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Topic: Anyone interested in Combo skis?Posted By: mdvalant
Subject: Anyone interested in Combo skis?
Date Posted: March-07-2011 at 7:58pm
Our ski team is looking to clean out our trailer with skis we don't really use all that much. Most will be fiberglass concave combo skis. I'm not sure off hand how many pairs we would sell but most are in really good shape since we did not use them much and they would be much cheaper than a new pair of obriens from overtons or something. Would anyone be interested in buying any? Just thought I'd check to see if some would like to get a pair to keep in the boat on the cheap. Let me know and I can get some pics/run through our trailer to see what we want to sell...
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA
Replies: Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: March-07-2011 at 8:03pm
If youve got anything that would lend itself to being turned into a flip turn ski, Id be interested. Probably have to be flat bottomed and somewhat symmetrical. Probably a long shot!
Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: March-07-2011 at 8:04pm
I think we may have something that could fit that bill Tim. No promises but I'll see what we are cleaning out!
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: March-07-2011 at 8:08pm
Sweet, thanks!
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: March-07-2011 at 8:23pm
TRBenj wrote:
Id be interested.
Yeah right, Tim's hoping to go 2 ski longline this year w/o his Mom holding him! He finally outgrew his teathered Snoopy skis.
Posted By: sweet77
Date Posted: March-07-2011 at 9:33pm
"If you do what you always did,You'll get what you always got!"
"An empty wagon makes t
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 12:34pm
TRBenj wrote:
If youve got anything that would lend itself to being turned into a flip turn ski, Id be interested. Probably have to be flat bottomed and somewhat symmetrical. Probably a long shot!
You beat me to it Tim. I was thinking the same thing when I read Mike's post. Not likely he'd have two if its not likely he has one. I do have that pair of bomb out skis you used. I was thinking of sacrificing one for a flipturn and keeping one for a drop. I guess I can always work on my bombouts with a conventional combo. Its a little long. I'd have to test drive it and assess whether I would have to cut it down. I still keep my eyes open for garage sales and along the road. That bomb out pair was a roadside pick up.
All that being said, Mike, If you find more than one....
------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 12:37pm
Tonight we are putting all the skis we varnished back in the trailer so I'll do some scoutin for ya fellas. To answer the SJRR question. No, unfortunately the fam has prior commitments so I can't make it. I'm almost certain we have some skis that could work for you guys......but I don't want to get anyone's hopes WAY up there hehe
Speaking of old skis...anyone ever take the bindings off a ski and just put carpet on it for a step off ski? The steps are smooth as butter!!!
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 12:44pm
Larry, Im trying to remember exactly what that bombout combo set looks like. I would imagine regular combos would work fine for that if you decided to cannibalize them.
I would guess that both you and Mike know what I have in mind, but in case anyone else has something in a similar shape that could be converted, here's what a flip turn ski looks like.
From HW:
He also said that if anything, go a touch bigger in size rather than smaller.
Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 12:49pm
I have a brand new flip turn ski in the trailer. Same one as pictured basically but I hate it. It looks brand new, only used it a couple times. It's too slippery for me. I modified an old beastly wood ski to go backwards around the boat. I can turn that thing on a dime!! but, I snapped it in half last summer.......
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA
Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 12:58pm
Here's some skis!!! I thought I had one of that carpeted step off ski, painted green for easy find-ability. Also notice the foot print in the paint.... :)
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 1:11pm
It looks like any of the Cypress Gardens skis are reasonably symmetrical... are any of them flat bottomed?
Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 1:13pm
All of the cypress wood skis we have are flat on the bottom. We hate concave skis, too much drag when you're trying to do a show ski act...don't need to grip the water. So yes, Cypress Skis make great flip turns. But...we won't be getting rid of any of those puppies lol. They are too precious.
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 1:19pm
TRBenj wrote:
Larry, Im trying to remember exactly what that bombout combo set looks like.
The store bought flip turn ski has quite a rocker. My old one is big, long and flat. Wonder how that would affect the rotation. Not so slippery, as Mike suggests, I would think.
Mike, never did the carpet thing, but when I set out to learn barefooting (no teacher, no boom, no wetsuit, no kneeboard, never seen it done live (maybe once at CG) I took an old slalom, took off heel and rear toe. Once up on it, scooched foot out of toe piece, so at that point, pretty much where you were on your carpet ski. Planted back foot, slid other off for, as you said, a smooth step off. Of course that was when I was just learning so the step off was smooth, the immediately ensuing face plant, not so much.
------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 1:36pm
Yea Larry that rocker is what's to blame. Some can work them just fine but I have a hard time on it. That's why I went to a different ski, longer, flatter...etc...
I don't back foot though...I have deeped up on shortline but I haven't really tried all that much. I am capable of it I'm sure, I just haven't really had the urge to for some reason...
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 1:49pm
Magicman gave me the ski pictured above. That's what I learned on that's all I know. I am cutting down some jumpers skicat picked up in Georgia for me (thanks again!), we'll see how they compare to what I'm plenty comfortable on now.
I figure the continuous rocker vs. 3-stage characteristics of a wakeboard apply here as well. It rides deeper and subsequently smoother in the water rather than bouncing on top of it.
All this skiing talk has me jazzed up for the weekend. Daylight savings + ice moving out, time to ski!
Larry, try bombing out of some regular combo skis (concave). Yes they do drag at barefoot speeds but that actually helps them get out of the way for your landing! I always use regular fiberglass combos with all the normal hardware on them.
You guys gotta try jbear's kick ski. He took the TOE off and just uses the heel. It's kinda weird but in smooth water works just fine, so it works just like Mike's carpet ski. We often go through some chop before getting to the show course, I'd get bucked off those skis rather quick.
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 2:15pm
Hollywood wrote:
Larry, try bombing out of some regular combo skis (concave). Yes they do drag at barefoot speeds but that actually helps them get out of the way for your landing! I always use regular fiberglass combos with all the normal hardware on them.
Historically, thats what I have done. I was using the ones pictured since it had been about 10 years since I had tried one. You can see the result around the middle of Keiths "Northeast Amateurs" video. After that "FAIL" I went back alongside the boat and cleaned up my form. So hopefully I am good to go from regular skis behind the boat again. If I get bold enough, maybe I'll give one of your trademark W2W bombouts a try. They are pretty slick.
Mike, I see you're pretty young, so you got lots of time. Don't put off working on your backwards work till your 54 like I did. You will look back on the prior 30 years with regret that you wasted all that time when you could have been honing your skills.
------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 2:18pm
I also move the front toe forward perhaps 1" on my front kick skis. It planes easier on a deepwater and also tracks better outside the wake.
I had never heard of a W2W bomb out being done, not that I thought I was doing something that had never been done before. The falls feel like you sat skinned your palms with a hatchet and then sat on it, though it's probably good practice for jumping. I later came across this video of Randy Filter.
Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 2:27pm
Yea Larry, even after college now I can already feel the "natural instinct to survive" has begun to kick in. I used to always get so mad at my dad in HS because he wouldn't leave the dang step off ski behind. I totally understand what he means now. Even just a few years out of HS and I am already starting to get scared I'll hurt myself...bad. haha
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: March-08-2011 at 3:04pm
75 Tique wrote:
If I get bold enough, maybe I'll give one of your trademark W2W bombouts a try. They are pretty slick.
Hollywood wrote:
The falls feel like you skinned your palms with a hatchet and then sat on it,
On the other hand, a nice leisurely cruise on two skis is always good. too.
------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: March-09-2011 at 2:25am of my favorite topics.
The "toe-off" heel cup only was the way I was taught. Easy to slide the foot off the ski. Never had seen the slide outa the toe piece method till getting on here. And HW..rode that same ski thru rough water more than once to step off. Thanks for re-posting the Randy Filter video. He skied with us in Tennessee 2 or 3 years running in the early 80's. Man he was something to see at that time. Unbelievable. But he could not teach me bacerds. Slow learner I guess. I had to wait till I was 58 years of age and hooked up with backfoot100..Eddie learn. Still a slow learner but Eddie stuck with me.
Love the w2w bombouts (grave jumps) but won't be trying any of those.
Sure wish you could've been here this weekend like you were thinking and Eddie and his daughter Kris were out. You'da had fun.
------------- "Loud pipes save lives"
AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...
Posted By: kapla
Date Posted: March-11-2011 at 4:28pm
nice video!!
thanks for posting it HW!!!
------------- <a href="">1992 ski nautique
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: March-11-2011 at 5:45pm
Mike, we lose fiberglass skis somewhat regularly due to Wallys picking them up, runing them over, and darkness. If you're otherwise throwing them out, I'd take whatever you got.
Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: March-11-2011 at 5:57pm
Sounds good Hollywood, sometime this weekend I'm going into the trailer/garage and check out what we have. Was going to the other night while putting the varnished skis back in the trailer but another guy on the team already put them away!!! Worked for me! :)
I will be checking on the ski sitch in the near future here guys so stay tuned!!! Hope I can get some out to you all!
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: March-11-2011 at 6:44pm
queenner and I got a couple of skis from copcraft via scottb a few years ago. They were useless to him, but we've actually used all the skis multiple times, as well as a set of combos eric lavine sent me. Those even match the boat!
Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: March-11-2011 at 6:50pm
Does anyone have any old wooden skis that are long flat and about...oh..7 inches wide? Preferably with a square bottom (Tail)...
Skis of this size make great ATB (around the boat skis). The d*ck popes are a little small, and our base boards are too large/hard to handle at that speed...
Found a pic of a couple, hard to see them...but like I said; square bottom, little wider than the regular wood combos...etc
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: March-11-2011 at 7:24pm
Lots of older combo skis shaped like that, with the long flat jumper-like fins. Seem to be commonly called "____ Glider". Jumpers themselves make a good choice but are $$$. Your wood skis probably coast really well, but gotta be squirrely on edge.
We use several Connelly Mid-SX skis, and a Big Daddy for the boys over 200. We have done 7 behind a PS197-MCX.
Mike, you may never have seen this but was posted in 2009 by CCF member affiliated with Backwater Gamblers.
8 Skiers Around the Boat
1986 Correct Craft 2001, 454 CI
Backwater Gamblers Water Ski Show Club - 1991 Nationals
Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: March-11-2011 at 7:27pm
haha yup, I'm well aware of what it takes to send a ton around the boat. I am good friends with a lot of people on the BWG team. They are a great group. Our team in Cedar Rapids (Five Seasons Ski Team) was the first to put 7 around a triple rig.
I was contemplating skiing with Backwater this summer......
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA
Posted By: skicat2001
Date Posted: March-11-2011 at 8:30pm
Showing those old wooden skiis brought memories of dad skiing on cypress garden ski he owned in the 80's..
------------- 1985 CC 2001-SOLD Lee Michael Johnson
Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: March-11-2011 at 8:32pm
HW, I didn't see the pic of that connelly ski till now...I can't believe you use those. Aren't they concave on the bottom? I sink to the bottom of the river on those things...
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: March-11-2011 at 11:17pm
Look at - these guys. They took an ATB and certainly kicked it up a notch. Too bad the audio is mucked up.
------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: March-20-2011 at 2:17pm
I think I may be good to go. Now I just have to get Hollywood out this way for some lessons.
------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: March-20-2011 at 3:43pm
Wow, nice find Larry. HW may be here in June- you might want to consider clearing your calendar!
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: March-21-2011 at 12:58pm
Cool looking ski Larry, how about some more pics and measurements? Practice the turn with a trick ski. That was really the only reason to going back to to slalom trick for me but I've come to enjoy it, just can't bring myself to spend $400 on one little ski though. I'm putting a highwrap on an old plastic O'Brien that actually has a little bit of an edge to it, unlike my EPs.
I got some advice from Gary B, one of jbear's buddies and also a guy on my ski team. Position your bare foot slightly ahead (closer to the boat) than your ski foot. I like to put my foot on the water at 25 mph (turn speed) then roll up the throttle. I'm getting more comfortable with 2 feet in the ski at increased speeds but I still like to establish a glide with the bare foot. Transfer more and more weight to the barefoot and let the ski go. You'll see the spray off your bare foot get taller and taller, it's pretty cool looking. Don't look down! If you gas pedal your foot will kick up off the water, now doing a 30 mph back swan or a gnarly backwards ragdoll.
Just like how I learned to barefoot forwards, I went out there and took the falls longline with the step ski. Wearing a neckbrace really helps take the crashes.
Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: March-21-2011 at 1:08pm
Worked on some skis this weekend. The 3 on the right have cypress bindings now, over-sized fins and are ready for ATB acts.
The nice looking wood cypress skis are just 2 of the 30 pair we found online last fall, and the white ones are basically junk...not sure if we have the heart to throw them away/get rid of them but they are split and are more glue than wood anymore haha
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: March-21-2011 at 2:18pm
Who's the tail rider on the red one? Do you guys cut under or push?
I've been wanting a yellow Acapulco kick ski for a while.
Posted By: mdvalant
Date Posted: March-21-2011 at 2:21pm
We have quite a few of those painted acapulco skis, they are nice step off skis.
Usually cut under. We only do 2 or 3 on the Bellevue team.
------------- - '90 Ski (sold) - '00 Sport
Mississippi River - Bellevue, IA