words of encouragement
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Topic: words of encouragement
Posted By: eric lavine
Subject: words of encouragement
Date Posted: February-25-2009 at 9:56am
kind of ironic on the words spoken last night
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: February-25-2009 at 11:44am
Don'T expect too much wisdom from the new
administration. look at who they were that will tell you who they are.Its all smoke and mirrors.
Posted By: Waterdog
Date Posted: February-25-2009 at 1:11pm
From Christmas 08 to 15 February 2009 My retirement lost ANOTHER 7k, but I'm encouraged!
------------- - waterdog -
http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=3896&sort=&pagenum=2&yrstart=1978&yrend=1978" rel="nofollow - 78 Ski Tique
Posted By: harddock
Date Posted: February-25-2009 at 3:49pm
Where is the dog? If he can't keep a promise to his own kids how can we expect him to keep promises to us.
It was a nice speech but no details. Today an appropriations bill with 9000 earmarks (some are ridiculous) along with tax increases looks as if it will pass. This will be a direct opposite of what he said last night.
Posted By: 86BFN
Date Posted: February-25-2009 at 5:22pm
I couldn't bring myself to watch.
I wish he'd be more optimistic! Where's the Hope
------------- 👣 Steve http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=4057&sort=&pagenum=1&yrstart=1986&yrend=1986" rel="nofollow - 86 Barefoot Nautique
89 Martinique Former Owner: 93 Hydrodyne 350 MAG
Posted By: DeepCreekNauti
Date Posted: February-26-2009 at 12:40am
I went to my mailbox today to see if my "change" had come. It was not to be. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
I watched it and still failed to become a believer. It's all a game of blame it on the other guy's politics be it red or blue.
The news media just lets it happen. It’s like they refuse to hold the gov'ts feet to the fire on these issues in mass appeal. I feel strongly that no one single person or party is to blame. This is much larger than that. This is about our gov't polices and programs that are based with the best intentions but have disastrous consequences years later. Tell me why is it that just about all of the gov’ts major programs need serious reform?
You all should read this 2003 New York Times article. Stay with it until the end and see why the proposal 86'ed.
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: February-26-2009 at 1:01am
You have all been duped by a master. The change you get is not the change you wanted. By this time next year there will be no one to blame but the people now in charge.
Most people don't remember Carter with 15% home loans or the .com bubble during Clinton I only hope we survive Obama.
Posted By: critter
Date Posted: February-26-2009 at 1:25am
Does not matter who a president is or what he does, they are protected.
How else can you explain how a president can go on Prime Time TV and look right into the camera and say "I did not have sex with that woman" and nothing happens to them. Then I have to explain to my Daughter how he was wrong in his statement.
Used my tax money to lie to me and then continies to be treated like a king.
------------- 1980 Ski Nautique 1966 Barracuda
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: February-26-2009 at 10:06am
If you got elected today what would you being doing different? you have to admit he got dropped right in the middle of a mess,
Dog, it aint going up anytime soon
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: harddock
Date Posted: February-26-2009 at 10:29am
eric lavine wrote:
If you got elected today what would you being doing different? you have to admit he got dropped right in the middle of a mess,
Dog, it aint going up anytime soon |
Just for discussion, This was not done to him. He did spend a lot of time and money fighting to get this job kinda knowing the country wasn't running smoothly. I would try to get my Congress and Senate to fiscally behave until things look better. At least give the appearence that everyone is cutting back. No spa, world vacations, X% budget increases etc. It might not help financially but the common folk would feel better.
As for an update on the dog. Mommy O is telling the press "sometime in April"
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: February-26-2009 at 10:48am
Eric, he didn't get dropped in. He fought and spent a fortune to get there. He changed his mind about clean election money when he saw that it wasn;t to his advantage. If the economy hadn't have tanked in Oct., he wouldn't have been elected. He's a great speaker and the mass media are behind him, but bi partisian to him and them Dems is going along with their deal. If we end up with double digit interest in a few years, which we may once this debt catches up with us, this recession is going to seem mild.
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: February-26-2009 at 11:05am
eric lavine wrote:
If you got elected today what would you being doing different? you have to admit he got dropped right in the middle of a mess,
Dog, it aint going up anytime soon |
Dropped into a mess He spent 100 million dollars to get there. During the campaign he
had all the answers? What happened to off shore drilling,nuke power plants and the tax cut for all below 250k. G Bush was a great disappoint to me but I don't think he straight faced lied to the country like the latest speech.
Windmills, solar and hybrid cars are not going to help. spending 780 billion on a program loaded with pork and social programs then give the people 60 a month wont help. I work in Chicago I know where he came from he is not the Messiah just a good talker.
Posted By: peter1234
Date Posted: February-26-2009 at 10:54pm
I am not sure he is as good a talker as he is a good reader
------------- former skylark owner now a formula but I cant let this place go
Posted By: phospher
Date Posted: February-27-2009 at 2:22am
would be nice if we had more parties in this country...
at least the bush era is over he can't possibly make as many blunders as GW.
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: February-27-2009 at 11:58am
phospher wrote:
would be nice if we had more parties in this country...
at least the bush era is over he can't possibly make as many blunders as GW. |
I think history will show the GW blunders were nothing compared to the stupidity going on now the 3 trillion budget proposal is going to be payed by you the tax payer. Say goodbye to the GW tax cuts say hello to higher capital gains,higher income tax, higher fuel costs. Unless you can run your boat on wind or solar.
Its pretty clear who the Dem's are beholding to if you are not a minority,tree hugger or illegal alien I think you will look back at the GW era as the good old days.
Posted By: phospher
Date Posted: February-27-2009 at 1:08pm
I hope that they can reduce the defecit in the future too. But to say that History will judge GW kindly is just wishful thinking. this country was bankrupt long before obama stepped foot into office. the free market has failed and a lot of us would not be able keep our boats or our jobs if we continued on the path that GW was on.. now, i am all for a free market but let's fix it, and regulate it so that the fat cats on wall street can't *************** over my retirement again. what pisses me off is all the money that was given to these banks with NO accountability.
i don't consider myself a tree hugger but i'm all for a cleaner environment and the "go green philosophy" (which i don't think my 351W is very good at).
to me, it is more than about money in my pocket and if/when obama starts messing *************** up then F*** him too. but we need new ideas in this county, we need to try new things, change with the times, it is the 21st century.
Posted By: 79nautique
Date Posted: February-27-2009 at 1:41pm
well GW had nothing to do with NAFTA and it's NAFTA that's f'd everyone out of jobs, that and the dumb asses at the banks making 125% loans to marginally qualified applicant.
------------- http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=756&sort=&pagenum=1&yrstart=1979&yrend=1979 - 79 nautique
Posted By: critter
Date Posted: February-27-2009 at 1:57pm
I am hopefull. If things keep going down this road of spend spend spend money that we do not have and are borrowing, we will be back in the Jimmy Carter days of 14% interest in no time.
I hope to retire soon so the future interest rate works for me. Low personal needs and money in the bank that is earning interest of 10%+ looks good to me.
For those that are young and trying to make it with 14%+ interest rates and higher goods cost... good luck... Been there, Done that back in the early 80s. It was not a lot of fun.
------------- 1980 Ski Nautique 1966 Barracuda
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: February-27-2009 at 2:05pm
The thought of any change is a good change
is the currant mantra. The reason the economy
tanked can be directly attributed to the repeal of the Glass Segal act that the last political genius signed [B. Clinton] There is no doubt GWs second term was a disaster. Putting this country in the hands of unbridled liberal Dem's led by a Mayer Daley
machine politician with a white washed past
and no experience at managing anything is
criminal. Look at the first 30 days a three
trillion dollar budget that's $26000 per taxpayer where do you think the money will come from. The fact is the economy is tanked
the stock market has lost 20% since Obama has
stimulated it. I agree we needed to change.
This Obamanation is a looting of the country.
Posted By: critter
Date Posted: February-27-2009 at 2:31pm
Nautiquehunter wrote:
that's $26000 per taxpayer where do you think the money will come from. |
Wow.. I forgot about that. I just saved another $26,000 when I leave the workforce. Wife and I have set up our finances so that we will pay little to no taxes each year after retirement.
Man, it just keeps getting better..
------------- 1980 Ski Nautique 1966 Barracuda
Posted By: harddock
Date Posted: February-27-2009 at 2:35pm
The problem as I see it is with the other two segments of government. The Senate and Congress. Do some research on these players and see just how bad and corrupt they are. They have the power, abuse it, don't play by the rules themselves, cover stuff up, manipulate everything, refuse to take any blame and when things get bad they vote themselves a raise. Both parties have good and bad. The Senate and Congress, get the best healthcare, pensions, perks, and it is all at our expense. Why do you think so much money is spent to get elected. I honestly feel that these folks need term limits. Some are in office for decades because they play to the money that gets them re elected over and over. The regular Joe just doesn't stand a chance.
Obama wants us to believe his term will change this but from what we've seen so far it is business as usual. The deck is stacked and until the players change the game remains rigged.
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: February-27-2009 at 4:42pm
You are preaching to the coir
I hope I didnt mislead anyone by saying somthing good about GW. There is no real difference between the two parties both are corrupt neither do anything for the people unless its in their own best interest.
Posted By: harddock
Date Posted: February-27-2009 at 5:54pm
Nautiquehunter wrote:
You are preaching to the coir
I hope I didnt mislead anyone by saying somthing good about GW. There is no real difference between the two parties both are corrupt neither do anything for the people unless its in their own best interest.
Maybe I am but ya'll seemed like you were listening so I took advantage.
Posted By: DeepCreekNauti
Date Posted: February-27-2009 at 6:14pm
Reminds me of Mel Brooks - "Hey, I didn't get a hurumph out of that guy"
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: February-28-2009 at 12:41pm
Obama did stress.....contracts will go to a bidding process in Iraq, what i got from that was in the past they were handed to GW's buddies....once again, all about the money, start a war spend some money.....Sadaam is long gone
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: February-28-2009 at 1:09pm
Here is my take on GW, he is no better than the CEO's of the banks, He came to the Whitehouse as a businessman and ran it that way, not as a politician, his circle of friends includes these types, if you cant look at him and see that in his personality, take another look. If you put that guy in front of phychiatrist he would pick out the same thing, everyone seems to think we were doing just fine until the new guy got in and he is creating the mess, the day we stepped into Iraq was the beginning of the mess, predatory lending didnt start a month ago.
Obama was dropped into the middle of one pissed off beehive and Im going out on a limb here and think he wants to go down in the history books (which really matters to him) as the black Abraham Lincoln, I cant pick out businessman in him, if he is wealthy its because of his IQ not his relationships.
I read between the lines, bidding processes on contracts which he stressed, taxing the rich 250k plus, taxes on companies that want to make thier *************** in China, helthcare re-form. in 8 years we were dropped into a Depression, its not labeled that way but thats what were in....like it or not, it cant get worse so ride it out and see what happens
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: BuffaloBFN
Date Posted: February-28-2009 at 1:19pm
Eric, did you know that wet streets cause rain?
------------- http://correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=2331&sort=&pagenum=12&yrstart=1986&yrend=1990" rel="nofollow - 1988 BFN-sold
"It's a Livin' Thing...What a Terrible Thing to Lose" ELO
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: February-28-2009 at 1:25pm
I know robbing the taxpayer causes a depression, it wasnt a robbery a more suitable term would be a violent raping
Greg, it is what it is and we dont have the power to change it, just maybe this guy has one sliver of compassion for me and you. a fact is a fact, Bush, got us in what were in and alot of greed was involved
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: BuffaloBFN
Date Posted: February-28-2009 at 1:38pm
Other names come to mind...Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, but I'm going to stay out of this.
We'll have to agree to disagree.
You do know that if Bush had vetoed any of the bills presented to him by congress, he had to veto the whole thing? That, to me, is something like congressional blackmail.
------------- http://correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=2331&sort=&pagenum=12&yrstart=1986&yrend=1990" rel="nofollow - 1988 BFN-sold
"It's a Livin' Thing...What a Terrible Thing to Lose" ELO
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: February-28-2009 at 1:42pm
I do know he used the excuse of WMD to convince you to go to Iraq, they can pick a zit off of a fleas ass in Indonesia with the intelligence available. the war machine cant sit idle for very long
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: February-28-2009 at 2:10pm
Lets be fair here, Nafta was officially signed on Dec, 17th 1992 by HW, and supported by 132 rep. and 102 Demmys. it was made law under Clintons short term in office which he introduced clauses to protect the American worker on Nov 17th 1993...the wheels were rolling and it became a law.
same *************** is happening with Obama, getting the blame dropped on him already in his 30 days in office
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: Waterdog
Date Posted: February-28-2009 at 2:41pm
WMD WAS used in Iraq ;over 300,000 Kurd's in the north WERE gas poisoned. Maybe it was all used up, maybe it was smuggled out of the country, maybe the rest is hidden under a rock, maybe we'll find it , maybe we won't BUT don't discount the inocent people that WERE murdered.
I don't know why we fight for one cause and let people suffer inhumanly in other place's. Thousands of people are being slottered in Africa and it dosen't even make the news.
------------- - waterdog -
http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=3896&sort=&pagenum=2&yrstart=1978&yrend=1978" rel="nofollow - 78 Ski Tique
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: February-28-2009 at 2:51pm
now if sand were a commodity we surely would care, why is that dog, people are being slaughtered in Africa and we turn the other cheek, dont feel for one minute it was because Sadaam was gasing the Kurds, I hope your feelings arent because we are a kinder gentler nation...5 years earlier we were supplying the region with arms to fight the Russians....im sure there was some poisenous gas in the Cache
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: February-28-2009 at 3:00pm
keep in mind not to long ago we dropped a couple of firecrackers on a small island in the Pacific, does that make us any better?
sorry, but you have to look at things from a different perspective sometimes
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: February-28-2009 at 3:05pm
and i bet those 55 gallon drums say Dow Chemical on them.....
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: Waterdog
Date Posted: February-28-2009 at 4:13pm
I have a wonderful dog. I found on the side of the road all beat up 5 years ago.I want to kick the guy's butt that did that. I can't save them all ,and it breaks my heart. We as a country can no longer be the worlds police officer, but we can choose our battles more carfully. I don't think much - if any - of this modern war is right.It REALLY Tee's me off to think that ONE American has died in vain.
Iran IS the next big thing.
Gassing the Kurd's is WMD isn't it.
We were in a race with Japan at the end of
WW II . We got the A-bomb JUST befor Japan could get Bio bombs to our west coast. They had the weapons but didn't have the delevery system.
------------- - waterdog -
http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=3896&sort=&pagenum=2&yrstart=1978&yrend=1978" rel="nofollow - 78 Ski Tique
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: February-28-2009 at 6:20pm
so is a machete in a gorilla's hands, they kill for the same reason, as Hitler did... we could put a spin on it anyway we want to, we do it, they do it, its all the same...we should just be glad it doesnt happen in our back yard
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 11:09am
I read through this stuff the next day and shake my head, sometimes the beer does the talking, to reiterate, i fly American flags and only American flags, I support any decision the President makes and he makes those decisions for a reason, right or wrong, rethug or demmy, he is still the leader. sometimes things are not what they seem, sometimes you are told what to believe to justify a cause for popularity, its a cruel world and we are on the list. my dis claimer for being anti-american lol
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 12:27pm
eric lavine wrote:
so is a machete in a gorilla's hands, they kill for the same reason, as Hitler did... we could put a spin on it anyway we want to, we do it, they do it, its all the same...we should just be glad it doesnt happen in our back yard |
I don't think you can say Hitler killed for the same reason the US does. For what ever reason we went to Iroc we have not had any
attacks here since. Our military is sworn to protect us and they have. As for Obama he didnt get us into this no more than GW got us into the .com burst. The problem I have with his first 30 days is instead of addressing the
economy he is using it as a smokescreen to get his socialist agenda through before he is found out. Obama is just like Jessie Jackson he has never started ran or finished anything and became a millionaire doing it.
Tax the rich sounds good untill they fire you to pay the increase tax.
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 1:15pm
I would never condone what Hitler did or say we kill for the same reason, im not blind to the fact that we do kill for different religous beliefs and even pushing democracy on a region that is not ready for democracy. we are trying to make someone think like we think and colateral damage is involved in the process, its a part of life. i always analize things and put myself in the place of the peoples soil we are stepping on and think to myself what would I do? i would be fin PO'd.
Give the man a chance, I can tell what side of the fence your from, I was relieved when he was elected because maybe it will keep the baby from crying and get on with things, I was sick of the rich getting richer and the middle class disolving into poverty, GD I was even ready for Hillary just for the sake of seeing this country thrive again. Im as American as you can get and would do for it if i was asked too. right or wrong
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 1:17pm
I meant you are from the repubby side, not from the racist side and i hope you take it that way
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: BuffaloBFN
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 1:31pm
Eric, I was going to stay out of this... LOL
This is from boortz.com
http://boortz.com/nealz_nuze/2009/02/worth-another-read.html - A good read
------------- http://correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=2331&sort=&pagenum=12&yrstart=1986&yrend=1990" rel="nofollow - 1988 BFN-sold
"It's a Livin' Thing...What a Terrible Thing to Lose" ELO
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 1:52pm
Good story, Greg.
Eric, I like the guy and want him to succeed, but I'm already seeing stuff I don't like.
1) They're not removing the penalty for IRA withdrawls. How many middle class had to tap their IRAs this year to pay the bills? I bet a lot.
2) The mortgage bailout is bypassing FNMA's charter and not having an appraisal requiremnt. They claim they are not going to finance more than 105% of the home, but how are they going to maintain any LTV without an appraisal. Also, all the people that qualify to have their mortgages re adjusted are now what are sub prime borrowers. So FNMA is goping to hold sub prime paper at A paper rates and it will be bundled with A paper conventional mortgages. Sounds like dejavu all over again.
3) All this borrowing is already raising rates.
Posted By: phospher
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 1:55pm
BuffaloBFN wrote:
Eric, I was going to stay out of this... LOL
This is from boortz.com
http://boortz.com/nealz_nuze/2009/02/worth-another-read.html - A good read |
The article not so good.... The comments much better;
"I wish I could say this to your face, and I hope you track back to see if anyone (me) responded to your comments in response to mine. I am a producer, have co-owned a business with my wife for over 25 years. I am well above the seven-figure income, and could probably hire your ass. And fire your ass. I have employed over 300 people in the past 25 years, and have only fired any one of them for failure to work. As another commenter noted, I am smart enough to have calculated my taxes in five-year budget projections. Still make money, because I am smart enough (masters from Emory University) to stay ahead of the curve.
Am also former military, in service for 4 years. Never deployed, thankfully, to a war zone. But I know my brethren, and they aren't you.
You are elitist, self-decieved and arrogant jerks who spout off Boortzisms because you can't think for yourself.
All CEO's are not corrupt crooks; I am a CEO, have a great loving family, two sons who want to emulate me, and employees who are like my family. I have taken reduced salaries to make the payrolls of those who worked hard with character.
It's you guys who don't have a clue. Rudeness, crudeness, callousness and self-serving elitism are not what makes this country great. Compassion for others is not weakness...the courage to have compassion is strength. Go join your rude, self-serving self-important idiots...you deserve each other."
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 1:59pm
How about we sell Alaska to the Chinese for enough money to get us out of this mess and pay off the national debt? We could put them on an easy payment plan.
Posted By: BuffaloBFN
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 2:14pm
Phos, I don't see where that comment relates to the article/letter at all. Whoever that was simply hates Boortz...which is not uncommon. Maybe the guy voted for BO?!!?
I just can't do this on a boat site anymore...especially after the river trip. My parting words on this are from my grandfather..."If you sign on to work for a man, then you should always do your best; for him and for you, and always remember whose job it is."
------------- http://correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=2331&sort=&pagenum=12&yrstart=1986&yrend=1990" rel="nofollow - 1988 BFN-sold
"It's a Livin' Thing...What a Terrible Thing to Lose" ELO
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 3:14pm
if anyone should be crying about taxes its me, I know im gonna get clipped for more in the future, but damn i wouldnt trade that for any other spot on this earth, I do have a tendency to over analize..havnt you noticed Doritto bags have shrunk or a box of cereal is skinnier, damn even the small Frosty has shrunk at Wendy's, I love this country i just hate the deception and being lied to. it seems to be common place nowadays and i look at Obama and say hey maybe this time for once someone is not lying to my face, some decisions he makes may not be popular which alot what he says i dont like, but for once, just once maybe im not being lied too
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 3:28pm
I didnt forget about the 11.5 ounce Labatts coming out of Canada either lol
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: harddock
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 4:22pm
[QUOTE=Riley] How about we sell Alaska to the Chinese for enough money to get us out of this mess and pay off the national debt? We could put them on an easy payment plan.[/QUOTE
I bet they (Chinese) will drill for the oil.
Posted By: 86BFN
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 5:04pm
eric lavine wrote:
i look at Obama and say hey maybe this time for once someone is not lying to my face, some decisions he makes may not be popular which alot what he says i dont like, but for once, just once maybe im not being lied too |
Don't count on it Eric! Time will tell, of course by then it will be to late.
------------- 👣 Steve http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=4057&sort=&pagenum=1&yrstart=1986&yrend=1986" rel="nofollow - 86 Barefoot Nautique
89 Martinique Former Owner: 93 Hydrodyne 350 MAG
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 5:25pm
I think you have me wrong again I am not a rep
or a dem just a independent thinker from Chicago. I can see you want a honest politician who doesn't? I have to tell you there are none in Chicago. I think we will have to wait and see what Obama will do. If he is who you think he is I will be the first to say how wrong I was about him. So far he has done everything I thought he would and more. I think he will find running for president is more fun than being held accountable for his actions as president. Its good to be optimistic but I know where he comes from and what he has done maybe he has changed I'M just not seeing it.
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 5:43pm
I found a good out to change the topic before it got heated, im exposed to vets at the VA hospital and im a damn good listener and for some reason these guy's open up to me, these are guy's on the front lines from Vietnam on up till now, one of my good friends even was a Marine guard at the whitehouse and was with Reagan on up until Clinton but does keep his mouth shut about things and i pry and pry and he ends the conversation, he just tells me you dont want to know, its not what you think.
Ive been through a couple of cycles of the economy and took quite a beating in the last few years and from reading so has everyone else.
Greg mentions it may not be appropriate on a boating site but in reality it does, it effects everything, gas shoots up to 4.00 a gallon, CC is only making 2 boats a day, will we make it to GL this summer because the funds are a little low, it all relates and maybe you may read something here that will change the direction in your feelings towards a certain topic. I would hope if we ever sat around a table swigging some beers we would be more inclined to talk about other things than boats...its America, we have the right too
I respect anyones religion and beliefs on government, it may change my mind
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: critter
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 5:45pm
First opportunity for change was to present a budget that did not represent a larger deficit than the previous administration.
Example, he was left a $1.3 trillion deficit. His 2010 budget blueprint is $1.7 trillion deficit.
I do not understand him complaining about the deficit he was left when his own budget only increases it.
Agreed that 2011 will be better as that is when the tax increases go into effect. But that does not explain the increased deficit in his 2010 budget.
------------- 1980 Ski Nautique 1966 Barracuda
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 5:54pm
I wonder how many times Obama and Blogo shook hands? why cant we all think like Spicoli..
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 6:18pm
this is a sign of the times, my friend brought over some Porterhouses and im sitting here trying to remember the last time i bought 3-14.00 steaks, use to be every weekend, im heading to the store and maybe i might even step up to a 12 of Bud, pretty bad when the celebration is about a steak. I thought it was funny
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 6:49pm
Sorry for the rant I lost my job to the economy
in Jan just feeling angry I guess. New job maybe starting in march. One thing is for sure NO talking politics at GL I just want a nice boating weekend with some new friends
Posted By: BuffaloBFN
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 6:57pm
Sorry for your loss Michael.
Eric, why don't you just call? I'll knock it around with you.
------------- http://correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=2331&sort=&pagenum=12&yrstart=1986&yrend=1990" rel="nofollow - 1988 BFN-sold
"It's a Livin' Thing...What a Terrible Thing to Lose" ELO
Posted By: harddock
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 7:20pm
Well as for this being the right place one must understand that some of us on March 1 are still welcoming snow, not spring. I go out to the garage everyday and say hello to the Nautique, and the Harley only to turn, say goodbye and go back inside to more politics on TV. It's been a long cold and political winter So if we've come to the point where we come here to vent so be it. We all can agree to disagree and still have fun together on the water.
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 7:51pm
Greg, why call when i know how to pull your ass into the conversation lol, it really is all in fun, now if you talk about my Momma...
happy march 1st
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: March-01-2009 at 10:24pm
Nautique, consider me a friend
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: March-02-2009 at 12:53am
Boy ya just gotta love this place...so many different opinions and we can all exprees 'em without rancor...
Now as far as I am concerned about all this political stuff...pass the handle of Beam please Hollywood...
------------- "Loud pipes save lives"
AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...
Posted By: Mojo
Date Posted: March-03-2009 at 12:58pm
Nautiquehunter wrote:
Sorry for the rant I lost my job to the economy
in Jan just feeling angry I guess. New job maybe starting in march. One thing is for sure NO talking politics at GL I just want a nice boating weekend with some new friends |
Not to worry, to much fun going on for that kind of nonsense dude !!! Don't worry, politics will be on the bottom of the page!!
------------- 05' SV211 TE 73' Martinique had:96' SNOB had:76' Nautique had 77 Tique
Posted By: critter
Date Posted: March-04-2009 at 12:23pm
Thought that this was cute
------------- 1980 Ski Nautique 1966 Barracuda
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: March-04-2009 at 12:27pm
Your on the mark critter
Posted By: Kristof
Date Posted: March-05-2009 at 4:57pm
LMAO Critter!!
------------- - Gun control means: using BOTH hands! - Money doesn't make one happy, but when it rains cats and dogs, it's still better to cry in a Porsche than on a bicycle...
Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: March-10-2009 at 10:31am
I did read in the business section, in order to turn a profit or stay alive we "ford" "gm" must move our operations oversee's....or is that saying concessions time?
I would sit and think twice if i was a union head...its time, and I dont think they are bluffing
------------- "the things you own will start to own you"
Posted By: uk1979
Date Posted: March-10-2009 at 12:11pm
The word is Ford & GM are back on full production on there small cars with low Co2 in Germany there Government will give you 2000 Euro for your old car if over 9 years old when you buy a new car with low Co2.
------------- Lets have a go 56 Starflite 77 SN 78 SN 80 BFN