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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-15-2011 at 10:06am
Ive upgraded the situation from "they got problems" to thier "fcd"
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davidg View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote davidg Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-15-2011 at 3:57pm
Well, here is the latest I am hearing on WISN 1130 AM talk radio out of Milwaukee...

The Wisconsin Professional Police Association out of Madison is threatening to withhold police protection unless you are on the same side of the political argument as they are. And, by extension, the indication by the radio talk show host is that other public union sectors may join in the boycott threat.

Any of the Wisconsin guys here anything about this?

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skutsch View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skutsch Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-15-2011 at 4:31pm
Have not heard that news (currently listening to AM620) but that would definitely be bad. I would suspect, that would be viewed as an illegal job action, and we would see a response similar to what Reagan did when the Aircraft Controller Union went on strike. I sure hope cooler heads prevail within WPPA, because there will be a short period of time where there is no law enforcement (until the National Guard can respond) and then a period of time until new law enforcement officers can be hired. When the chaos starts right after they start the job action, it will get ugly. That is the type of thing that is going to really harden the resolve of those people who may not necessarily agree with Budget Repair Bill but will quickly reject anything that puts the public in jeopardy.
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62 wood View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 62 wood Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-15-2011 at 5:17pm
Do you get the impression that part of the problem stems from the way Walker presented his bill.. with no negotiations?

Then you get the Dems leaving the state to avoid the vote.

A bunch of head games?

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skutsch View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skutsch Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-15-2011 at 6:25pm
Definitely way to many head games going on. Especially around the negotiating thing. Walked did just as you said, in all his public appearances it was "no negotiating" when in fact when you see the emails published a week or so ago he was willing to negotiate. Likewise when the Dems left the state, it may have seemed like a good idea at the heat of the moment, but I don't think they really thought through the "return" strategy. Once they left, they really did not have any way to come back and still "save face." That is a problem and unfortunately a fact of life when you are the minority party. I think, had they stayed and actually presented some workable alternative, I believe there could have been some compromise - but unfortunately we will never know...

This whole ordeal is full of disrespect for the offices (senators, assemblyman, governor), for the process, for the property (the capital and grounds) and for people in general by most of the people involved. Now their are a lot of reports of the protestors actually using intimidation tactics. I fear that this is going to grow into real acts of violence. I hope it doesn't but...
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Hansel View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hansel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-15-2011 at 9:32pm
When government runs amok, people feel desperate. I think that cooler heads will prevail, that is until if or when the Republicans try to stymie the recall process. If that happens I suspect things may truly turn ugly. I hope that does not happen.

Walker, as a matter of personality and principle (however misguided) is not a man of compromise. It is simply not in his character and any indications of negotiation were and are little more than ploys to get what he wants. See the prank phone call if you don't believe this.

If policemen, who are untouched by the budget repair bill, are thinking of striking you know things are bad. As to the Capitol, it has been completely respected IMHO. I loved the building before, and it looked even more beautiful when filled with the spirit of people. I and many others I know were moved to tears at times while joining the protests inside. I wish all of you could have experienced it.

"The only prudence in fishermen is that designed to set the stage for taking yet another, and perhaps a longer, chance." -Aldo Leopold
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skutsch View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skutsch Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 12:17am
Originally posted by Hansel Hansel wrote:

Walker, as a matter of personality and principle (however misguided) is not a man of compromise. It is simply not in his character and any indications of negotiation were and are little more than ploys to get what he wants. See the prank phone call if you don't believe this.

I can't believe I am going to type this, because I never thought in all my days I would says something like this, but here goes.

I went to college with Scott Walker, probably about the time of your earliest memories

There I said it. Guess it doesn't make me sound as old as I thought it would... or maybe it does.

Anyway what you see as ploys to get what he wants, I see as qualities he exhibited when he ran for Student president, unwavering commitment to his principles. Even way back then, (I wasn't his buddy, he wouldn't have known my name then or now) he WOULD commit to compromise in order to move a larger agenda forward, as I believe he was attempting to do here, even if it was under the cover of different public persona. I believe that is exactly what he was attempting to do with all of the "secret" meetings in Kenosha.

Much the same, as I am sure you would defend the democrat senators who left the state shrugging their responsibilities to debate and work within the process to change the bill; those actions most certainly were a ploy. And why when reaching some compromise in secret meetings, they would they later back away from the things they agreed to for reasons un-known. I guess your definition of principle must make some pretty big allowances for this type of behavior.

As far as the physical capital building goes, I agree, it was very cool to see it filled with people. It sends chills up my back every time I see it filled with people, for whatever reason. When people break open doors and windows to illegally gain access and then don't have the respect for the people tasked with enforcing the laws... I guess again we have different definitions.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hansel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 1:48am
Hi Steve,

I would love to know what Walker was like in his younger days, which really wasn't that long ago. I agree that he is a man of principles and conviction, I just happen to believe that they are not compatible with the best interests of the State, nor for that matter, good governance. My statement is based on what I have read about how he managed Milwaukee County during his time there, and his actions as Governor so far this year. I have yet to see any form of compromise on his part, but perhaps that will be forthcoming.

Yes, what the Democrats did could be described as a ploy, a most desperate one in fact. I of course am of the opinion that they did what was necessary, just as many people see what Walker is doing as necessary. The line between hero and villian is often thin, and a matter of interpretation. I am not going to get into the semantics of principle, but I have a bias that I recognize and try to break. It is hard for me to see Walker in any light but bad and the "Fab 14" as anything but good. I am sure it would be most interesting to know what is really going on behind closed doors. I suspect we would all be surprised!

Were you here for some of the protests? As to breaking doors (I only saw one door partially damaged) and people jumping through windows, I think that when you scare people and make them feel desperate those are minor problems. I am not sure if we have different definitions of what proper behavior is, but we certainly have different interpretations of the depth and nature of the current crisis. I don't like to be an alarmist, but the things that we are witnessing are disturbing to me to say the least.

However, not so disturbing that I would not like to buy you a beer should you be in town. As I have offered to others I will offer to you. Please let me know next time you are in Madison!

"The only prudence in fishermen is that designed to set the stage for taking yet another, and perhaps a longer, chance." -Aldo Leopold
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hansel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 1:50am

BTW, the "Were you here for the protest?" should be read positively. I was not questioning your perspective, only wondering if you had been here and I had missed it.

"The only prudence in fishermen is that designed to set the stage for taking yet another, and perhaps a longer, chance." -Aldo Leopold
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skutsch View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skutsch Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 2:31am
Hansel - I will take you up on that beer sometime. I think it is good to have civil discussion on these issues. As wide apart and split as this country has become, it is really the only way I think the divide will be closed - one on one discussions that lead to middle ground. In the end I think most want pretty much the same thing, the opportunity to live comfortably, be treated fairly and I would hope to help each other make it through life.

Was in Madison a little over a week or so ago, drove near the capital, saw all the people in the square, but did not have time to stop. Responsibilities with the job did not allow for the time. That seems to be more and more the case as I am continually asked to do more and more with fewer people.
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62 wood View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 62 wood Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 3:27am
Originally posted by skutsch skutsch wrote:

Hansel, ........ Responsibilities with the job did not allow for the time. That seems to be more and more the case as I am continually asked to do more and more with fewer people.

.........maybe you should picket?   
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davidg View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote davidg Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 3:44am
It now looks like the public union sector unrest has spread to Maryland. They have a $19 Billion (thats with a capitol B) dollar budget gap due primarily to unfunded pension liabilities. The union folks are protesting that their wages, benefits and pensions cannot be cut to help restore fiscal sanity in that state too. The DEMOCRAT governor is trying to get his states fiscal problems in order, and he is getting booed also.

This whole thing is exactly like the protests in Greece last year when the government tried to get control of the situation. Greece believes in big government, and generous government employment/early retirement with full pension for life. They can no longer afford it, just as we can't. Again, too many people riding in the cart, and too few pulling it. I hate to see it, but, this country apears to be headed that way too. Thank god for guys like Scott Walker who are trying to do something about it.

Oh, and while I am thinking of it, ever notice the hypocrisy in the media. If so much as one Tea Party patriot spat on the sidewalk, the media would have a cow saying how awful and hateful the protesters were. However, the Wisconsin protesters have even been calling people awful names, sending death threats breaking into the capitol, and live ammo was even found on the state capitol grounds. Not a word from the media.... other than an outpouring of sympathy for the poor working class families of Wisconsin just trying to survive. Oh the hypocrisy!!

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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 9:51am
look at it this way, and answer truthfully, and base your opinion on a time of 5 years from now.

if walker succeeds what will happen?

if the unions succeed what will happen?
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 10:04am
I hate strong arming, it just reminds me of bribing, you back someone into a corner and demand.
it appears to me that Walker is doing identical to what the unions impose on big business and he cant stray from his beliefs or he will lose. whats the difference if the cops up there go on strike and refuse to protect, these guys to an oath to protect and serve no matter the consenquences. thats no better in my eyes than a corrupt government.
Balance sheets dont lie, and Walker can foresee that if we dont do this what will be the end result?, and it does appear to me from the outside looking in as i said earlier if you take something away from someone they are going to get pissed off. it is years of open checkbooks and charades that got them to this point and its time to pay the piper.
truthfully, if i was walker i would bring in the national guard, lock myself in a room, boot any type of union activity out of the state, fire everyone of them and start a 1 on 1 rehire process.
these companies have and will pull out of town or privatize and set up somewhere else, it aint about happy gd employees anymore, its about surviving
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OverMyHead View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 10:16am
Careful Eric, your inner republican is showing!
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 12:34pm
history tells the story. and history usually repeats itself.
competition creates prosperiety, you compete for a job such as a will make you teach, it brings out the best in people. more more more dont cut it anymore
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 12:37pm
I need someone to paint the inside of my house, guys begging me for the opportunity, all laid off permanently and went into the trades....Its my opportunity to use collective bargaining but on the negative side to chisel the price down....just another way to de-value the dollar.

needless to say, I'll be painting it myself
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Hansel View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hansel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 12:55pm
Originally posted by eric lavine eric lavine wrote:

Balance sheets dont lie, and Walker can foresee that if we dont do this what will be the end result?, and it does appear to me from the outside looking in as i said earlier if you take something away from someone they are going to get pissed off.

Hi Eric,

Balance sheets can be twisted as easily as anything, and people can certainly lie about them. The true budget shortfalls are somewhat a matter of debate and I, for one, do not trust the $3.6 billion number that has been used time and time again.

Furthermore, the "savings" created by the "budget repair bill" are something to the tune of $30 million for the fiscal year and $130 million for the next biennial budget. In January Walker and the state GOP passed around $140 million in tax incentives, much of which goes to the wealthy in the form of personal health care accounts. You are right that people will scream when things are taken from them. But I bet you'd be pretty pissed off if you got a pay cut so that a bunch of millionaires could save a few thousand on their taxes.

Many or most of the people protesting believe that Walker is redistributing the wealth upwards, not downwards, and I think that there is a great argument to be made that this is the case. If it were true, wouldn't you be upset too?

Two years ago Wisconsin faced an actual $6+ billion budget shortfall. That was plugged with cuts to public sector workers (pay freezes and furlough days) and modestly raised taxes. No protesting. No division. More equitable "shared sacrifice." And that was with a BIGGER "crisis." Don't believe the Walker hype. This is a faux crisis to allow he and his buddies to justify the implementation of a purely political agenda. If you don't believe me just read their own words...

"If we win this battle, and the money is not there under the auspices of the unions, certainly what you’re going to find is President Obama is going to have a much difficult, much more difficult time getting elected and winning the state of Wisconsin."
-Scott Fitzgerald (R), WI Senate Majority Leader
March 10, 2011, Fox News "On the Record" with Greta Van Sustern

How does that fit into solving a "budget crisis"?
"The only prudence in fishermen is that designed to set the stage for taking yet another, and perhaps a longer, chance." -Aldo Leopold
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hansel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 1:52pm
Originally posted by skutsch skutsch wrote:

Hansel - I will take you up on that beer sometime. I think it is good to have civil discussion on these issues. As wide apart and split as this country has become, it is really the only way I think the divide will be closed - one on one discussions that lead to middle ground. In the end I think most want pretty much the same thing, the opportunity to live comfortably, be treated fairly and I would hope to help each other make it through life.

Was in Madison a little over a week or so ago, drove near the capital, saw all the people in the square, but did not have time to stop. Responsibilities with the job did not allow for the time. That seems to be more and more the case as I am continually asked to do more and more with fewer people.

Totally agree on the common ground thing. I do believe we all want the same thing, and I really think if we could just cool our jets we would be able to get there. Hope we can share a cold one sometime!
"The only prudence in fishermen is that designed to set the stage for taking yet another, and perhaps a longer, chance." -Aldo Leopold
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62 wood View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 62 wood Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 1:56pm
What exactly does the term "redistributing the wealth" mean?

... guess you could get a gun a rob the rich? Is there any difference in what some are attempting?

Do you think that every "man at the top" of a corp had his money handed to him? that he has never worked his way to the top/ they just set back in a leather chair and smoke cigars, while maids wait on him?

I'm not saying there arent some corps that may be the case, but I'd bet its in the minority.. I dont argue the rich have some "tax shelters that should be looked into..

entitlement ... too many people think they deserve a piece of that pie...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skutsch Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 2:00pm
So I have been pondering this question for a long time. First, I work with a lot of government employees and have personal friend and relatives who are government employees, some are in the union, some are not. Remember there are 52,000 state employees in WI half of which are represented by unions. Just want to make sure everyone is on the same page.

First, about half of the union employees I know are actually for Walker's proposals. They see that the unions actually do little to nothing for them and really believe the unions are filled with corruption and are more concerned about self promotion.

Interestingly enough, my father-in-law, now retired from over 30 years as a state employee, worked his way up through the system and into management. He had some interesting observations after negotiating with unions for a good part of his career. It was his opinion, that generally all benefits and issues were negotiated for the workers who had the same seniority of whoever was representing the union during the negotiations. i.e. if you had a union rep that had 10 years of experience all the issues were negotiated for that group of employees, 2 years later when you had a 20 year guy representing the union, everything that the 10 year guy had done 2 years earlier was undone and now focus was put on the 20 years workers. He actually felt bad for most of the people represented by the unions, his sense was they had no idea what was being negotiated and their representation only cared about him. I remind you these are observations only from his dealings during negotiations, he also had lots of day to day examples of silly things that happened. I often tell him he should write a book...

So I think the main purpose of the unions is to do exactly what you think Walker is attempting to do with the tax cuts. I believe the heads of these unions are redistributing the wealth of the employees, except in this case directly to the union leaders. How does that happen, they fill the pockets of politicians who then become sympathetic to the leaders of the unions and pass legislation to support the unions. Classic example, why in the world would you take away the freedom of a worker to choose whether or not you want to join a union. In WI, if you’re a state employee and your work group is represented by a union, you are mandated to pay those dues. Why is that? My guess it’s so that the union leaders can redistribute those money's to the union leadership (have you checked out their salaries) and to the politicians that support them (which I believe is exactly the situation that Fitzgerald is describing). That seems to be a lot more selfish then anything Walker is doing.

Funny thing is Walker's tax cuts allow corporations to establish health care accounts and the monies that go into those accounts are tax free. Now last time I checked those monies can only be spent on medical expenses. Not sure how that helps only the rich, from my perspective, that helps anyone who elects to participate in the health care accounts. Oh, wait I am beginning to see the logic of the argument, yes your right it doesn’t help the lowest wage earners because THEY DON’T PAY TAXES ALREADY!

So back to the budget bill (because it is often too easy to fall into the tactic, of "I don't like the way the conversation is going, so I will change the subject") I believe the numbers quoted as the deficit come from independent non partisan organization within the state, I guess if you don't believe that who are you going to believe. So if you run on a platform of supporting the taxpayer (i.e I won't raise taxes) and actually get elected, and are lucky enough to have enough other people get elected that also run on a similar platform AND you are required by law to balance the budget what do you do? If you said you wouldn't raise taxes your left with cutting spending. One of the biggest costs of any organization (whether it’s a business, a government body or something else) is payroll and benefits. In this case in the state of WI, it is a proven fact that public employees total compensation is above those who have similar jobs in the private sector. That becomes an obvious area to make large gains (cuts) in spending. So following along with this train of thought, and I know it’s getting very long winded, and knowing that you can't close up shop (like a private sector employer does) and knowing that your unions are unwilling to participate in discussions on cutting pay or benefits, what are you left to do? I believe a fair approach is to reduce privileges that have become abused in recent years, those privileges being collective bargaining. Notice I did not call them rights, if they were rights everyone would have collective bargaining, the fact of the matter is no one in federal employment does, and most don't in the private sector. Many of the things that should be protected (these things I WOULD actually call rights), such as maximum work hours, overtime rules, the ability to challenge disciplinary actions and others are indeed protected, but not by collective bargaining but rather by civil service legislation.

So I feel for the state employees, I didn't like it when I had to start paying more for my health care every for the last 10 or 12 years. I also didn't like it when my employer took away my pension and I really didn't like it when my pay was frozen three years ago. It sucks, I get that, but when you (state employees) have so much more then the people (tax payers in the privates sector) that are paying for your (state employees) benefits and wages, isn't there something wrong there?

Lastly, I hear the democrats complaining and saying what is happening is wrong, but I have yet to see another proposal from the democrats that actually helps to solve the problem. It is pretty clear that the voting public is against raises taxes, so any proposal should avoid that as an option. Hansel, you got any ideas?

BTW, I think rather than a beer, you should let me know when the ice goes out of the lakes over there and I'll haul the Sport over and in addition to the beer, we can get a couple of sets in!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hansel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 3:19pm
Hi Steve,

The most important thing you asked about concerned the lakes, so yes I will let you know when that happens. My understanding is that the ice is still pretty thick, at least on Mendota. I think it will be another 2-3 weeks before ice-off happens. Last year it was breaking up around this time.

You wrote an excellent rebuttal to my arguments. I can't spend as much time as I would like (and actually it just makes me want to talk in person that much more) but I would like to share some of my thoughts in response...

I understand the frustration with unions. I don't think they are perfect either. At best they are a counterbalance to corporate influence. Like corporations some are evil while some are good. I am not so much for the unions as against the trend in government to continue to burden average people with the costs and consequences of defending those with influence that sway government. It happens from all sides. Much of my personal opposition to the bill is in how it was done and the other provisions in it that don't have anything to do with collective bargaining. That said, it is the one that was initially latched onto and probably has the most traction with the most people.

You had some stories earlier about it going awry and surely it does. But I think that has more to do with people not understanding how to control or influence it (i.e. letting the union bosses do what they way without oversight) more than any inherent flaw. Just like government members have a responsibility to keep it in check.

You are right that the deficit numbers come from the non-partisan state budget office. However my understanding of the $3.6 billion hole is that it is comprised of the *requests at this point since no budget has been passed. Thus, again it is my understanding, that this number does not technically even exist and from what I have read the full request (i.e. the number asked for by all state agencies together) is *never actually granted. So is there a deficit? Surely. What is its true size? I would venture somewhere south of $3.6 billion, which even if it is only $2 billion is still a ton of money but my point was not so much how big or small it is, but that Eric's contention that budget numbers don't lie is probably not true. Numbers may not lie, but people sure do (on both sides of the isle I might add).

Collective bargaining is in fact a human right under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted by the UN General Assembly over 60 years ago. It is odd to me that the things won through collective bargaining (work hours, overtime, etc) you DO consider rights but not the thing that allowed them to happen in the first place. Seems like it should be the other way around.

You obviously know a lot more about unions in Wisconsin than I do, but I have heard that you can opt out of "mandatory" payments. On the other hand, if you are in a job that significantly benefits from a union I can see the argument that you should be required to pay dues whether you want to or not (like taxes). Not saying I agree with it, just that union dues are not so cut-and-dried.

The health care accounts that we are both talking about are mostly used by high-income folks to shelter money. In principle they can help anybody, but functionally they serve only a small fraction of society.

The voting public may or may not be against raising taxes (they certainly were in 2010!). I completely disagree with that on first principles and so I do not have any ideas, and I don't believe there should be any ideas, that take raising taxes off of the table. I believe that if we all thought about taxes logically that most people would agree with this course of action.

Steve '62,

The rich are almost literally stealing from you. I view "Entitlement" as a propaganda word, much ike "Obamacare." All I am asking is for a more equitable society. And I never said anything about "robbing" anybody. There is absolutely no congruence between robbery and taxes. None.
"The only prudence in fishermen is that designed to set the stage for taking yet another, and perhaps a longer, chance." -Aldo Leopold
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-16-2011 at 7:29pm
it kills me, not off subject, but they set up these electronic gambling houses over here in Brunswick, it was a 500 car parking lot and normally you would have 10 cars in the lot going to Subway for a sandwich. I swear to God, since the opening you can not find a parking spot at lunch...all these blue hairs smoking out front of the joint giving back their social security....pretty odd to see the reasoning of these people giving their money away, but pay taxes?? forget about it
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skutsch Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-17-2011 at 12:33pm
Originally posted by Hansel Hansel wrote:

   I believe that if we all thought about taxes logically that most people would agree with this course of action.

And there it is, my Achilles heal!      Having my educational base in engineering, I generally gather data, observe and then base my decisions and opinion on a logical argument...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hansel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-17-2011 at 1:01pm
Hi Steve,

Sorry about that; when I read it now it comes off as incredibly condescending... Ouch!

Still, I said most. I can tell that you are a critical thinker who knows what he believes and why he believes it. I cannot, and should not, find any fault in that. However, based on much of what I read (not necessarily on CCFan but all over the internet and newspapers) and see on TV many individuals and pundits demonstrate a fundamental logical disconnect between ideology and reality. I think many more people would switch sides if they really stopped for a moment to think about who and what they are actually supporting. Maybe not "most", but many.

Another consideration is the influence of life experience and information sources. Logic needs raw materials, and naturally though I believe I have good information etc., there is nothing to say that I am not drinking some propaganda kool-aid! It is a difficult balance to be passionate and convicted, while also humble. I don't think I excel at the later, and I hope you don't take things the wrong way. It is surely much easier to have a conversation in person, and I hope we get to someday.

"The only prudence in fishermen is that designed to set the stage for taking yet another, and perhaps a longer, chance." -Aldo Leopold
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skutsch Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-17-2011 at 1:14pm
No worries, that was why the "smiley" was thrown in. My experiences has shown that if your going to participate in online political banter, you have to give a lot of benefit of doubt. To your point thats why face to face discussion is better.

Now logoff the dang computer, and go get some life experience. Your in college for cripes sake and it is St. Patty's day, I know their is some Green Beer being served somewhere in that town!
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Haha! I am a graduate student, so you would probably laugh at my life experience. I have a lot of things to do today, but later tonight it is off to the bowling alley and then the bars. Happy St. Patrick's Day Steve.
"The only prudence in fishermen is that designed to set the stage for taking yet another, and perhaps a longer, chance." -Aldo Leopold
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Originally posted by Hansel Hansel wrote:

The voting public may or may not be against raising taxes (they certainly were in 2010!). I completely disagree with that on first principles and so I do not have any ideas, and I don't believe there should be any ideas, that take raising taxes off of the table. I believe that if we all thought about taxes logically that most people would agree with this course of action.

The rich are almost literally stealing from you. I view "Entitlement" as a propaganda word, much ike "Obamacare." All I am asking is for a more equitable society. And I never said anything about "robbing" anybody. There is absolutely no congruence between robbery and taxes. None.

Hansel, If I read this correctly you say Your first principles are against lowering taxes. Is there a point where taxes can ever be to high? Historic US tax collection rates are 18%, when the rates are raised they are viewed as punitive and collections do not increase. people either find ways around paying them or simply stop producing or investing in new production. You seem to view taxation as simple equation of taking money from the very rich and it being spent in a very ethical and prudent manor bennifiting society. That may be the model, but the reality of taxing decisions is far more complicated. The reality is most of the "rich" (top 40% of the US population pays nearly 100% of the income taxes) are business owners making decisions about their business operations. These decisions are made on planning cycles of 1-3-5-10 years and based on ROI or return on investment. The average business person knows that they can earn low rates of by investing there money in guarenteed investments, or higher but less predictable rates in the stock market. They balance that against what they can earn in operating their business. If the business can not out perform readily available investments there is no reason to invest in the business.
Right now the government is spending at skyrocketing rates, nearly half of the spending is deficit spending. Despite lawmakers being able to make quick decisions about spending more money they have not been able to decide how to pay for it. Our lawmakers have not been able to come up with a plan for this year and are operating our govenment (I typo'd that and spelled givernment, fruedian slip?) on temporary spending budgets. Business knows that the government will need to fund these defecits and since the government does not produce income it will have to take it in the form of taxes from the top 40% of the US population. So how does a business make a one year plan let alone a five or ten year plan at a time where the government is operating in an unprecedented manor with no long term plan? They cannot, so they are putting their money in safe low return investmants rather than investing in growth because the costs from government are unpredictable. Government is compounding the situation with signals that it will increase regulation. What is the effect of all this? The economy is stagnent. Despite stimulus money businesses will not make decisions until they can do so with confidence. the governemt needs to stop making changes and signal to business that there will be some stability that they can plan on. Until then who is being hurt the most by businesses inactivity? It does not seem to be the rich, the only new homes I have worked on the last few years are in the 2 mill plus bracket. The people being hurt are the low and middle class, and not because they are recieving less from the government, they are recieving record amounts for now,(things will get worse as budgets are forced to become balanced) they are hurting because there are no jobs. We have seen the cost for government created stimulus jobs that take about   1/4 million each a year out of the economy in the form of taxes for temporary jobs that pay the workers about 50,000 a year so we know that is not the answer. The answer is the poor and middle class need business to see a reason to invest and hire them back. When this happens people get off government payrolls and even become tax payers, suddenly government deficits go away through decrease costs and increased collections. It is important to take a wholisic view of the economy and not just the view of those who recieve tax dollars.

Speaking to entitlement being a propoganda word, here is websters definiton.
a : the state or condition of being entitled : right b : a right to benefits specified especially by law or contract
2: a government program providing benefits to members of a specified group; also : funds supporting or distributed by such a program
3: belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges

That seems to accurately describe welfare, unemployment etc.... When an accurate description appears to someone as "propaganda" you have to question the skew of their viewpoint. The Rich (again the wealtiest 40% of the nation who pay nearly all of its tax bill) in tax terms cannot steal anything from the rest who either do not pay or recieve tax money. The best they can do is hope to control thier costs through lower tax rates. In the story of Robinhood he stole from the rich to give to the poor. Many see this as honorable but it was still called stealing. The rich he stole from where nobility(government of the day) who became rich through taxing the peasents. Robinhood stealing from the gready government to give back to the poor producers that feed the govenmnet makes a nice story. Today it is the greedy government stealing from the producers to give to non producers (while taking a healthy cut for itself aka operations and government union pensions). When the government (who is supposed to represent the tax payer) chooses to grow at rates in multiples of the inflation rate it is making decisions for business about what their costs will be (tax burden). The business then must look at decisions about ROI with the new government costs factored in. The raised costs are taken direcly off the investment return. If they are to high the business would be foolish to invest in growth and may even downsize or shut down operations. The Rich business owner still has his/her money safely invested, but the poor and middle class no longer have thier jobs. This is what well intentioned higher taxes for the rich do for the poor and middle class.
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
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Breaking news from the front lines.....

- A liberal judge from Dane County (Madison) has put a "restraining order" on Gov. Walker's Budget Repair bill. So, it can't be implemented now until a court fight. The grounds for the restraining order are that "the bill was voted on without adequate time for all members of the Senate to be there in time for the vote".

I wonder if that was because the 14 liberal senators were hiding out down at the Key Lime Water Park in Gurnee, IL at the time, and couldn't get changed out of their swim suits in time to make it back to Madison.   

- Other news: A convention display mfg. company is moving from IL (newly increased taxes)to Wisconsin (newly lowerd corporate taxes and incentives) because the owner of the company felt that Wisconsin was headed in the right direction, and Illinois was headed in the wrong direction. Along with the company move, with it will come around 100 JOBS!! They will be moving from Crystal Lake, IL (next town over from me) to Pleasant Prairie, WI.

- Even more news: Also heard that Walker's approval ratings are headed up as a result of the recent efforts he has made to square away Wisconsin's budget deficits, and set the stage for long term prosperity. In the same article, they indicated Walker's name is now being mentioned as a potential Republican presidential candidate due to his efforts on this matter.    
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 62 wood Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March-18-2011 at 4:06pm
gee... what do you know...evidently 3 weeks isnt enough time? ... more games!

..... over 40 years in retail... worst business atmoshpere I have ever seen... maybe I need to move north?
(does that mean I hafta wear yellow + green?)
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