VIN Trailer Decal
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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 5:16pm
Topic: VIN Trailer Decal
Posted By: MartyMabe
Subject: VIN Trailer Decal
Date Posted: April-11-2013 at 11:05pm
OK--- As Zach says-- Ramlin Trailers can be a *#@! to deal with. Last year I E-mailed them with the thoughts on getting a Trailer VIN Decal. They wanted my info on the trailer-- I gave it to them. I then got 2 or 3 E-mails that were forwarded to different areas. Finally an E-mail that said- they would print me a decal up and notify me when it was done. I'd E-mail them back about every 6 weeks. They'd say that my info was on file and they'd get to it when they could. Another 6 weeks go by- I E-mail them again. I asked this time could I just buy some blank decals. They said they'd check and let me know. Another 6 weeks go by- I E-mail again- they finally say they can't sell any blank decals and they can't print me one up either.
So I guess I'll just put one of these on the 93-

Question---- 93 SN Boat weight 3600 lbs Trailer weight 1060 lbs BFN 3585 lbs 1075 lbs
Add these two together for the GVWR amount? And then tires- 225-75-15
------------- 66 Skylark" rel="nofollow - 93 SN If you're not living in NC, you're just camping out!
Posted By: KRoundy
Date Posted: April-12-2013 at 1:39am
Hey - you got more of those?
------------- Previous: 1993 Electric Blue/Charcoal Ski Nautique Current: 2016 Ski Nautique 200 Open Bow
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: April-12-2013 at 2:25am
Marty, you don't have a Ram-Lin, nor are you trying to purchase anything so I can see why they wouldn't waste resources on your request. Second, read the brochure. That trailer is rated to carry 3600#, not counting the trailer weight. Your boat weighs 2340# dry.
GVWR seems like a strange number to be on a trailer but by definition I suppose it should be 3600 + 1060 for you.
Posted By: mark c
Date Posted: April-12-2013 at 9:31am
The GVWR is used by some states to determine the need for a title, and or the need for annual inspections of the trailer. In MA any trailer with a GVWR of 3000 LBs or more requires a title, and must have an annual safety inspection.
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: April-12-2013 at 11:29am
Hollywood wrote:
Marty, you don't have a Ram-Lin, nor are you trying to purchase anything so I can see why they wouldn't waste resources on your request. Second, read the brochure. That trailer is rated to carry 3600#, not counting the trailer weight. Your boat weighs 2340# dry.
GVWR seems like a strange number to be on a trailer but by definition I suppose it should be 3600 + 1060 for you. | I would guess that GVWR is right around 5k lbs for the 6-lug CC/Ramlins. All of the running gear (wheels/tires/axles/etc) are rated for that.
Posted By: Air206
Date Posted: August-15-2013 at 12:17am
I am using one of Marty's Trailer VIN Decals, and I am having a local shop make up a clear overlay. The overly fills the blanks with proper info and will act as a protective barrier over the chrome decal.
The maker of the overlay wanted to know if anyone else wanted some of these overlays made up..... If so, send me a PM with your specific trailer info. I don't have a cost yet, he was going to offer a group discount but I can't imagine a lot of folks wanting this....if you do, let me know............
The chrome decal is awesome but REALLY difficult to fill in; I think this is a great way to fill it in individually and permanently (as long a a chrome VIN decal can give ya' anyway).
-------------" rel="nofollow - 04 Air206" rel="nofollow - 91 Barefoot 78 SkiTiq
Posted By: N2Deep
Date Posted: August-15-2013 at 1:05pm
I would love a chrome decal and overlay. Thinking if I could get the chrome decal I would make an aluminum replica to attach to the trailer. The DMV told me that he could barely read mine and to get it replaced if I ever wanted to sell it.
------------- 1991 SN pulled by a 2010 Tundra
Posted By: Air206
Date Posted: August-15-2013 at 1:19pm
If you are going to do that ....just buy Marty's decal and have the shop that's making the plate engrave/stamp it.... no overlay needed.
Those early 90's trailer VIN Decals faded FAST. If your trailer hasn't been repainted, there's a special place the VIN was also placed...... Shhhh, secret!
-------------" rel="nofollow - 04 Air206" rel="nofollow - 91 Barefoot 78 SkiTiq
Posted By: Donald80SN
Date Posted: August-15-2013 at 2:06pm
Air206 wrote:
... Shhhh, secret!  |
Is it stamped under that non OEM plate that is attached to the back of your Bare Foot Boat?
Posted By: Air206
Date Posted: August-15-2013 at 2:24pm
Can't tell the folks with the 80's boats Donald - Sorry!
Jump up a decade and we'll talk.............
-------------" rel="nofollow - 04 Air206" rel="nofollow - 91 Barefoot 78 SkiTiq
Posted By: ArtCozier
Date Posted: August-15-2013 at 4:00pm
In defense of RamLin, they have had a turnover of office personnel and that may have contributed to the mixup.
The Feds have laws that are really strict (and ridiculous -- no surprise there) about issueing VIN labels. I'm sure that's what their hangup is.
'93 is when RamLin was just acquiring the Correct Craft trailer division. I know that nowadays, the VIN numbers are all stamped on the brake actuator assembly. Are you sure you are looking for a VIN label, or just a CAPACITY label. There is a vast difference.
The weight capacity of your trailer is the sum of the maximum load rating of the tires.
------------- "Art"
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: August-15-2013 at 4:11pm
ArtCozier wrote:
The weight capacity of your trailer is the sum of the maximum load rating of the tires. | (Or hubs, axle(s), wheels or springs... whichever is the lowest.)
Posted By: MourningWood
Date Posted: August-30-2019 at 11:24pm
This old thread shows exactly what I (and I'm sure others) need in the way of trailer vin decal. So, is this available today, and if so, from whom? Any help appreciated, thx.
------------- 1964 Dunphy X-55 "One 'N Dun"
'I measured twice, cut three times, and it's still too short!"
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: August-31-2019 at 12:16am
Going out on a limb here - How about Marty the thread starter don't know if this is current but it's worth a try
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: MourningWood
Date Posted: August-31-2019 at 1:55pm
Give it a shot. Several previous attempts to reach him have sunk, though.
------------- 1964 Dunphy X-55 "One 'N Dun"
'I measured twice, cut three times, and it's still too short!"
Posted By: MartyMabe
Date Posted: September-01-2019 at 6:28pm
Yes I'm still around... Did get the VIN Decal repoped for the 93 Trailer too..

------------- 66 Skylark" rel="nofollow - 93 SN If you're not living in NC, you're just camping out!
Posted By: MourningWood
Date Posted: September-01-2019 at 7:33pm
Great to hear. Thank you for your continued efforts to provide top-notch items for our boats and trailers. P M sent.
------------- 1964 Dunphy X-55 "One 'N Dun"
'I measured twice, cut three times, and it's still too short!"