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Best Areas of Orlando and Vicinity

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Hollywood View Drop Down
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    Posted: January-15-2016 at 1:48am
Drove past Lake Ned on Monday and there was most of a slalom course out there and also a barefoot jump.
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seacamper View Drop Down
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Hey JD
I start with this website:
Basic MLS

And select the city and then select waterfront. You can also select price, bed/bath etc.
I then copy and paste the given address into Google maps, then I copy the MLS number into Zillow to see bigger pictures, and get the additional info Zillow offers.

Here is an example:
Lake Daisy

Daisy is a pretty good ski lake and this house is surrounded by newer houses, and is in close proximity to Legoland and the newer stores on Cypress Gardens Blvd. It is not a chain lake, but that just means the water will probably not suffer the weed problems the chain lakes get. Try finding that house in Windermere for under $250k!

1980 Ski Nautique Boat Bar
1988 Mastercraft Tristar Open Bow
1988 Mastercraft Tristar Closed Bow
1969 Seacamper Houseboat
1986 Harris Pontoon
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74Wind View Drop Down
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if there are any there dry rack storage facilities there, that is a great option, have been doing it that way myself for years:

Call ahead and it's sitting at the dock when you get there, just jump in and go.
(Fancier places have online systems where you just enter your time)

When done, just tie it up, give a little wave, and split.

As simple as it gets....
1974 Southwind 18
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Jbear, said to me wow if it was'nt for this site we would never had met for this to happen....
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Hollywood View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hollywood Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January-14-2016 at 6:43pm
What is so concerning about the neighborhood? What are you looking to do? Are you staying for weeks at a time? Seems like price isn't so much a factor. Are you arriving solo and needing to find a boat driver?

Skiable water?
Send kids to school?
Increasing property value?
Property tax? (is this even a thing in FL?)
Close to airport?
Close to downtown?
Single family home vs. condominium?
Walk to restaurants/entertainment?
Retirement residence?

I think you can own some sort of residence and maintain boat storage in many different locations and ways.

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Orlando76 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Orlando76 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January-14-2016 at 5:50pm
The Eustis/Harris/Dora (whatever u wanna call it) chain gets 70% of its water from the "polluted" lake Apopka. Don't get me started on Lake Apopka and the politics involved with it, its biggest pollution is dirty politics. But that's another thread. The water clearity has improved quite a bit lately. the state is spending millions on cleaning it coupled with 30 springs throughout the chain, in my lifetime these waters will clear up and bring number$ in like Butler chain. Dora chain has mustard brown water which probably keeps most the crowds away so we're definitely the lesser crowded body of water year round. Biggest crowds we see is in the winter with snowbirds and the Speck fishermen. The entire chain has a firm sand bottom so our shallows are really nice for walking in and hanging out. The main vegetation is eel grass which is good and hydrilla hasn't taken over yet. Water levels annually fluctuate less than 12-18". Lake Carlton is by far my favorite lake on the chain, it's the only lake that is a spur off the chain and is the smallest. No ski course on it so the windy days I spend doing -28 drills here. Only two Schmucks ski the entire chain. We keep up two courses on both sides of the peninsula between Dora and Beauclaire. Four cities and one county seat are on the waterfront make for awesome booze cruises and we boat out to dinner on Friday nights rather drive the car. Weekends we ski sunrise, boat over to Dunkin Donuts, then ski another set.
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1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
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2tall View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 2tall Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January-14-2016 at 3:12pm
Are they clean (not polluted)?
Not too crowded?
Not too much algae/mud/gunk?
It looks like some nice homes in the area (one for almost 8 million on lake carlton)
What do I need to know about them when thinking about owning around there?
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Orlando76 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Orlando76 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January-14-2016 at 12:50pm
Originally posted by 2tall 2tall wrote:

Anyone know about lake Carlton/Beauclaire/Dora chains?


What do you want to know?
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1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM
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Yes...Rattlers....the West is full of them, but at least you get a warning, we call them the snakes with manners....and it's only about 3 months a year you ever even think about them because the other 9 months this place is covered in snow..urghh

Wow! Thanks everyone! seacamper-great post and advice. That was a major concern of mine about the Deliverance vibe. I noticed on google maps several places that looked great on paper, then I "walked the streets" on google maps and holy cra% the neighborhood was super sketchy and Deliverance was the first term that popped into my head. I also appreciate the ideas around mud, algae, pollution and gators.

Anyone know about lake Carlton/Beauclaire/Dora chains?

BTW: These replies have been fantastic. I have read and re-read each one checking out each location and plotting and scheming. Thanks again everyone!

To answer another question, no, I have not spent much time in that area. I am headed that way at the end of the month.
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8122pbrainard View Drop Down
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Originally posted by seacamper seacamper wrote:

let me tell you about snakes and alligators. They will get into the craziest places.

I don't feel JD will worry about the snakes since he should be used to the rattlers!

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seacamper View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote seacamper Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January-14-2016 at 12:07pm
Originally posted by 2tall 2tall wrote:

Here are some areas where I am looking at some affordable stuff, but again...I am open to where to go.
Winter Haven/Auburndale/Haines
Lake Eva
Lake Rochelle
Lake van
Lake Alfred
Lake Smart

lake Catherine
Sunset lakes
That area in general

Mount Dora area
lake Dora/Beauclaire/carlton

Hey JD
I am on Lake Elbert in Winter Haven. I really like it. Winter Haven surrounded many of its lakes in the early 1900's with roads so that the front of the houses would face the lakes once they were developed. You end up owning your lake front with a road between your house and the lake.That sort of worked, but since it was called "Winter Haven", many seniors since the 1940's came and built "vacation homes" 'near" the lake, because even then, they only came in the winter for the weather and fishing. Those "vacation homes" surround many of the lakes, so that the lakes are surrounded with small, deteriorating homes. Those areas sadly have bars on the windows. They are absolutely beautiful lakes, but the neighborhoods are iffy.
Lake Eva in Haines City has really good neighborhoods. The problem is that the lake itself suffers during a drought, and was actually unusable for quite a while in recent years. I think the World Barefoot Center is on the same chain as Rochelle and Smart, and the neighborhood surrounding the WBC is pretty good.
I do not know much about Lake Van or Alfred, but if you are not from Florida, let me tell you about snakes and alligators. They will get into the craziest places. Alfred and Van have large areas of "lowlands" surrounding them, allowing the critters a bit of roaming space, and so although the critters are in all the lakes, you might see a few extras in the lakes with a lot of undeveloped shore line. Honestly, even in the undeveloped lakes, the critters do NOT have a history of bothering people. I have skied in lakes knowing there are gators in the area, but you will have a problem convincing your future guests that it is ok to ski in a lake where they just saw a big gator on the shore.
Polk County is another minor detractor. It is a bit like watching "Deliverance". I never actually heard "You got a pretty mouth boy", but for some reason, the hobos like Polk County. Having said that, I think you see the price difference. A $250k lake home in Winter Haven would be $750k on the Conway chain. So in a nut shell, get a realtor in Winter Haven (PM me if you need a reference) and use Google Earth to explore the "neighbors". If you buy in the right area in Winter Haven, you could be in ski utopia.
1980 Ski Nautique Boat Bar
1988 Mastercraft Tristar Open Bow
1988 Mastercraft Tristar Closed Bow
1969 Seacamper Houseboat
1986 Harris Pontoon
2004 Seadoo GTX SC + Flydive Xboard
1999 Adventurecraft
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Orlando76 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Orlando76 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January-14-2016 at 11:31am
Have you spent much time in this area? I use caution to say water skiing is dead here, rather such a small niche and hard to find. As a general rule, my opinion is most waterfront land owners and the state don't like water skiing. If you doubt me, try putting a legal ski course in. Lake Jessamine is a ski lake, Ola, Rose, Olivia, Hiawassee, there's one in Sanford that has a few bargains pop up, not sure which lake it is but "Wish" on Ball of Spray lives on it and seems to have all the realty info for that lake. Have you considered non waterfront lake access houses to save about $150+k?

This one isn't on the water but is across the street from its private deeded ramp on Ola and skiing isn't frowned upon there.
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1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM
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Orlando76 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Orlando76 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January-14-2016 at 10:40am
Under 300k? Don't bother looking anywhere outside of Winter Haven area and that is pushing it. I'm in the market myself to buy waterfront income rental for those damn Yankee snowbirds, preferably coastal or St John's. Prices are unbelievable. Groveland doesn't have stable water, maybe you are thinking Clermont area and clermont chain? Sunset lakes and Swiss are nice if you're a hardcore slalomer. In fact just scratch Groveland/mascot the off your list due to it being dirty as can be. I live 1/2 mile from Lake Carlton on the Dora chain and across the street from lake Ola (spring lake not apart of chain). Fabulous area. Two cheapest houses in our zip code are on the water, a fixer upper for 499k and a 3k spft nice simple house for 750k. The traditional Florida snowbird trailer park can sell for about $45k if that'll suit you.. A great chain kinda undiscovered is Alligator chain in St Cloud. You can probably get sub 400k there. Hell I have a lake view lot there that I'll sell.
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1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM
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Toertel View Drop Down
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JD, David S from the World Barefoot Center is also a realtor.
While they are not CCF folks, they foot (or so I have heard) and know what kind of water we like (for the obvious reasons). I can PM you his contact details if you want
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Smithfamily View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

Rent something for a winter season. Make an effort to explore and see what entices you.

-Posted from the bar at Manny's Original Chophouse, Winter Haven FL.

I am in the Apopka area, boat on Lake Brantley where 300k wouldn't get you land near the lake! Lakefront is expensive. We have looked for years. I like the Mt Dora/ Tavares / lake Harris chain. Mt Dora has lots of culture, restaurants, activities etc.. Lake Dora is nice, and pretty cool how they are connected and you can actually take your boat to many restaurants. $$ again high.
You should plan on coming to the SJRR in March, having fun on the St Johns river (Another option for ownership) and looking around. Anything in the range you are looking at will likely have to be in an unpopulated area. You have to be carefull with the lake you choose as well, as some are shallow, dirty (Algae, mud) or polluted, like Lake Apopka!
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8122pbrainard View Drop Down
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Originally posted by 2tall 2tall wrote:

I am leaning towards lakes where skiing is already widely accepted and encouraged as opposed to some of the lakes I am finding where there are just a few owners who share it and none of them ski (can you say red flag for butting heads?)

In your search, do see if you can avoid butting heads with the tubers!

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Renting is a good idea....I thought about that. Sometimes I get so excited about a lake house I just want to go buy buy buy!! I am always the one who thinks the best deals will get away from me if I wait or rent. I find it difficult to wait for anything, especially a long time dream, but I digress....renting would actually be a great idea and help me explore and have my boat on lots of lakes and spend a lot of time finding exactly the right one.

74Wind - Your take on the neighborhoods actually makes great sense. I never would have thought about that. Even just the demographic of the area in terms of age and tolerance of boats (noise, fun, screaming, music, fun etc.) is something I am very keen on paying attention to. I think that's one of the reasons secretly I am leaning towards lakes where skiing is already widely accepted and encouraged as opposed to some of the lakes I am finding where there are just a few owners who share it and none of them ski (can you say red flag for butting heads?)
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74Wind View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

Rent something for a winter season. Make an effort to explore and see what entices you.

-Posted from the bar at Manny's Original Chophouse, Winter Haven FL.

Good idea. Unsure in that specific area, but having lived in FL and also knowing a lot of folks who have migrated south who have regretted their choice of location.. snowbirds often congregate geographically, I.e., long islanders in one area, jerseyites, canadians, Chicago landers and midwesterners in another, etc. sometimes people find out too late they picked the wrong area for the type of people they are most comfortable to hang out with. To over simplify. ".we came for bagels and found nothing but kielbasa...."

Not sure there's an area for people from Montana so guess you'd be good about anywhere....
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Hollywood View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hollywood Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January-13-2016 at 9:50pm
Rent something for a winter season. Make an effort to explore and see what entices you.

-Posted from the bar at Manny's Original Chophouse, Winter Haven FL.
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JPASS View Drop Down
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2tall: I've never been on those lakes, but I'm sure someone on here might know more about those areas. I spend most of my time on the Conway, Winter Park, and Butler chains. Housing is definitely not cheap on any of those chains, but canal access may be feasible on Conway.

Hopefully some of the other central Floridians will chime in and maybe have some input on the lakes and areas you mentioned.

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Silver15 View Drop Down
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I live on a Lake called Lake Jessamine which is about a mile from Lake Conway. Have boated both lakes extensively. Conway is neat because it is a chain and has 24 hour public ramps which makes it more interesting if you like activity. Jessamine is nice because the ramps close at sunset so the traffic is less and it is overall much more peaceful. If you need someone to help you look at houses remotely, give me a buzz. I love this area. Great proximity to both coastlines, downtown is nearby, and lots to do in between. The area I would suggest you look in would be the cities of Bell Isle and Edgewood on either Lake Conway or Lake Jessamine.

If you are looking to spend more in the $1 million range, Lake Butler in the town of Windermere would be my next suggestion. It is everything that Lake Conway is but bigger and more affluent.
Let me know if I can be of help.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 2tall Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January-13-2016 at 4:18pm
Here are some areas where I am looking at some affordable stuff, but again...I am open to where to go.
Winter Haven/Auburndale/Haines
Lake Eva
Lake Rochelle
Lake van
Lake Alfred
Lake Smart

lake Catherine
Sunset lakes
That area in general

Mount Dora area
lake Dora/Beauclaire/carlton

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JPASS View Drop Down
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Originally posted by 2tall 2tall wrote:

Now that's what I'm talking about! Thanks JPASS! That is some great detail just what I am looking for. Do you know of some other areas that are nice? Maybe even under 300k (since it's my second home :) )

Maybe try Here

or Here

When you find stuff you like, post it. We should be able to tell you more about it

'92 Correctcraft Ski Nautique
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 2tall Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January-13-2016 at 2:56pm
Now that's what I'm talking about! Thanks JPASS! That is some great detail just what I am looking for. Do you know of some other areas that are nice? Maybe even under 300k (since it's my second home :) )
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JPASS View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote JPASS Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January-13-2016 at 2:49pm
Lake Conway in Orlando is a beautiful chain of lakes. Super clean water with at least 2 slalom courses on them.There's a beautiful shallow "sandbar" area that's absolutely amazing in the summer.

The surrounding neighborhoods are very nice. Close to everything. 10 minutes to Orlando International airport. 10 minutes from downtown Orlando and about 20-30 mins from all of the local attractions (Disney, I-Drive, Universal, etc).

I've been utilizing this lake for the past 15 years and it never disappoints. I hear the fishing is decent as well.

I believe the average price for canal front is in the $350-400K range with lakefront running around $700K on up.

There are plenty of other lakes, but this one is one of my favorites.

'92 Correctcraft Ski Nautique
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I am considering getting a lakefront place in Florida for the Winter months. I have been looking at real estate online for days and there are literally hundreds of different lakes and neighborhoods in the Orlando area. I see a place I like, I google maps it and see what the neighborhood looks like, but I don't really get a sense of what it's like (safe, easy access to amenities, other people to ski with, etc.)
I know there are some CC Fans who live in the Orlando area (or Florida). Maybe you can give me some insight into the best areas to focus my search for lakefront?
So far it looks like Winter haven area has the best prices, but the Mount Dora, Apopka, or even Groveland area looks a bit nicer? I am headed to the area soon and would love to get some insight into where to focus my time and which areas to skip. My Nautique would love some warm water year round.

The more specific you are the more it helps me Try not to just say "This area is awesome" maybe tell me what is great about it, examples: low crime, great downtown area with lots of restaurants, consistent weather, not too crowded, etc....

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