AT&T project Lightspeed |
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eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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| the Pete club, Im honored. half my posts shouldnt count cause they are alot of BS
"the things you own will start to own you"
Gary S
Grand Poobah Joined: November-30-2006 Location: Illinois Status: Offline Points: 14096 |
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Steve we had a manager at my garage last winter who was going to send us home if we kept wearing our Illinois Bell,Ameritech,or SBC clothing.I told her I quit wearing it as soon as they replaced my Ameritech branded ladders,tent and test equiptment.So as of yet we're still using the 3 logo's as well! After those batteries went off they removed ALL of them and put in new ones that needed to be heated in the winter requiring all the vrads to be rewired |
Gary S
Grand Poobah Joined: November-30-2006 Location: Illinois Status: Offline Points: 14096 |
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Pete,while you share your boating knowledge John,Kurt and I will make a phoneman out of you. The porcelain thing is called a protector and the brass cartridges were called carbons. The new ones are all potted using gas carbons which "reset" themself that still,but rarely cause trouble.Right up there with a fire a house hit by lightining is in my opinion the nastiest repair case you can get. |
Grand Poobah Joined: September-14-2006 Location: Three Lakes Wi. Status: Offline Points: 41045 |
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Gary, My eyes and ears are always open - thanks! When the second different repairman showed up to put good carbons back in, I could tell he wasn't very happy. He of course was very quiet protecting his coworkers a**!!! For those of you not familier with these "carbons", the first repairman removing them leaves the house unprotected to a lightning hit on the phone lines. Hey, did you ever work with a Bob Brehmer? He was a lifelong Bell employee and I think he worked out of the Libertyville area. Wood boat owner (Century) and a long time Blackhawk chapter member. I haven't seen him in a couple years and I seem to remember hearing he took his "package", retired and even sold his boat. |
Grand Poobah Joined: January-21-2005 Location: Lake Wales FL. Status: Offline Points: 8193 |
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Wow...haven't heard of "2 piece" protectors or 98A protectors in quite a while. Hey Gary...did you guys use those thin brass straps to modify the 98A's?
john |
"Loud pipes save lives"
AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"... |
Gary S
Grand Poobah Joined: November-30-2006 Location: Illinois Status: Offline Points: 14096 |
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Pete, I don't know him if he worked outside in Libertyville he'd be out of the Mundlein garage.I've worked in the same garage for almost 30yrs,so if they didn't pass thru Barrington,I might not know them.Some guys move garages like Reid buys boats,so they tend to know more people.I happened to get into the garage closest to my house when I went outside,just plain luck.
John hate to break it to you but those were out of use when I started,we had the single and 2 line bakelite protectors with the screw in carbons and that grey rubber cap that covered them,after all I'm just a youngin-- |
88 Nautique
Senior Member Joined: September-20-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 221 |
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Gary & Jbear,
Were you guys always splicers or did you start with the company doing something else? I started off as a inst/rpr. Now I'm in the switchroom. Wished I could have started off in DA. Have a friend that started off in DA when he was 18. He said it was the best time in his life. The only guy in an office building full of young girls. Kurt |
Gary S
Grand Poobah Joined: November-30-2006 Location: Illinois Status: Offline Points: 14096 |
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Yes Kurt,he was right,but DA was a nasty job.I started as a long distance operator.They gave a choice when I started LD or DA,the hiring person told me I'd like LD ,didn't know better until I started.The DA office was open all night,LD only till 12am.The managers at LD were older women and really watched out for us too.If I'd had started in DA I would have gotten all nights with a good chance of working split shifts.With LD I got 10 to 6 right away.I was the first guy hired off the street for the TSPS boards,and they hired for weeks,so I shot up in seniorty fast.I was there for 2 years before I got out to installation stayed there for 16 more years before becoming a cable repairman.Good thing about starting out somewhere else is that I started installation at 2 year pay scale and seniorty compaired to others who just started.Met my wife in LD,we met when they closed her cordboard office.She later went to the business office near my garage and thats where we met up again and the rest is history.
88 Nautique
Senior Member Joined: September-20-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 221 |
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I started in 79 and after working for 2 years, Pacific Telephone (at the time) offered a wage credit for previous work experience. I put in for it and got bumbed up to top pay AND got a retroactive check for the 2 years I had already worked. The only work experience I had was wiring commercial buildings for intercoms, paging & background music. I was only 20 at the time so it was a big surprise to me that they actually gave it to me.
Grand Poobah Joined: September-14-2006 Location: Three Lakes Wi. Status: Offline Points: 41045 |
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Well, They're really pushing the service! Last evening I had another two people come to my door soliciting me for the new service. I did ask them were the closest Vrad was and they informed me it's called a "node". They didn't know where it was but did say the max copper run from it is now 2300 feet and not the 3000. Problems already?? I'm going to have to take a walk around my neighborhood. My copper has been conditioned and all I have to do is sign on the dotted line!
Gary S
Grand Poobah Joined: November-30-2006 Location: Illinois Status: Offline Points: 14096 |
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Pete maybe they are keeping the footage down to make sure it works,I don't know. As to vrad or node,I've heard of node but everyone outside working on them calls them vrads. Must be a " marketing " thing. One of my coworkers got it recently and had trouble with it.He lives in a brand new subdivision so old cable wasn't an issue. Turns out it was the way he had terminated his inside wires,when he did his own phone service install With alot of things in life Pete, being the 1st to have it is not always best
Grand Poobah Joined: September-14-2006 Location: Three Lakes Wi. Status: Offline Points: 41045 |
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I seem to remember my alarm is polarity sensitive and had to be very careful wiring in the RJ31X. Any issues with the lightspeed system? |
88 Nautique
Senior Member Joined: September-20-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 221 |
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Shouldn't be an issue, as long as it's wired the same. Tip and ring in on 4&5 respectivly, out on 1&8 of the RJ31X. The installer should be trained on alarm jacks. Just make sure he knows there is an alarm system.
The reason for the alarm jack is the alarm controller cuts off service to all the phones in your building in an alarm state. That is so a burgler cannot take the phones off hook and disrupt the alarm call. Kurt |
Grand Poobah Joined: September-14-2006 Location: Three Lakes Wi. Status: Offline Points: 41045 |
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Kurt, I'm sure glad I don't have the alarm system you have mentioned! The idea of a alarm is to not let the burgler into the house!! The RJ31 has nothing to do with the function of the alarm line seizure relay. The alarm can be wired without it. I'm sure you do know it serves two functions. If the RJ is located in a non alarmed area, a tamper feature can be wired in to alarm if the modular plug is pulled. However, it's primarily a alarm servicing convenience because it shunts the phone line when the modular is pulled keeping the phone line in service. |
88 Nautique
Senior Member Joined: September-20-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 221 |
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Pete, maybe you're misunderstanding me. You're correct that the jack doesn't operate the relay, but the telephone line comes in on pins 4&5 of the RJ31X, through the alarm cord, through the relay and back out on pins 1&8 and then to your telephone equipment. When you are in an alarm state, the relay operates and opens the tel line towards your telephone equipment, thereby disconnecting all the telephone wiring and keeps the telephone line connected only to your controller. If you don't believe me, try to use your telephones when your alarm has been activated. This has been the way every alarm I've ever worked on works that uses a modem and a dial up phone line to connect to the alarm company. If it is not working as I have described, then your alarm or telephone wiring has been wired incorrectly or you have a different type of alarm such as wireless, a private line or something else. I made the assumption you had a dial-up alarm modem by your question.
I agree that an alarm system is there to not let burglars in, but short of having an automatically aimed gun that shoots them dead, it doesn't always deter them. This function has been built in to not allow them to take the phone off the hook and disrupt the call your alarm controller is making to the alarm company's modem. When you unplug the cord from your alarm controller to the RJ31X, it doesn't put a shunt on the telephone line. A shunt is a short. A short or "shunt" would kill your phone line. There are two copper bars in the jack itself that connects pin 1 to pin 4 and pin 5 to pin 8, thereby connecting the wiring in your house to the telephone line allowing you to use your phones. When you plug your cord back in, these little bars lift up and drop the connection. Remember Pete, I'm a phone guy. I know how this stuff works. I hope this wasn't to long of a read. Kind of boring, huh? But to answer your question about the U-Verse service, you shouldn’t have a problem with your alarm. You may even notice you might have better service because of it. When I said these pairs have been conditioned, that means they have also been rigorously tested as well. Just ask Gary. Kurt |
Grand Poobah Joined: January-21-2005 Location: Lake Wales FL. Status: Offline Points: 8193 |
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Well I am only a few days late getting to this...out-of-town friend from high school...didn't want to seem rude while I was hangin' around on here... I started as a Group 2 repairman in '70. Went to installation 5 years later. Moved to Centrex when it came out in the early '80s and had Cities, Schools, and Hospitols as my clients. Went to cable mtc in '90. Kurt you seem to remember some of your "outside" stuff well. Had to think a moment to remember "in on 4&5 out on 1&8". Long time since I wired a RJ31X alarm jack. You explained the workings very well I thought. I guess I was "dating" myself Gary when I mentioned the porclein protectors. Sounds like you guys had fun in the DA offices full of girls. john |
"Loud pipes save lives"
AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"... |
Grand Poobah Joined: September-14-2006 Location: Three Lakes Wi. Status: Offline Points: 41045 |
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I understand exactly how a RJ31 works. It's there are a convenience for alarm servicing. I also, as stated, know exactly what the alarm seizure relay does. Why have all Bell employees been corrupted in there training when it comes down to the proper use of electrical terms??? A shunt may be a short in Bell terms but is is really a connection from one point to another. From Winnipka: "a shunt is a device which allows electric current to pass around another point in the circuit." If you shunt to ground then yes the phone doesn't work. Remember the "carbons" discussion??? What happens if the Bell repairman is in the field and whats to ohm (oh, I forgot you guys don't call a ohm meter a ohm meter ether but rather a "point" meter??!!) out a copper pair - He asks someone in the office to shunt the pair at that location so he can check the complete pair. When the modular plug is pulled out of the RJ31, it shunts (connects) the copper pair removing the alarm connection into the line. |
Gary S
Grand Poobah Joined: November-30-2006 Location: Illinois Status: Offline Points: 14096 |
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Pete,Kurt is right on the RJ31X it's not for convenience of service,alarm installeres don't do anything for convenience Since the breakup,I haven't had to put one in Thank God. People tend to way over think phones and wiring,I love to go to an electrial engineers house to do work and mess with them. I'll check Tuesday with some of the guy's and see if they have any issues. I had a case a couple of months ago that ate up alot of time.A customer over a year ago got DSL and just found out now that her alarm didn't dial out.Customer was mad as he** at us and everyone was pointing fingers at each other. Turned out that alarm panel only worked on copper,she was now on fiber with the DSL change.
Grand Poobah Joined: September-14-2006 Location: Three Lakes Wi. Status: Offline Points: 41045 |
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Gary, You guys sure stick together! Do you hug each other for the night when leaving the office each day!! The alarm installers do do it for convenience. The RJ31 is there for when all the finger pointing starts from the Bell employee's!! "It's the alarms fault and it's why you don't have a phone sir"!!! Actually, I was wrong stating the RJ31 is for the convenience of the alarm installer but rather, it's to ease both the alarm and phone company employees troubleshooting/servicing and a FCC rule. When a problem occurs, there are even instructions in most alarm manuals for the homeowner to go and simply unplug the RJ31 modular connection to isolate a Bell or alarm problem. I wish it was that easy when you have a dedicated copper pair to the village fire department. We finally gave up at the plant after years (and costs $$) of seeing fire trucks every time it rained outside!!! Went to a standard dialer to a monitoring center. At least they call and tell us of trouble after it rains! By the time we would get a service person in from Bell, the lines are dried out and we would hear: "It's the alarms fault" |
Grand Poobah Joined: September-14-2006 Location: Three Lakes Wi. Status: Offline Points: 41045 |
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Well, I just signed up for U-verse package. I'll update the results after the install.
Gary S
Grand Poobah Joined: November-30-2006 Location: Illinois Status: Offline Points: 14096 |
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Sorry Pete I didn't get a chance to ask about the alarm yet, my source was on a 2am call out,I'll check tommorow. How much they hitting you up for? And what package,U100,U200 etc?
Grand Poobah Joined: September-14-2006 Location: Three Lakes Wi. Status: Offline Points: 41045 |
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I signed up for the U200 package. It's the same Internet speed of 6M up and 1.5M down as my Comcast. (but they verbally said it would be faster!!) Same unlimited local and long distance phone. With the TV and the U200 I'll end up with another 50 or so channels (had to take it as part of the package) than I have now with Comcast "expanded basic". This will drop my montly bill $30 (from Comcasts $160/month). After a month of U-verse service I'm told I can call up and drop down to the U100 TV service (equal to Comcast expanded) which is $10 less meaning it will be $40 cheaper than Comcast. I was also told that this montly rate would be "grandfathered" and would never go up but that's not on the contract!!!??? The install should be interesting. I wonder if any of the existing cabling inside the house that Comcast installed will be used? (like the coax from the modem to the TV) I was ready for Comcast - Opened up two walls to the basement, to existing jack plates and even left my fish's it them for the installer. Yup, he was going to just drill holes through my carpet and floor to the basement!!! I caught him just in time walking in with the drill and bell hanger bit. I'd better open up the walls again!! The installer will be informed about the RJ31X. I sure hope he does better than the Comcast installer. You'll get a kick out of this, I informed the Comcast installer about it and after several minutes of the "deer in headlights" looks I got from him I gave up trying to explain it. After he left, I had to go down and rewire the RJ. He had simply back feed it!! I also got $200 in "cash back" gift cards! AT&T is really out to get Comcast! The $480 per year in savings is really what I was after. Comcast even after the "teaser" rate has been going up slowly every 4 or 5 months. |
Gary S
Grand Poobah Joined: November-30-2006 Location: Illinois Status: Offline Points: 14096 |
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Pete I talked to one guy I know, and he has not heard of alarm trouble. When is the install going to happen?
Grand Poobah Joined: September-14-2006 Location: Three Lakes Wi. Status: Offline Points: 41045 |
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They are real backed up so ether there aren't enough installers or the program is going over real big! It's scheduled for Jan. 13th. Thanks for checking for me. |
Gary S
Grand Poobah Joined: November-30-2006 Location: Illinois Status: Offline Points: 14096 |
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Alot of them have quit,if we get together fri I'll fill in the details
Grand Poobah Joined: January-21-2005 Location: Lake Wales FL. Status: Offline Points: 8193 |
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Sure wish you and me could get this in for Pete. Come to think of'd have to help me. I could get the wire in right but you'd have to get the signal.
BTW..cold up there? Waxed the '80 the mid 80's here. Sweet. john |
"Loud pipes save lives"
AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"... |
Gary S
Grand Poobah Joined: November-30-2006 Location: Illinois Status: Offline Points: 14096 |
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It was 6 this morning and they are talking more snow tonight.I'll put up with this since I know spring will come early now. I thought I heard frost warnings for Fla this morning?
Grand Poobah Joined: January-21-2005 Location: Lake Wales FL. Status: Offline Points: 8193 |
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You know I am only kidding ya...I have been where you are...spent my days in the cold too. No frost warnings here...maybe a litle further north.
john |
"Loud pipes save lives"
AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"... |
Grand Poobah Joined: September-14-2006 Location: Three Lakes Wi. Status: Offline Points: 41045 |
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Gary, Where's your normal work? Outside? You do have one of those trucks with the built in heaters ducted to the vault or the tent don't you? When the 3rd couple from AT&T came to my door to sell me (the ones who did make the sale) the U-verse, it was cold. I invited them into my entry and was told they weren't allowed to enter the house. Now I'm standing there shivering with the door open wanting to ask more questions but at the same time wanting to make it as quick as possible. I understand AT&T must have some very strick guidelines on entering a home but in winter this scenario sure makes it a tough sell! Now, the installer must enter the house. Different set of guidelines? |
Gary S
Grand Poobah Joined: November-30-2006 Location: Illinois Status: Offline Points: 14096 |
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Yes Pete I'm out most of the day and actually prefer it,once you have your cold weather gear on,you don't want to take it off.And I'm not sure why,but it happens to all of us,the older and wiser you get the less you want to go in someones house.Tuesday's weather was was the worst you can get. In the winter things really slow down,once things are frozen and by now almost all the mouse houses have been found. I have a bucket truck,only the underground trucks have those heaters.I do have a propane catalytic tent heater if your in a spot for some time otherwise it's not worth getting out.Our trucks gps tells anyone who wants to know if the truck is running and depending on the boss ie one who never did the job,will yell at you for leaving it run. I have a electric heater in my cab and shut off the truck and just run the generator to keep it warm. I wonder if those people are just contractors used by the company to sell. Our only restriction is that there has to be an adult home.You can't believe how many people either tell you when you precall just to go in,it's open or want to leave after you get there.It sure is nice going somewhere different every day,and in my area you can be in a multi millon dollar house one minute and a trailer park or low income apts 15 minutes later. It's a strange world out there Pete.
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