I am not sure if anyone on the site has experience with this product. One of my new neighbors has one and swears by it. The lake we just moved on to is very weedy, more so than even I can tolerate. I called into this company to get some info on a potential group buy. Seems like a good deal. They are offering their standard package at 25% off retail, plus 3% off for early order (by Feb.) plus 3% off for payment in full. So all that takes this thing from like $4k down to about $2800ish. That is for 10 orders...30%++ off for 20 orders. He is sending me more exact numbers that I can post soon.
Just trying to gauge if there is any interest here before I put any work into this. I will also be posting it on Planet Nautique as well as around my neighborhood.
You WILL need a permit for this. He told me that in MI, the DNR is aware of them and will issue a permit...for a fee of course . He said they actually welcome them. You will have to check with the company or your local authority for different states.
Anyone interested? http://www.weedroller.com/marine/ - Weed Roller
------------- Boats: Current: 02 SANTE Sold: 89 Sport Nautique