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Grand Poobah Joined: June-24-2007 Location: Gainesville,GA Status: Offline Points: 6094 |
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Posted: September-15-2009 at 6:02pm |
Is anyone else a little speech weary? I think it's Eric's confuse and conquer theory.
Gold Member Joined: July-28-2008 Location: Indiana Status: Offline Points: 882 |
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I am. he's now booked on every sunday talk show except fox. oh and david letterman too.
Heard anything about acorn lately? |
Grand Poobah Joined: June-24-2007 Location: Gainesville,GA Status: Offline Points: 6094 |
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See there Steve, that's what you get for keeping up with the news!
I've never seen so many speeches and his seem to go a little off the path of most of what I see on the town halls. Of course it's important to pick your news channel carefully. |
Gary S
Grand Poobah Joined: November-30-2006 Location: Illinois Status: Offline Points: 14096 |
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I heard something,I think yesterday,that he has given 2 more speeches than days in office
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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I did here GM is putting guy's back to work, the more i hear about reform the more i like it, along with the insurance companies the left are sweating along with them. this *************** gets so spun out of proportion just like the gambling in Ohio, we are surrounded by states with gambling and the religous rite shoots it down everytime and then off to bingo they go.
its plan and simple, create competition and the prices WILL go down, the Healthcare system we have now is a monopoly, it kills me that nobody yacks about the Iraq war like they do about healthcare with something that will benefit me and you. here is how i listen to the guy, I put the Demmy/black aside for 10 minutes and listen to him as if he were a CEO of a large company, he is attacking this not as a politician but as a very smart business man and what he says makes perfect sense to me, he doesnt want government control, but laws need to be put into place to regulate the way the Healthcare system is ran, we always yack and yack on how bad its going to be if a bill passes, but we never reflect on how things are at the moment...insurance companies are controlling the industry and are monopolizing and alot on the left and right are getting filthy rich. We cant wait for another pubby or dem to get into office and wait for another bill, GROUPS dont want re-form because they are profiting from the current system. It has to pass in my honest opinion from a vantage point of owning a small business, Healthcare should be for the people by the people, or it turns into big business as does Oil, Banking, and to the likes. The government stepped in with the auto companies and all I see is positive things happening because this to spun out of control, as they needed to with the banks....GM is on the right course, New CEO with direction, they are building nice fucn looking cars, back to the roots, roots the word fits lol |
"the things you own will start to own you"
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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there are 3 kinds of people on this earth, ones that say whats happening? ones that say what happened? and ones that make things happen...he clinched it for me when i heard him in a normal situation calling so called one of his own a ***************, if he had any racism in him those words never would of left his mouth
"the things you own will start to own you"
Platinum Member Joined: November-18-2008 Location: Columbus, IN Status: Offline Points: 1248 |
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I did find that wildly amusing when I heard the audio clip of him calling Kanye West a JackA$$. And Eric I also agree with some of your points on the healthcare debate, that it does need reform. However I would stray from your "competition" argument if you're talking about the public option. I don't think the country needs Gov't run businesses. Regulate/reform the private insur. companies, but don't waste a ton of taxpayer money operating an inefficient gov't business.
And with the part about GM starting to employ workers again...we all know economies are cyclical. How much of the recent stabilization/increase in economical activity, specifically GM, is spawned from the "bailout", and how much of it is from the naturally occuring economic cycle. I'm sure this is where we differ . Things may not have happened the exact same way, but I think the end result would've been very similar without all the gov't intervention. |
Grand Poobah Joined: June-24-2007 Location: Gainesville,GA Status: Offline Points: 6094 |
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Agreed on several points. Portabilty by itself would spark competition. Tort reform would lower costs across the board. It's already working in 2 states.
I don't like the 1100 page bill with all of it's vague language. Why can't they break health reform into 3 or 4 100 page bills the layman can read without a half bottle of aspirin?!!? And on that same line of thought, why isn't there a law requiring lawmakers to actually read what they're going to vote on? I will say that I love how 'we the people' are getting involved! |
Platinum Member Joined: January-11-2008 Location: New Hill, NC Status: Offline Points: 1227 |
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Eric, maybe you can help me understand a part of this Healthcare issue.
I hear that part of the money to be used to pay for it is from fraud and waste in the Medicare and Aid system. Over $400 billion... If this is true, why are we waiting for fix these identified issues ? I do not understand why we do not fix what is known and agreed to as fraud and/or waste. And then show the actual money to pay for reform. When I have a leaking tire on my car, I do not wait to replace the car to fix the known issue. I fix the tire and then go looking for a replacement car if I decide that it should be replaced. Can someone help me understand this ?? "Show me the money" ... |
1980 Ski Nautique
1966 Barracuda |
Platinum Member Joined: June-04-2008 Location: Toontown, MA Status: Offline Points: 1763 |
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There is no argument for change and reform and maybe the President has good ideas but when it goes through Congress and the Senate it all comes apart. Between the earmarks,and benefits the governmnet slides into bills that get signed without going through them line by line throwing out stuff it gets costly and outrageous which is where the "Tea Party" folks get wound up. Now if I disagree with Obama (and I only disagree with the white 1/2 of him and mostly because he dosen't acknowledge it)I am deemed a racist. My problem is more with Pelosi, Reid, frank, Dodd and those idiots. They are not interested in their constituents, just their cronies and how to win the next election. Obama, or whoever is in the big seat can't change Washington until we change the players.
Gold Member Joined: August-19-2007 Location: Grand Rapids, M Status: Offline Points: 576 |
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The problem is that everyone is only looking out for themselves. Eric has said many time that he, as a business owner, thinks the public option is a good idea. Good for him so he does not have to provide insurance anymore, bad for anyone that is currently happy with what they got (yes, there are lots of companies just like yours that would be more than happy to pay the 8% penalty fee when their HC cost is 10%...and now I am on government HC). And the "good with what you gots" out number the "don't like it" crowd. My question is; why would they design a bill that in their own words would only help 45 million people (whether or not this is the actual number is up for debate, but I think it is closer to 15 million) when there are options out there to help everyone? Like Greg said, tort reform lowers everyones bills and makes HC more affordable to everyone. Removing state restrictions on selling HC give us the compitition Eric needs without creating a huge new government entity. Loosing the grip of the FDA on drug companies make drugs more affordable. The FDA standards are sooo stringent that companies must spend BILLIONS of dollars developing new drugs. They must recoup those costs, or they would not be in business. If the FDA loosened their grip, companies would still make good drugs that work (otherwise no one would buy them) and the development costs would be much lower so they could sell them cheaper.
All these things are FREE and help EVERYONE and enslave NO ONE to the government. But, then again, why help anyone if you do not get there unwaivering loyalty from the deal? |
Current: 02 SANTE Sold: 89 Sport Nautique |
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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its nice to notice that the left is finally recognizing that the tire is flat, its been flat riding on the rim...I try and try to understand the Bill, read about it hear about it...its impossible, what i am certain of though right now though, its controlled by an outside source with many groups with invested interests, it shot the costs way up and turned it into a monopoly with no options, Insurance companies are non government held are dictating and discriminating coverage...the government does not qwant to control it, they want to put laws in place that will bring the costs down and break up the monopoly...the same exact thing happened a few years ago with other insurances, until you start bringing in competition they name thier price and you do not have control of that, you pay the premium, now all of a sudden a couple other insurance companies pop into the picture which allows you to shop around for a better price and then the big guy has to drop his prices to start to compete, sure we are use to what they call a great healthcare system, but the big guy picks and chooses who he wants to cover..it was fckin unbelievable when i heard this this morning that a woman got beat up by her old man and broke her arm, they informed her that she did not have coverage and she did because it was a pre-existing condition, spousel abuse...there is nothing OK about abuse and yes she shouldnt be with him BUT, wtf.In my eyes they are setting the rules not me and you and how much more really if the government did step could they fk it up?
"the things you own will start to own you"
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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Azues, you need to get layed off once and have to pick up Cobra for 6 months or so, you'll change your mind,
I am a small business and 75% of this country is small business, plain and simple it costs way to much to provide healthcare to employees unless i start to drive my prices up which would knock me out of business...all i want is an affordable solution, we pay for the uninsured in our premiums, create competition and drive the price down, plain and simple |
"the things you own will start to own you"
Grand Poobah Joined: March-02-2007 Location: White Lake, MI Status: Offline Points: 2225 |
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Well put. C-bass I like the way you think. Eric Are you kidding me? The government throws out Kabillions of dollars, dollars that are just created with the scratch 0f a pen, and the economy "seems" to be picking up. The loans that the car companies have gotten made us all "owners", but now the government does not know how we will be paid back. Does anyone know when that stockholders meeting is, I have to put it on my calendar The government comes up with a program to give up to $4500 for old pieces of crap, and GM guys are going back to work. Surprise, surprise. Watch what car sales do for the next couple of months. I'm not even going to comment on the freakin "public option" BS. All I know is my company pays around $1200/employee/month for health care. It would be easier to pay the 8% penalty, or is it 2.5% (and let's be real, it's a tax). But I don't want the govt controlling health care. And contrary to what you said, control is what he/they want. Sorry about the poorly written rant, but my soap box is balancing on the pages of the health reform bill. Steve |
Play hard, life's not a trial run.
'85 BFN '90 BFN White Lake, Michigan |
Grand Poobah Joined: June-24-2007 Location: Gainesville,GA Status: Offline Points: 6094 |
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Platinum Member Joined: January-11-2008 Location: New Hill, NC Status: Offline Points: 1227 |
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But why wait to fix the agreed issues ?
If there is $400 billion in waste, put together a bill that fixes that. Should pass easy... The next bill can require all states open healthcare providers across all State lines. Again, should pass easily... Then show the $400 billion plus competion saving in the healthcare cost and come back to talk to me about addition reform. Should not be more than maybe a year to show results. Obama will still be in office and can take credit. Get those 2 passed, which should be easy, and then you have a good start to show me that you really want to reform healthcare. |
1980 Ski Nautique
1966 Barracuda |
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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TULL, it is being controlled right under your eyes and you just cant see it, what would happen if your company got its HC cut in half? and said lets meet in the middle and give you that extra 300.00
"the things you own will start to own you"
Grand Poobah Joined: February-25-2009 Location: Fort Worth, TX Status: Offline Points: 2339 |
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Just wishing we had a president who could stay focussed long enough that he's not engrossed with local police matters, The Bowl Championsip Series, or the MTV video music awards.
...those who have fallen and those who will.
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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thats what makes him like me and you....beats poking at beehives with cultures that havnt changed in 10000 years and wont in the next 10000
"the things you own will start to own you"
Grand Poobah Joined: March-02-2007 Location: White Lake, MI Status: Offline Points: 2225 |
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I'm not picking up what your laying down. I would love my health care costs to be cut in half. But a wiser man that I said something along the lines that the government cannot give to one that it does not take from another. Tell me one thing that the gov does better than the private sector. And please don't say war. And BTW, I don't think he likes me and you. |
Play hard, life's not a trial run.
'85 BFN '90 BFN White Lake, Michigan |
Grand Poobah Joined: March-02-2007 Location: White Lake, MI Status: Offline Points: 2225 |
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Now, if your saying he's like me, this country is in a world of hurt.
Play hard, life's not a trial run.
'85 BFN '90 BFN White Lake, Michigan |
Platinum Member Joined: November-18-2008 Location: Columbus, IN Status: Offline Points: 1248 |
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I really struggle with this one, meaning the whole "War on Terror". I typically have agreed with the war effort, but I will not deny that at times I think to myself, "Why don't we get the #%&* out of there and worry about the issues here at home....etc." But I always come back to the thought of us minding our own business and witnessing another 9/11 or worse. As long as the great US of A is supporting people who are trying to modernize Islam, the extremist will probably be after us. So to me the best defense is a good offense. Now that this topic has taken a detour....back to your regularly scheduled programming. |
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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when those people wake up in the morning they take thier morning piss and then thier next thoughts are how am i going to kill Americans,thats it, they dont think about getting to work by 8, or who has to pick up the kids tonight, thier thoughts are to kill because of the deep hate for Americans,
Tull, I pay less for car insurance now then i did 20 years ago, it hasnt qaudrupled, everyone drives its the same theory, you had 3 companies back then Allstate, state farm, nationwide, now you have about 30 different companies out there offering the same insurance to everyone and people start to shop and i call it trickle down because now the big 3 cant compete with these 30 other companies because they offer affordable insurance. so now the big 3 start to drop thier prices to compete and stay in the game.... same exact thing B.O. has been preaching, face it HC is a business and its being monopilized in fear of a break up and alot of bad publicity is thrown out there to stop this from happening, the negative publicity comes from the people that dont want this to happen, people that profit, people that call the President a liar, this is how the costs will come down and make HC affordable accross the board as it did with car insurance |
"the things you own will start to own you"
65 'cuda
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Health insurance WAS really financial insurance, it's original purpose was to keep you from being financially wiped out if you got sick. Pretty much every one had a Major Medical policy provided by their employer. If you had a minor health problem the first few thousand dollars were your responsibility then the insurance kicked in. Employers could afford the relatively low premiums. As the system evolved, it became "health reimbursement", for the players involved this was a very good thing. The doctors and hospitals saw utilization go up, and since they were paid per procedure, they made lots of money. The insurance companies goal is to make a few percent profit on all the dollars that go through their hands, the pool of dollars got a lot larger, their profits got a lot larger. The economy was still in a generally strong growth trend through the 90's, the employers could afford it, all this kept working. Then the mathematics folks at the insurers started to take notice of the data at their hands. Nearly all the major health insurers de-mutualized in the late 90's, they saw the writing on the wall... The boomers were aging. The insurers only had 10 or 15 more years of profits to be had before the utilization rates of the boomers were going to make it time to pay the piper. That time is here. There is a reason that the Public Option is so talked about. The untold truth about "uninsured Americans" is that the insurance companies are basically insuring all the folks that they want to right now. The insurance companies want the public option, that's where all the unprofitable risks will wind up. The only way to "fix" health care is to decrease utilization, make it less expensive for providers to operate (tort reform). Streamline the paperwork. None of those things are going to make the players more money, so we will talk about racism, Joe Wilson, Jimmy Carter, ect... confuse and conquer. Betcha President Obama makes a few more speeches over the next few days... I don't think that the car insurance analogy is fair, most people never need their car insurance, everyone uses their "health reimbursement". Just some thoughts.... |
Grand Poobah Joined: April-17-2007 Location: Argentina Status: Offline Points: 2135 |
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That is because they are being invaded and occupied by a strange nation telling the how they must live, wich god they must have faith in and how to rule and law their own country. Remember that not all of them are terrorists and that it is you who are out of place in middle east, you retaliated a terrorist attack and that's "ok", you ended their fact govs, that's "ok" too, now you didnt find Bin Laden, you didnt find the weapons of mass destruction, you are now occupying a foreign nation, so get the hell out of there. get your troops home and call it even. |
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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I see the trend here in Cleveland, all of the private doctors could not afford to do "business" and hired on with Cleveland Clinic, University hospitals, so now you basically you dont have any options except to be sucked into thier system...you guys cant sit here and badger me because i see the fckin bills i get to cure a simple Migraine head-ache, 2 cat scans, 2 mri's,3 day intervenus treatment 40 different prescriptions (that have yet to help) by the time this is over it will be 100k. now if anyone can look me in the face and say the system we have is great, I will call you a liar. If i didnt have insurance and had a family Doctor that new my wifes history and spent more than 12 minutes with her in the exam room, maybe just maybe he could figure the problem...this method would equate to financial savings.
Im not going to keep yacking how its should be, But i will keep yacking on how it is. PLAIN AND SIMPLE, Cleveland Clinic monopolized Cleveland, Alabama has 2 insurance companies, they name thier price and they discriminate coverage, Analogy of insurance fits very well and a corporation now that they will have to streamline thier paperwork WILL, and yes that will create SAVINGS, ISNT that what he keeps saying in those speeches you guy's ramble on about. I really dont get why anyone doesnt want this bill to pass, it baffles me, fears of a government take over...ridiculous, its is an unregulated industry and has got to the point of needing regulation by laws, If the laws are changed it will stop the monopoly's and streamline paperwork. everyone keeps thinking how bad its going to be if it passes...WTF, you been to the doctor lately? |
"the things you own will start to own you"
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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btw 65, when it became law that all cars must be insured, prices started to drop..it does fit
Luch, Im not anti American in anyway but do very much respect your comments along with anyone outside this country because it gives you a sense of how we are looked at unbiasly, im not afraid to say the US is a bully, we are, and everyone hates the neiborhood bully. BTW, they sent a team of Laurel and Hardy's on a snipe hunt to look for WMD that they knew didnt exist creating propaganda like they do with HC along side with Sadaam creating propagadna that he did have weapons to keep fear in Iran....and he didnt, thats what we were led to believe,its called creating an excuse. For the life of me i cant understand why we stepped into Iraq and stayed there for this long, I know it has something to do with money, i wouldnt want that monkey on my back, I have a conscience |
"the things you own will start to own you"
Grand Poobah Joined: June-24-2007 Location: Gainesville,GA Status: Offline Points: 6094 |
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Eric, you're backing up some of the previous posts. I think we're all close to being on the same page in a very large book, but the house bill(HR 3200) freaks me out. Why not start in the beginning as mentioned(the existing waste that's supposed to pay for all this)...I don't know how to change an impeller without first loosening the belt tension, unbolting the part, removing the cover; you get my meaning.
Back to the speeches...the talking heads are always telling us what someone is going to say before they say it. Maybe we should try that for Sunday and Monday? |
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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we need a red/blue check mark box in our profiles lol
"the things you own will start to own you"
Grand Poobah Joined: June-24-2007 Location: Gainesville,GA Status: Offline Points: 6094 |
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What color is the Libertarian box?
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