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PSI on Carter fuelpump to GT40

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Category: Repairs and Maintenance
Forum Name: Engine Repair
Forum Discription: Engine problems and solutions
Printed Date: February-02-2025 at 3:53pm

Topic: PSI on Carter fuelpump to GT40
Posted By: MBO090
Subject: PSI on Carter fuelpump to GT40
Date Posted: May-24-2009 at 12:39pm
I`ve just asked this question on another tread but I need a quick answer:

How many PSI does the Carter fuelpump on my GT40 EFI (1998) deliver?

The company can offer three models:

15 PSI 379 liters/min
7 PSI 379 liters/min
5,7 PSI 272 liters/min (called marine modell)

Thanks from Sweden!

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Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: May-24-2009 at 1:28pm
EFI? isnt there 2 pumps...low pressure and high pressure?

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: MBO090
Date Posted: May-24-2009 at 4:50pm
Yes, there is a low pressure in front of the engine and a high pressure in the FCC-canister. The low-pressure pump seems to be broken...

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