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3 Things About Islam

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    Posted: August-08-2010 at 1:55pm
The following is an excerpt from an e-mail my father sent me. It relates to one of a number of things that concerns me greatly, and as such I thought I would share it....

One of my former company commanders in Vietnam sent me this. A group called the "White Roses" created a video to inform non-Muslims about Islam. The name of this video is Three Things About Islam. White Roses is headquartered in Sweden. This version of the video is in English. The name "White Roses" is based on a student resistance group "Die weiße Rose" in Nazi Germany. The group became known for an anonymous leaflet campaign, from June 1942 until February 1943, which called for active opposition to Adolf Hitler's regime.

You may have seen this video or be familiar with the points made, but many Americans are not. I encourage you to watch it. It is not a sensationalist presentation. As many of you know, I am fairly liberal in my views and strongly support tolerance of religious beliefs even though I hold no religious affiliation. Six years of living in Europe have taught me that Muslims actively manipulate the value of religious tolerance, Islam transcends the common definition of religion, and Islam is in diametrical opposition to Western Civilization and democracy.


3 Things About Islam
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rithmetic man Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-08-2010 at 5:39pm
John, This is a first hand account supporting your post. At some point we as a people are going to have to learn to read and be aware of the world outside our comfort zone, synthesize the information we read, and develop informed opinions based on various sources of information. All too often we pick and choose the truths that we adhere to as the ultimate guide to our lives without any basis in fact simply because we are not affected until the real truth knocks at our own door. I enjoyed listening to the information in your link.

Editor's Note - Below are selected excerpts from Brigitte Gabriel's speech delivered at the Intelligence Summit in Washington DC.

Islam Killing Lebanon's
Christians - All Christians Next?
"We are fighting a powerful ideology that is capable
of altering basic human instincts." - Brigitte Gabriel
Brigitte Gabriel

We gather here today to share information and knowledge. Intelligence is not merely cold hard data about numerical strength or armament or disposition of military forces. The most important element of intelligence has to be understanding the mindset and intention of the enemy. The West has been wallowing in a state of ignorance and denial for thirty years as Muslim extremist perpetrated evil against innocent victims in the name of Allah.

I was ten years old when my home exploded around me, burying me under the rubble and leaving me to drink my blood to survive, as the perpetrators shouted, 'Allah Akbar!' My only crime was that I was a Christian living in a Christian town. At 10 years old, I learned the meaning of the word 'infidel.'

I had a crash course in survival. Not in the Girl Scouts, but in a bomb shelter where I lived for seven years in pitch darkness, freezing cold, drinking stale water and eating grass to live. At the age of 13, dressed in my burial clothes going to bed at night, waiting to be slaughtered. By the age of 20, I had buried most of my friends--killed by Muslims. We were not Americans living in New York , or Britons in London . We were Arab Christians living in Lebanon.

As a victim of Islamic terror, I was amazed when I saw Americans waking up on September 12, 2001, and asking themselves 'Why do they hate us?'

The psychoanalyst experts were coming up with all sort of excuses as to what did we do to offend the Muslim World. But if America and the West were paying attention to the Middle East they would not have had to ask the question. Simply put, they hate us because we are defined in their eyes by one simple word: 'infidels.'

Under the banner of Islam 'la, ilaha illa Allah, muhammad rasoulu Allah,' (None is god except Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) they murdered Jewish children in Israel , massacred Christians in Lebanon, killed Copts in Egypt, Assyrians in Syria, Hindus in India, and expelled almost 900,000 Jews from Muslim lands. We Middle Eastern infidels paid the price then. Now infidels worldwide are paying the price for indifference and shortsightedness.

Tolerating evil is a crime. Appeasing murderers doesn't buy protection. It earns one disrespect and loathing in the enemy's eyes. Yet apathy is the weapon by which the West is committing suicide. Political correctness forms the shackles around our ankles, by which Islamists are leading us to our demise.

America and the West are doomed to failure in this war unless they stand up and identify the real enemy: Islam. You hear about Wahabbi and Salafi Islam as the only extreme form of Islam. All the other Muslims, supposedly, are wonderful moderates. Closer to the truth are the pictures of the irrational eruption of violence in reaction to the cartoons of Mohammed printed by a Danish newspaper. From burning embassies, to calls to butcher those who mock Islam, to warnings that the West be prepared for another holocaust, those pictures have given us a glimpse into the real face of the enemy. News pictures and video of these events represent a canvas of hate decorated by different nationalities who share one common ideology of hate, bigotry and intolerance derived from one source: authentic Islam. An Islam that is awakening from centuries of slumber to re-ignite its wrath against the infidel and dominate the world. An Islam which has declared 'Intifada' on the West.

America and the West can no longer afford to lay in their lazy state of overweight ignorance. The consequences of this mental disease are starting to attack the body, and if they don't take the necessary steps now to control it, death will be knocking soon.

If you want to understand the nature of the enemy we face, visualize a tapestry of snakes. They slither and they hiss, and they would eat each other alive, but they will unite in a hideous mass to achieve their common goal of imposing Islam on the world.

This is the ugly face of the enemy we are fighting. We are fighting a powerful ideology that is capable of altering basic human instincts. An ideology that can turn a mother into a launching pad of death. A perfect example is a recently elected Hamas official in the Palestinian Territories who raves in heavenly joy about sending her three sons to death and offering the ones who are still alive for the cause. It is an ideology that is capable of offering highly educated individuals such as doctors and lawyers far more joy in attaining death than any respect and stature life in society is ever capable of giving them.

The United States has been a prime target for radical Islamic hatred and terror. Every Friday, mosques in the Middle East ring with shrill prayers and monotonous chants calling death, destruction and damnation down on America and its people. The radical Islamist deeds have been as vile as their words. Since the Iran hostage crisis, more than three thousand Americans have died in a terror campaign almost unprecedented in its calculated cruelty along with thousands of other citizens worldwide. Even the Nazis did not turn their own children into human bombs, and then rejoice at their deaths as well the deaths of their victims. This intentional, indiscriminate and wholesale murder of innocent American citizens is justified and glorified in the name of Islam.

America cannot effectively defend itself in this war unless and until the American people understand the nature of the enemy that we face. Even after 9/11 there are those who say that we must engage our terrorist enemies, that we must address their grievances. Their grievance is our freedom of religion. Their grievance is our freedom of speech. Their grievance is our democratic process where the rule of law comes from the voices of many not that of just one prophet. It is the respect we instill in our children towards all religions. It is the equality we grant each other as human beings sharing a planet and striving to make the world a better place for all humanity. Their grievance is the kindness and respect a man shows a woman, the justice we practice as equals under the law, and the mercy we grant our enemy. Their grievance cannot be answered by an apology for who or what we are.

Our mediocre attitude of not confronting Islamic forces of bigotry and hatred wherever they raised their ugly head in the last 30 years, has empowered and strengthened our enemy to launch a full scale attack on the very freedoms we cherish in their effort to impose their values and way of life on our civilization.

If we don't wake up and challenge our Muslim community to take action against the terrorists within it, if we don't believe in ourselves as Americans and in the standards we should hold every patriotic American to, we are going to pay a price for our delusion. For the sake of our children and our country, we must wake up and take action.

In the face of a torrent of hateful invective and terrorist murder, America's learning curve since the Iran hostage crisis is so shallow that it is almost flat. The longer we lay supine, the more difficult it will be to stand erect. .

Brigitte Gabriel is an expert on the Middle East conflict and lectures nationally and internationally on the subject. She's the former news anchor of World News for Middle East television and the founder of

More bio info at:

Complete article is at

"Life is hard; It's harder if you're stupid...Pilgrim..."

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote lyssagale12 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-20-2010 at 9:45am

Hmm........that's great.......! I appreciate with that.

Thanks for sharing


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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-22-2010 at 1:05pm
the power of brainwashing, they just dont know any better, when they're eyes pop open thats the day that the hate teaching begins
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rithmetic man View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rithmetic man Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-22-2010 at 3:02pm
You make an interesting point Eric about brainwashing. I had a lot more answers at 18 than I now do. It seems as though religion and politics have ruined our free thinking ability. Everyone needs to believe in something, but to be adamant enough to kill for a belief has become too widespread in our culture. I guess I am just not brainwashed enough to believe that I have a right to end someones life because I was offended by a single comment or that the diety I believe in permits me to kill others who do not believe as I do. I have learned that I will not believe too strongly in anything I hear, read, or say because it always refers to things I have heard, read, or had said to me by someone else.
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-22-2010 at 8:05pm
a trend began way back a few years ago to become recognised, walk in somewhere with an automatic and start firing...never heard of that 25 years ago and i think that is a result of the media outlets...we in a way are also brainwashed.
another good example is the proposed Mosque by the wtc, its simply a community center for many different religions its not a place of pray, obviously i have no care for a Mosque or the Islam religion, but is being reported that way.
you turn on that tv to catch up on the latest to keep you glued and form opinions generated from the right or from the left, a guy like Ted Turner is not going to allow opposite views to be broadcasted thru one of his outlets. we are blasted with this stuff and the mind tends to believe in repetition.
I recently had the chance to speak with a marine, nice quiet kid who decided to join up, he worked for me and has orders to go to afghanistan, I asked why you are going and his reply was for our freedom. I completely dig that but last time i checked we were a free country, he is really gung ho about taking another life, taught that in any dis-regard to religion, like killing a deer it will stain you for the rest of your life and unlike the target range, these guy's shoot an American thru and thru but what i took from the conversation was complete and utter brainwashing done by our government. im not anti government but have a pretty good feeling on why things are the way they are and have accepted it.
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-22-2010 at 8:46pm
rm, do you know anybody with the balls to strap a bomb on and run into a crowd?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote seacamper Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-22-2010 at 8:50pm
Yes, your Marine employee jumping on a grenade for his "brothers".
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote seacamper Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-22-2010 at 8:59pm
Originally posted by eric lavine eric lavine wrote:

a trend began way back a few years ago to become recognised, walk in somewhere with an automatic and start firing...never heard of that 25 years ago and i think that is a result of the media outlets...we in a way are also brainwashed.
another good example is the proposed Mosque by the wtc, its simply a community center for many different religions its not a place of pray, obviously i have no care for a Mosque or the Islam religion, but is being reported that way.
you turn on that tv to catch up on the latest to keep you glued and form opinions generated from the right or from the left, a guy like Ted Turner is not going to allow opposite views to be broadcasted thru one of his outlets. we are blasted with this stuff and the mind tends to believe in repetition.
I recently had the chance to speak with a marine, nice quiet kid who decided to join up, he worked for me and has orders to go to afghanistan, I asked why you are going and his reply was for our freedom. I completely dig that but last time i checked we were a free country, he is really gung ho about taking another life, taught that in any dis-regard to religion, like killing a deer it will stain you for the rest of your life and unlike the target range, these guy's shoot an American thru and thru but what i took from the conversation was complete and utter brainwashing done by our government. im not anti government but have a pretty good feeling on why things are the way they are and have accepted it.

If no one stands up to Islamic radicals say, in A'stan, (remember, that is where Osama Bin Laden and associates planned the 9-11 attacks) our freedoms will be affected. He is going to protect our freedoms. Those freedoms were assalted on 9-11 and to deny A'stan as a staging country under the Taliban, we toppled the Talaban. That is why he is going. If no one went, Osama would be strutting proud and not be dead or hiding as he is now. Every one of us is on our journey through life and we are all called in a different direction. Your young employee may not fully understand life, but young men have been answering that call for centuries.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rithmetic man Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-22-2010 at 9:09pm
My son enlisted in the Army National Guard just prior to the 9-11 murders. Prior to enlisting he watched the movie Full Metal Jacket many times thinking that was what the military was about. He was sent to Ft. Knox Kentucky for basic and then trained as a crewman on the M1-A1 Abrams tank. We listened to him many times speak of how advanced the tank was and how safe he would be inside the ballistic plating. When I asked him about the depleted uranium shells which penetrate the shell and then explode inside he decided I was full of crap. Surely the Army would not lie to him. I am glad he went in but I am also glad he did his time and got out before the buildup for Desert Storm. Brainwashing goes a terribly long way in young impressionable males. I understand how team building works and I also understand that we have and continue to send very brave sons and daughters to war. The trauma those men and women return with is not worth the politicians who made the decisions.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-22-2010 at 9:33pm
sea camp i too would pull a kid from a burning fire and if it was the choice that i died, so be it, that comes from my morals...would i if drafted jump on a grenade to save my buddies life, yes.
the point i was making is i knew this kid, docile, gentle, wouldnt harm a fly and he came back from basics a lean mean fighting machine, nobody thinks about the damages casued after the fact of the kids lifes of what they were put there to do, the mental strain caused, post traumatic was merely an observation and to tell you the truth when my son comes to me one day as a man and tells me i want to join up, i will strongly try to guide him in another direction....but it will be his choice and i will respect that
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rithmetic man Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-22-2010 at 10:02pm
Seacamper I admire your strength and patriotic attitude. I notice you did not list your age but I would guess you are probably on the front side of 30. You sound a lot like my son at that age. We as a nation entered Iraq to disarm Saddam Hussein of his weapons of mass destruction. There were none. It was an excuse to cast a long shadow on an entire country because we as a nation believed we had to respond to the horror that was committed on us. Have you ever swatted a wasp nest or a hornets nest and just stood there waiting to see what would happen? That is the dilemma I see the US in. We swatted the nest then got mad when we got stung and continue to wonder why they are stinging us. We did not anticipate the regional countries like Pakistan, Iran, Russia, and Afganistan joining in. Hopefully with the pullout in Iraq, still leaving 50,000 troops there for many years, and a quick exit from Afganistan no more of our brave citizens will die. Try to think about your life before this war and now of what we gained by our participation there and I am willing to bet you come up empty.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote seacamper Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-22-2010 at 10:36pm
Originally posted by rithmetic man rithmetic man wrote:

Seacamper I admire your strength and patriotic attitude. I notice you did not list your age but I would guess you are probably on the front side of 30. You sound a lot like my son at that age. We as a nation entered Iraq to disarm Saddam Hussein of his weapons of mass destruction. There were none. It was an excuse to cast a long shadow on an entire country because we as a nation believed we had to respond to the horror that was committed on us. Have you ever swatted a wasp nest or a hornets nest and just stood there waiting to see what would happen? That is the dilemma I see the US in. We swatted the nest then got mad when we got stung and continue to wonder why they are stinging us. We did not anticipate the regional countries like Pakistan, Iran, Russia, and Afganistan joining in. Hopefully with the pullout in Iraq, still leaving 50,000 troops there for many years, and a quick exit from Afganistan no more of our brave citizens will die. Try to think about your life before this war and now of what we gained by our participation there and I am willing to bet you come up empty.

Hey Rman,
I am 50. I have been in a number of conflicts with Desert Storm being in the middle. I am retired military. The WMD situation is still very unsettled in my mind. You do acknowledge that tens of thousands of Kurds were killed prior to Desert Storm by Saddam Hussain with WMD?
The bumper sticker analogy that Saddam had no WMD is.....naive. He killed upwards of 40,000 Kurds with them as documented by the UN. The notion that his WMD capability was moved by the Russians is very viable as well as the trucks documented by satellite into Syria could explain where the bulk of it went. The connection to Yellowcake is also well documented. I think you need to remember that the 9-11 attacks were also an attack on a hornets nest, and how it is that the video of Muslims dancing in the streets of Gaza, Yemen, Cario, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, etc, etc after the fall of the WTC show that the average Muslim might not be as moderate as you think. I respect your opinion. In fact, I fought for it.
You also need to understand that much of our problem with Islam comes out of a "loyalties battle" from the Cold War. Communism, which was a direct assault on our freedoms was spreading by the sword and all it would take is for good men to stand by and do nothing. There is no perfect answer but to not try is to surrender. To ask how my life was before 9-11 is problematic. How was life for Jews in Germany before Hitler? 9-11 was a game changer. Nothing can be the same. How can it? Did we cause 9-11?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote seacamper Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-22-2010 at 11:32pm
Originally posted by eric lavine eric lavine wrote:

sea camp i too would pull a kid from a burning fire and if it was the choice that i died, so be it, that comes from my morals...would i if drafted jump on a grenade to save my buddies life, yes.
the point i was making is i knew this kid, docile, gentle, wouldnt harm a fly and he came back from basics a lean mean fighting machine, nobody thinks about the damages casued after the fact of the kids lifes of what they were put there to do, the mental strain caused, post traumatic was merely an observation and to tell you the truth when my son comes to me one day as a man and tells me i want to join up, i will strongly try to guide him in another direction....but it will be his choice and i will respect that

Hey Eric,
I do see your point. I have 2 sons, 10 and 8 and honestly, with the course our country currently took under this new administration, I am steering my kids away from the military, and this is after 3 generations of career military. The military, the Marines in particular, have to work from a basis, and that basis is their people. The boot camps have to bring all their people to that standard basis. My dealings with the Marines was always one of respect because I could always count on that basis (not that the Air Force was bad, its just the Marines training and commitment was better) Like I said, I am 50 so both my Father and 1/3 of my career was committed to the Cold War. Stopping Communism. The last 1/2 was commited affairs in Muslim countries (think Libya,Somalia,Iraq,A'stan, and the Islamic complexities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The BASIS of my career was the Constitution. That has changed with our current administration as the Constitution seems to be toilet paper for Obama. I do not want my kids defending a country without a defined BASIS. Having said that, if they still want to join, its their "journey". PS, I still want free transmission advice even if you get mad at my political views.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rithmetic man Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-22-2010 at 11:36pm
Thank you for your service. I am looking at our world through 58 year old eyes. I am glad you served when and where you did. I had a draft number and had to get educational deferments to finish college (to be the first in my family). Friends I played ball with and graduated high school died or worse came home from Viet Nam with physical and mental wounds which will never heal. After college I spent 21 years on a medic truck picking up bodies, body parts, saving many but losing many more. The smells, sights, places my hands have been should never be experienced by an 18 year old. I can guess that you would say the same about your service. I will agree with every point you made. The only point I want to make is that there is a reason for an age cut off in our military. Young minds can be blindly coerced into believing most anything right or wrong. We have lost many sons and daughters and even as these posts indicate no one can explain a firm reason why, other than an intrinsic sense to serve others. Please read the first two posts in this thread and watch the brief video in the first post. A nations history is written by perceived victor. It will be interesting how we as a nation justify our involvement in this war. I do understand the yellow cake, Russian involvement, and the tyranny of Saddam Hussein and his sons. I am much more in line with your thoughts than the posts suggest. I believe that many of us in our age bracket tend to lean towards the dove side rather than the hawk because of our experiences. The "loyalties battle" is exactly the point I was making with the wasp analogy. I do firmly believe that trying to be the world's peacekeeper backfired on us with this war and further eroded our standing in the worlds civilized nations at the expense of our children.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote seacamper Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-22-2010 at 11:56pm
Hey Rman,
I tip my hat to you, because your service was much tougher than mine. I was a coddled pilot and had the "long view" of things and I brought the boys back in litters after you patched them up or in coffins. We do seem to be in agreement and mostly because age makes you realize there is no "right answer". In reference to the "loyalties battle" we had with the Soviets, I just do not think our nation/freedom would have survived Communism without the Cold War, and the "loyalties battle" (including A'stan and Saddam/Iraq)was part of that war. To go back to the late 50's and early 60's what could we have done to stop the spread of Soviet Communism, especially when they were spreading it with tanks? Again, we drive ski boats now, and pretty much we can volunteer our time to organizations we believe in and vote. Thats how we change things. Oh, we can also pray! Honestly, I just come here to find out about CC's. The world is pretty much going to get along without my opinion, but when asked, I do give it.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rithmetic man Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-23-2010 at 12:27am
Tom it has been a pleasure to hear your thoughts. It is so much fun to speak to others on this site who are knowledgeable about boats as well as life. Thank you for you military service to myself and this country. My service was as a civilian though. It was a family responsibility for us. My dad was a fireman and worked an ambulance for over 30 years, my mom was on an ambulance for 20 years, my brother and I were Paramedics for 20 and 21 years, my ex-wife and sister were on an ambulance for 5 and 7 years, and my cousin for 3 years. It was interesting to say the least. My son now works for our local hospital and is one course away from his Paramedic certificate. It is comforting to know that me and someone as well traveled as yourself can share like minded opinions. Tom, Sir, it has been a pleasure.
"Life is hard; It's harder if you're stupid...Pilgrim..."

John Wayne

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-23-2010 at 10:28am
alot of my opinions are based on one on one's, we pull alot of vehicles from the VA here in Brecksville Ohio, im exposed to these guy's from Iraq, afg, Vietnam, so i possibly see the darkside of the military and the effects and end results...and many times the story is completely different than what we see on mainstream TV. the ugly side of war is rarely broadcasted on TV, I never believed the WMD for one minute because if that was true we would be lining up on North Korea's border because i'll tell what, they are a far more threat than the towel heads of Iraq.
we have SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED nuclear warheads as defense, so you have to have some big balls to swat our beehive. i dont think the need for troops on the ground is at all necessary anymore, we plucked out Khadafys family, never hear from him anymore, plopped Noriega, plopped out Sadaam and his boys ....and i really think because of Saudi ties, Bin Laden is a no toucher
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rithmetic man Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-23-2010 at 11:32am
For me it is just very hard to watch these young kids come home with horrific injuries, memories, mental and emotional trauma, and destroyed families. Time will lessen the pain but the memories will continue to interrupt their lives. I struggle with the kids I had in class who could not afford a 1.25 lunch or clean clothes and yet we as a nation have spent trillions of dollars on a questionable cause and scarred a generation of brave men and women not to mention created an economy where the common man cannot even support his family. The current administration has definitely shook the beehive and will have to find a way not to get stung in November. It is definitely a sad time here. The address below is from d*ck Cheney regarding Iraq.
"Life is hard; It's harder if you're stupid...Pilgrim..."

John Wayne

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Waterdog Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-24-2010 at 12:55pm

Don't forget to mark your calendars.
As you may already know, it is a sin for a Muslim male to see any woman other than his wife naked and if he does, he must commit suicide. So next Saturday at 1 PM Eastern Time, all American women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any neighborhood terrorists.

Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this anti-terrorist effort.

All patriotic men are to position themselves in lawn chairs in front of their houses to demonstrate their support for the women and to prove that they are not Muslim terrorist sympathizers.
Since Islam also does not approve of alcohol, a cold 6-pack at your side is further proof of your patriotism.

The American government appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists and applauds your participation in this anti-terrorist activity.

God bless America

P.S.. It
is your patriotic duty to inform others. If you don't send this to at least 1 person, you're a terrorist-sympathizing, lily-livered coward and are possibly aiding and abetting terrorists.

P.S.S. -- I will be doing my patriotic duty by keeping my clothes on.
You're welcome! :)
- waterdog -

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-24-2010 at 4:09pm
there will be enough poles to fly a flag also
"the things you own will start to own you"
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