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Barefoot Skiing & Feet Burning

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: Ski, Ride and Foot Talk
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Printed Date: September-27-2024 at 11:11am

Topic: Barefoot Skiing & Feet Burning
Posted By: tbeard
Subject: Barefoot Skiing & Feet Burning
Date Posted: July-15-2012 at 7:48pm
I wanted to ask the barefooters about my feet burning after only a couple of passes. I footed years ago for approx 12 - 15 years. Skied 9 months out of the year (1 - 3 days per week) and took lessons with professionals to advance my skiing - front and backward - wakes and tricks. I never really had a problem with hot feet. I purchased a 88 BFN in May and my son and I have started footing again. At first I could ski 3 long sessions with no problem, but now my 2nd to 3rd run (first session) my feet are in major burning pain (on fire). To the point I need to go to ski shoes. I know the warm water has an effect but this seems extreme. Anyone encounter this hot feet problem? If so what did you do? Thx.....Tom


Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: July-15-2012 at 8:56pm
Hot water makes the difference for me. Early spring and late fall my feet getting hot is never an issue. We have been without fresh cool rain around here for 2 months and it has been very hot. Water temps have risen considerably and my feet get too hot to ski on in about half the time. slower speeds also help but we all know what happens when you go too slow.

Posted By: tbeard
Date Posted: July-15-2012 at 9:29pm
Thanks Bill, I agree the warmer water makes a difference, and the water is very warm here in North TX, approx 83 degrees. I thought my problem may have been that I took off 10 years and then all of a sudden went to the other extreme of skiing alot? I also thought that I may have some internal bruising from skiing too much to soon and the feet do not get a chance to recover? But the feet look normal. My son and a friend are not having this problem at all which is also puzzling.


Posted By: NCH20SKIER
Date Posted: July-15-2012 at 10:29pm
My bet is on the warmer water. Last summer I footed in Maine while on vacation and noticed a considerable difference in duration of the runs when compared to skiing at home in NC.

'05 206 Limited
'88 BFN

Posted By: Foot_Fungus
Date Posted: July-16-2012 at 12:48am
Usually on my first run of the day my feet will light up like I'm walking on embers(first few times we though maybe we were running through some tree debris or yard clippings). What I do is do a quick run till they heat up, then take a break for about 5-10 minutes and I'm good to go for the rest of the day. I will say that I generally only have this problem in mid-summer when the lake temp really shoots up. Not sure if its heat related or not, but I do know if I don't take that break right off the bat my feet hurt the rest of the session.

Posted By: tbeard
Date Posted: July-16-2012 at 1:45am
Thanks John, Great idea....normally my sessions are longer and my feet start to heat up half way through them. I will try your suggestion Wednesday. I am still puzzled for why it just effects me and not my son and other footing friends. Friday night they skied for a very long distance/time with no issues.


Posted By: 86BFN
Date Posted: July-16-2012 at 8:35pm
Congrats on 88 BFN purchase! Nice boat, sounds like your having great family

👣 Steve" rel="nofollow - 86 Barefoot Nautique

89 Martinique
Former Owner: 93 Hydrodyne 350 MAG

Posted By: GlassSeeker
Date Posted: July-16-2012 at 9:04pm
I think foot burn is more related to feet being in footin condition, how do you get them in footin condition? FOOTIN and more footin, ski through the pain and it goes away like when runners get a second wind. But they will be tender for a few weeks.

I have suffered sore feet but never foot burn while skiing on water anywhere from 40 to 90 degrees.

If you ski in chop before they are broken in you can definitely bruise them and they will hurt to ski on until they get tougher.

I have seen blisters on feet too, but not mine, maybe its related to how you ski, plow?, glide?, water smoothness.

I think if your style of footin has you like a statue without movement where your foot does not change angle/area where the water hits, you are much more likely to complain of foot burn.

this is just my .02

This is the life

Posted By: fanofccfan
Date Posted: July-16-2012 at 9:39pm
Originally posted by GlassSeeker GlassSeeker wrote:

I think foot burn is more related to feet being in footin condition, how do you get them in footin condition? FOOTIN and more footin, ski through the pain and it goes away like when runners get a second wind. But they will be tender for a few weeks.

I have suffered sore feet but never foot burn while skiing on water anywhere from 40 to 90 degrees.

If you ski in chop before they are broken in you can definitely bruise them and they will hurt to ski on until they get tougher.

I have seen blisters on feet too, but not mine, maybe its related to how you ski, plow?, glide?, water smoothness.

I think if your style of footin has you like a statue without movement where your foot does not change angle/area where the water hits, you are much more likely to complain of foot burn.

this is just my .02

Possible but I have skied on my feet 3-4 times a week since march/April and the last few weeks they get hot sooner. When my ski buddies complain about it I just call them big pussies and quietly ski with the pain.

Posted By: GlassSeeker
Date Posted: July-16-2012 at 9:49pm
funny how the first thing people ask when they see barefooting is: Does it hurt your feet? and we all answer NO! haha

This is the life

Posted By: 86BFN
Date Posted: July-16-2012 at 9:59pm
I tell them it's like getting a foot massage.   

👣 Steve" rel="nofollow - 86 Barefoot Nautique

89 Martinique
Former Owner: 93 Hydrodyne 350 MAG

Posted By: Waldo
Date Posted: July-16-2012 at 10:51pm
Pull a Hollywood and soak your feet in the beer cooler when your done.


Posted By: tbeard
Date Posted: July-17-2012 at 1:02am
I do not think it is my form or body position. Just finished a clinic with Brandan Paige and his comments were my form is fine do not change a thing. No plowing, No heel skiing....etc just glide effortless. I am working on getting my turns back again and cannot concentrate due to my feet burning like hell! I agree smile and suck it up while you are on fire but man there comes a point where it is unberable :) We are skiing again Wendesday evening and I am going to try and ski through it to see if it will start to clear up or blister up one or the other.....LOL. I will try the beer cooler when I no longer need the cooler for the beer. (when we are done skiing of course)


Posted By: SN206
Date Posted: July-17-2012 at 1:40am
Where are you skiing Wednesday?

...those who have fallen and those who will.

Posted By: quinner
Date Posted: July-17-2012 at 1:38pm
Interesting question, I was back up in Northern Michigan couple weeks ago for the first time this season, whenever I foot up there I do not experience any burn, really cannot explain why. Have footed in many different lakes & rivers at various water temps and the general rule is, eventually it always burns.

Removing water temp from the equation, Is it possible when water is cleaner/clearer or has less content (iron or ???) the amount of physical "burn" is reduced or eliminated??

-------------" rel="nofollow - Mi Bowt

Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: July-17-2012 at 1:46pm
I really can't believe water temp plays a role in this. I am more inclined to think water conditions. Glassy smooth cuts at one point on your feet = hurts more. Ripply water, spreads it out = hurts less. I have very little endurance lately due to foot pain. I attribute it to not getting out enough lately and my feet havent toughened up. Shoe skis ain't footin'. (just kidding, great training tool) How about some duct tape to cover key contact points, extending far enough forward on your foot to not catch and get ripped off or do you think it would just get torn to atoms? (not sure if I am serious about that or not)

“So, how was your weekend?”
“Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”

Posted By: tullfooter
Date Posted: July-17-2012 at 2:06pm
Be careful footing through the pain. A couple of years ago I developed a blister from footing that almost put me in the hospital. The blister went so deep that I had a bone scan done. My doctor wanted me on crutches (from a freakin' blister). He fitted me with an orthopedic shoe (which lasted less than a day). I had to walk on my toes for almost two months until it healed.
The same thing happened to a footing partner. The blister on his heal was huge. He had to get it surgically removed.

Play hard, life's not a trial run.
'85 BFN
'90 BFN

White Lake, Michigan

Posted By: tbeard
Date Posted: July-17-2012 at 3:49pm
Ryan we are going to Lake Moss A friend has a lake house up there and they want some lessons.
Thanks Steve for the heads up. I have never heard that about blisters. WOW. Everyone has provided some good input! The river conditions are normally glass or very close to it. (wish I knew how to post pics on here) It is a river so the water is not crystal is merky with a visability of 6 inches at best. Very warm 83 degrees. I cannot use tape.... Thx though. You are right shoes skis are for learning new tricks not footin....agreed. I think it is a deep bruise on both feet from hammering my feet on the water right out of the gate after being off 10 + years.
Worse case I shoe ski for 3 weeks working on new things and stay completly off my feet and then ski again barefoot to see if there are any improvements. I still go back to the point that my son (who is a brand new footer.....but has excellent form and skies 3 long sessions has no problems) along with my friend..he will ski form a mile or two rest and go again.
Thanks for the feedback.....Yom


Posted By: quinner
Date Posted: July-17-2012 at 4:08pm
Originally posted by tbeard tbeard wrote:

I still go back to the point that my son (who is a brand new footer.....but has excellent form and skies 3 long sessions has no problems) along with my friend..he will ski form a mile or two rest and go again.

Answer: They are Tuff and You are Soft and Old, LOL

You are probably correct, may have bruised yourself on first pass and still feeling the pain.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Mi Bowt

Posted By: watrski
Date Posted: July-17-2012 at 4:11pm
The wimps here use neoprene booties!

Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: July-17-2012 at 4:22pm
Originally posted by Waldo Waldo wrote:

Pull a Hollywood and soak your feet in the beer cooler when your done.


That soaking your feet in the cooler thing is for WARMING up your feet after footing in the 35 degree water in Nov, Dec, Mar and Apr. God Bless him for that idea, its the only way to thaw your feet!

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
My Dad's 63 Ski N

Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: July-17-2012 at 4:27pm
Originally posted by 75 Tique 75 Tique wrote:

I really can't believe water temp plays a role in this. I am more inclined to think water conditions. Glassy smooth cuts at one point on your feet = hurts more. Ripply water, spreads it out = hurts less. I have very little endurance lately due to foot pain. I attribute it to not getting out enough lately and my feet havent toughened up. Shoe skis ain't footin'. (just kidding, great training tool) How about some duct tape to cover key contact points, extending far enough forward on your foot to not catch and get ripped off or do you think it would just get torn to atoms? (not sure if I am serious about that or not)

I ski with some guys who wear socks to prevent the burn. It looks funny, but it actually works. Unlike tennis shoes, or neoprene booties, you still get the same sensation as the are feet. I have tried it once or twice, but usually I get so tired by the time the feet burn starts that I am done anyway - as other have said, I think its all part of the conditioning... (feet as well as aerobic)

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
My Dad's 63 Ski N

Posted By: GlassSeeker
Date Posted: July-17-2012 at 5:04pm
I always think about Billy Nichols record of 2 hours and 45 minutes. Thats a long time to foot without stopping.

This is the life

Posted By: tbeard
Date Posted: July-17-2012 at 6:02pm
Het Tate....I am getting old...soft... no way man. My only concern is staying ahead of those guys,:) Booties....No way I will try the socks. Who knows.... you will be able to see my back one foots better with a white sock up in the air. LOL
2 hours and 45 minutes is insane skiing. I think it was Scarpa that would ski in endurance races and do a front to back or back to front during the race to let the other half of his foot cool off.

I would post some pics if some will tell me how. Thx....Tom


Posted By: GlassSeeker
Date Posted: July-17-2012 at 7:14pm
hit the little arrow to expand to the full reply editor then the little picture of a tree with an up-arrow for image upload and then go get the pics out of your computer and post em---you may need to resize them first

This is the life

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