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    Posted: February-21-2011 at 3:46am
Is anyone else bothered by the situation in Wisconsin? If I left the state in order to avoid doing my job because I did not like the way it was going, I would be fired. Same if I went to protest at the capital for three days and my place of employment had to be shut down while I was gone. What happened to it being about "the children" like I hear every time a referendom comes up? What about the parents who had to find day care on short notice or miss work? I dont understand how they get away with this stuff, if their unions are that strong, then they are making the point of how badly things need to be changed. I hope parents are pressuring administrators to discipline those involved. As for the legislators, we have a representative democracy, if you have the votes you are representing the will of the people, if not, suck it up. I hope the voters remember who is doing their job and who acted like spoiled brats and refused to play when they could not get their way. The govenor wants to reconviene, it sounds like they can act on anything non budget related without the dems, I hope they take full advantage of it.
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-21-2011 at 9:44am
revolutions are contagious, the internet can now get you layed quicker, and start uprisings much quicker
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Okie Boarder View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Okie Boarder Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-21-2011 at 4:30pm
It's a shame the way it being handled. I also don't think those teachers have much to complain about considering what is being offered. The Governor is doing exactly what he promised in his campaign, yet there is protest. I think unions have done nothing but cause problems with education.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote quinner Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-21-2011 at 4:51pm
Originally posted by eric lavine eric lavine wrote:

the internet can now get you layed quicker, and start uprisings much quicker

Doesn't the later need to come before the former??

We should just Nuke Wisco and all those Packer Fans!
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davidg View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote davidg Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-21-2011 at 5:03pm
The teachers unions don't know how good they have it. Currently paying almost nothing toward their pensions (what are pensions anyway????) and their healthcare. Times are a changing, and they are squealing like stuck pigs to hang onto the way it used to be. The Federal Gov't and the states just can't afford it anymore. I hope Scott Walker (WI Governor) stands his ground. We need more like him and Chris Christy from NJ.

Poll Question: Should government employees even have unions for collective bargaining?    
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horkn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote horkn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-21-2011 at 9:55pm
This one is really messy guys.

Living here in WI, I see the real effects of this.

Walker never really proposed to do what he is attempting to do with state workers in his campaign. He is also shutting all forms of communication down and rejecting to talk this over.

It's a radical change from what was the norm, so he's rocking the boat by doing this.

Now, I am actually all for what he is doing, but the last couple of days he has stuck his head in the sand has made him look much worse than if he opened his ears.

Something like this needs to be talked about, not simply voted on.
Another thing is that all these other states are watching how this plays out. That only adds to the issue.

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OverMyHead View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-21-2011 at 10:06pm
How about the ears of the dems that left the state? There is a process, and I see them as sore losers, Remember, Barack told us as he rammed healthcare down our throats that elections have consequensces. The dems lost because of their policies and spending, and now they are thumbing their noses at the process. If we can selectively ignore the process when it is not to our advantage, than what do we have left?
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-21-2011 at 10:18pm
and the outcome may have a domino effect?
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-21-2011 at 10:33pm
teachers in our district have an average salary of about 55k, thats for 9 months of work, add in christmas break, spring break, all the busht other days..and then they retire on a great state pension, if you aquire all your sick days and dont take vacations, that to gets thrown in a big fat check at retirement ever hear a teacher complain??? they would complain about the rope at their hanging
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davidg View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote davidg Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-21-2011 at 11:49pm
Originally posted by horkn horkn wrote:

This one is really messy guys.

Living here in WI, I see the real effects of this.

Walker never really proposed to do what he is attempting to do with state workers in his campaign. He is also shutting all forms of communication down and rejecting to talk this over.

It's a radical change from what was the norm, so he's rocking the boat by doing this.

Now, I am actually all for what he is doing, but the last couple of days he has stuck his head in the sand has made him look much worse than if he opened his ears.

Something like this needs to be talked about, not simply voted on.
Another thing is that all these other states are watching how this plays out. That only adds to the issue.

Tom.....I know you live in WI, and are near the belly of the beast, and I am glad to hear you are for what Walker is doing, BUT.......

Who is not communicating? Its not Walker and the conservatives that hightailed it for IL to get out of a voting for the bill. You can't talk to people that aren't there.   

These things need discussion? Remember when Obama told us all "He Won" the election as he proceeded to jam Healthcare up all of our ARSES? Well, he was right. I hated what he did, but, that is democracy. He had the majority on his side, and he did it what he believed in. Now the shoe is on the other foot, both in Washington, and in Madison.

The unions and the politicians have had a very cozy relationship for far too long. The public unions support and give big $$$ to the Democrats>>>>The Democrats get elected and vote for paying the public union members fat salaries/pensions/benefits>>>>>Repeat Process until the government is broke.


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skicat2001 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skicat2001 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-21-2011 at 11:56pm
The main problem here is "liberal" democrats want crap for free! The state is broke as of the other liberal states of Ohio, and Illinois. Go figure!! Tax payers have to chip in on the state income to allow other adderess to come out.For example, If the state has 1 billion dollars in debit, and you only have 500 million only coming in, well you gonna have to find more income to fix the other 500 million. It is easy add and subtraction. There are many things you need and crap you dont. Time to trim the fat in these states.
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horkn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote horkn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-22-2011 at 1:54am
The problem is that walker won't listen to the dems that want to talk about it.

Also, some thing that many folks may not be hearing about is that walker is selectively targeting state employees, not all groups of State employees.

Walker is not cutting anything from firefighters, and one other state group that just so happened to contribute funds and backing to his campaign.
If you are going to cut some state workers benefits, then do it across the board.

The unions are willing to negotiate, , the dems are too, but walker is not.

When one comes to the table with a proposal, one cannot expect that every thing you are expecting to get from a mediation session.

Heck, the NFL and owners is in mediation now with their CBA, and it sounds like both sides are willing to budge and meet in the middle.

One big issue I have is that walker is trying to cut taxes on the wealthy, but not for the middle and lower classes.

That in my mind is where the deficit can be made up. That point is also where the "free" things come from. I mean after all, the middle class is a dying breed, in fact may very well be run into the lower class, while the richest people only prosper more.

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OverMyHead View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-22-2011 at 10:29am
Tom, the teachers have reaped hugh bennifits paying off democrats with donations, essentially recieving unfair treatment in their favor, and they never complained about the unfairness, now they backed the wrong guy and they are upset about unfair treatment. The average teacher can retire at 50 with a 50,000 year retirement bennifit fot life, most will be recieving retiremnet income for 30 years. For you or I to get thet we would have to have saved 1.7 million prior to retirment, so the average teacher is effectively retiring a multi-millionaire, do you or will you have 1.7 million saved at retirement? I will not and yet my tax dollars are going to insure that teachers will, and I pay that all year round, not just nine months worth like the teachers work. why do I have to pay them first and more then I may ever have? Tell me how this is fair? The Wisconsin govenor is not eliminating collective bargaining, just putting in some checks and balances. Like the housing crisis, government has created and artificial retirement bubble for its employees that cannot be maintained. time to burst the bubble.
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
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OverMyHead View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-22-2011 at 10:37am
Originally posted by horkn horkn wrote:

One big issue I have is that walker is trying to cut taxes on the wealthy, but not for the middle and lower classes.

The top 1% of wage earners pay 40% of the nations tax burden. The top 5% pay 60%, so the top 5% pay more than the bottom 95%, the top 5% are also the nations job creators. The bottom 40 percent recive checks, and use the bulk of government services. How can you cut taxes for the lower class when they are not only not paying any but recieving checks? changes for the middle class involve such a small amount of the gross collected that they are inneffectual, to stimulate the economy you have to cut taxes for those that are paying them in a significant amount.
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
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skicat2001 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skicat2001 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-22-2011 at 11:48am
My personal opnion these union's are the big issue
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote horkn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-23-2011 at 1:54am
Originally posted by skicat2001 skicat2001 wrote:

My personal opnion these union's are the big issue

I agree. Get rid of them as they are not needed anymore.

Unions were important pre OSHA and workmans comp, and all the legal rights of workers.

Walker wants to pretty much eliminate the collective bargaining. In addition to that, his no compromises attitude makes him come off as brash, uneducated, and heartless.

As far as the taxes thing, that logic sounds like it might work, but then why are the rich still getting much richer and the poor and middle class only going down hill?    These tactics have been proven time and time again that that theory does not hold up in practice.

I saw his "fireside chat" tonight.    It was very scripted (as expected, and that made him seem very unconvincing), and full of holes. Although I still agree that he is pretty much doing the right thing, but going at it completely wrong.

The way he is handling this makes it look like he is carrying out a party agenda, and not the agenda of making the state solvent again.

I'm sure this will get messier soon.
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OverMyHead View Drop Down
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Originally posted by horkn horkn wrote:

As far as the taxes thing, that logic sounds like it might work, but then why are the rich still getting much richer and the poor and middle class only going down hill?    These tactics have been proven time and time again that that theory does not hold up in practice.

The tax code is supposed to pay for government services, not to determine who is rich and who is not or to re-distribute wealth.You can have prospeity or try to have income equity, but you will never get both. you have to punish producers to pay those with less money and that will always reduce the reward for producing. You may be to young to remember life under Jimmy Carter, he was kind of Obama light. His policys left the country with double digit unemployment, and high inflation. Home mortgages where up near 20%. It was not a fun time. Reagan came in and dropped the top tax rates, Unemployment went down below 5%, the economy grew, and government collections increased. how do you drop rates and increase income, you make it up on volume. It has been done by others including JFK and it works every time. It will never work to redistribute income, the only way to bring to bring people up is to employ them and then not punish them with excessive taxes once they are. Our system may not be perfect but but we still have the richest poor in the world.

For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote horkn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-23-2011 at 4:23am
Yeah, reaganomics worked really well. ;)

Now Under Clinton, that was easily the best time for non mega rich folks to make money. I was in college for most of those years, but my Fiance raked it in then.

Trust me, I see first hand how the mega rich profit during times like the ones we have been in.
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-24-2011 at 10:23am
heres thre fcn thing, when times are good and everyone is squeezing the system, we all have a right to capitalize....when times are not going so good its time to make some concessions.
fck those teachers or any state employee, you can aquire 1000 hours comp time over the course of 20 years and get paid at your current rate, not at the rate when you were making half of the money when you aquired the comped days. use them or lose them.
I dont know what people are thinking when a state says were broke, its means "we dont have any fcn money", plain and simple
not to hard to understand, take a concession or compete for a 12.00 an hour Autozone job.
I was reading an article about taking a vacation during the school year and missing school days, all the teachers did was bitch about the extra work it was for them to put together the curriculum for that student while he was away.
these boys down here, which I know a ton of them would not take concessions when they were employed at LTV steel, they robbed that company blind, I see them all the time, painting houses, installing windows, talking about the good old days.
Im not anti-union, but im smart enough to recognize when someone says their broke, their not bull***************ting you
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skicat2001 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-24-2011 at 10:43pm
You got that right eric. Wisconsin is broke broke.. Bad! I am rooting and sticking up for the govenor of Wisconsin to fix it. He will..

P.S. Democrats! Run Forest, Run!!!!   

No Class!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-25-2011 at 9:18am
its really funny when I talk to these guy that were employed by LTV, I remember working down there for OEM warranty work and being pulled aside and the guys down there telling me not to work so hard because your making us look bad, another guy stood by me all day everyday collecting at the time I believe 28.00 an hour, he was an operater diagnosed with epilepsy, but wasnt allowed on any of the equipment...I just remember him saying so anti fcn company "they cant touch me". But on the other hand I talk to these AT and T guys and i get the line of what they deserve because they have a pretty strong union..
Recently, a man was charged with unfair work practices here in Ohio, they clipped him for 386k, the reason was he wasnt paying OT that his employees worked, and wasnt paying minimum wage, now, the state stepped in because there are laws that govern work practices.
When your working for a union and reapping the rewards its great, but, when you worked for the union in the past and lost your job becasue of union realted issues and strong arming businesses and your the new fix it man in town, these guy's dont have much good to say about the unions. where the fck is the union in Wal-mart? I guess nobody cares as long as the prices stay low????
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Ok am a teacher on my way to work. After 11 years of service 2 Bachelors and a masters degree I make 42000 a year(havent seen a cost of living increase in 3 years ) . After the end of 3o years I can collect a 20,000 a year retirement. I am happy not complaining but setting the record straight.
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This one really bothers me. My caution would be to look into your information more closely, learn the facts, become better informed and try not to rely on the opinions of others.

Best thing to do is call your local school district and get the phone number to the union office. Get informed about teacher pensions, when and at what stages teachers can retire, how payment takes place and what it cost teachers for health care.

In almost all districts across the country teacher contracts have not kept up with inflation along with rising health care cost, which means that many teachers have lost pay increases over the last 3-5 years, but are still willing to take a pay-freeze under the current economic conditions.

Koch brothers are looking at eliminating close to 160 jobs in Green Bay, along with cuts to other facilities that they own to help save cost, but both brothers (billionaires) were willing to take an 11 million dollar pay increase. How much money does someone really need to stay satisfied or happy? Who will buy their products when the gap between the rich and the poor become so large. Ancient Roman history would be a good place to start!

Best advice is to get informed and remember all members on this site come from a variety of backgrounds.

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Originally posted by skierox skierox wrote:


In almost all districts across the country teacher contracts have not kept up with inflation along with rising health care cost, which means that many teachers have lost pay increases over the last 3-5 years, but are still willing to take a pay-freeze under the current economic conditions.

Does this imply that you believe across the country that private sector jobs have kept up with inflation, that private sector employeess have not faces rising health care costs and more out of pocket expenses for health and retirement benefits. Does this imply that you beleive across the country that those in private sector have not faced pay cuts, much less pay freeze?

Just curious.

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Originally posted by bkhallpass bkhallpass wrote:

Originally posted by skierox skierox wrote:


In almost all districts across the country teacher contracts have not kept up with inflation along with rising health care cost, which means that many teachers have lost pay increases over the last 3-5 years, but are still willing to take a pay-freeze under the current economic conditions.

Does this imply that you believe across the country that private sector jobs have kept up with inflation, that private sector employeess have not faces rising health care costs and more out of pocket expenses for health and retirement benefits. Does this imply that you beleive across the country that those in private sector have not faced pay cuts, much less pay freeze?

Just curious.


Speaking of the private sector, I'm still trying to live with a 5 year old 20% pay cut and medical that costs me $230.00 per week! Cost of living increase? What's that? My home equitity loan is just about maxed out!!

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote C-Bass Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-25-2011 at 4:59pm
Good points Brian as usual.

Everyone knows it's going to take sacrifices to get the country back in financial order...but nobody acts like it should be them that needs to be making any sacrifices.
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Originally posted by C-Bass C-Bass wrote:

Good points Brian as usual.

Everyone knows it's going to take sacrifices to get the country back in financial order...but nobody acts like it should be them that needs to be making any sacrifices.

Yes, a good point as well. People do tend to want to preserve their own lifestyles. The thing is, just as Pete sites above, there are many who have already made significant sacrifices.

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On another note concerning the private sector, seems like all the rich fat cats on Wall St. and in the banking industry have forgotten about any pay freeze. Bank of America CEO and Goldman Sachs CEO get huge payraises. You can't convince me these individuals really deserve the pay that they get. The rich get richer while the common man gets poorer. Seems like it's the new American way.
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Originally posted by bkhallpass bkhallpass wrote:

Does this imply that you believe across the country that private sector jobs have kept up with inflation, that private sector employeess have not faces rising health care costs and more out of pocket expenses for health and retirement benefits. Does this imply that you beleive across the country that those in private sector have not faced pay cuts, much less pay freeze?

Just curious.


Pay at all would be Great!! Spent over 12 months without paying myself a dime, currently paying myself equal to what I earned 20 years ago and my IRA has not seen a contribution in almost 2 years. Every year I cut more out of my health care plan just to keep premium increases under 20%.

Welcome to the Private Sector of the Self employed.

Never though I would rather be on the Governments Payroll, today not so sure.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote davidg Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February-25-2011 at 6:03pm
I work with a lady who lives in California whose husband is a firefighter. He will retire at 53 years old, and collect a pension of $90-$100K+/Yr. (his current salary)for the rest of his life. I also know of a retired kindergarten teacher here in my home town in IL, collecting a pension of $90K/year, and will for the rest of her life.   

Do you think these people have paid in that much to be able to collect that amount for the rest of their years?? I don't think so. Is it any wonder that California, Illinois, and New Jersey (and other states) are in such bad shape with under-funded pension liabilities in the BILLIONS of dollars.

What would be wrong with paying all public workers fair and competitive salaries and giving them 401K's that they make contributions toward just like we in the private sector do?

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