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Anyone Snowboard?

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: Ski, Ride and Foot Talk
Forum Discription: Share photos, techniques, discuss equipment, etc.
Printed Date: September-27-2024 at 8:21am

Topic: Anyone Snowboard?
Posted By: IAughtNaut
Subject: Anyone Snowboard?
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 1:17pm
I know "Ski, Ride, and Foot Talk" is supposed to mean on the water, but its winter in Ohio and I'm getting desperate.

I got talked into going snowboarding at Holiday Valley in New York in a couple weeks (mostly because the girls that are going said "come on, don't you want to drink beer in a hot tub with us?"...the answer to that would be to follow). Problem is, I've never snowboarded before, I've only ever even been on snow skis once and that was about 6 years ago.

I've been waterskiing for probably close to 20 years, and I just started wakeboarding this past year. I'm decent at it, not great, but I'm learning. It seems like I should be able to transfer some of my wakeboard game to the snow, but I don't know. Can anyone help me out? How similar is snowboarding to wakeboarding, if at all? Anybody got any tips? Pretty much all I got so far is aim it down the hill and try to keep keep my head above my feet and out of the snow.

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 1:35pm
haha sounds like you're in quite the predicament Adam. Good choice on going though. The hot tub should be worth the whole trip. Plus, you'll need it after all the falls you'll be taking.

I am an athlete, played all the sports in HS, wakeboarding for 10 years, footing for 15, (im 23) and just started snowboarding in 06 because I was worried I'd be crazy and get hurt in HS and miss my sporting chances. to learning how to surf, snowboarding was one of the most difficult things I learned how to do. I don't mean to get you syked out by any means but don't plan on being Shaun White your first trip out. I went out thinking psh, I got this...nope lol

A lot like wakeboarding a very good tip is to always keep the downhill side of the board up and out of the snow. You catch an edge on that puppy and you're going down in a hurry. Much like on the water when you can't even get your eyes shut in time and the water gets behind your eye lids...

Best way to get started is stand at the top of the hill like your on skis facing directing down the hill. let your left tip angle down the hill to the left a ways and then bring your right tip up a little and go down the hill to the right. Switching as you get across the hill each time.

Does that make sense? stay on your heels while your doing this and just keep sliding down like that.

It's really difficult (or at least is was for me) to actually get one tip going down the hill and being able to rock back and forth from heal to toe until you get that side slide method locked in. Check out this link I can help you much more than I can. - Snowboard Tips

------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA

Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 1:45pm
My son made the transition from snow skis to snowboard several years ago. The first couple hours was tough for him. (admittedly, he was younger, around 12 or 13 and maybe not quite as athletic at the time as you might be) His lesson was scheduled for the afternoon. After the lesson, with some basic direction on a very small slope, he picked it right up. So my suggestion would be: dont go to the top of the mountain and head down the black diamond on your first run. Ease into it. So as to avoid awkward moments with the hot tub ladies, maybe run to one of the local slopes around Cleveland a time or two before the big trip and get a feel for it.

“So, how was your weekend?”
“Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 1:47pm
Ok, lemme see if I follow...It almost sounds like your advice is to kinda side-slide down the hill, and then, for lack of a better way of saying it, zig-zag back and forth without ever actually pointing the board downhill, keeping it for the most part perpendicular to the slope of the hill. Is that correct?

When you say catch an edge, do you mean the side edge or the front edge? Cause on waterskis, because of the curve at the tip of the ski its virtually impossible to bury it. The tips of the snowboard curve up the same way, though probably not as much, is it the same thing? Or am I going to catch that tip at catapult myself over the nose?

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 1:51pm
You got the zig zag part right on. Never actually point the board down the hill. Just keep your toes pointing down it and work back and forth while staying on your heels. You can even do this with your back to the hill to work on the toe side. Just do the same thing as you were...back and forth across the hill while still sliding down it.

When I say catch an edge, yes I do mean the side edge. You'll never catch the tip of the board unless you're in a foot of powder...

------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 1:52pm
Originally posted by 75 Tique 75 Tique wrote:

So as to avoid awkward moments with the hot tub ladies, maybe run to one of the local slopes around Cleveland a time or two before the big trip and get a feel for it.

Well that doesn't sound like very much fun...takes some of the adventure out of it! I think the fact that I might get hurt is one of the reasons they were so insistent I come. In fact, we even came up with a super bowl-style squares game so that we can wager on when and how me and one of the more fragile girls will hurt ourselves.

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: Morfoot
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 2:11pm
Adam, I learned to snowboard at Holiday Valley about 8 years ago and was able to pick it up fairly easy. I'm 43 and a southerner so I know you can do it. Best advice I can give you is don't think its going to turn like a skateboard or wakeboard cause it won't. Best advice I can give you is you are going to have to place more weight on your forward foot (yes downhill) and swing your hips and use your rear arm to help you.Your basically pulling a Chubby Checker and "Do the Twist". "Pivot" the board under your front foot. To stop the board you want to teist the board so that both your toes are pointing down hill and lean on your heels to dig in the rear edge of the board. Thats why skiers hate boarders because they PLOW snow when stopping.

Don't start off by going down Cindy's Run as it is pretty steep and you can really get going fast and outta control. I'd suggest taking the Mardi Gra express and head down that way.

"Morfoot; He can ski. He can wakeboard.He can cook chicken.He can create his own self-named beverage, & can also apparently fly. A man of many talents."72 Mustang "Kermit",88 SN Miss Scarlett, 99 SN "Sherman"

Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 2:18pm
Originally posted by IAughtNaut IAughtNaut wrote:

Originally posted by 75 Tique 75 Tique wrote:

So as to avoid awkward moments with the hot tub ladies, maybe run to one of the local slopes around Cleveland a time or two before the big trip and get a feel for it.

Well that doesn't sound like very much fun...takes some of the adventure out of it! I think the fact that I might get hurt is one of the reasons they were so insistent I come. In fact, we even came up with a super bowl-style squares game so that we can wager on when and how me and one of the more fragile girls will hurt ourselves.

Well, that works too. How much are squares? Can I buy one? Let us know how it goes.

“So, how was your weekend?”
“Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 2:34pm
Originally posted by Morfoot Morfoot wrote:

Don't start off by going down Cindy's Run as it is pretty steep and you can really get going fast and outta control. I'd suggest taking the Mardi Gra express and head down that way.
Thanks Tim, that's surprisingly specific advice. But it appears you're suggesting the runs with the little blue squares on the map instead of the green circles. Despite the fact that they give the green ones more emasculating names (Snowbird, Punch Bowl, Candy opposed to the cool, slightly terrifying ones like Foxfire, Firecracker, and my favorite, The Wall) I'm thinking I might better start there and work my way up to the emergency room courses.
Originally posted by 75 Tique 75 Tique wrote:

Well, that works too. How much are squares? Can I buy one? Let us know how it goes.
I don't know how much mine are going for, but Meredith's are a dollar a square and we've filled 90 of them...she's a little bit of a drama queen so we didn't tell her that we're betting on her to at least fake an injury for attention, so instead of putting names in the squares I had to assign everyone a superhero secret identity and put the symbol in the know, in case she finds the sheet.

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: tullfooter
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 4:21pm
It sounds like you're going to have a great time.
I think the advice that mdv gave is spot on. The zig-zag heal side, meaning your heals are on the uphill side, is the way we've taught quite a few boarders. If you've been wakeboarding, you have an advantage over most new boarders, even ones coming from the two-plank world. Three weeks ago we taught my brother-in-law's girlfriend how to board. She's never snow skied or wakeboarded, and was able to get down the hill without falling after an hour.
Figure out what foot will be forward based on your wakebarding. I'm right foot forward (goofy foot) so I would set up at the top of the hill and shift more weight to the right leg and start moving to the right. Then by bringing my left leg even with the right and digging the heals, I can come to a stop. Then do the same thing going left; shift the weight to the left leg, slightly point the left end of your board down, and head to the left. Then you try to do that without the stop in between, A little hint is to use your arms and shoulders, and point which way you want to go. That will help your hips to turn in the direction your hoping to go.
No disrespect to Morfoot, but I think he was trying to get you to run healside to toeside. That will be for your second day, or after lunch and a couple of cold ones.
One important (the most important) piece of advice I can offer; WEAR A BRAIN BUCKET!!). When you catch an edge on a snowboard, you go down quick, like a wakeboard. Unless your running in deep powder, the helmet is your bet friend if you catch an edge while riding toeside.
Second piece of advice, stay off the bunny hill. I'm not saying that to protect your man-card, I'm saying it because you need some slope to get yourself moving. A little speed helps. It's similar to how riding a bike too slow isn't as easy.
I hope this helps.
BTW, speaking of names of hills. I took up snowboarding 10+ years ago after tearing my ACL while snow skiing down a hill called ShushyCat, at Crystal Mountain here in MI. It's a black diamond run with steep slope and tough moguls. At Crystal, they have all the chair lift columns color coded. The lift columns on ShushyCat are pink.
Have fun. Post pics.

Play hard, life's not a trial run.
'85 BFN
'90 BFN

White Lake, Michigan

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 5:10pm
Originally posted by tullfooter tullfooter wrote:

The lift columns on ShushyCat are pink.
Have fun. Post pics.
Holy crap that's funny. Hopefully when I get hurt it will be somewhere or on something equally embarrassing. I figure I'll hurt either way, somebody should get some enjoyment out of it. And allegedly someone's bringing a video camera, so I might even be able to do better than pictures.

You do bring up an interesting point...normally I am a beer drinker, but there's something a bit off-putting about a cold beer after being in 12 degree temperatures. My friends and I all got these disposable flasks from restoration hardware (which I cannot recommend HIGHLY enough...they're like adult capri suns pouches! and 100% plastic so they're perfect for sporting events with metal detectors...just sayin) so I need to decide what kind of poison to fill them with. Normally I would go with Jameson or Dew, but I don't know if the Irish are really a snowboarding people...though it does warm me from the inside. Which magical elixir is going to make me better at this?

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: Keeganino
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 5:42pm
Jamesons always has a nice medicinal warmth. Funny post. I like Morfoot's advice. You have to really exaggerate throwing your hips to get from edge to edge. Remember- Always on an edge never ride flat. Flat is about an eighth inch from disaster. Faceplants in the snow are not as funny as on the water...

"working on these old boats may not be cost effective but as it shows its what it brings into your life that matters" -Roger" rel="nofollow - 1973 Skier

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 5:58pm
That's a good tip on the edge changes, I can change edges on my wakeboard with very little effort, but I feel like it might be different when the water's solid. I'm glad someone else out there thinks a faceplant's funny buddies never understand how they can bring the boat back around to me after a strong wipeout and I'll be in the water laughing.

I'll probably eschew the brain bucket though...I hate wearing them when I go to the cable park with my wakeboard, it can't be much better in the snow. I don't keep anything important up there anyway. Plus I just got a sweet new hat from nautiquegear that I want to bust out.

How's the man-card math work on that one, Steve? Is it +1 for not wearing a helmet, but -1 for being excited about a new hat? I still come out even, right?

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 6:01pm
I bought a helmet after I knocked myself cold my first year snowboarding. Hit the snow/ice so hard on the back of my head I didn't remember anything for 6 hrs. Drove home and everything. I was living by the moment, fine at the time, but not retaining any memory what so ever. It was interesting.

I will never board without one after that. Plus, you can look cool with a helmet too:

------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 6:22pm
First off, I have to say that second picture is freakin cool, I hope you bought the photographer a beer for that one. Did you land it?

And sure, its possible to look cool, but I don't have the top gun goggles and Johnny Cash snowsuit with matching helmet and my name on the back...something tells me I won't look as good in a bright yellow helmet with RENTAL spray-painted across the front in pink letters...hello ladies!

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 6:22pm
Originally posted by Keeganino Keeganino wrote:

Jamesons always has a nice medicinal warmth. Funny post. I like Morfoot's advice. You have to really exaggerate throwing your hips to get from edge to edge. Remember- Always on an edge never ride flat. Flat is about an eighth inch from disaster. Faceplants in the snow are not as funny as on the water...

Plus one on all this.. Jameson is already loaded into my flask for boarding this friday..

and as Keegan points out you always need to know and be exaggerated about what edge you are one.. you will only get a microsecond to notice you arent on an edge before one of the edges picks itself.

I found snowboarding relatively easy to pick up after learning to wakeboard.. but get cocky and like wakeboarding the falls the first time our two out are real brain scramblers.

------------- - 1983 Ski Nautique 2001
1967 Mustang 302 "Decoy" - Holeshot Video

Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 6:26pm
Originally posted by IAughtNaut IAughtNaut wrote:

First off, I have to say that second picture is freakin cool, I hope you bought the photographer a beer for that one. Did you land it?

And sure, its possible to look cool, but I don't have the top gun goggles and Johnny Cash snowsuit with matching helmet and my name on the back...something tells me I won't look as good in a bright yellow helmet with RENTAL spray-painted across the front in pink letters...hello ladies!

hahaha well said...well said indeed. I did land that I think. It was just my dad using the little cannon diggy cam we had at the time. Worked pretty well though, it was so bright it was hard to take a bad pic.

------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA

Posted By: tullfooter
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 6:46pm
I'm guessing if your not going to wear the bucket, there is no way you'll be sportin' wrist guards. Both of my sons have each broken two wrists while boarding.
When I blew out my knee, I was cranking some Stranglehold on the Walkman, and had a Bota filled with Goldsl*ger (sp). Now it's Mr Cab Driver (Lenny Kravitz), and a flask full of Crown or Johnnie Walker Black.

Play hard, life's not a trial run.
'85 BFN
'90 BFN

White Lake, Michigan

Posted By: tullfooter
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 6:51pm
Why, when I type Goldsl*ger, does it replace the "a" with an "*"? You would think it would rep[lace it with a " "

Play hard, life's not a trial run.
'85 BFN
'90 BFN

White Lake, Michigan

Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 6:52pm
Speaking of the stranglehold on the walkman...

This year we grabbed the android phones most of my buddies have and got the speedview app...GPS speedometer in it, pretty sweet.

One girl on skis topped out at 45mph...pretty dang sweet!

------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 7:12pm
Originally posted by tullfooter tullfooter wrote:

I'm guessing if your not going to wear the bucket, there is no way you'll be sportin' wrist guards.
Well, a wrist injury is one of the squares, so I wouldn't want to consciously put someone at a disadvantage by "protecting myself". That wouldn't be very fair.
Originally posted by mdvalant mdvalant wrote:

This year we grabbed the android phones most of my buddies have and got the speedview app...GPS speedometer in it, pretty sweet.

One girl on skis topped out at 45mph...pretty dang sweet!
Hold on, there's something I can put on a phone to tell me how fast I'm going? Does it save your top speed or something? Or is it instant? Is it free? We may have just entered a whole new realm of ski trip gambling...

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 7:17pm
hahaha on the android phones go to the market and it's call "SPEEDVIEW" uses your GPS in your phone. It is also called that for the iphone as well I believe. The display is just like a speedo in a car. gives you top speed for a trip, live line graph of your speed throughout the trip etc...pretty awesome. Could be very handy with crappy speedos in the boat too.

EDIT: yes it's instant. It is a GPS digital (and an analog view) speedometer.

------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA

Posted By: 05 210
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 7:43pm
   I was snowboarding before it was cool. Back when I started there were only 3 mountains in New England that even allowed snowboarders(and it wasn't that long ago). I had to drive an hour and a half to even by a snowboard back then, and they only had 2 models in stock. I wish I had stuck it out. My senior year in HS I took up skiing because all my friends would go skiing at mountains that did not allow snowboarding. I gave up skiing a few years later because I didn't really enjoy it that much but until recently did not get back on the board. Now, I occassionally hit he slopes with the kids and had to learn all over again, which at my age can be painful.
As Morfoot said, weight on front foot. If you keep most of your weight on your back foot like on a wakeboard, you're going to be in deep sh*t if you need to turn.


http:/diaries/details.asp?ID=2219" rel="nofollow - Air Nautique 210 Team

640 hours, not 1 regret

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: February-22-2011 at 7:51pm
Originally posted by 05 210 05 210 wrote:

If you keep most of your weight on your back foot like on a wakeboard, you're going to be in deep sh*t if you need to turn.
That settles it, I just won't turn. Seems like a minor detail anyway.

I might have to start out riding goofy just because I know my right foot will be the heavy one. I've been told I ride a wakeboard like a slalom with too much weight on my back foot anyway.

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: Morfoot
Date Posted: February-23-2011 at 12:30am
Since you guys are talking about androids and snowboards in the same thread I'll add this to the discussion. Here's a video I shot with my motorola droid in SLC last month. Not too bad for a first time video running down the hill. - Foot's Snowboard Run Brighton Ski Resort.

"Morfoot; He can ski. He can wakeboard.He can cook chicken.He can create his own self-named beverage, & can also apparently fly. A man of many talents."72 Mustang "Kermit",88 SN Miss Scarlett, 99 SN "Sherman"

Posted By: Keeganino
Date Posted: February-23-2011 at 12:37am
Nice Tim! Great quality for a phone. Heard those shoot in 720. Makes me wanna go ride!

"working on these old boats may not be cost effective but as it shows its what it brings into your life that matters" -Roger" rel="nofollow - 1973 Skier

Posted By: 76tique
Date Posted: February-23-2011 at 1:19am
This is a pretty funny topic! I'm on the other side - been snowboarding since 1992 (started on a split tail board!), have only been wakeboarding since Aug '08.

My advice for your first time out - keep the speed down. The pic below is a girl I know after catching her heelside edge and sticking her arm out behind:

The first few times out are going to hurt. That hot tub is going to feel damn good, even without the ladies. There is lots of good advice on this thread - don't try to go edge to edge (link turns) - right away, stay on your heelside edge first (facing downhill), then try toeside edge(facing uphill) for a while, sliding back and forth. Never let the downhill edge touch the snow. You want to think about balancing on your heels or toes, never flat footed. Most of your weight will be on your front leg (exact opposite of wakeboarding). It is definitely a similar feel though. Very addicting.

That is a sweet phone video, makes me wish I was taking a trip out west this year.
Couldn't resist throwing in this video link from last winter, I shot this at Monarch Pass in Colorado of my brother, we were hiking off-resort:!/video/video.php?v=1330523535775 - Playing in Colorado powder

He who dies with the most toys, wins" rel="nofollow - 1984 SN2001 - sold
1976 Ski Tique - Sold

Posted By: bkhallpass
Date Posted: February-23-2011 at 1:29am
Neat video. I've skied Brighton in Utah. It was great. Solitude in the same canyon is also great. Alta is still my favorite in Utah, but of course, they are one of the few that still do not permit Snowboards.

I tried Snowboarding a long time ago. Spent several days just to be sure my initial impression was correct - it wasn't for me. I will stick with my skis.

I disagree with some of the others here, however. I don't think it was difficult to learn to ride a snowboard. Rather, I thought it was very easy to get mediocre. It would, however, be very difficult to get good.   I find wakeboarding the same. It's really easy to get up and do something on your first trip out. It's hard to get really good.

Sounds like you are going with others have little or no experience. I would not sweat it. You will do fine.


Livin' the Dream

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: February-23-2011 at 3:12am
Thanks for the encouragement Brian, you're the first person who didn't at least allude to me wiping out. I have to admit that there's a part of me that hopes you're wrong about it being easy to get mediocre on the first day...the combination of mediocrity, whiskey, and pretty girls tends to make me say things like 'hey, watch this!'

If I ever get smart enough to work that youtube thing I'll post what happened to me at a cable park in Orlando in December. 50 degree water, no wetsuit (that's +1 man-card point for those of you playing along at home), and me saying, 'hey, they got ramps out there, I bet I can do that' led to the first fall I've ever taken that made me puke. I've watched the video a hundred times, its funny every time (especially my sister laughing holding the camera), and I still can't figure out how it happened.

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: MI-nick
Date Posted: February-23-2011 at 10:11pm
snowboarding kicks azz...

a few things...weight on your front foot, steer with your back foot (kind of like a rudder), easy on the sauce until your done for the day...inexperience + liquid courage = broken bones...cold beers in an outdoor hot tub afterwords is awesome, consider taking a private lesson for a couple hours your first day, be prepared to be a bit frustrated and sore, watch out for your wrists..what else...pick a wide hill with a moderate slope (maybe a harder green or more gentle blue) you need a little speed to make it work...if all else fails you still have hot tub + hotties which always = good times...

As far as I can tell, I'm not quite sure...

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: February-23-2011 at 10:50pm
Originally posted by MI-nick MI-nick wrote:

weight on your front foot, steer with your back foot (kind of like a rudder), easy on the sauce until your done for the day...
I like the rudder analogy, Ima use that...but when you say lay off the sauce, that's only until noon, right?

And I promised I'd give the youtube thing a shot, here goes. Try not to scrutinize my form too much, the end's really the fun can tell by my sister's reaction. Unfortunately she cuts the camera off before I start to toss, cause that was not the fun part. At least I covered some distance before my re-entry.

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: Keeganino
Date Posted: February-23-2011 at 11:37pm
-1 man point for tossing in the pool. Motivation for everyone else to land it!   

"working on these old boats may not be cost effective but as it shows its what it brings into your life that matters" -Roger" rel="nofollow - 1973 Skier

Posted By: MI-nick
Date Posted: February-24-2011 at 11:51am
i'm not saying don't drink at all...just try not to get really drunk while you're still strapped in...bad things happen that way...

As far as I can tell, I'm not quite sure...

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: February-24-2011 at 2:00pm
Originally posted by Keeganino Keeganino wrote:

-1 man point for tossing in the pool. Motivation for everyone else to land it!   
Ouch...I did eventually put it down, but it was after several equally frigid, but less spectacular crashes. Does that redeem me at all?

Another snowboarding question: how much strain does a snowboard put on your ankles, particularly on the lead foot? I ride left foot forward and I sprained that ankle about 6 weeks ago playing basketball, and then again last weekend playing football (if you haven't picked up on it already, I don't always make good decisions). Is this going to be a problem for me? Or do the boots provide some measure of support? Will I be able to fit a brace or wrap under them?

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: February-24-2011 at 2:02pm
Your ankles should be good. Snowboard boots allow no movement in the ankle area so I think you'll be fine.

------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA

Posted By: MI-nick
Date Posted: February-24-2011 at 2:28pm
the only problem you might have is when you are "skating" around with only your front foot strapped it...just kick with your back foot BEHIND your board and be mindful of your front ankle and you should be ok...

As far as I can tell, I'm not quite sure...

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: February-24-2011 at 2:38pm
That's good news, thanks for the input guys. We take off for NY next Friday, I'll be sure to post pics and videos if we take any when I get back home.

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: kapla
Date Posted: February-24-2011 at 6:48pm
my advice is: get an instructor, let him give you the basic tricks etc, etc, believe me it will be money well spent, you don´t wanna end with a broken wrists after you caught and edge going front side!!!
1 hour is enough for the basics... then its practice...
I started skiing at the age of 7 in 1981 and went all the years to ski till in 92 i decided to give it try on the totally hooked with the sport and never again rode a pair of skis...
First time I tried I hired an instructor to help with the basic, and after 2 lessons i was doing the mountain alone..anyway I had a huge skiing experience..Of course I´ve had lots of bad falls..bruises in knees, butt, wrists..but fortunately no injuries. From time to time I would continue to take a lesson in order to improve some of the movements.
But lately I have put the sport on hold..wife, then kids make it kinda diffucult, mountain is not in the backyard as some of you guys do over there..I have to do a 600ml to get to the nearest ski resort here!!
I started wakeboarding in 1994...also after having been on a slalom ski since I was 9 or 10 yo...

<a href="">1992 ski nautique

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: April-07-2011 at 3:31am
I promised a recap, just took me a while to get the pics from my girl.

Here's what I learned: I am not good at snowboarding. Yet. I fell 36 times going down the hill the first time (yes, I counted), and nearly got kicked off the mountain by the ski patrol. We did start on Mardi Gras though, which turns out is by far the longest run in the park. By the time we were finished I was much better than when I started, but then again, my flask was also much emptier too. One of my falls was so violent that I broke the high-back off one of the bindings on my buddy's snowboard.

I spent most of my time on my toe-side edge, and found that I had a real problem with trying to transition to the heel-side. It will probably take me a few more trips to get good at switching back and forth between them. It rained all day Saturday, so we actually only made it out on Friday night, which was a little disappointing, but the crew I was with didn't let that get us down.

On to the pics.

Here's the crew right after we arrived at the house on Friday. I'm holding tha drunk stick, the trophy awarded to the individual who succeeds in getting the most drunkest the day before. This trip was its inauguration. It has since been to St Patty's Day, Indians Opening Day, and a B-Day bash in a hotel. I'm not even 100% sure how we took this picture, because everyone's in it.

This is the before shot, just getting laced up to hit the hill. You may notice that both bindings still have the high-back.

Here we are about halfway through the night, the gift shop gave me that ridiculous poncho/trash bag thing with Holiday Valley on the front of it to wear. I thought it would be hilarious to tell my friends I was so good at snowboarding that HV sponsored me and gave me the first thing they could find with their name on it. They didn't believe me. It was also real slippery and made my falls last longer. So bonus.

Our hero at the end of the night. Notice the missing high-back.

Well, not quite the end of the night, we still had business to handle in the hot tub.

Which of course led to snow angels.

And then Saturday it rained and we were sad. But we made up a drinking game to go along with the original Highlander movie. I'll give you a hint, something happened anytime someone said "There can be only one"

I think I'll stick to riding things I have to wear a life jacket for.

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: April-07-2011 at 3:47am
Oh yeah, and I won $50 in the squares game. There were 2 fake injuries and I had one of them.

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: 05 210
Date Posted: April-07-2011 at 10:38am
Looks like a good time. And good beer. Yuengling......Mmmmm tasty. You cant buy that up around where i live.


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640 hours, not 1 regret

Posted By: MI-nick
Date Posted: April-13-2011 at 7:04pm
i like your snowboarding jeans...

As far as I can tell, I'm not quite sure...

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: April-13-2011 at 8:19pm
Those jeans are great, they're made by Jeep and have teflon fibers woven into the denim so they're almost 100% waterproof. I spent 75% of my time on the ground and my knees were the only part of me that got even a little wet.

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: MI-nick
Date Posted: April-14-2011 at 10:15am
teflon or not...nothing says I don't know what the f i'm doing like snowboarding in jeans

looks like you spent plenty of time in the hot tub though...which really is the most important part...

As far as I can tell, I'm not quite sure...

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: April-14-2011 at 12:22pm
oh don't worry, it was no secret that I didn't know what I was doing...I didn't make it off the lift a single time without falling.

the hot tub pretty much saved the weekend, without it I don't think the snow angels would have been possible.

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

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