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1982 2001 model

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: Common Questions
Forum Discription: Visit here first for common questions regarding your Correct Craft
Printed Date: December-04-2024 at 4:06am

Topic: 1982 2001 model
Posted By: Dellavalle
Subject: 1982 2001 model
Date Posted: May-26-2012 at 10:30pm
First use of the year, started at home, take to the Lake, no go. Just cranks, drained fuel, water filter, good gas, no ignition / firing. Any idea's ? Thanks for the possible solutions.

Posted By: 76tique
Date Posted: May-27-2012 at 1:43am
Do you have conventional ignition? Condensers often go bad from sitting...check your points/condenser if no spark. Do you have power to the coil with ignition on?

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Posted By: Dellavalle
Date Posted: May-27-2012 at 1:59am
Thanks for your suggestions, It did start and run in my driveway at home, drove 1 mile to the lake, and no firing. Original ignition system, and I will check for voltage at points tomorrow a.m, plus rotor, and cap. After I drained out the fuel / water filter, there was some water in the system. So, fuel to carb. / check power, and maybe t'morrow will be the trick.

Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: May-27-2012 at 11:30am
Try dribbling some fresh gas into the carb,then try to start. Just to make sure all the bad gas was purged.

I was helping a friend of mine try to start PWC, drained gas, etc - still wouldn't start.   The problem ended up being all the green ethanol goo in the bottom of the tank. He had to have the tank removed & throughly cleaned. The tank is not easily accessed in a PWC!

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Ben Franklin

Posted By: Dellavalle
Date Posted: May-27-2012 at 7:39pm
Hello and thanks. I took 2 cans of carb. cleaner, shot everything and more, cleaned up the remains, let it all dry, fired it up and all good. Now, onto the impeller, it was not sucking water in and up, so we had to shut down at the dock. Back home, took it all apart, back together in the right flow of things, but I am installing a hose feed " T " connection tomorrow at the water feed and into the filter. Driving to the lake, about 1 mile, Lake Placid, and not being able to go, stinks. So this way I can run and test at home. Thanks again, P.D.

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