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GT40 No Start

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    Posted: September-05-2019 at 8:37pm
I have a new to us '99 Air Nautique. This boat was so great for the first 50 hrs this summer, correct hull and storage for our family which has grown to 4, and the GT40 EFI which gave an amazing pull. I was hoping that it would be super safe/reliable compared to the '83 2001 that we have used pre-kids. But after 50hrs of phenomenal skiing it just started to die intermittently (at first after sitting for an hour or two of rest after morning sets while trying to go for round 2) then it just died and would not restart at all. I did the things that I saw as inevitable which I didn't mind: relays, cap and rotar, fuel filter, checked pickup in tank and antisiphon, had alternator tested, then I started getting a little more serious, putting pumps, regulator, even got ahold of a known-to-be-good ECM but to no avail! I do not have access to a STAR tester. At that point I got frustrated, brought it back to the dealership and three weeks later they told me they were going to put in a HP pump to which I said don't bother and took the boat back. Now mechanic #2 (good guy so far) has told me that the fuel pressure is just not there and he is also feeling stumped. My question is what do I do? I am going to meet and talk to mechanic tomorrow after work to talk about the plan/options. Anyone around Norther Illinois that can get this sorted out? Do I need to get my hands on the STAR tester to get to the bottom of this? What specifically could cause the pump to not run? I saw the info about the heat sinc (TFI) and the symptoms described in that post are resembling my scenario almost exactly. Please help, summer is slipping into fall and away....
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Gary S View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Gary S Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-05-2019 at 11:36pm
Curious as to what dealer around here that would work/know whats gong on with a 20 year boat? Have you tried jumping the safety lanyard switch ?
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Nautique dealer we bought it from, only one around. The lanyard button definately activates the low pressure pump, and it cranks, would the HP be somehow controlled separately by that?.
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Gary S View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Gary S Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-06-2019 at 1:09am
Here is the link to the gt40 diagnostic manual
Page 6-8 is the fuel pump circuits. Both pumps are controlled by the same relay. You can make both pumps run by supplying a ground on this side of this plug in the picture below-

I would check to see if each pump runs on it's own. After testing the LP pump I'd disconnect it's feed and then check the HP, If it does not run then check to see if it is getting power at it's plug. If it is then open the FCC,I have heard of the pumps wires getting disconnected especially if you have the old threaded FCC. I also think that the lanyard only controls the pumps meaning the starter will still operate with the lanyard pulled. Maybe in the morning Ken will have a thought or two also.
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I think you said the pumps prime and the engine cranks.
Are you getting spark? I experienced similar problems and it turned out to be the coil. Standard automotive coil will work.
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BlueDub View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote BlueDub Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-06-2019 at 8:55am
Yes, forgot to mention in original post that I did the coil also in my early rage of throwing parts at it. And the mechanic has said that it runs when he feeds it fuel (I'm imagining he has a spray bottle to squirt into the intake) but I have not witnessed that. I really appreciate the attention from everyone. I'm going to print the manual to have when I go talk to him today. Any other tips or info are welcome and I will update after I see the boat today.
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KENO View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KENO Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-06-2019 at 9:18am
Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

Maybe in the morning Ken will have a thought or two also.

I woke up with only a small amount of brain activity this morning Gary but here's a thought about something to consider.    

See the link below from Boneflier a short time back dealing with those cleverly hidden, seldom thought about diodes in the fuel pump/ECM wiring


Another thought, keep in mind that the 301 page manual is more specific to the OMC/Volvo Penta versions of this engine that it is to a PCM GT40 even though it says PCM on the cover.

One example, If you're reading about the round 10 pin wiring harness connector to the boats wiring harness, it's really a rectangular 8 pin connector There are other things but this is the biggest it seems.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KENO Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-06-2019 at 11:12am
In the manual, the wiring diagram on page 6-8 and the legend on 6-9 show the diode (#12)
and you can see that if that has no power to it, neither does the ECM (ECA) or the fuel pump relay.

I think he (boneflyer) really meant to say close the relay instead of open the relay in his description in the link and I'm not sure what "brown" wire he's referring to, but a small jumper around the diode would tell if that's your issue.

It wouldn't be hard to jumper from the solenoid "I" terminal to the purple wire going into the relay to accomplish this.
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Gary S View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Gary S Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-06-2019 at 11:30am
Would it not be easier to see if he has power to the hp pump first, all you have to do is unplug the connection place the ground jumper and test? I think that diode is in the mass of wiring under the ecm mount
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote BlueDub Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-06-2019 at 1:17pm
Thanks guys, keep it coming. I'm going to print this thread with the service manual to bring to the shop this afternoon.
Sidenote, this engine only had 450 hrs on it when we got it, that sealed the deal. And when I put it on the trailer to get this sorted out I pulled all the upholstery and had it redone, now said interior is sitting at my house waiting to get back in the boat. Can't wait to post a photo of this, my dreamboat, back together in the lake for y'all.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KENO Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-06-2019 at 1:32pm
Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

Would it not be easier to see if he has power to the hp pump first, all you have to do is unplug the connection place the ground jumper and test? I think that diode is in the mass of wiring under the ecm mount

I suppose so but I figure if it's intermittent then the jumper will get rid of the "intermittentcy"

I think I just created a new word
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KENO View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KENO Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-06-2019 at 1:52pm
Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

Here is the link to the gt40 diagnostic manual
Page 6-8 is the fuel pump circuits. Both pumps are controlled by the same relay. You can make both pumps run by supplying a ground on this side of this plug in the picture below-

I would check to see if each pump runs on it's own. After testing the LP pump I'd disconnect it's feed and then check the HP, If it does not run then check to see if it is getting power at it's plug. If it is then open the FCC,I have heard of the pumps wires getting disconnected especially if you have the old threaded FCC. I also think that the lanyard only controls the pumps meaning the starter will still operate with the lanyard pulled. Maybe in the morning Ken will have a thought or two also.

I know you know what it is Gary, but just so he knows what that plug is, it's the STO plug with nothing normally plugged into it and it's just hanging back there.

Page 2A-11 in the manual has info on doing this grounding to start the pumps, and also mentions that the key needs to be on while performing the test
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote gun-driver Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-06-2019 at 2:17pm
The jumper trick used to get my ‘95 up and running when the pump over heated (heat soaked) (different fuel pump I know)
He hasn’t mentioned any fuel pressures, I would gather that info prime pressure, while it’s running and running when it dies.
That info could help steer you in the right direction.
Also need to check for spark when it dies, could be in the distributor (ground, PIP)
Need more info.
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BlueDub View Drop Down

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Last time I got details like that from the mechanic was via text. He said "has injector pulse, spark, but only 5 psi of fuel pressure and can get it to run by feeding gas through throttlebody"
Any other info that I can request or suggest to help him/us figure it out?
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Gary S View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Gary S Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-06-2019 at 3:45pm
Sounds to me that like you already thought -the HP pump is not working. That 5 pounds is from the LP pump. Jumper it like above and see if it comes on. Like I said before if it does not verify if you have voltage at its connector, if it does trouble is between that point up to and including the pump. If there is no power then it just may be that diode.
If you were ambitious/mad as Ken you could wire up the HP pump to run direct as you try to start it and see if it runs
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KENO Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-06-2019 at 5:25pm
Have you already replaced the HP pump once?

In your first post in this thread it seems to say you put in pumps (plural), regulator and tried a known good ECM in it.

Like Gary said, the LP pump is around 5 psi so it does seem like an HP pump issue.

With the key on engine off fuel pressure should be between 35 and 45 psi according to the manual (page 4-1) if both pumps are working right so if you did the jumper test Gary mentioned you should get numbers in that range if you have a gauge hooked up.

Edit That's the spec listed but on pages 2b2 and 2b3 you'll see reference to 39 +/- 3 psi while cranking and the same numbers at full throttle. At idle it'll be regulated to 31+/- 3 psi.
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BlueDub View Drop Down

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Yes, both pumps have been replaced. I just got back from talking to the mechanic. I gave him a link to this thread so he can use your suggestions, and we will provide the info requested. He is going to try jumping the pump tomorrow morning and see what happens. I mentioned that it is worth checking the connection within the HP pump canister to be sure it remained connected during re-installation.

Circling back to information I gathered from another GT40 thread: We did not discuss the concept of the heat sink. I tried to research it in section 2C-1 of the diagnostic manual but it was not explained in as much detail as the other components, PIP and and Hall effect. The name makes me wonder that some thermostatic function operates it, and my initial intermittent issues did appear to be related to temperature. After running the boat it would sit for an hour or so and then when we tried to take off for another set we would get a few hundred feet from the dock and it would die. This happened a few times and it would restart after waiting. I would bring it back home and then it worked again fine for morning skiing the next day but after resting and trying to get going again the same thing happened. After a half dozen of these episodes it just wouldn't restart at all bringing us to the present conundrum. That seemed to be related to temperature. When I imagine the concept of heat sink I figure it is heat spreading because there is no cooling happening. What control of the fuel pump would this component actually have? And am I close in my inference based solely on its name? What exactly does it do?
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MrMcD View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MrMcD Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-06-2019 at 9:05pm
The High Pressure pumps when failing will sometimes respond to tapping on the housing.
They can restart and run again but will always fail again soon after. The trick can sometimes allow you to start and drive back to the dock. Better than being towed.

As you are doing all your testing make sure to not test run the pumps dry. Running electric pumps with no fuel in them can burn them up very quickly. The pumps are actually fuel lubricated so running them without fuel flow does fast damage just like running your engine with no oil in it.
Keep us posted on what you find.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KENO Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-06-2019 at 10:37pm
Originally posted by BlueDub BlueDub wrote:

Circling back to information I gathered from another GT40 thread: We did not discuss the concept of the heat sink. I tried to research it in section 2C-1 of the diagnostic manual but it was not explained in as much detail as the other components, PIP and and Hall effect. The name makes me wonder that some thermostatic function operates it, and my initial intermittent issues did appear to be related to temperature. After running the boat it would sit for an hour or so and then when we tried to take off for another set we would get a few hundred feet from the dock and it would die. This happened a few times and it would restart after waiting. I would bring it back home and then it worked again fine for morning skiing the next day but after resting and trying to get going again the same thing happened. After a half dozen of these episodes it just wouldn't restart at all bringing us to the present conundrum. That seemed to be related to temperature. When I imagine the concept of heat sink I figure it is heat spreading because there is no cooling happening. What control of the fuel pump would this component actually have? And am I close in my inference based solely on its name? What exactly does it do?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're asking but the piece of equipment that is called the heat sink is a piece of finned aluminum that the TFI4 ignition module mounts to.

It conducts heat away from the module to the surrounding air to keep the module cooler than it would be if mounted direct to something like a steel bracket on the engine with no fins. It has no moving parts
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Thank you KENO, you are not misunderstanding, rather I am just scrambling for info and definitely overthinking things in this case. The question is would any part of the TFI somehow interrupt power to the fuel pump?
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Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:

With the key on engine off fuel pressure should be between 35 and 45 psi according to the manual (page 4-1) if both pumps are working right so if you did the jumper test Gary mentioned you should get numbers in that range if you have a gauge hooked up.

Edit That's the spec listed but on pages 2b2 and 2b3 you'll see reference to 39 +/- 3 psi while cranking and the same numbers at full throttle. At idle it'll be regulated to 31+/- 3 psi.

This made me realize something, during the early stages of intermittent failure I did hook up a fuel pressure gauge on the dock after I got it home from "an episode". When it was running it had only about 20 psi, 12 with key on. I had to crank it more than a little to get it going at that point.   That is what led me down the chase of the HP fuel pump to begin with. But I never saw a measurement of pressure higher than 12 psi with key on not running. *I thought I would only get up to 30-40 while running, so it is expected to get that with key on engine off?* I did try testing voltage on the lead to HP pump with key on and got nothing. Tried to crank with my voltmeter on HP pump wires and only saw a spike in voltage but nothing continuous, I concluded that it must only stay powered if engine runs. I may be grasping at straws here, but just recalling the small details of exactly what was happening while I was trying to figure it out on the lake. And if you want to cut me some slack in regards to my slow recall of details I can say it was nighttime, also a flashlight and lots of useless bugspray were involved.
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Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

Sounds to me that like you already thought -the HP pump is not working. That 5 pounds is from the LP pump. Jumper it like above and see if it comes on. Like I said before if it does not verify if you have voltage at its connector, if it does trouble is between that point up to and including the pump. If there is no power then it just may be that diode.
If you were ambitious/mad as Ken you could wire up the HP pump to run direct as you try to start it and see if it runs

So now we’re getting the info that we need to separate fuel from spark.
Yes what Gary said if that’s the pressure your getting I doubt your HP is running either at all or it may be intermittent and leading to what Ken mentioned.
More testing info please.

Edit: before we rule out spark isn’t there a ECM program that shuts down the pumps if the computer isn’t seeing a spark command?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Gary S Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-07-2019 at 1:40am
Paul page 2A-15 of the book says - A pair of green/yellow leads from the relay then carry voltage to both fuel pumps. One green/yellow lead also acts as a fuel pump monitor (FPM) and connects to ECA pin 8. It tells the ECA whether or not the pumps are operating. In the event of pump or circuit failure it will input a service code into the ECA memory.

Then this is what I think what your thinking of-
Page 2B-4 - When the ignition switch is turned to the on position both fuel pumps will operate. If the switch is not turned to start position the ECA will not receive a PIP signal and will shut off the fuel pumps after approx 2 seconds. The ECA will operate both pumps when the ignition switch is in the start position providing fuel while cranking and will continue unless the engine stops
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KENO Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-07-2019 at 1:44am
If there's no PIP signal it'll start and run for about 2 seconds.

The PIP signal tells the computer that the engine is rotating.

The test jumper at the STO connector runs the pumps whether there's a PIP signal or not

Edit.......a little slower than you tonight Gary
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thats ok been a long day ...... I have to work tomorrow too   
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Just clarifying to check my understanding. The photo of jumping the pumps is not actually giving the pump power, but rather tricking the pump into thinking the engine is running by sending artificial PIP signal?   Or is this another classic example of me overthinking it... and now that I reread that it sounds absurd. Thanks again for all the help guys. I really do want to understand this stuff.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Gary S Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-07-2019 at 3:29am
No. I’m not an electrical engineer but for some reason several things on these engines have power in them at all times. When the computer sends the command to work it completes the ground circuit. So the fuel pumps have power and when they get the signal a ground is provided to turn them on. That jumper just provides a physical ground to easily run the pumps. Comes in handy when you change filters and need to refill the FCC. Fuel injectors for example are exactly same.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote SharkSN Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-08-2019 at 6:32pm
Just to confirm again the low pressure pickup pump has been looked at/replaced? There is a tiny screen on the inlet of that sucker and easy to clog.

The PCM Fuel cell and pump (that is the "high pressure") has been pulled apart or replaced?It has a filter around it.

Obviously you'll hear the PCM Fuel cell pump spin up ( to build pressure) and stop on just key-on.
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Originally posted by SharkSN SharkSN wrote:

Just to confirm again the low pressure pickup pump has been looked at/replaced? There is a tiny screen on the inlet of that sucker and easy to clog.

Originally posted by BlueDub BlueDub wrote:

Yes, both pumps have been replaced.

Just a side note - there isn't supposed to be a screen in the inlet,but there is a screen inside a chamber under the top cover.

Ken on further review that diode supplies the relay with power so therefore if it were bad both pumps should be down right? I still say if this was me I'd unplug both pumps and check to see if I had power to the HP pump connection. If I had it to there then I'd open the FCC and check the spade terminals that connect to the pump and go from there -it's telephone 101
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KENO Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September-09-2019 at 11:15am
Dead diode also means a lack of power to the ECM (at least part of the power) in diagram 6-2 and no power to either fuel pump.

The diode was mentioned because it seemed he had tried everything else and was stumped
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