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I Like Ike

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Topic: I Like Ike
Posted By: The Dude
Subject: I Like Ike
Date Posted: September-11-2008 at 12:38am
Well our school district just canceled school for tomorrow and Friday. West end of Galveston island (20 miles south of me as a crow flies) has mandatory evacs starting tomorrow morning. We're trying to figure out whether to stay or go. Jim_in_Houston is even closer to this than me and so is BobEd. Crap! Erstad just got thrown out at stealing second! Pirates suck!

I'm expecting to have power at least through Friday night...will keep you posted.

Mullet Free since 93" rel="nofollow - 95 Sport
1978 Ski Nautique

Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: September-11-2008 at 1:05am
Dude; You are in the crosshairs and our prayers! Hope you can stay safe.

J_I_H; Wonder whatever happened to him.

Keep us up-dated.


"Loud pipes save lives"

AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: September-11-2008 at 1:15am
Good luck Dave, we'll be thinking of you. Even tho we live in the midwest we know what your going thru, Dad has a place in Key Largo and was on pins & needles over the weekend so hopefully it will miss you too.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: Madcap
Date Posted: September-11-2008 at 1:27am
Dave -

Ike is spinning up rapidly according to the blog on Weather Underground - he expects a Cat4 by morning. If you are anywhere in the expected surge, your decision to start your weekend early in Nebraska (listen to Doc) should be an easy one.

'99 SN Air Tique

Posted By: reidp
Date Posted: September-11-2008 at 1:34am
Dude, Like others have said, our prayers are with you. I'm confident you'll get out of harms way and may the carnage be minimal.

Gary, we pulled our little Shamrock out of the Keys this past Sunday AM, as I wasn't gonna sleep good otherwise, insurance or not.

/diaries/details.asp?ID=231&yrstart=1971&yrend=1975 - 1973 Mustang

Posted By: The Godfather
Date Posted: September-11-2008 at 1:54am
Dude, if the storm gets bigger.
I would go to safer grounds.

You can always replace things, but not lifes.

The storm we had down here 4 years ago was at 10:30 at night and hit so fast. Just be safe!!

Posted By: The Lake
Date Posted: September-11-2008 at 4:12am
Hey Dude,

Keep us informed about how you're doing, prayers are with you and the people of the coast.


Walk on Water - 69 Ski Nautique

Posted By: The Dude
Date Posted: September-11-2008 at 7:11pm
Boarded up:

Still coming at us. Mrs. Dude and kids went north to my brother's place this morning...missed traffic.

Just realized: even if I have power and cable, the local NBC will be doing hurricane coverage instead of ND vs Michigan. Crap again!

I'm digging in here with a couple Friends. Will be watching the creek in my back yard...

Mullet Free since 93" rel="nofollow - 95 Sport
1978 Ski Nautique

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: September-11-2008 at 11:28pm
Originally posted by The Dude The Dude wrote:

Just realized: even if I have power and cable, the local NBC will be doing hurricane coverage instead of ND vs Michigan. Crap again!

Now thats ironic, here you are living it,and your local station has to have someone standing around telling you how bad it is! Good Luck, keep us posted.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: September-11-2008 at 11:35pm
Originally posted by reidp reidp wrote:

Gary, we pulled our little Shamrock out of the Keys this past Sunday AM, as I wasn't gonna sleep good otherwise, insurance or not.

Reid, better safe than sorry, you know Murphy's law. It's best Skipper is driving in the big race then,she's probably had more rest than you!

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: September-12-2008 at 1:20am
We're pulling for you The Dude, but not too sure about the ND vs. MI!


Posted By: shawnmc
Date Posted: September-12-2008 at 2:05am
you are all in our prayers.

Boatdr. hold on buddy!


Posted By: tullfooter
Date Posted: September-12-2008 at 10:32am
Stay safe.
I heard this morning on the radio, a warning went out to those deciding to stay in Galveston. It said people deciding to stay will be facing "certain death". Now that seems a little harsh but it tells you the severity of this storm. Make good decisions.
I hope those boards on your house are stronger than ND's defence.

GO BLUE!!!!! (sorry Dude)


Play hard, life's not a trial run.
'85 BFN
'90 BFN

White Lake, Michigan

Posted By: The Dude
Date Posted: September-12-2008 at 1:44pm
probably my last post for a while. Thanks for support and prayers.   Hoping for the best.
Dude out.

Mullet Free since 93" rel="nofollow - 95 Sport
1978 Ski Nautique

Posted By: Waterdog
Date Posted: September-12-2008 at 5:00pm
Good luck Dude , looking forword to hearing from you SOON !

- waterdog -" rel="nofollow - 78 Ski Tique

Posted By: Kristof
Date Posted: September-12-2008 at 6:16pm
Good luck to you Dude, from halfway across the planet. Our prayers are with you!

Kristof and Chantal

- Gun control means: using BOTH hands!
- Money doesn't make one happy, but when it rains cats and dogs, it's still better to cry in a Porsche than on a bicycle...

Posted By: Root
Date Posted: September-12-2008 at 8:10pm
here we go    round #2

Dont seem bad yet,   but thats what I said for Gustav and we got HAMMERED. Worst anyone has seen around here.

All the debris from the first one is still piled up on side the roads,    not enough time to get it picked up.    and its gettin thrown around again..   

I have a pic of my shop,   is photobucked the only way to put the pics up or is thier a new way.


Posted By: shawnmc
Date Posted: September-12-2008 at 8:29pm
you can try the upload image. it usually works for me.

goood luck..know our prayers are all with you.


Posted By: The Dude
Date Posted: September-13-2008 at 12:09am
8:05pm central. The Dude abides.

Mullet Free since 93" rel="nofollow - 95 Sport
1978 Ski Nautique

Posted By: Root
Date Posted: September-13-2008 at 10:08pm
a pic of my shop after Gustav


Posted By: The Dude
Date Posted: September-14-2008 at 1:00am
Hi all: this is Mrs.Dude posting from Dallas for the Dude. He wants you all to know that he is safe and okay. But there is no power in Houston and the surrounding area. We had one tree fall on our house, but fortunately, it didn't penetrate our roof, so we didn't have any damage inside the house. Another tree fell away from the house. The creek got high but our home didn't flood. All good. He says he will post pics later. And wants to thank you all for your care and concern.

Mullet Free since 93" rel="nofollow - 95 Sport
1978 Ski Nautique

Posted By: bkhallpass
Date Posted: September-14-2008 at 1:28am
Geez Root. Is that your shop as in the place you earn your living, or as in your shop out back of the house? Either way, I'm sorry to see your loss.

Good the hear the the Dude is high and dry in Houston.

Wondering how Jim in Houston faired. I'll bet that bayou he lives on has risen substantially.


Livin' the Dream

Posted By: The Lake
Date Posted: September-14-2008 at 2:03am
Root, glad your OK, what a mess.

Dude, good to hear the news through Mrs Dude.

Me too Brian, wondering about JIH.


Walk on Water - 69 Ski Nautique

Posted By: Root
Date Posted: September-14-2008 at 6:21am
BKH. thats where I work.    We were down for a week but back up and runnin.
   most of that metal is from the boat place (cajun outboards) across the road

Good to hear yall are ok Dude,   Yea I know how that is not to have power, we were out for 9 days.   I have to give it to those electric guys,   They were out there the next day in full force local an out of state and restored power way faster than everyone thought could be done.


Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: September-14-2008 at 5:37pm
Best wishes to all who are going through hardship from Ike. I know we aren't getting it like some areas but up here in the Chicago area it's even talking it's toll. Yesterday we had the most rainfall in one day than any other day in recorded history. It's been raining for 3 days now and lots of flooded streets and basements. Our deep tunnel storm water retention system filled up more than 24 hours ago and all 3 locks have been opened up on the Chicago river dumping untreated water into Lake Michigan.

I'm ok with my basement but I just got back from my divorcee neighbors basement wading in 18" of water. She has some major cracks in her old house foundation and with her sump pump pumping out into her back yard, the water was just coming back in via these cracks. She had the not so bright idea of rerouting the sump pump discharge into the floor drains in her basement. She thought this would discharge the water into the sewer not understanding that she has a overhead sewer. Well, after the water got to the 18" she called me!!!

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: rleinen79
Date Posted: September-14-2008 at 9:06pm

Glad to hear you and your family are OK.



-------------" rel="nofollow - 2006 Ski 206" rel="nofollow - 97 SNOB

Posted By: Andy
Date Posted: September-15-2008 at 12:12am
I was out tracking down a missing Malibu today with a friend. The water on our lake is about 3 er 4 feet up. You can see alot of canopies, but no lifts. I've never seen it this way at this lake. I've been around it for about 23 years.

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: September-15-2008 at 10:08am
Im in Ohio and that wind hit us last nite, at times it hit 70mph, I feel for you southern boys cause i cant imagine the wind at 110 sustained

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: September-16-2008 at 12:10am
Glad to hear all you guys made it thru. I remember '04 when me and Patti had just moved here. Three storms passed right over Lake Wales. Pulled off some of our new house's roof and gave us a little trouble.

We were up in Cleveland watching Weather Channel and thinking about Root, Dude, J_I_H and the dr. Glad all made it thru ok.

Can't mess with Mother Nature!


"Loud pipes save lives"

AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...

Posted By: Kristof
Date Posted: September-16-2008 at 4:28am
Heard on the news that Ike killed 30 people over there... Mother Nature can be hard sometimes.
Glad all the members made it through tho.

- Gun control means: using BOTH hands!
- Money doesn't make one happy, but when it rains cats and dogs, it's still better to cry in a Porsche than on a bicycle...

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: September-16-2008 at 10:02am
John, I hope you had a lotta mousse in that hair, were you near Brunstucky again?

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: behindpropeller
Date Posted: September-16-2008 at 7:59pm
Here are some pics from sunday evening/monday morning: - IKE


Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: September-17-2008 at 1:56am
I did...and I was. Sorry we could not get by there...had to much to see and do. Actually stayed south of you down in West Cannan with a high school friend.


"Loud pipes save lives"

AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...

Posted By: The Dude
Date Posted: September-17-2008 at 3:56pm
Guys: We're still without power and it's kind of crazy here. I've found someon with a wireless card and I've got power here at the church, so I'm sending a couple quick emails and just wanted to say we're OK. Had a tree on my house, but the creek stopped short of my house.

It's crazy here and it will be a while before I'll do any posting, but I'll have some pictures good to go. We're focused on cleaning up the damage and trying to find food. I never lost gas at the house or water, or cell service (2813891883) so that's been a blessing--also: first cool front finally made it here yesterday and we've got cooler weather for a couple days! If you live in the south you know how huge that is.

Trying to find gass is one of the big deals. No boating for a while. Too many houses in the water!

Thanks for caring!

The Dude abides.

Mullet Free since 93" rel="nofollow - 95 Sport
1978 Ski Nautique

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