Redneck spelling bee
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Printed Date: December-27-2024 at 4:28pm
Topic: Redneck spelling bee
Posted By: eric lavine
Subject: Redneck spelling bee
Date Posted: June-16-2008 at 3:33pm
the national spelling bee was held in Louisianna over the weekend and Boat Doc was awarded the red ribbon. and here is how it went....The word was Timbuktoo and the contestants had 2 minutes to come up with a poem with the word. Down to the top 2 was a Harvard grad named Theodore and Billy Sutton, southern Gentleman with more common sense in his left toe than this guy has in his whole body. Theodore's poem went like this, "Cross the desert sand, treked a lonely caravan, men on camels 2 by 2, destination....Timbucktoo.
A not so bad reaction from the panel of judges
Billy rises with a grin and his thoughts were Im going to do this guy in and he let loose.
Tim and me, a huntin we went, we found three whores in a pop up tent, they was three and we was 2, so I bucked one and Timbuckedtoo
....enjoy the day
Posted By: Kristof
Date Posted: June-16-2008 at 5:06pm
Good one Eric LOL
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