008 hit and the economy tanked....Warren Buffet with the almighty on his side couldnt clean up the mess Bush left. Now that we are past that, what happened to the 4 flight recorders from the 2 planes that hit the towers, and why did building 7 fall on its own? btw, that building housed the CIA, FBI, ATF |
"the things you own will start to own you"
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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btw, my next vote wont go to Obama, it was a temporary fix in my eyes, to this day i cant rationalize why we are in Iraq or even in A-stan burning up 20 billion a month. I think the real problem is right down the road on Pa avenue, A politician is a politician and we are at a crossroads, when one comes to my door at the local level all i think in my head is you tell me what i want to hear, get in office and all that is gone, they want to get in a position of power for personal gain. I lost all faith in politicians and when i see one i begin to think to myself, what a scumbag bottem feeder. who do you believe?
"the things you own will start to own you"
Platinum Member Joined: June-04-2008 Location: Toontown, MA Status: Offline Points: 1763 |
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Lets review. The Congress and Senate became Democrat dominate and then... we went to war with their approval. The economy didn't dive on Jan 30 but it has since the democrats have had the majority. Obama has spent more money on new stuff, not fixing old stuff then any president before him and his spending will hurt us long after he is gone. Obama created many jobs (for a month or two until the census was taken) Unemployement with all his job creating is highest ever. The only thing GB did wrong was not bringing any WMD's to Iraq for us to find. |
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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now remember, Clinton left with 1.5 trillion in surplus, adding that in where did Bush leave it?
everyone looks to the guiding light and says create jobs, how do you create jobs without spending money? creating jobs start at me and you in our everyday choices, im not getting back on that wagon, simple everyday choices we make will create jobs. the government is a monitor unless it was a dictatorship and forced you to make a decision. get back to the basics and think what made this country a great and powerful country. hint: industrial revolution????? weve lost all sense of that, our steel plants were the greatest in the world and are now sitting idle because we prefer to buy an inferior product because the cost is better, necessarily the quality is not.' face it, how do you create jobs? the computer revolution is almost over and you can buy them for 200 bucks. so whats next? when you dont have anything to work with you will be running in the red. it is business 101 and i think Obama thought what Roosevelt or Truman did by dumping money into infrastructure it would cure the economy. you have to put money into pockets to create spending.' there is no way possible at this point to look at the government to cure the economy, you have to impose tariffs, you need the banks to start giving out money again under stricter guidelines, place incentives on things to make the purchase more desirable.' this busted my balls the other day, i purchesed some front marker lights for a 99 Corvette last week, i couldve bought them for 22.00 a piece aftermarket, I opted not to though because that sht is fcn junk. I got them OEM direct from GM for 46.00 apiece.....fck!!!! flipped them over and they were branded, Made in China. thats the problem, its a meaningless job paying someone unskilled in this country 35.00 bucks an hour to inject plastic, on the flipside the nips get about .50 cents an hour to do the same job. thats what im getting at. |
"the things you own will start to own you"
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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and to add, everyone in this country wants to get rich doing menial jobs, do their 40 hours suck the system and piss and moan about the illegals picking our beans, if we picked them then corn would be 10.00 a can and front marker lights would be 46.00 lol
"the things you own will start to own you"
Platinum Member Joined: June-04-2008 Location: Toontown, MA Status: Offline Points: 1763 |
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Clinton the Great savior just coasted and partied through 8 years after Reagan.
That being said if the democrats are going to keep rewarding the lazy and the poor working slob is going to pay for it there will be more lazy people, that's pretty simple to follow. |
Grand Poobah Joined: March-14-2008 Location: MN Status: Offline Points: 4861 |
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Wow you have been a lot of places this morning. Too much time to sit and think. Hope the leg is feeling better.
On WMD's they are chemicle, biological, and nucs. Bush never said they had a missle to get them here,snd you cant put in your own definition and then say he lied. He said they had chemicle which they used so we know they did. they thought they might have or be very near on biological, they certainly had the people in place working on them, and nucs, and they had the raw materials and cetrafuges and such. A dirty bomb can be brought to the US in a suitcase. It was a secret program and the egomaniac liked to leak information to scare the neighbors. When you say you have to put money into pockets to create spending,where do you think the money comes from? you cannot take four dollars out of the pocket and then put one back and think you have helped the situation. What was the corporate tax rate during the industrial revoulution? I would guess about 1/4th of what it is today. We did not punish such achievement by taking away the gains. The banks are holding money just like every other buisness because of uncertainty. The fed is loaning out money at zero interest which would usually stimulate the economy but it is not working. Big business is hording money and does not want or need loans. business wants to know that it can afford to grow, but we are passing Obama care and would not act on the Bush tax cuts till after the election. Business will not know Januarys tax rates till December and they will not make plans to grow or invest without that information. Govenment is not a monitor in this situation. It is an obstruction. The current administration is either a group of complete economic idiots or bent on destroying this country as we know it. |
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
1987 Ski Nautique |
Grand Poobah Joined: March-14-2008 Location: MN Status: Offline Points: 4861 |
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Eric. Look at why we get35 hour. Unions and why does 35 become 70 to the employer. Taxes and government mandates.Tarifs only serve to raise the prices of what we buy because our competitors enact their own in retaliation, our labor will always be higher. We need to do what we do best. (Create, and innovate) and their are lots of jobs associated with that. If we can reduce taxes and work for reasonable wages we will be fine. We must level the playing field any way we can. increasing our fededral spending by 3 trillion this year did nothing to help that. |
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
1987 Ski Nautique |
Okie Boarder
Gold Member Joined: August-31-2009 Location: OK Status: Offline Points: 779 |
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This is key, like I pointed out earlier. Also, don't forget that many adminstrative policies that get put into place don't show in results until many years later. That's part of the reason things were so good during the Clinton years. Also, take a look at who was in control of congress during that time. Look at who was in control of congress for our current mess. The war, spending on the war, the bailouts, health care reform, etc. Who has been voting on all this legislation and pushing it through. Hint: It's neither Bush nor Obama. Just make sure you vote in November and get out the people that have put us in this mess. |
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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the true unemployment rate right now is 17%, im holding my cash now for a better word "
lack of trust" I really dont think i will vote this time around. I can slowly see the dollar being de-valued and levling off making things affordable again to create or start spending. a good example is housing, typically a house around here that was going for 300k is now down around 150k, im sure that trend is following across the country. the down side is alot owe 360k on these houses and they are re-appraised at the 160 mark. but again that kills the tax base for the city. Im pretty disgusted with everything, I wont leave cash in the bank, or in investment accounts, i backed way off on spending and trimmed alot of fat..and went back to basics.' i financed 15 years on my house and sht, i had to take out a second. it wouldve been paid off in 2 years, it was appraised for the same what i paid for it, it really should have close to doubled, which well, it wouldve made things easier with no house payment. but sht happens |
"the things you own will start to own you"
Platinum Member Joined: June-04-2008 Location: Toontown, MA Status: Offline Points: 1763 |
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If ya don't vote, ya don't get to bitch about things later!
Grand Poobah Joined: March-14-2008 Location: MN Status: Offline Points: 4861 |
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They say in the medical field "first do no harm" |
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
1987 Ski Nautique |
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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voting independent, just for the sake that i can bitch
"the things you own will start to own you"
Platinum Member Joined: November-24-2008 Location: Ft. Worth TX Status: Offline Points: 1950 |
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Too bad that party will never survive.. |
1985 CC 2001-SOLD
Lee Michael Johnson |
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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so when the pubs take over the house and senate should we see the miracle in what 15????20????? years? or do we have to wait for demmy's to be in there for the miracle to kick in
I was thinking about the illegals in this country, lets say they are 4 million of them working seasonal menial jobs at less than minimum wage stuff no red blooded American wants to do because it is below them. Now, because it is seasonal they migrate back to Mexico......do we pay them unemployment benifits which does cost taxpayer dollars, so is it a pro or a con? |
"the things you own will start to own you"
Gold Member Joined: July-19-2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 557 |
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Really? What, did you hear that from FoxNews, Limbaugh, or Drudge? Did you even watch the videos? How can you possibly defend this chick? While the exact words aren't in there everyone knows that the 1st amendment is referred to as the "Separation of Church and State" Watch the videos then report back. It is clear she didn't know anything about the 1st Amendment. Coons: "Government shall make no establishment of religion." O'Donnell: "That's in the First Amendment?" There are a lot politicians on both sides of the isle that are not fit to run for public office. Don't be such a bigot. |
Okie Boarder
Gold Member Joined: August-31-2009 Location: OK Status: Offline Points: 779 |
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When you say everyone above, would that include the Founding Fathers? Or the author of the letters that contained the phrase? Or both? I'm not going to debate the whole O'Donnell thing. I'm pretty neutral as far as she is concerned and wouldn't say I'm trying to support the "chick". I just thought the sound bites I heard were pretty funny. They came from the debate at Widener School of Law in which you quoted two statements. You left out the rest that went on to talk about Seperation of Church and State as well as the response from Coons when asked about the 5 Freedoms the 1st Amendment protects. |
Grand Poobah Joined: March-14-2008 Location: MN Status: Offline Points: 4861 |
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While the exact words aren't in there everyone knows that the 1st amendment is referred to as the "Separation of Church and State" [/QUOTE]
The first amendment was written in 1791 with 2 clauses about religion, neither using the termonology seperation of church and state, they were placed to protect state rights. Most states at that time had established state sponsored religions, they also remembered the power of the church of England and did not want the federal governmnet to establish a religious preference that might be in conflict with their own. Thomas jefferson wrote in personal papers of a wall between church and state protecting the church from the government. Origionally the first amendmant applied only to congress, it was not until a 1925 (134 after the first amendment)court decision in New York that the the first amendmant was interpreted to apply to state and local government. The language of separation of church and state came from a 1947 court decision (Everson vs. Board of education)(156 years after the first amendment). The opinion was written by Justice Hugo Black. He was not a big fan of religion in general and had a particular disdain for catholicism. Black interpretted Jeffersons writtings of a wall between church and state as being a two way wall that keeps government from establishing a religion and keeps religion from government. Just another example of an activist judge creating law that was never intended by the authors of the constitution based on a loose interpretaion and personal belief. This is a technical explanation beyond what most know about what you call "seperation of church and state" amendment, that everyone knows about. I watched the video and she is correct in making the technical point that the sepaeration of church and state is not in there. I honestly can not tell if she is questioning or or confirming that the clause about the government not establishing a religion. She states "That is in the first amendment" you can decide if there is a question mark on the end. Either way her point is correct as pointed out above. You have refered to her as "Chick" and "Retarded", I am wondering where all this hate and refusal to honor alternative view points comes from? I thought my party was supposed to have a monopoly on that. |
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
1987 Ski Nautique |
Okie Boarder
Gold Member Joined: August-31-2009 Location: OK Status: Offline Points: 779 |
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Maybe you can explain something to me. If Seperation of Church and State is an ideal in this country, why is there a prayer to open Congress that has been in place since our Founding Fathers were around that has not been removed? |
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