Best Cordless Vacuum for Boat Carpet?
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Printed Date: March-09-2025 at 10:17am
Topic: Best Cordless Vacuum for Boat Carpet?
Posted By: Bri892001
Subject: Best Cordless Vacuum for Boat Carpet?
Date Posted: June-15-2010 at 3:10pm
Hi All,
Not the manliest boat maintenance questions I realize but:
Does anyone use a cordless vacuum for the interior of their boat? I did a quick vacuum of the interior of my boat after washing and waxing it on the trailer. Even on the trailer and near an outlet, it wound being a hassle with a plug in canister Vac. With the boat tied the pier, it will be next to impossible with a plug in.
I was thinking a cordless one, something like this, would be better: - Cordless Dewalt
but I'm wondering if it would wind up having enough ooomph as in VHP (vacuum horsepower ;)
A cordless one with some kid of beater brush would be even better, Hoover makes them, but they're a little pricey. Does anyone have a cordless vac for this purpose that they're especially happy with?
Posted By: horkn
Date Posted: June-15-2010 at 3:15pm
I see that dewalt is a wet dry. That might be a nice option for a boat.
The corded shark hand vac I have works very well, and it holds up to several years of use. I've thought about getting a cordless one too, they seem invaluable for a boat.
I'll be watching this thread as well. :)
------------- 78 martinique- refloored, reinforced, stringers re glassed, re engineered interior
GT40P heads Edelbrock Performer intake acme 4 blade
Posted By: Dreaming
Date Posted: June-15-2010 at 6:55pm
I have the dewalt, but no boat to go with it, so, I don't speak from personal experience.... the nice part about the Dewalt is the interchangeable batts, especially if you have other tools with the system.... they do suck ok, but are LOUD!!! I would stick with the corded vac for the big stuff, Ridgid makes a nice wet dry, and you can get extra long hose if you go with the larger vacuums. The little vac might do fine for touch up and around the seats while you're out and about, but won't likely do the boat in the manner that I would want. If your boat is on a lift at the dock, you could probably run power out to the dock for a couple hundred bucks, and be way ahead IMO...
Posted By: behindpropeller
Date Posted: June-15-2010 at 7:04pm
My wife uses one of those 12" stickum lint rollers on our pontoon. Works good when it is dry.
Posted By: kapla
Date Posted: June-15-2010 at 7:26pm
i have a BD that will also such liquids....I use it on the car, and around the house with good results..battery runs for around 20 minutes of intense use...
in the boat never used it..I pay a service in the marina..they clean it once a week and charge me $30 monthly ......
------------- <a href="">1992 ski nautique
Posted By: Bri892001
Date Posted: July-01-2010 at 4:13pm
Ok, I think I've found a strong canditate: - Hoover Linx Stick Upright
The only downside is getting the little tight areas to the right of the driver's seat etc. but that's not the end of the world. It's a little pricey too, but...
I'm considering it, seems like it would really do the job.
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: July-01-2010 at 4:35pm
I have my doubts that any cordless will be worth bothering with. We've tried a few different smaller corded vacs and they just dont have enough suction power to clean thick carpet quickly. I picked up a Rigid shop vac with a small footprint that easily fits between the motorbox and gunnels and really like it- it gets a lot more use (especially in our boats) than our huge craftsman.
Posted By: Bri892001
Date Posted: July-01-2010 at 5:06pm
Is your Rigid something like this: - Portable Shop Vac
I was thinking of a way to avoid running 60 or so feet of extension cord every time, but it makes sense that the cordless wouldn't have as much power.
I'm tempted to try the Hoover, but only if it's returnable. Post July 4th weekend, with family all in and out of the boat, will probably wind up being a good test
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: July-01-2010 at 5:35pm
Actually, the one I have is a 5hp, 4 gal unit that looks like - this . That portable one you linked to looks like it has very similar specs, just in a slightly different package- I like it.
Posted By: sarahpolson
Date Posted: April-25-2019 at 12:23pm
It`s very nice cordless vacuum
-------------" rel="nofollow - robotbox
Posted By: GHTILL
Date Posted: April-25-2019 at 1:17pm
I use my Dyson V6 cordless. With and without the carpet attachment. It's like vacuuming the living room. Gets much more dirt out of the carpet than just a shop vac.
------------- TWSS
Posted By: shierh
Date Posted: April-25-2019 at 4:16pm
I use dyson 8 as long as its dry.
Posted By: gt40KS
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 12:17am
Ridgid. Have several of them for the business and several for home. Used the one like Benj linked for the garage for many years. Then my son confiscated it so I bought" rel="nofollow - THIS one to replace it just a few weeks ago. Works as well or better than its predecessor
------------- JCCI 1995 Ski Nautique GT40
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 8:38am
gt40KS wrote:
Ridgid. Have several of them for the business and several for home. Used the one like Benj linked for the garage for many years. Then my son confiscated it so I bought" rel="nofollow - THIS one to replace it just a few weeks ago. Works as well or better than its predecessor |
I hope it works better than your link does Joe
Most of this thread was from 9 years ago
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 9:11am
gt40KS wrote:
I bought" rel="nofollow - THIS one | The link works for me. Joe, did you happen to notice the title? It says "cordless" Ridgid does have a lifetime warranty on all their products. I did have a large 6 gal. go out and they did replace it but with sort of a minor hassle. I had to take about 6 pictures and email them to Ridgid. I think the one they really wanted to see was with the filter removed showing the vacuum volute to see if I had run without the filter. BTW, the HD has plenty of the Ridgids!
------------- /diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -
54 Atom
/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 9:16am
8122pbrainard wrote:
gt40KS wrote:
I bought" rel="nofollow - THIS one | The link works for me. Joe, did you happen to notice the title? It says "cordless" Ridgid does have a lifetime warranty on all their products. I did have a large 6 gal. go out and they did replace it but with sort of a minor hassle. I had to take about 6 pictures and email them to Ridgid. I think the one they really wanted to see was with the filter removed showing the vacuum volute to see if I had run without the filter. BTW, the HD has plenty of the Ridgids! |
Maybe you could post the link Pete, it still doesn't work for me but every other link in the thread works
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 9:20am" rel="nofollow - Ken, try this one
I previewed to check it and it's good.
------------- /diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -
54 Atom
/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 9:30am
Must be something goofy(besides me) on my end cause that doesn't work either but thanks for the try.
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 9:37am
Ken, you're of on you computer skills this morning!
------------- /diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -
54 Atom
/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 10:56am
Harmless enough I guess, but it cracks me up that this 10 year old conversation on the right cordless vac got restarted by an obvious troll or robot saying to a 10 year old post, "yup, that's a nice vac"
------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 11:04am
75 Tique wrote:
restarted by an obvious troll or robot saying to a 10 year old post, | Larry, The robot is probably the same one that keeps calling my phone wanting me to buy another Medicare supplement!
------------- /diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -
54 Atom
/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 11:10am
75 Tique wrote:
it cracks me up that this 10 year old conversation on the right cordless vac got restarted by an obvious troll or robot saying to a 10 year old post, "yup, that's a nice vac" |
Pete the reason you get so many medicare robo calls is there are only 45 landlines left, they know all those subscribers are over 65
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 11:11am
75 Tique wrote:
Harmless enough I guess, but it cracks me up that this 10 year old conversation on the right cordless vac got restarted by an obvious troll or robot saying to a 10 year old post, "yup, that's a nice vac" |
Check the link Larry, the postings section
I figured she was a real person, maybe she bought a boat and I didn't wanna piss off her doberman
She seems like a vacuum cleaner troll that likes Dyson stuff" rel="nofollow - link
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 12:01pm
Gary S wrote:
Pete the reason you get so many medicare robo calls is there are only 45 landlines left, they know all those subscribers are over 65 | Well Gary, Up here in "Frontier land" the copper is still pretty active. At least I can get a DSL. The option is a dish along with it's own problems.
------------- /diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -
54 Atom
/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Bri892001
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 12:28pm
It's funny, actually since I originally started this thread, cordless vacuum technology has evolved a lot.
I wound up getting one of those Ridgid Pro-pack plug in ones, and just running a 100 foot extension cord down to the pier every time. A hassle, but at least do-able.
In the meantime, I got one of those Dyson V6 Absolute vacuum's for my home. It was expensive, but my wife and I ended up with a huge wad of money in Bed Bath & Beyond gift certificates after our wedding, and it was either that or a lifetime supply of towels.
That Dyson is awesome around the house. I notice now, that that model is under $200 new on eBay. I'm sure the new ones are even better.
I didn't want to risk getting an expensive one wet, but now that they are under $200, I'll probably give it a shot on the boat as long as the carpet is dry.
Posted By: gt40KS
Date Posted: April-27-2019 at 1:46am
Yes, I noticed the original post was from 10 years back. But in case you guys hadn't noticed I wasn't the first to post to it this time around I ALSO notice the title Pete ... only jumped in with my 'corded' choice because corded choices had been mentioned before in the post - both 10 years ago and recently. But anyway, I've got a few battery vacs for the jobsites and frankly I prefer corded if at all possible - they just do a far better job.
------------- JCCI 1995 Ski Nautique GT40
Posted By: GHTILL
Date Posted: April-27-2019 at 10:36am
I bought the Dyson for my wife as a present Kinda like buying the frying pan for the wife,but since I do most of the vacuuming around the house I thought it wouldn't be used as a weapon. I never realized that a cordless could be so effective. Don't even have to fire up the big vac in the house anymore. I do agree only to use it when your carpet is dry though.
------------- TWSS
Posted By: rebel skier
Date Posted: April-27-2019 at 10:46am
Just leave your Rumba in your boat and fuhgeddaboudit
------------- Hotty Toddy lets go skiing!