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1988 Martinique price

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snrealestate View Drop Down

Joined: June-13-2017
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote snrealestate Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-06-2020 at 10:43am
Thanks, SNobsessed.
I just received an estimate from C and S Marine.  $5200 just for all the skins. Yikes.  Plus installation costs. It looks like this boat has bad spots in most pieces of the upholstery.  May be better to use a local upholstery shop, although the quality and fit will be less desirable I'm sure.
What does a Martinique stringer job cost roughly?
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snrealestate View Drop Down

Joined: June-13-2017
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote snrealestate Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-14-2020 at 12:54pm
CCF Friends,

Thank you all for your Martinique pre purchase answers to all my questions.  Very helpful!

Thank you 3mile for the craigslist ad link from WV.  I bought that boat this weekend and would not have known about it if you had not shared that link.

I am now a Newbie owner of a 1987 Martinique with a 351 PCM.
I have several post purchase questions for any of you willing to share your knowledge and expertise.

1)  What could cause this engine to have a steady miss consistent with the RPM's?  I did not notice it at the water test buying the boat.  It is not an inconsistent miss, skip or sputter.  The miss stays the same frequency as the motor rpm's and causes very minor vibration in the boat in nuetral if that makes sense?
2)  A good online source with good prices for PCM parts?
3)  Is replacing the distributor points with the module a good idea to avoid having to set points gap and dwell?
4)  Should I replace the spark plug wires and distributor cap if the previous owner has not replaced them in 12 years and doesn't know when they were replaced last?
5)  Is it ok to clean the motor with a degreaser like GUNK spray and water spray covering the carburetor and distributor?
6)  Replacing spark plugs needed if it has been 2 seasons?
7)  Good idea to replace the PCV valve if previous owner doesn't know when it was replaced last?
8)  Previous owner added a peacock to the water intake line when he noticed it was running a little warm and didn't replace the water pump impeller.  Not the right way to do this I think?  I am tempted to eliminate the peacock, replace it with a water hose connection to be able to run it out of the lake and certainly replace the impeller instead.  Good idea?  Bad idea? 
9)  The interior wood (or is it faux wood?) panels need refinishing.  Should I sand these and what should I refinish them with?
10) What viscosity of motor oil should I use in GA?  Marine oil only?  Brand of oil?  Change oil every season regardless of hours put on the boat each season?
11)  Change the screw on fuel filter every season?
12)  Ok to use 10% ethanol fuel if I use the Sta-Bil marine ethanol fuel additive?
13)  How often should I caulk behind the transom exhaust ports?
14)  Ok to winterize by just draining all the water out of the manifolds, motor block drains and water pump elbow drain?  Low 20's is normally our coldest winter temps in GA.
15)  A fiberglass shop recommended I have him repair some places on the keel where the gel coat is chipped off exposing fiberglass.  He says that could cause the gel coat on the bottom of the hull to delaminate.  Sounds extreme to me.  My marina owner says he only agrees with this if I was going to leave the boat in the water for weeks at a time.  Boat will be dry stacked and in water for long weekends or a week at the most.

Thank you!!  
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SNobsessed View Drop Down
Grand Poobah
Grand Poobah

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote SNobsessed Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-14-2020 at 6:39pm
Congratulations on your purchase!

I recommend using google search 'CCF+XXX" to get answers for all of your questions. 

The ignition miss is probably top of the list; you can figure out which cly it is by pulling spark plug wires when idling ( use leather gloves).  The problem cyl won't drop RPM when you pull it.  Then go from there to get parts.

If you don't mind a gel repair that you can detect, you can just brush on gel from a universal kit.  Color match to your best ability.   Not many peeps will be crawling under your boat!

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