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No one complaining?

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Topic: No one complaining?
Posted By: Tim D
Subject: No one complaining?
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 12:29pm
Yesterday, on the way to work, I stopped and got some gas, $3.39 a gallon. On the way home the same station was $3.56, another one down the road was $3.58. Today, I drove another one of my 4runners, it was full with $3.29 gas, I felt a little better. -

check this story on diesel. -

Tim D

Posted By: azeus17
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 12:51pm
I am with you man. For the first time, we had to figure gas prices when deciding whether or not to take the boat out. At $119/barrel, we are paying $2.38 just for the crued oil. Still not sure why we need to be paying almost $1.50 on top of that, especially whe I just heard that Exxon and Chevron are the two highest profiting companies in the US.

Current: 02 SANTE
Sold: 89 Sport Nautique

Posted By: Mark Mel
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 1:36pm
I would like to see a senate comittee investigating this instead of worrying about things like who's using steroids in baseball.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 1978 Nautique

FBook -

Posted By: phatsat67
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 1:40pm
Thats what Im sayin mark. Ive parked all the fun toys other than the boat and drive a purple 5 speed dodge neon that gets 35mpg. We also baught a cummins dodge because even with the fuel being more than gas the truck still gets 22mpg over the 12 of the gas 2500.

Posted By: 79nautique
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 3:13pm
it could be worse and be $3.65-3.68 like it is here

------------- - 79 nautique

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 5:42pm
they'll jack it up .50 then bring it down .60 and you feel like your getting a deal

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: bmiller
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 6:25pm
Whats a senate comittee going to do except call in all the CEO's of all the oil companies and have them laugh in our faces telling us there not a danm thing you can do about.From what i've seen they have already done that.What did they do,they laugh in our face.So get the lube out boys were turning into Europe when it comes to gas prices.

Posted By: bkhallpass
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 6:33pm
Originally posted by azeus17 azeus17 wrote:

I just heard that Exxon and Chevron are the two highest profiting companies in the US.

We've been down this road before, several times. But again, I will ask - why do you think this is a problem?

It is an American company making profits. That is a good thing. We've seen countless posts here complaining about foreign companies making profits on automobiles. So the real question is, if American companies aren't supposed to make profits, and foreign companies aren't supposed to make profits, who is?


Livin' the Dream

Posted By: BuffaloBFN
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 6:38pm
There's also a big difference between profits and profit margins.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 1988 BFN-sold

"It's a Livin' Thing...What a Terrible Thing to Lose" ELO

Posted By: 62 wood
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 8:03pm
   Does your fuel have ethenol in it?

Almost all of our fuel in the midwest does. Besides being CRAPPY gas, what has me as "torked" as anything is what the supposed "ethenol fix" has done around here.

Because of the ethenol demand ,corn prices have soared from a little over 2 bucks a bushel to around 5 bucks (theres that supply and demand again) .. so the farmers raised lots of corn last year , now soybean prices have risen 90 percent in the last year.
guess what ? now all the grocery prices are rising. AND fuel costs still continue to spiral upward!

Its just getting harder for the average Joe to make ends meet.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 64 American Skier

62 Classic..
73 Ski Nautique

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 8:07pm
profits are cutting into the quality of life and it seems as if the middle class is getting squeezed and were getting closer to the 2 opposites, the rich and the poor, third world?
what kills me is the up front costs are way behind them such as refineries, storage, drill rigs etc, thats all paid for, the costs are way down to get a gallon of gas to the gas station and the price is way up and i would imagine that the margins are up also

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: BuffaloBFN
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 9:20pm
This is a few years old...but so is the whole debate. Scroll down to "Those Evil Oli Co's" and check - this out...

-------------" rel="nofollow - 1988 BFN-sold

"It's a Livin' Thing...What a Terrible Thing to Lose" ELO

Posted By: BuffaloBFN
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 9:26pm
Quick quiz-is this in the Constitution of the United States?

"From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

-------------" rel="nofollow - 1988 BFN-sold

"It's a Livin' Thing...What a Terrible Thing to Lose" ELO

Posted By: azeus17
Date Posted: April-24-2008 at 11:22pm
I have no problem with companies making money. And yes there is always going to be one company that makes the most that is easiest to pick on, but I do have a problem with what boils down to price gouging. The United States needs fuel to function, no different than a city needing water after a hurricane. If someone was charging some poor disaster victims $5.00 for a bottle of water, we would be outraged. But we stand by and watch companies make record profits one quarter after another and blame the president or the middle east. Oh, and that is profits, not revenue. That would be what is left after paying the bills.

Keep in mind, these are the people lobbying Washington and the automakers to keep the real efficient cars OFF the road.

I don't know, it just kind of irks me a little.

Current: 02 SANTE
Sold: 89 Sport Nautique

Posted By: bkhallpass
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 12:14am

95% of the gas here is 6% ethanol. Remainder is E85.

Adam, I don't like paying more for gasoline, corn, soybeans and rice any more than the next guy. Of course, I don't like to pay more for custom cabinets or boat mechanics either. And, I certainly don't like paying more for shampoo in a fancy package.

Yet, I'm willing to bet that the cabinet makers, mechanics, and fancy shampoo guys aren't willing to take a pay cuts either. I doubt they are willing to pay more taxes, and I'm almost positive they don't want the goverment stepping in and telling them how much they can charge for their products and services. BKH

Livin' the Dream

Posted By: The Lake
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 12:35am
I understand not wanting the government to set prices; but, help me with this: Cabinet makers, mechanics, etc, have competition--the best and or most economical comes into play. Customers get a choice on how much they want to spend (within parameters). For instance I can make my own cabinets, go to Lowes, or a Custom Cabinet Maker, and each of those entities must compete with others in their market. It has been years since I heard the word "gas wars."

I'm the first to say I don't understand the oil industry, but I don't see any competition in the industry. So it is a natural reaction to think the word "gouge." That may not be what is happening but it feels like that is happening, as these companies are making record profits. And the rise in gas does have a regressive effect. The poorest are least able to afford either more economical cars (hybrids) and are spending more a percent of income on gas causing debilitating abilities to buy food, health care, and housing. Also the poorest are least able to purchase oil stocks and therefore profit from them.

Also as 62 Wood mentioned the effect on crops is becoming more and more dramatic, particularly when it now appears that Ethanol most likely cost more energy to produce than what it creates. And, again though not sure, but I do believe that ethanol production has been greatly assisted by government tax incentives and grants.

Humbly said and poorly thought out,

Walk on Water - 69 Ski Nautique

Posted By: 87BFN owner
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 1:24am
Can you please tell me why the government can regualte the cost of natural gas and electricity. Both of those utilities still make money, so why no gasoline? I ask this question in all seriousness.

I have no problems with companies making money, but when exxon takes it's profits and reinvests them in China instead of the US where they made all the money. I have a very big problem in that. They could spend that money updating current refineries to make them more efficient.


Posted By: 62 wood
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 1:38am
Chuck, You probably said it best...

We had one of our best years ever a year ago (total dollar sales), but one of the smallest profit years (percentage wise). Trying to maintain our profit margin is more of a challenge all the time. Expenses have sky-rocketed the last few years. Between insurance premiums (health and property), heating costs, and now high fuel costs, our operating expenses are almost unbearable. Its easy to just say "add it on to the customers bill" , but my competion doesn't , so to stay competative neither do I.

And what does the Shell "answerman" (their CEO) have to say? On a news report a couple weeks ago,his solution was to just change your driving habits...GEEEE , why didnt I think of that,something so simple? Maybe the fact I need transportation to measure , deliver and service my goods to my customer?!?!? You can pretty much bet "the answerman" hasnt had to do much to change his driving habits?

Dont get me wrong... I know the oil companies have to make a profit, but is anyone really keeping them in check?

-------------" rel="nofollow - 64 American Skier

62 Classic..
73 Ski Nautique

Posted By: bkhallpass
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 2:37am
Public Policy James. The government can regulate anything we allow them to regulate. We as a a society have decided that if people don't have natural gas and electricity for heat, then people will die. Thus we allow our government to regulate.

So far, I've not heard anyone claiming that without gasoline people will die, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time.

The number 1 reason for the increase in gasoline price is that demand is up (3.2% more gas used in US last year despite rising gas prices). The top two sources of this increased demand are India and China. Given that China is driving the demand, therefore driving prices, and therefore driving profits, it would be a foolish business decision not to invest in China.

Chuck, I would offer that as long as we find it even remotely reasonable that a sane person would forgo food, medical care or lodging in favor of gasoline, then it will always feel like gouging. I can't think of another country in the world where people would think that gas is more important than food and shelter. If that is where we are, then I think we may need to readjust our priorities.


Livin' the Dream

Posted By: 79Tique
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 3:30am
I agree with Eric, big guy profits are cutting down the quality of life for the middle class. The fuel companies are getting rich the Medical Insurance companies are getting rich, and the working peoples standard of living just keeps going down.

All the while the politicians from both camps keep us distracted with issues government can't affect. The whole Republican/Democrat thing has become nothing more than a unified divide and defeat the people plan. We should not serve the companies they should serve us, and the government should fear it's people not the other way around.

There things that can be done to help and they are not being done. Until we get big money out of politics the people will not have the power.

Work to live, not live to work.

Posted By: azeus17
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 10:38am
I know everything has gone up in price lately, including cabinets and shampoo and food and pretty much everything, but I believe that is due, mostly, to the price of fuel. However, I do not think those products have doubled in price over the past two years like fuel has.

I am no expert on the econemy, by any means, but I wonder what would happen if the largest buyer of oil ( USA ) just said screw you to the suppliers? I wonder if prices would stay at $120/barrel? We have oil reserves, lets use those. If not know, than what are they for? I know this is unlikely to happen because the oil companies are enjoying record profits and they have no intrest in decreasing the price of oil, and they can pretty much buy whatever they want in Washington.

Then they have the nerve to put those damn ads on TV telling us how much they care about us and the enviornment, and how hard they are working to come up with alternative fuels, blah, blah, blah.

Spare me. Save your money from the ads and decrease the price per gallon!

Current: 02 SANTE
Sold: 89 Sport Nautique

Posted By: The Lake
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 12:40pm
Originally posted by bkhallpass bkhallpass wrote:

Chuck, I would offer that as long as we find it even remotely reasonable that a sane person would forgo food, medical care or lodging in favor of gasoline, then it will always feel like gouging. I can't think of another country in the world where people would think that gas is more important than food and shelter. If that is where we are, then I think we may need to readjust our priorities.


I see your point Brian, but I guess what I refer to is the rising number of people that our organization and other non-profits are trying to serve. The more people, especially lower income people, have to spend on gas to get to work (and again they often cannot afford the most fuel efficient cars) the less money they have for prescriptions and food (which is rising because of fuel costs). Right now our "Care Fund" is completely run dry by the middle of the month, tyring to help people stay on medicine they need, and helping them with food on the table. And these are people with jobs.

Unfortunately our culture has developed around people driving to get to work (for the most part). Here in Kansas City there are relatively few people who have the oppotunity to use mass transit, its just not there. They have no choice, if they want to keep a job they have to have transportation, a car.

Certainly there are some who can change lifestyles to some extent--trying to carpool, making less trips, etc. I have taken to driving a motorcyle that gets 50 - 55 mpg whenever the weather allows. But, for that to make economic sense I had to buy an old one and learn to work on it to maintain it. A single mom, or family with children has a different struggle.

Btw, the Kansas City Star, on April 21, reported that gas use is down by .2 percent over this time last year.

One big part of this that I really don't understand is how the futures market plays into the pricing of gasoline. I guess I need to go back to school on a lot of this.


PS Brian and others, I really appreciate the opportunity to think through this issue. A challenged and informed public is instrumental in forming new vision and direction.

Walk on Water - 69 Ski Nautique

Posted By: 62 wood
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 1:13pm
Talking about profits/ price gouging, am I missing something, but isnt someone , somewhere in the oil industry making HUGE profits?

The cost to get the crude out of the ground when oil was 60 bucks a barrel a year or two ago, cant be a whole lot different than it is today at 120 bucks?

-------------" rel="nofollow - 64 American Skier

62 Classic..
73 Ski Nautique

Posted By: Mark Mel
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 2:20pm
It's OPEC's fault? Maybe? This is more complicated than it seems. Everything is connected and I feel we are in a world of sh*t. I've read books that have suggested the next war will be started by attacks on our economy. Perhaps OPEC is helping this along? Not that we didn't put ourselves in this poor economic state originally. - OPEC Article

-------------" rel="nofollow - 1978 Nautique

FBook -

Posted By: tullfooter
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 2:32pm
Punch a hole in the Gulf of Mexico. The water sucks for footing.
And while your at it, punch a few more in Alaska, it's too cold for skiing.

I saw that interview with the "anwerman" and wanted to choke the life out of him. It's hard to change the driving habits of my truck drivers that deliver my product, but I'm trying.

Play hard, life's not a trial run.
'85 BFN
'90 BFN

White Lake, Michigan

Posted By: boat dr
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 2:47pm
[QUOTE=tullfooter] Punch a hole in the Gulf of Mexico. The water sucks for footing.
And while your at it, punch a few more in Alaska, it's too cold for skiing.

Where do you think your oil comes from now?
Where does 3/4 of the natural gas yall use up there comes from?
Louisiana gets a tax on every barrel of oil and cubic foot of nat. gas that crosses our borders.
Our economy is booming,the oil leases are at an all time high and drilling is WFO.All this has a trickle down effect for La.
When the rest of the states come to understand the monetary gains for "punching holes" it will possibly be too late.
Kinda like buiding prisons, they are good . but not in my back yard. Bla Bla Bla
               Boat dr

boat dr

/diaries/details.asp?ID=4631 - 1949 Dart
/diaries/details.asp?ID=1533 - 1964 American Skier

Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 3:16pm
Hopefully, this oil thing is a bubble that will collapse and the price will fall to $50/barrel like it has before. Right now it sucks, heating oil is $3.69/gallon, that's over $700 for one tank. This country is going to be in a wolrd of hurt next year if this is still going on.

Boat Dr, when this happened back in the early 80s and we were hurting, is it true some folks down there had bumper stickers on their cars that said "Let the Bastards Freeze in the Dark"?


Posted By: Mark Mel
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 3:44pm
Just paid $3.619 for 89 in CT at costco no less. Argh

Wonder if a motorcycle can pull a boat. My durango only gets 12.9 miles to the gal.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 1978 Nautique

FBook -

Posted By: boat dr
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 3:48pm
Bruce , no bumper stickers!!!!!!
The feds wanted to eliminate the windfall profit tax that was imposed on all oil goods crossing our borders.
Our governor "Edwin Edwards" said to the feds if you suspend this tax we will take drastic measures to protect our economy and the welfare of the hard working people of Louisiana.
The feds replied with a " What cha gonna do" attitude. Our Supreme Leader made a BOLD statement as this.If you, The Feds, turn off our tax dollars ," I WILL TURN OFF THE VALVE AND YOU BASTERDS UP NORTH WILL FREEZE IN THE DARK"
This followed on the heels of the federal ruling that La. could not build any more natural gas fired generating plants,They had to be nuclear or coal fired.Needless to say la. was not happy with the feds at that time and we backed our leader completely.
The tax was eventually restored and a lump sum was paid to us plus intrest and damages.
Bruce do not get me fired up as to who is right or wrong , but our fuel here is cheap compared to elsewhere . If you rember correctly it came out of our back yard................Boat dr

boat dr

/diaries/details.asp?ID=4631 - 1949 Dart
/diaries/details.asp?ID=1533 - 1964 American Skier

Posted By: nates78ski
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 4:03pm
Originally posted by bkhallpass bkhallpass wrote:

Originally posted by azeus17 azeus17 wrote:

I just heard that Exxon and Chevron are the two highest profiting companies in the US.

We've been down this road before, several times. But again, I will ask - why do you think this is a problem?

It is an American company making profits. That is a good thing. We've seen countless posts here complaining about foreign companies making profits on automobiles. So the real question is, if American companies aren't supposed to make profits, and foreign companies aren't supposed to make profits, who is?


Agreed BKH well said!

& Tull...


Nathan" rel="nofollow - My '78 Ski Nautique

<a href="" rel="nofoll

Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 4:30pm
Billy, that's a good story and I'm glad you set me straight on that. It's always amazed me to think that fellow Americans could have been so callous to us poor bastards in Maine. I'm glad it's not true. But as far as setting the Yankee goverment straight, good for your governor. Nice to have someone with backbone that sticks up for his people. I'm all for drilling everywhere, even the middle of Sebago Lake if it meant we wouldn't have to buy oil from the mideast or Venezuala.


Posted By: azeus17
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 6:51pm
I agree with Chuck. It is nice we can talk abou this and not get all worked up and defensive. Just some good old conversation among friends.

Current: 02 SANTE
Sold: 89 Sport Nautique

Posted By: Tim D
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 7:19pm
Yeah, I agree NAFTA has turned some 3rd world countries into our competition for energy and steel etc. And when gold triples, the dollar is getting weaker and it takes more to buy oil.

Tim D

Posted By: bkhallpass
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 7:55pm
Originally posted by Mark Mel Mark Mel wrote:

Just paid $3.619 for 89 in CT at costco no less. Argh

Wonder if a motorcycle can pull a boat. My durango only gets 12.9 miles to the gal.

$3.72 at Costco Sacramento yesterday. BKH

Livin' the Dream

Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 8:22pm
I can hardly wait to see what it costs at the gas dock this year. I've already warned the kids, dads not having a charge this year. No more filling up and signing for it. They're going to have to use their own money.


Posted By: 62 wood
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 8:59pm
Originally posted by Riley Riley wrote:

I've already warned the kids, dads not having a charge this year. No more filling up and signing for it. They're going to have to use their own money.

Im not sure..does that constitute child abuse?

-------------" rel="nofollow - 64 American Skier

62 Classic..
73 Ski Nautique

Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 10:37pm
Fortunately, they've got their heads on straight and are already looking for summer employment.


Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 11:25pm
Originally posted by Riley Riley wrote:

I've already warned the kids, dads not having a charge this year. No more filling up and signing for it. They're going to have to use their own money.

Bruce, I'm surprised that you have done it as long as you have. I grew up on the lake with the privilege of signing for my gas but I never passed it on to my kids. We would pay until they had jobs (at 15) and then they started contributing. How old are your children? My son is 22 and my daughter is 20. We don't get gas at the marinas anymore ether. Gas totes from town. Then a fuel rated hose from the top of the hill connected to the totes with quick connect cam fittings. Then it's a gravity fill to the boats.

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: ripsaw
Date Posted: April-25-2008 at 11:46pm
I don't know what the rest of the country is reading about ethanol, but here in Iowa it's supposed to be good for the farmers. Maybe the huge corporate farmers that farm thousands of acres and only income revolves around grain prices and subsidies. What there not telling everyone is that corn has a lot more value than ethanol. Can't remember having a steak worth a damn that wasn't corn fed. High grain prices will do a lot more harm in the long run than cheap fuel. Most autos will get 3-4 gallons less per mile on 91 octane ethanol than 89 octane non ethanol, do the math at 10 cents less a gallon for ethanol it doesn't really add up unless you think your helping out your local farmer. From what I can see the only people benefiting from high corn prices for ethanol are the ones getting there money before harvest. Anhydrous went from $500.00 a ton to $1000.000 a ton, they get there money before harvest. Deisel fuel, before harvest. Fertilizer, before harvest. I think if you asked most farmers, they would agree that they were making more money on corn and livestock at $2.00 a bushel. It seems to me that currently ethanol is hurting a lot more than we realize. My two cents worth. Can't wait to see other opinions.

86 2001

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: April-26-2008 at 12:01am
Part of the problem is the low dollar also.The thing that really gets me tho is when I see kids or their mothers driving to school.The bus is already going there and I'm paying for the gas in it too!
Pete,I never payed for gas until I got my own car,I worked for my Dad until I was 17 and thats how I got payed. One time when I was young I got the idea in my head that I should get the same pay as his other employees.He sat me down and explained to me that that was a great idea but I would have to start paying for food and drink just like them.I decided I didn't need that raise.He still laughs about that today.We had a nine ride amusement park with a consession stand and never had to ask to eat anything.All the kids thought it was neat to be able to ride anything,but the best part was all the pop and ice cream.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: bkhallpass
Date Posted: April-26-2008 at 12:27am

The point of ethanol is not that it is cheaper or more efficient. The point is that it is a renewable resource. For all intents and purposes oil is not.

Gary, you are correct, the low value of the dollar is one important factor influencing oil prices at the moment.

BTW - just paid $3.87/gal to fill up my tank. BKH

Livin' the Dream

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: April-26-2008 at 1:49am
it boils down too, they got it we need it and we will pay for it, if gas shot up tommorow to $10.00 a gallon what would you do?...... there is nothing you could do except fill your tank up and hand the man a $100.00 bill.
we are f-d
there is nothing this government can do about the price of oil, boycott.... yeah right
the change has to come from you and me, we can not keep fueling other countries economy with our BUYING habits. we have to buy within to the best of our abilities. we as consumers have control, we are no longer the -best customer- and we are starting to be treated that way.
the need for fuels has increased dramatically world wide and the price of oil is consumer driven.

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: Tim D
Date Posted: April-26-2008 at 2:36am
I heard somebody talking the other day and they said it took a $1.67 (I think) of fuel to produce a gallon of ethanol. To plow the field, fertilize the field, plant the corn, spray the corn, harvest the corn, truck it to where ever. That's a lot of fuel.

Tim D

Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: April-26-2008 at 12:14pm
Let's just admit we are part of the problem as owners of pleasure boats & gas guzzling tow vehicles. I'm going to buy a V8 truck within the next month. I freely admit that I am going to enjoy my gas-guzzling hobby up until the time I can't both feed my family & buy fuel.

Gas will continue to go up - price controls don't work in a world economy.

Congressional inquiries are just show-business that diverts our attention away from the fact that Congress is not solving real problems that they CAN do something about.

Just my opinion, now let's go boating while we still can afford it!

β€œBeer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

Ben Franklin

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: April-26-2008 at 12:15pm
Brazil seems pretty sucessful at producing ethanol. i brought this up one other time and the guy that owns the VW's can maybe confirm this, the TDI VW was no longer allowed to be imported into this country because of emissions. i dont understand how a car that gets 47 mpg can produce any significant amount of , emissions.
to date i have seen 2 Nano's on the streets and i think we will be seeing more and more of them. there is no reason why the top three cannot start producing a car with the minimum requirement of 40 to 50 mpg's

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: ripsaw
Date Posted: April-26-2008 at 1:53pm
IZE=6]Tim D wrote:

heard somebody talking the other day and they said it took a $1.67 (I think) of fuel to produce a gallon of ethanol

Hearing that makes me curious what ethanol companies break even point is. I've heard from a few different people that claim when they first tried to introduce ethanol in the early 80's, the oil companies waited for their plants to be up and running then dropped their prices below what ethanol could be produced. I guess it didn't take long for ethanol to go off the radar. I've also heard that oil companies can make money at $10.00 a barrel. If there is any truth to all of that, I can see why the economy was the way it was in the '80's.
I'm all for renewable resources, whether it is ethanol, bio deisel, used fyer oil at KFC, or what ever else they come up with. I just hope the powers that be have done there homework, and it doesn't come back to bite us in the butt.

86 2001

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: April-27-2008 at 2:21am
Eric what would happen if say we all went out and bought fuel sipping cars? The powers that be would be crying they aren't getting their customary tax income. Just think how much tax revenue would be lost. I had a VW diesel in the 80's,paid for higher than gasoline diesel and license plates were same price as a full size car. What an incentive to put up with a overpriced,underpowered, hard to find fuel for and wonder if it's going to start when it's been sitting at work when it's below 0, car. I did get 35 around town and 60 on the interstate but what a hassel.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: April-27-2008 at 11:07am
we are creatures of habit, i stop every 2 days and put $20 bucks in. At this point i am willing to seek out diesel fuel if need be and fill up once a week,
from knowing many Europeons and maybe Kris will jump in for years when they look for a car the first thing they look at is the mileage the car gets, they are use to paying high prices for fuel and his opinion would be very valid. I dont think they drive for fashion over there and i dont think you'll see alot of hummers buzzing around, they drive for necessity as with a toaster in your kitchen, it is a toaster and does one thing, toasts bread no matter how you look at it

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: April-27-2008 at 11:50am
Originally posted by 8122pbrainard 8122pbrainard wrote:

Originally posted by Riley Riley wrote:

I've already warned the kids, dads not having a charge this year. No more filling up and signing for it. They're going to have to use their own money.

Bruce, I'm surprised that you have done it as long as you have. I grew up on the lake with the privilege of signing for my gas but I never passed it on to my kids. We would pay until they had jobs (at 15) and then they started contributing. How old are your children? My son is 22 and my daughter is 20. We don't get gas at the marinas anymore ether. Gas totes from town. Then a fuel rated hose from the top of the hill connected to the totes with quick connect cam fittings. Then it's a gravity fill to the boats.

Pete, my boys are 14 & 17 and both earn money, but I have prefered that they save it. Business for me has been slow the past year or so, so I'm passing on the July and August gas bill this year in favor of cash fill ups, or the pay as you go plan. We have a marina nearby that charges about $.50/gal above the nearby gas station for 93 octane. I can save about $15/tank pulling the boat out and driving 1/2 mile to the gas station from the ramp, but it doesn't seem worth it, and I like to support the guy at the marina. He's got 9 weeks to make a go fo it.


Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: April-27-2008 at 12:29pm
Gary, i may be wrong but for some reason I think tax on fuel is per gallon and not a percentage, i dont think its the taxes on fuels that is creating high fuel costs.
watch any show you can on Dubai off the coast of Saudi Arabia and you'll start to get a feeling on why fuel costs what it does. there are 2 things in abundance in the Middle East, sand and oil...make that three, AK-47's
we dont need sand we have enough here. the Saudi's realize that the fuel in the ground will come to an end in our lifetimes and they are gearing up for tourism to replace the monies generated from crude. we are allies with SA and all crude producing countries and when Sadaam stepped into Kuwait the Alliances kicked in....years earlier we were swapping arms for crude with him.
This whole mess we are in with Afghanistan and Iraq, has nothing to do with hate or whatever were told to believe it has nothing to do with cruelty to the human race such as nerve gas and mass killings....this is common practice in Africa, they use machetes daily on families over there and if we were humane we would have police action there.
its got to do with Black gold. and the evil it creates and wars are fought over it and lives end because of it. we are dependent on crude and do need alternatives and it would be a benefit for the human race as a whole

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: 79Tique
Date Posted: April-28-2008 at 2:25am
Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

Eric what would happen if say we all went out and bought fuel sipping cars? The powers that be would be crying they aren't getting their customary tax income. Just think how much tax revenue would be lost. I had a VW diesel in the 80's,paid for higher than gasoline diesel and license plates were same price as a full size car. What an incentive to put up with a overpriced,underpowered, hard to find fuel for and wonder if it's going to start when it's been sitting at work when it's below 0, car. I did get 35 around town and 60 on the interstate but what a hassel.

I've mentioned this in other threads, but my wife and I have owned a few newer VW Diesel TDI cars and they have none of the hassles of the older ones. I work in avalanche control in the mountains and have plenty of very cold starts and never a problem. The running gear in the newer VW diesels seems pretty solid to us. We run ours to 250k before we sell them. The VW car does have some durability issues. Stuff like power windows and seat latches are pretty cheap.

Eric, I think the same thing you do about the emissions. If it's getting 47 MPG how can the emissions be more? Someone told me that the issue in in the stop and go traffic in cities the sulfur carbon smoke adds to smog. In the mountains and the country I can't help but think it's globally environmentally better to burn less fuel. Especially if you think of the big picture and how much energy is used to transport and make fuel in the first place.

The VW diesels are back for 2009 with a new motor that meets the new emission standards. I don't know what the MPG is.    

Work to live, not live to work.

Posted By: Kristof
Date Posted: April-28-2008 at 7:33am
Originally posted by eric lavine eric lavine wrote:

Gary, i may be wrong but for some reason I think tax on fuel is per gallon and not a percentage, i dont think its the taxes on fuels that is creating high fuel costs.
watch any show you can on Dubai off the coast of Saudi Arabia and you'll start to get a feeling on why fuel costs what it does. there are 2 things in abundance in the Middle East, sand and oil...make that three, AK-47's
we dont need sand we have enough here. the Saudi's realize that the fuel in the ground will come to an end in our lifetimes and they are gearing up for tourism to replace the monies generated from crude. we are allies with SA and all crude producing countries and when Sadaam stepped into Kuwait the Alliances kicked in....years earlier we were swapping arms for crude with him.
This whole mess we are in with Afghanistan and Iraq, has nothing to do with hate or whatever were told to believe it has nothing to do with cruelty to the human race such as nerve gas and mass killings....this is common practice in Africa, they use machetes daily on families over there and if we were humane we would have police action there.
its got to do with Black gold. and the evil it creates and wars are fought over it and lives end because of it. we are dependent on crude and do need alternatives and it would be a benefit for the human race as a whole

Eric, we think alike...


- Gun control means: using BOTH hands!
- Money doesn't make one happy, but when it rains cats and dogs, it's still better to cry in a Porsche than on a bicycle...

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: April-28-2008 at 10:19am
oour headline news in America is Brittney, school shootings, demmy's repubby's
you have to go to the back pages to get the good stuff......

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: 82ski2001
Date Posted: April-29-2008 at 12:19am
ive heard nothing about diesel on here, i have 2 deisel trucks, one being a work truck that hauls tile and saws around, that thing cost me 147.00 to fill up today. 4.31 a gallon, its crazy. i ended up buying a little boat to wakeskate behind because i cant even see being able to use my CC everyday like i want....

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: April-29-2008 at 8:36am
Originally posted by 82ski2001 82ski2001 wrote:

ive heard nothing about diesel on here, i have 2 deisel trucks, one being a work truck that hauls tile and saws around, that thing cost me 147.00 to fill up today. 4.31 a gallon, its crazy.....

$150.00 yesterday at $4.36/gal!

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: April-29-2008 at 10:22am
aint going down, im sitting here thinking that i have to gas on the way, its up too 25.00 every 2 days now

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: April-29-2008 at 10:25am
i think were going to have a new topic this summer, it will be labeled: what did you do on the skipped weekend of boating. see how fuel prices tie everything together, im going to be the Maytag man

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: 62 wood
Date Posted: April-29-2008 at 12:23pm
Man, I think Im begining to like my 6 beater and its 12 gallon tank more all the time...
One nice thing about the river, Pam and I will just shut the boat off, jump in the back seat and watch the world go by. May do more of that this summer.. Thats even cheaper than the pontoona...

-------------" rel="nofollow - 64 American Skier

62 Classic..
73 Ski Nautique

Posted By: Behl
Date Posted: April-29-2008 at 4:17pm
I did some local trips the other day which was 550 miles Cost: $450.00.

Just have to keep increasing our rates. Almost to the point where people are not wanting to go anywhere.

My 302 uses less fuel than my old 4 cyl. Chev. did as long as I do not hot dog and just cruise around 20 MPH, which is what the wife likes.

Steve in Indy" rel="nofollow - Redone 1977 Ski Tique

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: April-30-2008 at 11:59am
the true 100% fact. on one gallon of gasoline there is a 18.4 cent federal tax on it
i dont think the government is causing the higher costs

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: May-01-2008 at 11:52pm
Originally posted by 79Tique 79Tique wrote:

I've mentioned this in other threads, but my wife and I have owned a few newer VW Diesel TDI cars and they have none of the hassles of the older ones. I work in avalanche control in the mountains and have plenty of very cold starts and never a problem. The running gear in the newer VW diesels seems pretty solid to us. We run ours to 250k before we sell them. The VW car does have some durability issues. Stuff like power windows and seat latches are pretty cheap.

Gabe, part of my trouble I'm sure was that I only work 7 miles from home,not enough time to get it good and warmed up. After 100,000 miles the motor was done. My neighbor had a year newer one but went much further and it went over 250K. After owning an '82 Quantum, I said I'll NEVER own a VW again no matter how good they got.At the time I felt they abandoned their long time customers.I had had a '55,'62,'68 and 2 '70's Beetles.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: BuffaloBFN
Date Posted: May-02-2008 at 9:50am
WSB 750 radio in Atlanta is holding a - Meeting of the Mouths today at 12:30 est. This promises to be good and can be heard online at

-------------" rel="nofollow - 1988 BFN-sold

"It's a Livin' Thing...What a Terrible Thing to Lose" ELO

Posted By: Kristof
Date Posted: May-14-2008 at 5:13am
Today on the news here:
Fuel prices will increase again to a new record price. The price of diesel is catching up with the price of gas. Two years ago diesel was still 26% cheaper than gas, today only 10%...

Prices today:
Unleaded 98 RON: 1,568 €/L (9,21 USD/gal)
Unleaded 95 RON: 1,560 €/L (9,16 USD/gal)
Diesel: 1,401 €/L (8,23 USD/gal)
LPG: 0,606 €/L (3,55 USD/gal)

How I feel about that...?

- Gun control means: using BOTH hands!
- Money doesn't make one happy, but when it rains cats and dogs, it's still better to cry in a Porsche than on a bicycle...

Posted By: 62 wood
Date Posted: May-14-2008 at 12:23pm
Gas is $3.86/ gal here this week,
diesel is in the $4.25/ gal range. Interesting that our diesel is more than the gas?

I dont feel quite so bad after seeing your prices.....

-------------" rel="nofollow - 64 American Skier

62 Classic..
73 Ski Nautique

Posted By: azeus17
Date Posted: May-14-2008 at 4:20pm
I feel it is just a matter of time before we are seeing the same thing over here. I don't even want to think about what your gas will cost when ours is 9.21/gal.

I am wondering, is the price of gas a BIG political issue over there, like it is here? Who do you blame for the high prices?

Current: 02 SANTE
Sold: 89 Sport Nautique

Posted By: k.o.
Date Posted: May-14-2008 at 4:22pm
crap gas went up over here also. now 5.04$ and that is allot since we only ride city miles

-------------" rel="nofollow - 86 ski nautique

Posted By: scottb
Date Posted: May-14-2008 at 4:36pm
I saw $4.09 this morning on my way to work.

Posted By: tullfooter
Date Posted: May-14-2008 at 5:01pm
Bulk diesel fuel this morning;

$4.51/gal buying 8000 gallons. That's up $0.45/gal since Thursday.
And I've got 5 semi's on the road every day (hopefully)


Play hard, life's not a trial run.
'85 BFN
'90 BFN

White Lake, Michigan

Posted By: Kristof
Date Posted: May-14-2008 at 8:40pm
Originally posted by azeus17 azeus17 wrote:

I am wondering, is the price of gas a BIG political issue over there, like it is here? Who do you blame for the high prices?

It is an issue, as are the food prices... or all the prices for that matter. Everything is getting more expensive over here, but the salaries do not follow...

As for the gas prices, there is a system called "click-system" in our country, which should lower the taxes on fuel prices when the oil price exceeds a certain amount. BUT, since our political representatives took more than 10 months in forming a government, and still today are fighting about the federalisation of our country (french speaking versus dutch speaking Belgians), that system is still not applied... So we pay lots of taxes on fuel...

- Gun control means: using BOTH hands!
- Money doesn't make one happy, but when it rains cats and dogs, it's still better to cry in a Porsche than on a bicycle...

Posted By: Tim D
Date Posted: May-14-2008 at 8:57pm
Last Friday, it was $3.55 on the way to work, coming home it was 3.59. On the way to Outback latter in the evening it was $3.65, now this is the same station, then on Saturday morning it was $3.79.

Tim D

Posted By: Behl
Date Posted: May-14-2008 at 11:19pm
Tonite in Indy gas is $3.95 and diesel is $4.39. Who knows about tomorrow.

Steve in Indy" rel="nofollow - Redone 1977 Ski Tique

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: May-14-2008 at 11:23pm
Tull, on the average, how much will this effect the cost of each load and how is it passed on or recovered?
what do you guy's haul?

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: tullfooter
Date Posted: May-15-2008 at 12:03am
We are now figuring fuel cost alone at almost $1.00/mile. That's fuel only. We ship upwards of 500 miles round trip on a one day delivery. That's not the norm, but on average our trucks run around 250 miles round trip. Add the PYO time for our cranes, and it adds up quickly.
We haul precast concrete vaults. Luckily, we here in Michigan can haul as much as 160,000lbs per truckload if the rig has enough axles.
That would be a help to truckers, if other states would raise their load limits. But the roads may suffer.

Play hard, life's not a trial run.
'85 BFN
'90 BFN

White Lake, Michigan

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: May-15-2008 at 11:50am
Im sure the load limits will raise in time, they have too, finacially the truckers will have no choice and im sure the state will see this and make the decision

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: May-15-2008 at 11:58am
Originally posted by eric lavine eric lavine wrote:

how is it passed on or recovered?

So there's no "fuel surcharge"?

The fuel surcharge alone from Con-Way freight has gone up ~50% since February.


Posted By: 79Tique
Date Posted: May-15-2008 at 1:49pm
Diesel in Oregon is a $1.31 a gallon more than gas right now. The manager at my commercial fuel supplier says that we are years if ever from having Diesel be cheaper than gas again.

With that in mind I sold my 97 Dodge Diesel pickup yesterday. I'm thinking of going to a much lighter duty F150 with the 4.6L V8 gas motor. From what I've read they get about the same MPG as my diesel did, but the fuel is cheaper. I know it wont have even half the pulling power, but I don't pull much heavier than the boat these days. Does anyone have experience with the late 90's F150 trucks?

This will be my first gas vehicle in over 10 years. As Eric said, I also now view my truck/car as nothing but a necessary expense. So I'm going as light and cheap as I can and still get the job done. With what I got for my diesel I should be able to have cash left over after buying a used F150.

Work to live, not live to work.

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: May-15-2008 at 2:15pm
the end is near!!! lol
this really is going to effect the people in this country, the domino effect will kick in. if you really think about it are you going to use your boat as much as last year?

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: 79Tique
Date Posted: May-15-2008 at 2:28pm
I hope I am, but the cost may be hard to swallow.
As with selling my big Turbo truck, I'm trying to cut expenses that don't bring as much fun so we can still do the things we enjoy.

Work to live, not live to work.

Posted By: The Lake
Date Posted: May-15-2008 at 2:37pm
Does anyone have experience with the late 90's F150 trucks?

I have a 98 F150 with the 4.6. It does close to 20 mpgs on the highway and around 17 in town if I'm not in too much stop and go.

It pulls the SN with no problems. I used to have a 2000 F150 with the 4.2 six; it actually got worse gas mileage.


Walk on Water - 69 Ski Nautique

Posted By: 79Tique
Date Posted: May-15-2008 at 2:40pm
Chuck, Thanks for that info on the F150. That is what I have read but it's good to hear it from some one who owns one. How's the maintenance been, and how many miles do you have on yours?

Work to live, not live to work.

Posted By: 79Tique
Date Posted: May-15-2008 at 2:43pm
Chuck, your Nautique looks great! Is that original?

Work to live, not live to work.

Posted By: The Lake
Date Posted: May-15-2008 at 2:46pm
I've only had it a short while; it has some miles on it, 140+ doesn't use oil, runs perfectly. I put new rotors on the front, had the auto trans flushed, shifts smooth as butter. I like it.


P.S. Really like your signature line--now, back to work.

Walk on Water - 69 Ski Nautique

Posted By: 79Tique
Date Posted: May-15-2008 at 3:31pm
That's about what the one I'm considering has on it, but it's a manual trans. Thanks on the signature line it's a good philosophy for life.

Work to live, not live to work.

Posted By: The Lake
Date Posted: May-15-2008 at 5:24pm
Originally posted by 79Tique 79Tique wrote:

Chuck, your Nautique looks great! Is that original?

First of all, let's keep Pete out of this discussion. I've got the original 318 which was rebuilt "sometime" ago, but runs great. Original seats with redone upholstery. The windshield is a latter mod, but I really like those bottom vents, they let in a lot of air--and occasionally water! Steering Wheel is not original, but all the gauges, horn, vents are. I have the original step pads but found some new ones. It has been painted, the original gel coat was red also. The rub rail is rope, the original would have been chrome. The emblems are decals. The swim platform I'm sure was a later addition, but I wouldn't do without it.


Walk on Water - 69 Ski Nautique

Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: May-15-2008 at 8:31pm
Gabe: Year ago traded my '96 F-150 4.6.....Chuck is right on with the numbers. We tow a bit more than the Lake does....once a year 750 mi one way to our place in Tennessee. Old truck pulled like a train. Traded up to a '05 2 wheel drive...didn't think I needed 4 wheel in Florida. Miss the old truck tho.

Can't go wrong with America's Best Selling Truck.

Chuck: "Original"????


"Loud pipes save lives"

AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...

Posted By: 79Tique
Date Posted: May-16-2008 at 2:20am
John, That's good to hear. I think I'm gonna buy the truck tomorrow. Took it for a drive today and I was impressed with how solid and tight the F150 feels. This one seems to be in fine shape as well.

Did you guy's get 20mpg highway with an automatic trans? Did either of you track you mileage while towing a boat?

Work to live, not live to work.

Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: May-16-2008 at 2:27am
Yes mine was auto.

Pulling the boat=13mpg....while on flat ground (Florida) and the overdrive on....and cruise. The book says no OD while towing but I never had a problem. Out of the state in Georgia and Tennessee I would drop the OD and then the mpg would drop as well depending on how you go up the would go down to a gallon or so.


"Loud pipes save lives"

AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...

Posted By: 79Tique
Date Posted: May-16-2008 at 3:21am
Sorry to every one for the tread hi-jack.
John, you guys got about 20mpg when empty though?

Work to live, not live to work.

Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: May-16-2008 at 4:14am
Just about.


"Loud pipes save lives"

AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...

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