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Oil Filter Comparison/Evaluation

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Topic: Oil Filter Comparison/Evaluation
Posted By: skutsch
Subject: Oil Filter Comparison/Evaluation
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 7:46pm
Ok, in an effort to further the debate on Oil Filters, I have located an updated study and tear down analysis on Oil Filters. I will post the links and results below. But first the caveats:

1.) The study was completed in January 2011, so even this study is over 2 years old, but much more current then the one I have previously referenced. Realizing that manufactures change their products (for better or worse), products referenced here may have changed and could provide different results.

2.) I believe the study to be an improvement over previously referenced studies because in addition to the tear down analysis, it also completed a particulate filtration analysis.

3.) The application was completed using a methodology to simulate a 1/2 ton pick up using an L31 5.7L Gen1e Vortec engine. Obviously this is not a marine application. While the 5.7L chevy block is used in some marine application, it is not the same. For most of the folks on this site the 5.8L Ford block is probably more common. Having said all this the spirit of the analysis is still somewhat applicable to our marine application.

4.) Much of the study is subjective, where empirical analysis is not provided, there is generally documentation of what the subjective analysis was based on, and in many cases photographs of the information.

Link to the" rel="nofollow - Oil Filter Analysis

For those wishing for the Cliff Notes Version
Top 5 (overall):
Fram Extended Guard
Mobil 1
Royal Purple

Top 5 (elimiating price as a factor)
Mobil 1
Fram Extended Guard
Purolator Pure-One

Bottom 5 (overall):
Fram High Mileage
AC Delco

Bottom 5 (elimiating price as a factor):

More information to follow, let the debate begin...

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
My Dad's 63 Ski N

Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 7:49pm
Here is summary of the data:

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
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Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 7:49pm
Here is a summary recalculated removing the Price component:

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
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Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 7:52pm
And finally a link to the" rel="nofollow - Data Tables

and the" rel="nofollow - Filtration results

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
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Posted By: jbach
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 8:15pm
'crickets chirping'. i wonder how crow is best served?

good stuff steve. interesting to see just how crappy motorcraft stacked up.

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 8:19pm
Originally posted by jbach jbach wrote:

'crickets chirping'. i wonder how crow is best served?

Huh? Key word: Air filters (not oil).


Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 8:25pm
Josh, was not my intent, but admittedly I would have to be near the start of that serving line - as I too had climbed on the Fram basher bandwagon, I would say they only have ONE filter at the top of the list and most of their filters are indeed at the bottom. in general I was surprised by a lot of the results, and it does go to show that companies can and do make changes to their products and that you do need to be constantly open to updating your information/opinions.

Really anxious to see what Waterdog has to say. Andy is actually in the industry (oil analysis) and I would consider him an expert on the whole Oil discussion.

Regardless, I think this is a good update to the previous findings.

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
My Dad's 63 Ski N

Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 8:26pm
WOW TIM - I is STUPID, wonder How I can fix that...

Ok, that is fixed. Geez - need to stop trying to multi-task...

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
My Dad's 63 Ski N

Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 9:00pm
All I know is if its 80 degrees and I am out on Green Lake for the re-union I would not care if I had a soup can full of Charmin screwed onto the block filtering my oil, I am not turning back to change it. I think I put a wix on last fall. That is the only time I think about the filter.

For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
1987 Ski Nautique

Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 9:20pm
Fram went from worst-ever to Best Buy.

Now it is time to bash Motorcraft & AC Delco. Everyone gets a turn in the barrel I suppose.

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

Ben Franklin

Posted By: bhectus
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 10:31pm
Wow, I took the time to read the tester's setup and tools used to test and I'd say it was a pretty comprehensive test and it obviously yielded some pretty interesting results. Still want to hear what the naysayers chime in with. I haven't used a Fram filter since I joined on here, maybe that will change, but maybe not. I'm a creature of habit and like to stick with the plan. FL1A hasn't let me down yet....

'02 Ski Nautique 196 w/ 5.7 Apex bowtie - Sold
'87 Barefoot - sold
'97 Super Sport Nautique - originally custom built for Walt Meloon
'97 Ski Nautique
'83 SN 2001

Posted By: Bones71
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 10:39pm
I'm lovin this stuff. You guys do great work! Keep it up. I'm takin it all in. Hopefully some day I can help in some way. Bones.

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 10:45pm
I have to wonder why the NAPA Gold and the WIX scored differently???They are the same filter!!!

Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 10:56pm
Originally posted by gun-driver gun-driver wrote:

I have to wonder why the NAPA Gold and the WIX scored differently???They are the same filter!!!

Paul to provide a little more information, I think it correct to say that Napa Gold and WIX are manufactured by the same company. But as the tester points out (perhaps he does this in the truck forum), the manufacturers build to the individual company specs. I believe their are only a handful of actual vendors. If you dig down into the deep detail, you can see where there are differences in the build spec. Most of these larger difference would be outside of the variability you would (hope) to have in manufacturing.

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
My Dad's 63 Ski N

Posted By: Foot_Fungus
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 11:40pm
steve is correct, I'm aware of only 4-5 major mfg. of oil filters. Champion being one of the largest. I believe this is the old outdated version you were referencing" rel="nofollow - Old Test

Since then a few of the brands have switched mfgs, but it gives you a good idea of the differences you'll see even from the same mfg. Kinda like batteries. 99% of the time it isn't the mfg that determines the quality(or lack there of) but the spec and budget they are given by the brand. largely the budget, which determines filter material, check valve material, etc.

The reason everyone gets their turn in the barrel is because it seems like they take turns cheaping out on their filters. They build up the reputation, then cut costs and ride the profit train as long as possible. Then repeat when it starts going down hill. The only brands I've seen consistently maintain quality is Mobil, K&N, and for the past 6 years WIX gold. Motorcraft and Mopar both switched suppliers in recent years so I'm curious how their quality will pan out.

'94SN Restoration underway...

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 11:49pm
WOW----------- great work SKUTsch, fantastic...

Fram is not so bad after all.I think the cat food that Mr. Peter,s wife has been feeding him ,has taken a heavy toll on his mind..He was and has been under the impression the tuna sandwiches she makes him for work and the noodle dish he loves so much was real tuna out of a can for humans. He found a can ,for feline,s in his trash one day and was wondering...

See ,Mr Peter the test results do not lie! Fram is making a come back, while you are being feed cat food    for LUNCH!

Posted By: mrinboard
Date Posted: April-22-2013 at 11:56pm
Oil filter tests are misleading the problem with frame filters is that when the elements get dirty the collapse or rip and the dirty oil bypass's the element. I have seen this first hand.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 12:05am
To:Mr.Peter..Kiss it baby!

Posted By: davidg
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 12:48am
I was never one to buy into the whole Fram bashing thing. I think its all a personal preference. I use both Fram and Motorcraft with no issues.

Question: Fram did both bad and good in the tests. Which Fram filter is the good old beloved "Orange Dome of Death" (as I have seen it referenced on internet blogs). I assume the orange one is the one that scored lower??

Also, judging from the picture above, I didn't know Fram filters had such nice rounded bottoms on them. I do like that grippy stuff they put on them. It would be nice if Motorcraft did that.

Posted By: cphase
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 12:50am
Would this not be a gas filter?
Originally posted by eljayrx eljayrx wrote:

To:Mr.Peter..Kiss it baby!


Jeff" rel="nofollow - 82 SN" rel="nofollow - Arch Linux

Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 1:29am
Ok, so in looking closer at the data, in an attempt to provide some more analysis for DaveG (more on that in a moment Dave), I realized that when I removed the pricing and re-ranked the filters, I only averaged the scores. To be true to the original analysis, I should actually use the weighted analysis as was done in the original evaluation, so you can see the true impact that price has on the ranking. I re-worked that information to come up with the following new ranking based on the weighted average as originally defined by author of this study:

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
My Dad's 63 Ski N

Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 1:53am
So what this tells me there is a VERY distinct difference between the good filters (those that essentially score a B+ or higher, sticking with the letter grade analogy), and what I would call the average filters (those that essentially score between a C- and C+). This is mostly impacted by the results on the filtering ability and build quality. Which makes sense - the filtering importance is pretty obvious and as Mark (mrinboard) pointed out, filter failure is usually due to poor build quality (filter pulling away from the frame) or poor materials (filter element ripping).

Originally posted by davidg davidg wrote:

Question: Fram did both bad and good in the tests. Which Fram filter is the good old beloved "Orange Dome of Death" (as I have seen it referenced on internet blogs). I assume the orange one is the one that scored lower??

So the Xtended Guard is indeed a non-orange Fram Filter (its the gold one). The Orange ones are the High Mileage, Racing and Extra Guard filters. Removing the Price from the equation, the Fram Xtended Guard is 2nd on the list and then the next Fram Filter (Racing) comes in at 9th place. It appears the most significant factors impacting their ranking are Build Quality, media surface and media volume. The next FRAM filter, 16th on list, drops off significantly from the other two. I believe the most common Fram filter (made available at most farm stores) is the FRAM Extraguard, which is way down the list.

So the other interesting thing that others have pointed out, is that it would not be unusual for a company to specify a filter design that is very high quality, as consumers buy this filter and market share shifts, demand goes up, management looks to improve profits, so the manufacture specifies cost "improvements" which degrade product quality. So filter analysis identifies this degredation in quality, demand shift and the manufacture then redesigns the product to improve quality bringing consumers back. This is pretty typical of ANY product lifecycle. It would also explain why you see different manufacturers redesign filters and why you see movement of filters up and down the analysis scale over time.

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
My Dad's 63 Ski N

Posted By: davidg
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 2:22am
Great information Steve! Thanks for going the extra mile to find it, post it, and further explain it. Its nice to see solid data.

For what its worth, I have had a couple of parts guys and oil change guys tell me Wix is a great filter. It seemed to score pretty high on all the charts. I might have to take a look at using them if they are easy to find.

Posted By: jbach
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 2:34am
Originally posted by TRBenj TRBenj wrote:

Originally posted by jbach jbach wrote:

'crickets chirping'. i wonder how crow is best served?

Huh? Key word: Air filters (not oil).

air filters you say? if you read the post, or any of the data, you surely would've noticed the pictures, which are pretty much a dead giveaways for oil filters. I'll give you a pass, I've had a few myself this evening.

Posted By: dwouncmd
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 9:37am
Very interesting. It is nice to see critical thinking vs. marketing and personal anecdotal evidence as it relates to these products.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 89 SN
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Posted By: turningpoint84
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 11:27am
M1-302 and i'll e done with it.

Proud 1968 mustang owner and now" rel="nofollow - 1970 Mustang

Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 11:38am
I find some value in his construction evaluation but the filtration test doesn’t have any real value IMHO. It appears to be only a test of the flattened media at a subjective pressure drop. That doesn’t have much real world correlation to how well the filter would work.   A small amount of highly restrictive media which would score well on this type of test would cause a very large pressure drop across the filter, which aside from placing more strain on the engine would slow down the overall oil flow rate through the engine (by causing the bearing surfaces to see less pressure post filter).    

Additionally to me it seems using a vacuum to pull oil through the paper doesn’t simulate 14 psi of oil pressure but rather 14 psi of pressure drop in the oil filter.. which would be excessive. Most filters would be sending oil unfiltered through their bypass valve back to the engine by that point, 10 to 12 psi used to be a typical bypass pressure rating point back when I paid attention to such things.
So the filtration media might be awesome, but if it restricts flow too much then all the oil is going to bypass it anyway, and if it filters very well but only at pressure drops it will never see then that also doesn’t help things.

I don’t doubt that the high end fram filters are better than they used to be, but I would stick to tests that show pressure drop at reasonable flow rates through the filter assembly.   Preferably at different loading conditions ( Ie how well does it filter after the first 1000 miles, and how much oil pressure does it rob while doing so).

Personally, knowing how many rpms we regularly run our motors, I would say we would be better served by a bunch of relatively porous paper, than by relatively high filtration paper because at 3600 rpm I am guessing too much of the latter would have almost all the oil bypassing the filter element and returning directly to the bearings (particularily with you guys that run that 20-50w stuff).   

------------- - 1983 Ski Nautique 2001
1967 Mustang 302 "Decoy" - Holeshot Video

Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 12:47pm
See Joe, you mechanical engineering types understand this stuff so much better then us electrical engineering guys. That one thermodynamics class we had to take really only wets the toe on the whole fluids concept/discussion. Excellent add on analysis.

Interestingly enough the old study (circa 2004, did some of the loading condition analysis, and they had results all over the place. As you stated the marine application loading condition is WAY different then the automotive. I wonder how much study the marine engine conversion folks have done on oil filters...

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
My Dad's 63 Ski N

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 3:17pm
Originally posted by skutsch skutsch wrote:

you mechanical engineering types understand this stuff so much better

I agree with Joe!! I still feel Fram makes a junk filter!

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Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 3:29pm
I use NAPA Gold as I have an account with them and buy most non marine stuff from them. But, I did use Fram filters for years including on my vehicles when I used to do all my oil changes and never had a problem with a Fram filter and most of my vehicles all went upwards of 200k or more. If you change your oil often or don't use your boat much, I don't think the filter makes much difference. What I have found though is on extended oil changes like I've been doing on my vehicles for the past 7 or 8 years is that some filter clog up faster and there is a noticable drop in oil pressure when you get beyond 10,000 miles on an oil change.

Posted By: PAPA
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 6:26pm
Funny thing about filters, every part number is built different to different specs as specified by the engine manufacturer. Motorcraft FL-12, is not the same as FL-1-A, or FL-820-S, etc. Same thing can be said about the price, common filters like FL-1-A or FL-820-S are way cheaper and easier to find than a FL-12. Who buys a Motorcraft filter for a small block chevy? lol. One thing I can say about Motorcraft filters is I haven't had to warranty any engines due to one of their filters failing; while I have seen other brands of filters fail and cause catastrophic engine failure. I will continue to use the Motorcraft filters designed by Ford and built by Purolater on my Ford engines. They might not be rated the best but they have done damn well everywhere I have worked since 1969. Just my two cents.

Posted By: quinner
Date Posted: April-23-2013 at 6:57pm
Originally posted by PAPA PAPA wrote:

Who buys a Motorcraft filter for a small block chevy? lol.

I do LOL, the PCM Small Block Chevy's of the 2002's and beyond all use a remote filter, FL1A.

Was hoping Motorcraft was not as bad as that report indicates.

Posted By: boardersdad
Date Posted: August-14-2013 at 10:26pm
Steve K,

An excellent project, thank you.

I have a question about your weighted averaging in your April-22-2013 10:29pm post. The best scoring filters are:

FILTER: grade FILTERING/QUALITY/surface/volume
K&N HP-3002: grade 3.88 B/A-/b+/a
Fram Xtended Guard XG5: grade 3.81 A-/A/c/a
Mobil 1 M1-302: grade 3.73 B/A/a-/a
Wix (NAPA) 51060: grade 3.42 C/A-/b+/b+
Purolator Pure-one PL34631: grade 3.42 C-/B+/a-/b+

Look at the individual grades... The Mobil 1 B/A/a-/a is better than the K&N B/A-/b+/a, so the Mobil 1 should have the higher weighted grade, correct?

I was unable to match the grades values you received. I assume you multiply the weighting times the grade, add, then divide by the weighting total (12). Example: Mobil 1: [5(3.00)+5(4.00)+1(3.67)+1(4.00)]/12 = 3.56, but you get 3.73. Am I miscalculating this?

Another question: Are all the oil filter part numbers you list for the PCM 351W? I haven't looked any of them up.

Thanks, I love this kind of study. I know, I'm a geek...


Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: August-15-2013 at 4:32pm
Steve, I sent you a PM, shoot me your email and I will send you my spreadsheet. Your formula above is essentially correct, I think the difference is how you value each letter grade and how I did.

I don't believe they were, the part numbers were as listed in the original study. Again, I did not complete the analysis, just reinterpreted the data.

Yeah, this stuff is cool, there are plenty of us geeks here on this forum. Then even more fun is watching the arguments that flow from the analysis - HA!


Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
My Dad's 63 Ski N

Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: August-15-2013 at 4:38pm
This is essentially the logic train I used. Now that's not to say there is an error in one of my formula's...

IF(D4="A", 4, IF(D4="A-", 3.75, IF(D4="B+", 3.25, IF(D4="B", 3, IF="B-", 2.75, IF(D4="C+", 2.25, IF(D4="C", 2, IF(D4="C-", 1.75, IF(D4="D+", 1.25, IF(D4="D", 1, IF(D4="D-", .75, IF(D4="F+", .25, 0)))))))))))

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
My Dad's 63 Ski N

Posted By: boardersdad
Date Posted: August-16-2013 at 10:43pm
We're cleaning up a few details, stay tuned.

Posted By: boardersdad
Date Posted: August-19-2013 at 4:08am
OK, Steve K and I cleaned up a few technical details and have the oil filter grades.

These rankings are from the one referenced study only.

We are assuming the individual category grades (filtering, quality, etc) are common across a manufacturer's sizes of a specific filter, because the part number used in the study is not necessarily the one for our engines. For example, the different Fram filters in the study are delineated by application ("High Mileage", "Racing", etc), whereas we're referring to different filter sizes within an application type.

These rankings do not factor in price (on purpose).

The updated table follows. Five filters get an A- or B+ for their final grade. There are a lot in the middle grades, and a lot in the low grades.

I'm switching to Mobil 1 oil filters.



Posted By: boardersdad
Date Posted: August-19-2013 at 8:58pm
With some part numbers...


Posted By: boardersdad
Date Posted: May-13-2021 at 3:19am
I noticed the table images disappeared over the years. Here they are again.

oil filter table with pn

Posted By: Morfoot
Date Posted: May-13-2021 at 5:40am
I was just thinking about this thread the other day when my neighbor was asking what filter and oil SHOULD he be using in his 88' Elite Craft. I told him about the many discussions of oil and filters here but that was many moons ago.... Bam!!!! Here it is. Thanks for the post Steve.

"Morfoot; He can ski. He can wakeboard.He can cook chicken.He can create his own self-named beverage, & can also apparently fly. A man of many talents."72 Mustang "Kermit",88 SN Miss Scarlett, 99 SN "Sherman"

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: May-13-2021 at 9:57am
Guess that's what happens Tim when you have time on your hands waiting in line for gas Wink

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: May-13-2021 at 10:01am
So Tim, what brand filter and what oil did you recommend?

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54 Atom

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64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: Morfoot
Date Posted: May-13-2021 at 11:15am
Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

Guess that's what happens Tim when you have time on your hands waiting in line for gas Wink

It's freaking insane down here... I had a tick under a half which is enough to get me back to work from home (53 miles) but I'd have to stop on the way home to fuel up. Got off the highway 20 miles from home to take the back roads to find gas. I passed at least 12 and all were posting 0.00 on the signs. Got home and made the decision to use my 6 gal can of boat gas in the car as I didn't wanna burn a day of Vaca for this BS. Saw on Gasbuddy this morning that 50% of GA stations have no fuel but could be worse as 75% of stations in NC have no fuel.

Originally posted by 8122pbrainard 8122pbrainard wrote:

So Tim, what brand filter and what oil did you recommend?

 This is a set up right Pete????? Tongue I'm not falling for it!!!!! Big smile

 I said I use Motorcraft FL 1A and Valvoline VR-1 20w50 in both. Don't recall what he ended up using. I think Mobil filter which after seeing the table again I think I'll change to Mobil. Embarrassed

"Morfoot; He can ski. He can wakeboard.He can cook chicken.He can create his own self-named beverage, & can also apparently fly. A man of many talents."72 Mustang "Kermit",88 SN Miss Scarlett, 99 SN "Sherman"

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: May-13-2021 at 11:49am
Time to trade the Mazda in for a VW TDI- your probably looking at 10 gallons a week  Smile  Talk to gundriver he got his up to 79 mph once,little on the slow side for Atlanta traffic but the hours that you work you'll be fine if you stay in the truck lanes
Premium hit 399 here- other than price we can get any we want. 

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: May-13-2021 at 11:59am
Originally posted by Morfoot Morfoot wrote:

This is a set up right Pete????? Tongue I'm not falling for it!!!!! Big smile

Clap Clap Wink

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64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

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