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HELP!!!! for my "new" 93 SNOB

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Jwfergus View Drop Down
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    Posted: May-08-2005 at 4:15pm
I thought I landed a steal of a deal on a '93 SNOB last summer. I got it at a good price and had it out on the water a couple of times before it got too cold. I had it winterized and summerized by the Mastercraft dealer (They used to be a Nautique dealer and now the closest dealer is over 3 hours away). I've had it out twice this year already and had nothing but troubles.

1. Very stiff stearing: I've had the whole floor apart, greased the rudder and concluded that I need to change the cable. This doen't look too difficult but any advice would be appreciated. Does the new steering cable come with the steering rack already assembled? I don't see where the cable comes loose.

2. I have to turn the ignition breaker on for the bildge to work at all. AND, when I turn the automatic bildge on both bildge pumps run and keep running even when dry. I don't remember it doing this last year AND my friends boats don't ever seem to be doing this either. I have one bildge and foat switch in both the stern near the rudder and just in front of the engine. Any thought on how to check a float switch that is stuck open? I hate to cut wires and have to assemble with connectors when I don't really need to.

3. My starter will not always turn over even when I have a new fully charged batter. I've tried smacking the solenoid and briding the terminals so that it engages, but this is very embarassing to have to do at the ramp each time. Is it more practical to replace the solenoid or the whole assembly?

I'm beginning to hate this boat already. I've been waiting all winter to get it out and tried to do all the "right" things and it's just falling to pieces.

I need a new bimini and boat cover too. I'm really getting to believe that boat stands for Bring On Another Thousand and that it is a hole in the water for me to throw my money in to.

Can anyone help me please.
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jimbo View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote jimbo Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May-08-2005 at 5:34pm
Don't give up. Boats seem to always have a little something wrong. I have no idea about the steering.
Bilge--It sounds like the previsous owner did some re-wiring. You should be able to straighten it out pretty easily. You should be able to raise and lower the float to turn the pump on and off. On my boat, the previous owner had the float wired open because he didn't know you could epoxy it to the floor. He just had it rolling around the bildge.

I have an '84 and I was going crazy trying to figure out what was going on when sometimes it would start fine and sometimes I would turn the switch and nothing would happen. Someone posted on the board that it could be a the throtle linkage or the neutral safety switch. I'm not sure about the '93 but on mine, if it doesn't crank, I push the engage button in and shift into reservse, then back into nuetral, then pull the button back out and it starts fine. Try forward and reverse. If it starts, the linkage needs to be adjusted. If it's the safety switch, it doesn't look like it would be that hard to replace. Search the board for neutral safety switch.
Good luck!
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bkhallpass View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote bkhallpass Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May-08-2005 at 6:57pm

I'm not positive, but I believe that in
a 93, the ignition breaker is the main
breaker and it needs to be on in order for
the bilge to operate. In later years, I
believed they separated the two so that you
can leave the bilge on without having all
of the electrical activated.

I would think the steering cable probably had
water in it, and just got rusty/sticky over the winter. I haven't changed on on that boat, so no advice. I doubt you rudder is
bent because you had no steering issues last summer. However, I have had this issue before, and it will definitely make the steering stiff.

Livin' the Dream

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jwfergus View Drop Down
Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote jwfergus Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May-08-2005 at 10:31pm
Thanks for the help so far. I really do appreciate any of your advice.

I'm really very mechanical and do most of my own car work which is a car I put on the track as often as time allows.

As for the starting problem, I dont' think it's the safety switch b/c when I get it to turn over it's after I've banged on the Solenoid and gotten it to arc across the two terminals. right now I'm just trying to get it to turn over without starting in the driveway so that I feel that it will be reliable the next time I'm at the ramp.

Also, I failed to mention that the surge brakes are completely shot on my trailer along with the bearings. I went to a trailer shop and they sold me the wrong size bearings when I offered to pull the old ones out before I went to pick up the new ones but they assured me they knew exactelly which ones I needed. (shame on me).

Then based on one of the guys at the boat ramp "have you checked the fluid in your resevoir?" so when I did, using lots of penetrating oil before putting a wrench on it, the lid snapped in half (zink plated pot metal on a cast iron master cylinder) and when I finally got it all chissled off it was so full of rust that it looked as if the resevoir had been hand chissled out of metal instead of cast. What a piece of S#@t. I'm looking at over another grand this week.
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Jim_In_Houston View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Jim_In_Houston Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May-08-2005 at 11:43pm
What a nightmare. I think things are starting out all wrong for you. My advise is to stop putting money in it and sell it. Start over with a different year. Sometimes you have to fold your hand.

I paid less than 2K for my '68 and trailer and it's been pretty much nothing but fun. (Now if you ask me how much $$$ I've thrown at it I will probably lie. But it's almost all been optional money.

Start over... tomorrow!
Happy owner of a '66 and a '68 Mustang
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David F View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote David F Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May-10-2005 at 2:18pm

The trailer is not the boats fault and almost everyone (other than people who post here )neglect the trailer bearings and brakes. Your other problems do not seem so severe for a boat of that vintage. So, my advice is fix the things that are wrong and enjoy the boat knowing that you fixed it and now have confidence in it. Your boat weighs about 2500 lbs plus the trailer. So, you are probably around 3500 lbs total. Not a big deal for full size trucks or SUV's to handle without trailer brakes. So, fix it later if you wish, just be more carefull when towing. BTW, you can usually buy trailer bearings at auto parts stores for cheaper than the trailer stores.
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mrese View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mrese Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May-10-2005 at 3:03pm
Before you buy a steering cable, disconnect it from the rudder and troubleshoot. I'm not sure what process lead you to the replace cable course of action. It may be something as simple as a packing that needs to be cleaned of the rudder shaft and the port hole, and then rewrap it. Also, maybe the packing gland is tighter than it needs to be and is causing the steering to be stiff. Adding more grease won't help this scenerio. Could be as simple as a $3.00 fix. I'm sure we all have been frustrated like you are now and the nice weather doens't help dull the pain. Or maybe it's just me...
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tommer12 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote tommer12 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May-10-2005 at 10:51pm
I agree with the electrical aspect of it. I would go in and look behind the dash. It's real easy to lift it off and see if it has been monkeyed with. (taped wires, not pro, etc)   The 90's have a Main Breaker button that has to be on before any electronics work at all. Even if you turn the key and that button is not, it will not turn.   So take a look at that.

I have a small annoyance in my starter sometimes.. it needs a whack.. but not much. If you are arching it and it starts, then I would replace the soliniod. Cheap and easy.

For the trailer.. bring it Uhaul have them work on the bearings and brakes. It's worth than doing it yourself. They can clean it up pretty good. (I think uHaul will...)

As for the steering cable.... pull the cable off from the rudder like and see it is still stiff. Sometimes you can open up the cable just enough (like on Outboard rigs) and use WD-40 to break down the crap that is at the end, then use your finger with grease, regrease the end. It will eventually work into the cable. Sounds crazy yes, but it has worked many times on Outboard rigs.
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Mick from Bend View Drop Down
Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mick from Bend Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May-11-2005 at 8:05pm
I have a 90 ski nautique, the ignition breaker must be activated before any assc. can be turned on, this includes the bildge pump, on my nautique, when pushing on the auto bildge, both lights will come on...the auto bildge and the manual bildge...the pump will run for aprox. 2 min.s, then will turn off and the auto bilge light will be the only light remaining on my dash indicating the auto bilge is activated, this procedure is normal, you might wait to see if the bilge pump turns off on automaticaly
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jwfergus1 View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote jwfergus1 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May-14-2005 at 3:11pm
Thanks for the info guys.

I have ordered the cable and according to Woody at SECC, after '97 they CC stopped using the water witch switches on the bildge and went to a fully automatic bildge. (for some reason it automatically cycles every 2-5 minutes and looks for a resistance to continue or auto shuts off....more sensitive electronics to break imho) so I ordered two to replace the current bildge pumps and auto switches (cheaper than replacing the switches) As for the steering cable problem, I also ordered the newest upgrade to the steering cable (according to woody it has a much longer service life and he suggested for "only $70 more" it would be the better choice if I pland to keep the boat for a while. So I did it. (Either Woodie is one great guy or one great salesman or a lot of both and I figure, HEY, I'm paying my greenhorn/newbie stupid tax all at once...I hope)
Don't get me wrong...I REALLY do love the boat. I've been wanting a Nautique for a very LOOOOOOOONG time.

The main gripe is that I thought I took all the winterizing precations up front and had I these probelms been evident when I put her up, I would have done all this when it was COLD....It's hit 90 or close to it for the last 2 weeks and I've either had work or some family obligation that kept me from making the 1.5 hour trip to the lake. The only weekend I have had it out have had a high of 68 and I got in the water without a wetsuit just in spite of myself.

Thanks again. I appreciate your help and putting up with my rants.

Take care and have a GREAT summer!!!!
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WRoll View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote WRoll Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May-19-2005 at 7:38pm
Before you replace the cable try this; drill and tap a hole in the collar of the cable, insert a grease nipple and fill it with grease what happens to the cable is water eventually gets inside and begins the process of deterioration. I did this to my 91 (Sea World Boat) when I purchased it in 92 and never had to replace the cable.
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