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SN2001 Swim Platform Bracket Options

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kbahus View Drop Down

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    Posted: June-27-2021 at 10:37pm
I have to take the wood swim deck off to clear the garage for winter storage but have just enough space to leave the brackets on.  Today I started summerizing the boat and discovered the boat got pushed up against a 2x4 and the outer bracket pulled out of the hull and caused some damage.  The first thing I noticed is it looks like there are just lag bolts holding these brackets to the transom, is it like this from the factory?  What is the best way to reattach these lag bolts, epoxy the holes and start over?  Before I get too far I was thinking this might be a good time to retrofit fold down or detachable platform brackets so this doesn't happen again.  Who has gone this route on their 2001?  What was involved and how did it turn out?  I was thinking about trying a pair of fold down brackets like the Mastercrafts have, but not really sure how it would work with those lag bolts.  

1988 SN2001
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8122pbrainard View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 8122pbrainard Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-28-2021 at 6:14am
The lag bolts are factory. There's also wood blocking glassed into the transom. The danger with the wood on our older boats is deterioration (rot). Injecting epoxy is an option but some have gone to bolting with backing plates inside. 

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James T Brockma View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote James T Brockma Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-28-2021 at 6:10pm
This may or may not help but this is what I did on my old 1987 Martinique. I was able to fit the boat in my garage by removing the teak platform while leaving the “fixed” mounting brackets in place but not with the platform on. I first removed the platform. I then laid and clamped a piece of stainless steel 1/8’ish thick and the same length/width of the top flat surface on each platform bracket. Using the bracket as a template I drilled and counter sunk all the platform wood screw mounting holes into the piece of stainless steel to mirror each bracket. I then drilled two much larger holes (maybe 1/2 inch or so) on the centerline of the bracket, one about 3-4 inches from the transom and the other 3-4 inches from the other end of the bracket. I then was able to insert a total of four large stainless steel bolts (from the top down) into each hole and tack weld each to my newly drilled piece of stainless steel. I then used the wood screws to mount my new stainless steel pieces to the platform ( I did have to remove a small amount of teak material from the underside of the platform so the stainless steel bolt head could recess). I could then line the bolts up to the holes in the bracket and mount the platform using large stainless steel wing nuts and cut washers to secure the platform in place. This allowed me to to just remove the wing nuts lift the platform on and off as needed. One last thought just to be precise … I sold my Martinique in 1997 and my memory may be failing but as I recall it may have had a third center bracket (it was quite a large platform) which is really no consequence for your application.
Jim '06 216

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kbahus View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote kbahus Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-29-2021 at 7:58am
I was able to get a good assessment on it and it is not nearly as bad I thought.  The outermost bolt did pull out but it didn't do the damage I had imagined.  The wood seems dry and the gelcoat has some minor spider cracking in the area but I don't think it needs to go to the glass shop.  The bolt that ripped out barely bites and maybe 5200 will make a permanent bond and be good enough?  I have some G-Flex Epoxy I could fill the hole with and redrill it as well, I am torn on the best option here to be honest.  The bracket did bend at the mount though, I am waiting for a call back from Alloy Marine to see what they have available.  
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8122pbrainard View Drop Down
Grand Poobah
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 8122pbrainard Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-29-2021 at 8:22am
Pull the bent bracket off and see if you can straighten it. The G-flex is great stuff and I'd go with it. The 5200 wouldn't hurt between the bracket and transom ether. 

54 Atom

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kbahus View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote kbahus Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-29-2021 at 10:18pm
Sounds good, I am definitely going forward with the epoxy as I don't want to risk the lag bolt not getting a good purchase.  Alloy Marine got back to me and the bracket set is about $500, yikes.  I can't decide if it is worth it or not, seems pretty expensive for what it is but it would keep this from happening again.  I feel the install would be a pain having to drill all of the brackets and getting it all to line up right.  I found some pics of a set installed, it does look nice.  I wonder if using just the two outer brackets would be strong enough, these brackets are way beefier than the factory ones.     

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kbahus View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote kbahus Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July-10-2021 at 1:26pm
Ended up ordering the Alloy Marine brackets and they arrived promptly and look nice.  I had a friend drill them on a Bridgeport so hopefully all of the holes line up.  I also ordered 1/4" longer lag bolts from Mcmaster-Carr as the new brackets are a bit thicker.  Hopefully I can get everything installed tomorrow.  
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