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Good Podcasts for Gearheads

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Topic: Good Podcasts for Gearheads
Posted By: Bri892001
Subject: Good Podcasts for Gearheads
Date Posted: October-27-2011 at 1:57pm
Hi All,

So after years of commuting to work by MBTA, I've been commuting to my new job by car for the last 4 months. I used to always read the paper on the T, but now my only entertainment is the radio, and I've got about an hour each way, depending on traffic.

Most stations play the same songs over and over again, and Boston being Boston, almost all talk radio is devoted to sports. Sports interest me only a little, not enough to take day in and day out.

So, I have an iPod setup in my car, and I download a good amount of music. By far, my favorite thing to listen to is the Cartalk Podcast: -
They broadcast locally, but are syndicated nationally. There's a lot of fluff in there with the technical stuff but it's very entertaining. It's pretty funny and sometimes informative.

The problem is, they only do one, one hour show per week. I found this other thing called the motor minute, but that's literally only a minute per day. More technical and to the point, I like it a lot but not much there.

I stumbled across a few boating ones, but I had trouble sifting through what was good. And, the video podcasts obviously won't work for this purpose.

Does anyone know of any good podcasts for gear heads? Cars, boat, motorcycles? Even home repair and computer electronic stuff interests me. Any recommendations?


Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: October-28-2011 at 10:15am
as long as you dont get an hour of that fox BS, weve got enough to deal with here.......

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: October-28-2011 at 10:17am
im waiting to see if they will start the x-mas season music on the radio the day after halloween this year, as they did last year

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: Bri892001
Date Posted: October-28-2011 at 1:34pm

I found this one: - Under the Hood Car Repair Show

I'm only halfway through my first episode (about an hour and 45 minutes a piece) but it seems really good. Not heavily produced, sound effects, jokes etc., but they seem to have a lot of good information.

One of the first segments they were helping a guy diagnose an idle hunting issue on an a mid 80's fuel injected Corvette. They really went into a lot of good detail about the fuel regulator, and potential carbon buildup on the fuel injectors.

I never realized before that it's the healthy fuel injectors that click more. They were saying the ones that are all gooped up will be quiet because they don't close as cleanly.

So far I give it a

Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: October-28-2011 at 2:27pm
I go the talk radio route in boston, there is more than sports, although limited.

Morning: Its a matter of taste, I know, but I like IMUS, he comes out of Providence on an AM station so you may not get him from south boston to north shore. Jim and Marjori on 96.9 are unlistenable, they think they are funny but all they do is talk over each other. Finnarin on WRKO is just another Mass Political crook and is unlistenable. In the evenings, I like Howie Carr on 680 WRKO. Right leaning and very sarcastic/cynical, right up my alley (you would love him Eric ) Some new guy on 96.9, don't know him. Jay Severin is on 1200AM, since getting fired from 96.9. He is a pompous windbag and I can't stand him, deserved to be fired and should have never been hired by the other outfit.

Well I realize I didnt answer your question but it gave me a chance to rant on one of my favorite topics.

“So, how was your weekend?”
“Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”

Posted By: Bri892001
Date Posted: October-28-2011 at 2:40pm

I get a ton of grief from my friends about not following sports, or used to, some of them are falling out of it a bit too. But even when the sox are doing great, it's not all I want to think about. Lately, it's nothing but how beer and fried chicken are some kind of federal offense. For anyone not in the area, Red Sox pitchers where caught drinking beer and eating fried chicken in the clubhouse on nights they weren't pitching. This supposedly caused the whole season to unravel and it was all that was talked about on sports radio for weeks at a time.

I can take some of the political stuff in doses, some of that goes around in circles too though. A fuel injection system can be fixed in a radio show, no one I hear on the radio is smart enough to fix our problems in Washington or Wall Street.

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