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Topic: Obama Care StoriesPosted By: OverMyHead
Subject: Obama Care Stories
Date Posted: May-01-2013 at 10:32am
I just had to pay $400 cash for a new filling. There was a new 2% tax on the bill to cover the uninsured. Obama promised to LOWER the cost of my health care. I just do not see how adding 2% to my bill accomplishes that. He also said he would not raise taxes on the middle class. Bull cookies.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Replies: Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: May-01-2013 at 10:37am
My neighbors (Obama voters) have two autistic kids who ring up about 160 grand a year in medical costs. Currently they buy and receive coverage from the states high risk pool. They have been told that pool will be replaced by the health exchanges and that there will be no autism coverage. They are now spending days at the capital trying to lobby for the coverage that they used to have.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: davidg
Date Posted: May-01-2013 at 11:19am
Just heard a study that was done that only 42% of people in the US know that we even have a health care law on the books. Wait until the other 58% low information voters find out. They will LOVE it when they find out about it!! They must be those low information voters I have heard about.
Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: May-01-2013 at 12:21pm
I am pretty sure I just read dave complaining that the evil arch conservative Obama has replaced his neighbors state supplied and subsidized insurance with the conservative think tank idea of free market driven health care exchanges. That cold hearted conservative free marketer, he sure does hate those autistic kids!
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act prohibition on denying coverage for pre-existing conditions will begin in 2014. In the interim ACA is providing the funding for that state-run high-risk pools his neighbors are protesting that they are losing.
There is a lot of low information voting going on out there.. and reporting and posting.
Posted By: quinner
Date Posted: May-01-2013 at 12:35pm
What an Obomination
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: May-01-2013 at 4:44pm
I don't know who's at fault but I do know that due to government changes my health insurance increased over 200 dollars a month.
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: May-01-2013 at 6:18pm
From 1999 to 2008 when average health insurance costs more than doubled all while deductables went up and less was covered was that as a result of government changes as well?
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: May-01-2013 at 9:35pm
Beats me Joe all I know is that my cost out of my pocket as a retiree went from 9.00 a month in 2012 to 240.00 a month in 2013 in addition to the deductibles. We were told that ATT got a tax break before and passed the savings on to us. From 2013 they don't get it, so now we have to pay.
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: May-01-2013 at 10:20pm
It's just going to get worse. Everyone that has had good insurance is going to pay more and get less as you are finding out, Gary.
Posted By: 74Wind
Date Posted: May-01-2013 at 10:52pm
It seems Boehner and Reid are both now working on a plan to exempt congress and staffers in a "For thee...not for we" strategy. Hmmmm...
------------- 1974 Southwind 18 1975 Century Mark II
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: May-01-2013 at 11:36pm
I have heard they backed off on that for obvious reasons.
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: davidg
Date Posted: May-02-2013 at 12:20am
JoeinNY wrote:
From 1999 to 2008 when average health insurance costs more than doubled all while deductables went up and less was covered was that as a result of government changes as well?
Well, thank god the government will be handling it from here on out. Costs will now go down, service will improve, and things will run extremely smoothly. This will be as much fun as going to the DMV for a proctology exam! Can't wait to see the HUGE improvements coming our way.
Gee, I wonder why Harry Reid, and John Boehner are tryng to run from it!?!?
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: May-02-2013 at 1:08am
JoeinNY wrote:
I am pretty sure I just read dave complaining that the evil arch conservative Obama has replaced his neighbors state supplied and subsidized insurance with the conservative think tank idea of free market driven health care exchanges. That cold hearted conservative free marketer, he sure does hate those autistic kids!
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act prohibition on denying coverage for pre-existing conditions will begin in 2014. In the interim ACA is providing the funding for that state-run high-risk pools his neighbors are protesting that they are losing.
There is a lot of low information voting going on out there.. and reporting and posting.
Joe, My hopes for this thread is to share 1st or 2nd hand personal experiences as Obama care is implemented. I fully expect there to be tons of miss information and surprises. As for My neighbors case, while I feel bad for them I am not complaining, they are. They are currently PURCHASING insurance from the state run and subsidized High risk pool. I am inclined to trust their story as they are by all appearances (voting for Obama put aside) well educated, proactive parents who's autistic children are thriving under their current conditions. They are being told by their autism center that they are expecting to have to shut down in 2014 because the risk pool insurance will go away, and the new exchanges will not cover autism services, and getting similar stories from the state. Of course they did vote for Obama so I can not rule out them falling for a line of donkey fodder.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: May-02-2013 at 1:16am
JoeinNY wrote:
From 1999 to 2008 when average health insurance costs more than doubled all while deductables went up and less was covered was that as a result of government changes as well?
I have been searching for a year by year list of new government health care mandates, but have come up empty. I have no doubt the government added things similar to Viagra coverage, cosmetic procedures (port wine stain removals), and experimental treatments to the list of what insurance companies had to provide. I also know they did not allow interstate competition, or provide any tort reform to reduce the costs defensive medicine, and malpractice insurance add to the bill. One would almost think Congress is mostly made up of lawyers.
I have heard industry experts expect a 32% average premium increase for 2014 (that is just one year). States like Ohio and California with large uninsured populations could see increases of 70+ percent.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: quinner
Date Posted: May-02-2013 at 12:42pm
JoeinNY wrote:
From 1999 to 2008 when average health insurance costs more than doubled all while deductables went up and less was covered was that as a result of government changes as well?
As a small biz owner who provides health insurance I can tell you those costs have gone up continuously for the past 18yrs, this years increase was 10%. Deductible/Co-Pay increases and coverage limitations are simply taken to lower premiums, bottom line is the costs are rising and what is his plan going to do to combat that??
Posted By: Jllogan
Date Posted: May-02-2013 at 12:54pm
I work at a health insurance company as a financial analyst, so I have a behind the scenes view of this. On our individual product line premiums we are forecasting a 50-80% premium increase as soon as it becomes effective here in ohio. The good news is based on your income the government will be picking up part of the bill. The bad news is based on your income the government will be picking up part of the bill.
Posted By: skicat2001
Date Posted: May-06-2013 at 11:26am
Gary S wrote:
I don't know who's at fault but I do know that due to government changes my health insurance increased over 200 dollars a month.
Yea and you are retired Gary, are ya? That's what make me angry. Doing that to are seniors, ridiculous..
------------- 1985 CC 2001-SOLD Lee Michael Johnson
Posted By: skicat2001
Date Posted: May-06-2013 at 11:43am
The great thing about all this and hilarous, his own policies are messing his own ratings up. Obama care is even going to make matters worse, by the time mid term elections come around, the beroucrats are in serious trouble.
And the whistle blowers are fixing too testify on Bengazi. I smell "Impeachment"
The lies have finally caught up to all of them...
------------- 1985 CC 2001-SOLD Lee Michael Johnson
Posted By: BuffaloBFN
Date Posted: May-06-2013 at 3:27pm
Jllogan wrote:
I work at a health insurance company as a financial analyst, so I have a behind the scenes view of this. On our individual product line premiums we are forecasting a 50-80% premium increase as soon as it becomes effective here in ohio. The good news is based on your income the government will be picking up part of the bill. The bad news is based on your income the government will be picking up part of the bill.
"It's a Livin' Thing...What a Terrible Thing to Lose" ELO
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: May-06-2013 at 3:57pm
skicat2001 wrote:
Gary S wrote:
I don't know who's at fault but I do know that due to government changes my health insurance increased over 200 dollars a month.
Yea and you are retired Gary, are ya? That's what make me angry. Doing that to are seniors, ridiculous..
I never thought of Gary as one of our seniors, but Lee I guess you are right, he has become one.
Lee, are you from Mass or Maine originally?
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: May-06-2013 at 9:41pm
JoeinNY wrote:
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act prohibition on denying coverage for pre-existing conditions will begin in 2014. In the interim ACA is providing the funding for that state-run high-risk pools his neighbors are protesting that they are losing.
There is a lot of low information voting going on out there.. and reporting and posting.
Joe, This may be what my neighbors were concerned about, but it sounded like a longer term issue, so maybe not. Either way it sounds as if the transition is less than seamless." rel="nofollow - States blindsided
Sorry it is from FOX, but again the lame stream won't report anything bad about Obama.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: May-06-2013 at 9:44pm
skicat2001 wrote:
T And the whistle blowers are fixing too testify on Bengazi. I smell "Impeachment"
The lies have finally caught up to all of them...
They have not caught them yet, this is a very slippery group.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: May-07-2013 at 10:21am" rel="nofollow - Carl Roves less than rosy Obama care assesment
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 11:06am
I am starting to understand the obamacare problems. how can we expect Kathleen Sebelius to run it when she does not even know who she works for? She said "The majority of people calling for me to resign I would say are people who I don't work for, and who do not want this program to work in the first place," It seems very clear to me that as a government employee she works for ALL of us. I hate to take delight in the obamacare failures because they are hurting so many, but there is a certain satisfaction in vindication. It is interesting to see the pseudo-intellectuals who think they are so much smarter than us and can make rules and regulations for businesses try to actually run something, and predictably fall flat on their faces. the web site is unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg. The "glitches" coming up when people need care instead of insurance will be worse.
I spoke with an insurance agent friend of mine yesterday who says obmacare might ironically kill him. He works mainly with small businesses. He is busy changing policies for existing customers to keep them compliant. He gets paid strictly by the number of people he insures, and receives no extra compensation for policy changes. He asked me to use his cell number for the time being because he cant keep up with his business voice mail or email. He is seeing about 80% of his customers getting price increases, and about 20% (those with high percentages of unhealthy employees)getting some decreases (more harm than good is his assessment).
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: Tim D
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 11:49am
There's a 2% tax for the uninsured, then if you don't have insurance, when you file your taxes there's a 2.5% fine of gross income. Where does that money go? Just wait for 2018 when everyone has to pay taxes on the value of their insurance.
------------- Tim D
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 11:57am
Obamacare only works if the young and healthy buy policies that are inflated in price to subsidize the old and sick. The penalty and tax (redundant) money goes to help pay for obamacare if the young and healthy refuse to buy the inflated policy's.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 12:20pm
Dave, most small businesses like mine are trying to lock in a new policy before the end of the year so we have another 12 months to see what really shakes out., that's partly why your buddy is so busy. I was able to lock in a new policy that cost us very little over what we had and our deductible went down to $2500 from $3500 so that was a bonus for this year. I believe the $2500 deductible is mandated by the ACA. I have no idea what we are going to do next year. I only employ 9 people so I'm not under any mandates so we're just going to wait it out and see how much it will cost is next year. An option for us is to not offer health insurance anymore, just give a stipend and let our employees ( including myself) fend for themselves. Not what I want to do but it's an option.
Now on the good side is I was lucky enough to tear my MCL after we changed policies so I've already hit my deductible for 2013, awesome timing because I saved $1000. Ha, I try to be glass half full guy! Now I'm going to go see my urologist and schedule a colonoscopy on someone else's dime, what a score.
------------- You can’t change the wind but you can adjust your sails
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 1:18pm
I just received this notice from my insurance provider. It gives me the opportunity to contract another year for the same amount I am paying now. They also estimated what the cost would be under Obamacare. I'm sure it dosnt include any discounts the government may or may not supply.I doubt the government will give me the 535.60 a month to break even with what I have now much less see any savings. Anybody think I should go with the Obamacare?
Posted By: juniorwoody
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 3:40pm
I am a vet and have been enrolled in the VA healthcare system for many years. This covers me on the new rules and I would recommend to any out there who are vets that they should consider getting enrolled also to the longest social medicine program in the country and one with a pretty good track record. I read through the posts and they are high on supposition and distrust but lacking on fact. It would be reasonable to allow a year for the system to attain it's working order and then criticize where needed.
------------- The value of money spent on new adventure far exceeds the value of money saved for the future
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 5:16pm
juniorwoody wrote:
I am a vet and have been enrolled in the VA healthcare system for many years. This covers me on the new rules and I would recommend to any out there who are vets that they should consider getting enrolled also to the longest social medicine program in the country and one with a pretty good track record. I read through the posts and they are high on supposition and distrust but lacking on fact. It would be reasonable to allow a year for the system to attain it's working order and then criticize where needed.
How much are you being charged for that med insurance?
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 5:30pm
It would be great to give it time to see if it works but it's brought to you by the same ones who brought you social security, and looks to be modeled after the same principles,how's that working out??? And why is it good for us and not the people we elected? We need term limits.
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 5:40pm
juniorwoody wrote:
allow a year for the system to attain it's working order and then criticize where needed.
Im just trying to get a running start, There will be a whole lot of criticizing to do a year from now.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 5:51pm
81nautique wrote:
timing because I saved $1000. Ha, I try to be glass half full guy! Now I'm going to go see my urologist and schedule a colonoscopy on someone else's dime, what a score.
Alan, Your not the guy on the site I thought would see a colonoscopy as a score, even if it was free! I had my 50y/o test last year. The procedure is not bad with the great date rape drugs they have but the prep sucked! I found out later that my Doc likes to go to a higher standard than most. On the bright side It was all good so no repeat until ten years from now.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 6:00pm
Wow your lucky Dave I have had the pleasure in the last 9 years to go 3 times. Got a repreve last time,I don't need one for 4 years! I understand that there is a new prep available,pills? but it costs more. Well worth it Alan if you can get it.
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 7:19pm
3 times in nine years! I have to start to think your not going just for medical reasons.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: 74Wind
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 8:30pm
Reminds me of a very sad story about a bear... Everybody should heed the warnings not to feed wildlife because they become dependent and don't forage for themselves any longer. It is such a tragedy to see what has been done to our country's wildlife. The photo below captures a disturbing trend that is beginning to affect U.S. wildlife.
Animals that formerly were self-sufficient are now showing signs of belonging to the Democrat Party. They have apparently learned to just sit and wait for the government to step in and provide for their care and sustenance. This photo is of a black bear in Montana turned Democrat. He's nicknamed Bearack Obearma. It is believed that he has become a campground organizer.
------------- 1974 Southwind 18 1975 Century Mark II
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 9:47pm
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: October-26-2013 at 11:35pm
OverMyHead wrote:
3 times in nine years! I have to start to think your not going just for medical reasons.
Family history on my Moms side
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: davidg
Date Posted: October-27-2013 at 2:53am
Guys....Not to worry! In exactly one month, all the problems with the computer system will be straightened out, and we will be back on track to reap those savings of $2500/family/year, keep our doctors, and keep our current plans.
I love watching a trainwreck happening in front of our very eyes in slow motion.
Thank you Bearack!
On Nov. 4th, we have our HC plan rollout for next year. I will be surprised if rates don't explode, and deductibles go way up. Hoping for the best, but, expecting the worst.
Posted By: juniorwoody
Date Posted: October-27-2013 at 10:42am
Nautiquehunter wrote:
juniorwoody wrote:
I am a vet and have been enrolled in the VA healthcare system for many years. This covers me on the new rules and I would recommend to any out there who are vets that they should consider getting enrolled also to the longest social medicine program in the country and one with a pretty good track record. I read through the posts and they are high on supposition and distrust but lacking on fact. It would be reasonable to allow a year for the system to attain it's working order and then criticize where needed.
How much are you being charged for that med insurance?
I pay nothing for me VA Healthcare benefits. You folks that enjoy the freedom here in America pick up the tab. The price of freedom is high.
------------- The value of money spent on new adventure far exceeds the value of money saved for the future
Posted By: juniorwoody
Date Posted: October-27-2013 at 10:45am
OverMyHead wrote:
juniorwoody wrote:
allow a year for the system to attain it's working order and then criticize where needed.
Im just trying to get a running start, There will be a whole lot of criticizing to do a year from now.
The rabble rousers will always have negativity to spread. The ACA will survive regardless. Criticism is as expected to be very politically orientated.
------------- The value of money spent on new adventure far exceeds the value of money saved for the future
Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: October-27-2013 at 11:17am
OverMyHead wrote:
81nautique wrote:
timing because I saved $1000. Ha, I try to be glass half full guy! Now I'm going to go see my urologist and schedule a colonoscopy on someone else's dime, what a score.
Alan, Your not the guy on the site I thought would see a colonoscopy as a score, even if it was free! I had my 50y/o test last year. The procedure is not bad with the great date rape drugs they have but the prep sucked! I found out later that my Doc likes to go to a higher standard than most. On the bright side It was all good so no repeat until ten years from now.
I was supposed to get one 3 years ago but haven't because of the cost but now that I've hit my deductible due to my knee I'm all in. I know I shouldn't put preventative medicine off but this should be covered in full by all plans like an annual physical is now. How many people don't ever get this done due to cost?
Here's another gripe about cost. Why is it an MRI on my knee costs $3800 but the insurance company can negotiate it down to $1600. If I didn't have insurance I would be on the hook for the full amount. Also to save some premium with this new policy we canvased our employees and only one was on monthly meds so we decided to drop our prescription card. The meds this employee was on is a generic and can be had at Walgreens for $10 if you join their prescription club. So fast forward 2 months and I go to the doctors and require a script, go to pick it up a the pharm says that will be $40 because it's not generic. But wait she then realizes that my plan has changed and rings up the new total....$236. So I refuse and call the doctor for an alternative drug, he prescribes an generic that will do the same job....$10. The whole systems a crock of *************** so you better do your homework and question everything or a colonoscopy won't be the only thing going up your ass.
------------- You can’t change the wind but you can adjust your sails
Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: October-27-2013 at 12:23pm
Alan, I've been in that situation. Pretty maddening when your a good customer of a pediatrician and you pay a lot more because you're a cash customer. I remember one year we paid almost $1,000 one month because strep kept going around and each visit was well more than $100 just so they'd write a script. The year before when we were covered by BC/BS, the same service was $70 something with a co pay of $10. It about croaked us that winter.
Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: October-27-2013 at 10:47pm
81nautique wrote:
Now on the good side is I was lucky enough to tear my MCL after we changed policies so I've already hit my deductible for 2013, awesome timing because I saved $1000. Ha, I try to be glass half full guy!
How did I miss this? Did you do it skiing this summer? Are you all fixed now?
------------- "Loud pipes save lives"
AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...
Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: October-27-2013 at 11:11pm
jbear wrote:
81nautique wrote:
Now on the good side is I was lucky enough to tear my MCL after we changed policies so I've already hit my deductible for 2013, awesome timing because I saved $1000. Ha, I try to be glass half full guy!
How did I miss this? Did you do it skiing this summer? Are you all fixed now?
Yep did it skiing John, it's a grade 2 tear which is serious but not detached so it will NOT Require surgery. It's been since early August and really starting to feel pretty good. The PT is going to force me back to the gym so I should be good to go come spring.
------------- You can’t change the wind but you can adjust your sails
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: October-27-2013 at 11:45pm
I miss the Sunday night Hurricane updates
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: CrazyCanuck
Date Posted: October-28-2013 at 4:20am
In contrast. I am a self employed flooring contractor. I therefore have no employer provided health coverage etc. Even though in Canada we have universal care, you have to be poor to get if free. I pay 135 bucks a month for a family of 4 for basic government health care. Extended health coverage..(dental, orthadontal prescription eyewear, prescription drug discount etc)....its a 250 more a month. We ended up dropping the extended and pay as we go...hoping that nothing big comes up. Of course, my oldest needed an appliance for straight teeth. bam. 2800 bucks. Gonna take a few months saving the 250 to even that out....
Posted By: Toertel
Date Posted: October-28-2013 at 12:26pm
We are facing a tough decission in our company right now. There will be a significant rise in cost for insurance and we are having a heated and very emotional discussion within the mamagement team and our parent comapany in Germany about this. We currently have over 500 Employees (and growing each year)here in the US. The company pays roughly 1.500-1.800 $ per month and there is a co-pay of 300-500$ per month (depending on status, ie married, single etc)), for a yearly total per employee of 22k-28k. With the rise in insurance cost (which we will be significant) we have 3 options: A: higher prices for our services (which is quite hard, since we are mainly in a price driven, saturated market), which might hurt us (plus who is willing to eat a 30-40% increase?) B: Reduce the coverage (drop vison, dental and higher copay etc), which will make us less attractive for employees or turn motivated folks into duds... C, Report back to HQ, that we will start making losses, turing into a loss making unit and as a result close down....
------------- 1994 Sport Nautique
Posted By: peter1234
Date Posted: October-28-2013 at 7:21pm
I would follow the governments business plan and vote for c
------------- former skylark owner now a formula but I cant let this place go
Posted By: TX Foilhead
Date Posted: October-28-2013 at 11:39pm
I'm fortunate and there aren't many changes for me or the wife next year. Here insurance is actually interesting and I expect to see this happen elsewhere. He insurance is through a local group of doctors who provide everything under the sun including hospitals and any kind of specialist you might need including MD Anderson in Houston. They basically just cut the insurance company out of the loop so the coverage is cheaper since you are dealing directly with the doctors.
Posted By: JPASS
Date Posted: October-29-2013 at 9:41am
Now we know why Nancy Pelosi said to vote it first then find out what's in it. The most transparent administration ever.........Not." rel="nofollow - What a mess
------------- '92 Correctcraft Ski Nautique
Posted By: bhectus
Date Posted: October-29-2013 at 12:50pm
Joe, I would love to hear your commentary on this one. And since it is from NBC and not Fox I have to assume you will find it a credible source.
**edit** oops it is the same link as JPASS posted above. Point is, the jig is up, I don't think there is a whole lot left to defend on this one. What the republicans have been saying for months now is finally out in the mainstream media and now people are realizing how F'd they really are." rel="nofollow - Obama Admin knew millions wouldn't be able to keep their existing insurance
------------- '02 Ski Nautique 196 w/ 5.7 Apex bowtie - Sold '87 Barefoot - sold '97 Super Sport Nautique - originally custom built for Walt Meloon '97 Ski Nautique '83 SN 2001
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: October-30-2013 at 3:13am
Gary S wrote:
OverMyHead wrote:
3 times in nine years! I have to start to think your not going just for medical reasons.
Family history on my Moms side
Gary, the family history stuff sucks, like being found guilty before you commit a crime. My dad developed adult onset diabetes in his 50's. My last physical I was on the high end of normal, just below pre-diabetic. To hear my wife tell it I am insulin dependent, blind in one eye and have a foot falling off. I begrudgingly have made some significant diet changes. I dropped 10 pounds, sugar beverages are gone, Ice cream, donuts, and candy bars are a very rare guilty pleasure, and I seek out whole grains whenever possible. On the bright side I found a Harvard study this week that found a 36% reduction in diabetes risk from drinking one to two alcoholic beverages a day. (one to two is what they ironically call the sweet spot, more is not better.) so I am drinking my medicine as I type. Its all about good health!
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: October-30-2013 at 3:49am
JPASS wrote:
The most transparent administration ever.........Not.
I can see right through them!
If they were a business this would be a plain case of fraud. Fraud to get re-elected, and to get Obamacare past the point of no return. The ends justify the means to this crowd.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: jbach
Date Posted: October-30-2013 at 12:19pm
Toertel wrote:
We are facing a tough decission in our company right now. There will be a significant rise in cost for insurance and we are having a heated and very emotional discussion within the mamagement team and our parent comapany in Germany about this. We currently have over 500 Employees (and growing each year)here in the US. The company pays roughly 1.500-1.800 $ per month and there is a co-pay of 300-500$ per month (depending on status, ie married, single etc)), for a yearly total per employee of 22k-28k. With the rise in insurance cost (which we will be significant) we have 3 options: A: higher prices for our services (which is quite hard, since we are mainly in a price driven, saturated market), which might hurt us (plus who is willing to eat a 30-40% increase?) B: Reduce the coverage (drop vison, dental and higher copay etc), which will make us less attractive for employees or turn motivated folks into duds... C, Report back to HQ, that we will start making losses, turing into a loss making unit and as a result close down....
we are looking at the same situation. we were used to 3-5% increases year over year for 15 years, now all of the sudden we're seeing 12-14% the last two years due to the ACA and nothing else.
you can play with deductibles and co-pays all you want but the real savings comes from raising the maximum out of pocket for the employees. this is a somewhat more favorable approach in that you are only penalizing the higher cost users of the plan. i do have to question your costs and the management thereof. i administer one of the richest benefit plans i've ever seen (no cost to employee) and costs about 1/2 that per year. (medical/dental/scripts/vision). surely with 500+ employees you are self insured?
Posted By: emccallum
Date Posted: October-30-2013 at 4:28pm
The biggest problem with healthcare is not how to insure people that are unisured. We cannot subsidize an ever growing group of people by charging others a higher cost for very long. Especially when there is no way to control costs.
The biggest problem is how do we break the monopoly that exists in the healthcare industry. The cost of healthcare has to come down. It can only come down when we allow free competition among healthcare providers. Why do xrays cost ten times more now then 30 years ago? why did my outpatient gallbladder sx cost 13K, when the doctor and anesthesiologist only made a combined $2500? Doesnt cost come down with newer technology,like computers, vcr's, tv's, cell phones, etc.?
Check out a PRIVATE doctor owned hospital like the SUrgical Center of Oklahoma. Look at their POSTED costs for procedures....Gall bladder, hip replacement, arthroscopic sx, etc. All cost are within reason. You pay the people that actually provide care to you and no one else.
Our local hospital has been buying up all the MD practices in the community and not allowing priviledges to doctors that are not on their payroll. Combine that with insurance companies, and no way for anyone to compete with them (as you have to have a certificate of need from the state to provide many medical services, and guess who sits on those boards??)then you have a true monopoly. Add a complicent government that is going to steal from us to support this cr&p and you get outragious bills from hospitals.
Think about all the things in your life that were crazy expensive years ago, and now are cheap as dirt. Why has healthcare not done this? No competition, it is a controlled monopoly.
Posted By: jbach
Date Posted: October-30-2013 at 5:23pm
the only way i see to drive down costs is to make the healthcare market more "consumer driven". i.e., put more responsibility on the patient to shop wisely. ha, responsibility, that's funny.
Posted By: emccallum
Date Posted: October-30-2013 at 6:09pm
jbach wrote:
the only way i see to drive down costs is to make the healthcare market more "consumer driven". i.e., put more responsibility on the patient to shop wisely. ha, responsibility, that's funny.
Well, that would be great if we had more than one store. I am in Dentistry, specifically Orthodontics, I am constantly aware of what my competition does and charges. By the laws of the free market, I must compete for my patients business. I know if my fees are too high, or my service is lousy then people will spend there dollars elsewhere. We dont have that any more in Medicine. Try to negotiate a fee with a Hospital or physician. When you have a third party paying the bill, there is no check or balance to the fees charged....and they go up and up, just like college tuition.
Posted By: 89Martinique
Date Posted: October-31-2013 at 3:02am
Guys dont forget, that a lot of the money goes into driving R&D which many countries rely on the US for. Canada relies on us for the technology advancements. Other countries rely on us so they can steal our medicine, reverse engineer it, make it cheap and give to everyone... What happens when the US R&D goes away and gets severely reduced??
------------- Current Boats:
1992 Supra Comp-TS6M PCM 351w HO Pro Boss Pro-Tec Ignition - Full Composite (no wood stingers!)
1989 (3rd Gen) Correct Craft Martinique B/R PCM 351w Power Plus
1984 E-Scow
Keuka Lake,
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: October-31-2013 at 9:41am
“That means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”
– President Obama, speech to the American Medical Association, June 15, 2009 (as the health-care law was being written.)
And President Obama yesterday. "So if you're getting one of these letters, just shop around in the new marketplace. That's what it's for," Obama said.
How do they sleep at night?
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: emccallum
Date Posted: October-31-2013 at 10:03am
double post
Posted By: emccallum
Date Posted: October-31-2013 at 10:03am
OverMyHead wrote:
“ How do they sleep at night?
I know I couldn't. However, I am totally convinced that a Liberal's brain is wired completely different than mine. They really believe they know what is best for you, and they will do everything they can to make you conform to their standards. Personal choice/liberty is not a concept they understand, much like men not wanting to stop and ask for directions!
The talking point for today is that those policies that are getting cancelled were substandard, and those people are better off on the exchanges.
Just leave us alone!
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: October-31-2013 at 11:19am
emccallum wrote:
OverMyHead wrote:
“ How do they sleep at night?
I know I couldn't. However, I am totally convinced that a Liberal's brain is wired completely different than mine. They really believe they know what is best for you, and they will do everything they can to make you conform to their standards. Personal choice/liberty is not a concept they understand, much like men not wanting to stop and ask for directions!
The talking point for today is that those policies that are getting cancelled were substandard, and those people are better off on the exchanges.
Just leave us alone!
I couldn't have put it better. I also don't understand how liberals think and the any thing goes to advance their agenda mentality. Lying,cheating, breaking laws and walking all over the Constitution is just another day at the office. After all its the ends that justify the means Right? If you want to see how 60 years of liberal democratic policy's really work go to Detroit.
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: November-07-2013 at 10:37pm
Big news from Mncare today. A whopping 11,000 people have "successfully" signed up for insurance in Minnesota. But the system is unable to communicate their information with the insurance companies so exactly zero people have a real insurance policy.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: Nautiquehunter
Date Posted: November-08-2013 at 10:20am
For those that have lost their insurance Obama said he is sorry today. Now dosnt that make you feel better?
Posted By: 74Wind
Date Posted: November-08-2013 at 6:56pm
Phase Two:
"If you like your boat, you can keep your boat..."
------------- 1974 Southwind 18 1975 Century Mark II
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: November-08-2013 at 7:17pm
Oboatacare. By the time you subsidise the low income boater you end up with the only option of bayliner that cost you $120 grand and a three week wait at the boat ramp.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: bhectus
Date Posted: November-08-2013 at 7:21pm
OverMyHead wrote:
Oboatacare. By the time you subsidise the low income boater you end up with the only option of bayliner that cost you $120 grand and a three week wait at the boat ramp.
There will be a wait because there is a line to pay the federal boat launch tax, and the government can only staff 1 taxation employee per boat ramp, but "YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CONTINUE TO USE PUBLIC WATERWAYS, BUT ONLY AFTER YOUR BOAT PASSES THE NEW FEDERAL EMISSIONS TESTING THAT WE WILL CHARGE $125 FOR EACH VESSEL PER YEAR".
------------- '02 Ski Nautique 196 w/ 5.7 Apex bowtie - Sold '87 Barefoot - sold '97 Super Sport Nautique - originally custom built for Walt Meloon '97 Ski Nautique '83 SN 2001
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: November-08-2013 at 8:30pm
We better be careful, knowing that they monitor the interweb we are probably just giving them ideas.
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: Donald80SN
Date Posted: November-08-2013 at 8:32pm
I got this today from a fellow CCFANder. I did not write this, but I wish I had:
The U.S. government has just passed a new law called: "The affordable boat act" declaring that every citizen MUST purchase a new boat, by April 2014. These "affordable" boats will cost an average of $54,000-$155,000 each. This does not include taxes, trailers, towing fees, licensing and registration fees, fuel, docking and storage fees, maintenance or repair costs.
This law has been passed, because until now, typically only wealthy and financially responsible people have been able to purchase boats. This new law ensures that every American can now have a "affordable" boat of their own, because everyone is "entitled" to a new boat. If you purchase your boat before the end of the year, you will receive 4 "free" life jackets; not including monthly usage fees.
In order to make sure everyone purchases an affordable boat, the costs of owning a boat will increase on average of 250-400% per year. This way, wealthy people will pay more for something that other people don't want or can't afford to maintain. But to be fair, people who can’t afford to maintain their boat will be regularly fined and children (under the age of 26) can use their parents boats to party on until they turn 27; then must purchase their own boat.
If you already have a boat, you can keep yours (just kidding; no you can't). If you don't want or don't need a boat, you are required to buy one anyhow. If you refuse to buy one or can’t afford one, you will be regularly fined $800 until you purchase one or face imprisonment.
Failure to use the boat will also result in fines. People living in the desert; or areas with no access to lakes are not exempt. Age, motion sickness, experience, knowledge nor lack of desire are acceptable excuses for not using your boat.
A government review board (that doesn't know the difference between the port, starboard or stern of a boat) will decide everything, including; when, where, how often and for what purposes you can use your boat along with how many people can ride your boat and determine if one is too old or healthy enough to be able to use their boat. They will also decide if your boat has out lived its usefulness or if you must purchase specific accessories(like a $500 compass), or a newer and more expensive boat.
Those that can afford yachts will be required to do so... it’s only fair. The government will also decide the name for each boat. Failure to comply with these rules will result in fines and possible imprisonment.
Government officials are exempt from this new law. If they want a boat, they and their families can obtain boats free, at the expense of tax payers. Unions, bankers and mega companies with large political affiliations ($$$) are also exempt. These are Robert's Rules of Disorder.
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: November-08-2013 at 8:55pm
Nautiquehunter wrote:
For those that have lost their insurance Obama said he is sorry today. Now dosnt that make you feel better?
Obama's apology paraphrased
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: davidg
Date Posted: November-08-2013 at 9:40pm
This year is the individual mandate. Remember, the employer mandate was delayed (by Obama going around Congress) by one year. So, if people are shocked by having their policies cancelled this year, just wait a year.
Single payer system is the end game here. Collapse the whole medical system and replace it with the gov't controlling the entire healthcare system.
Let the fundamental transformation begin!!!
Posted By: 74Wind
Date Posted: November-09-2013 at 12:42am
Donald: That is without a doubt the best thing I have ever read in all my years on CCFan. Hysterical. Outstanding....
------------- 1974 Southwind 18 1975 Century Mark II
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 1:26am
Everybody remember when we had to have Obama care because it was to expensive to be seeing the poor in the ER's." rel="nofollow - More patients flocking to ERs under Obamacare
Never underestimate Obama's willingness to take what is not broken and keep fixing it till it is .
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 1:41am
Our healthcare system wasn't broken? Double digit premium increases every year on those that were insured and 20 percent of the country being uninsured is the best system we can hope for in the USA?
Companies were moving manufacturing to canada to avoid paying us health insurance costs ...thats my definition of broken eh
Posted By: OverMyHead
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 1:44am
And what is your definition of making it worse instead of better?
------------- For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats. 1987 Ski Nautique
Posted By: Toertel
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 1:58am
Joe, I had the pleasure of receiving a paycheck for some time from a company in Ontario. The system there is not free (higher taxes just pay for it) and you do get what you pay for... My wife was pregnant at the time and was not able to see a doctor or get a preventive screening, since she was deemed low risk (we went to the US and paid for the check) and there was no way to pay extra for the service if wanted. Another friend had a lump in her breast and was then scheduled to get a MRI. the next available appointment was in 6 month...She also went to the US, paid the fee and got a result right away. Thank God, no cancer, but waiting 6 month would have killed her if it would have been...
So hands down, I prefer the US system as it was. It promotes people to work hard and seek jobs that have benefits and not to rely on the social safety net to catch all. Having said that, should there be a better safety net for people really in need for things outside of their control. YES I also agree with non preexisting conditions and non lifetime maximum. But that is about it.
------------- 1994 Sport Nautique
Posted By: davidg
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 2:29am
The healthcare system in the US could always be better. Let the private market figure out a way to lower costs. To have the government take it over is bad news. The whole VA scandal is a little glimpse into the wonderful world of government run healthcare that awaits us if Obama gets his wish for a single payer, government-run healthcare system.
No thanks! I will take the healthcare system we have now, warts and all, at least the one before Obama got a hold of it. Wouldn't it have been better and cheaper if the government basically just paid for a policy for all the uninsured rather than to blow up the current insurance/healthcare system we have now?
Below is what I think is a pretty accurate summary of Obamacare:
Obamacare in four sentences.
1. In order to insure the uninsured, we first have to un-insure the insured.
2. Next, we require the newly un-insured to be re-insured.
3. To re-insure the newly un-insured, they are required to pay extra charges to be re-insured.
4. The extra charges are required so that the original insured, who became un-insured, and then became re-insured, can pay enough extra so that the original un-insured can be insured, free of charge to them.
Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 11:15am
I don’t subscribe to Canadian health care horror stories… I understand it still gets paid for but the facts remain they live longer and healthier than we do and it costs them less per person to do it. Most companies don’t want to provide health care they want to do business, if you go back to 7 years ago many many companies were moving or planning to move plants not because of the labor costs, taxes, or energy costs but because of the out of control rise of health care costs in the US… Actual Obamacare in 4 sentences If you sell insurance you have to actually cover stuff… If you sell insurance you have to spend 80 percent of what you bring in on medical stuff or you have to refund money back to the people who bought your insurance. If you can afford it you have to buy insurance, if you can’t afford it the government will subsidize your coverage. The insurance companies have to sell it to you, even if they don’t like you because you have in the past or might in the future get sick, or because you don’t want to work for somebody else.
Just another old thread full of old threats that didn’t happen, but don’t look at those we have a whole new set of dire predictions that will never happen for you to look at…
Posted By: emccallum
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 12:01pm
The problem with healthcare in this country is not insurance or the lack of it. The problem IS the monopoly that healthcare has in our country. Why is the cost of delivering healthcare so expensive? it is b/c too many people are making too much money off of the same procedure. Think about it....the same technology that has brought the cost of a DVD player from $800 to $50 cant bring the cost of a digital Xray or MRI down? Why have xrays tripled in price and not dropped like everything else that uses similar technology? That is just one example. There are tons. Free markets bring costs down over time.
I am in healthcare and I know you cant fix it work from the 'how to pay for it side". Taking money from some people to buy an overpriced product is not sustainable. You have to bring the costs down and the only way to do that is to allow competition. Get rid of "certificates of Need" so people can buy an MRI or open a surgical center without having to get an ok from the state or the other MRI center in town. Create competition.
Look at the Surgical Center of Oklahoma. It is a privately physician owned hospital. Fee for service. They post their procedure costs online, just like a retailer. Costs are way cheaper because no insurance or executives drawing outlandish salaries. Obama care is just another way to gain more control and protect the monopoly. Wake up folks.
Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 12:36pm
Large corporations have an outsized control over everything in this country, and yes the certificate of need process helps large health care providers, tying healthcare to employment helps only large corporations as well… the solution isn’t to elect guys that say they are all in favor of less government and more free markets, but really are in favor of government that only works in favor of those that already have enough to pay for campaign contributions and the finest lobbyists that K street can provide.
The main problem with free market solutions in healthcare is that for a market to work the laws of supply and demand have to apply. When your child is really sick demand for health care is infinite, you will not use less health care when the cost goes up, having an insurer between the consumer and the provider also makes an effective functioning market extremely difficult. There is no evidence that in health care free markets will bring down costs over time. In fact all evidence shows that in industrialized societies those with the best outcomes and lowest costs have national health insurance. We are the biggest free market health care experiment and over time the costs have sky rocketed and the outcomes not kept pace. It is just reality, we can argue ideology against reality but that doesn't change reality...
The ACA attempts to fix some things that keep the health care market in the US from working correctly and provides some level of healthcare for those who cant afford it, so that the cost of their emergency room visits isn't added to the health insurance cost of only the middle class workers. It is not a great law.. but it isn't the boogyman
Posted By: emccallum
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 1:34pm
JoeinNY, Really? Do you really believe what you just typed or are you just pretending?
We do not have anything close to a free market in health care. It is a true monopoly. Why are over a million people a year from the US going abroad to get healthcare (medical Tourism)? Why cant I open an Imaging center in my town and compete with the ONLY game in town? Because they will not allow it. THEY don't think there is a "need".
Our local monopoly hospital has bought up just about every private medical practice in town. Told the docs, work for us or you don't get privileges in the hospital. They are a nonprofit, but according to research are clearing over 1 million a week. Yes, I wrote 1 million/week. That is after they pay the CEO, that does not see any patients close to $800,000/year. They have tens of millions of dollars in cash investment accounts. They make more money (% wise)from indigent care than insurance. The state and Fed reimburse them for indigent care, so don't let them tell you that they give away millions in uncompensated care. The hospital would not even pay the docs for delivering the care. Finally, the docs caught on, and they are now throwing them a few bones. Oh, and because they are non profits, they pay almost no taxes, but own tons of property. Guess what that does for all the other people that pay property taxes in the town?
Why can the Surgical Center of OK (a privately owned for profit hospital) take out a Gall bladder for $5800 and I had to pay over $13,000 in my non profit hospital? Because it is run and owned by the docs. No $800,000 CEO's sucking profits. Low overhead.
The ACA does not attempt to fix anything, it attempts to make sure those making fortunes in Healthcare continue to make fortunes.
Believe what you want, but when your doctor closes up shop and the only doctor you can find doesn't speak English, wasn't trained in the US, works for the hospital or state, and you have to wait 6 months for an appointment, you will begin to understand.
I could be wrong,but, my guess is you have really good insurance (state/fed worker?) and haven't had to deal with the rising costs of insurance directly like others do. My healthcare went up 20% this year, $1300/month for a 6K deductible. Thanks ACA for lowering my premium the promised $2500!
If you think healthcare is expensive now....wait until it is free.
Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 2:22pm
You are wrong… I work in planning for a multinational manufacturer, I know exactly what healthcare costs have done in the US and I know exactly how it effects employers and where they choose to add employees. My previous three employers all now have their manufacturing done in mexico, I have seen the books and it wasn’t labor cost that moved them there. I also know plenty of doctors (including a couple ski buddies) and have worked for a major medical device manufacturer. Everything you are describing is part of the Pre ACA system, the one that I have clearly stated was broken, is broken, and does need to be fixed. Putting one’s head in the sand and saying man I wish Obama didn’t break our perfect health care system is the silliness I am arguing against. You are stuck on certificates of need… but that is just one tool used by a huge corporation to crush competition… that is your free market at work. What you need is a fair market for actual competition to improve services and pricing, but you can’t get a fair market with less regulation and with less government to enforce it. To get a chance at a fair healthcare market you would need to get the money out of politics so that people got elected for serving their constituents needs instead of corporate need. Since that is all but impossible we could do the only thing that has worked for other countries and go to a single payer system. Since that is all but impossible…. you get the ACA and less people die and insurance rates don’t go up quite as fast as they used to but that is about it.
Posted By: davidg
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 3:31pm
emccallum wrote:
The problem with healthcare in this country is not insurance or the lack of it. The problem IS the monopoly that healthcare has in our country. Why is the cost of delivering healthcare so expensive? it is b/c too many people are making too much money off of the same procedure. Think about it....the same technology that has brought the cost of a DVD player from $800 to $50 cant bring the cost of a digital Xray or MRI down? Why have xrays tripled in price and not dropped like everything else that uses similar technology? That is just one example. There are tons. Free markets bring costs down over time.
I am in healthcare and I know you cant fix it work from the 'how to pay for it side". Taking money from some people to buy an overpriced product is not sustainable. You have to bring the costs down and the only way to do that is to allow competition. Get rid of "certificates of Need" so people can buy an MRI or open a surgical center without having to get an ok from the state or the other MRI center in town. Create competition.
Look at the Surgical Center of Oklahoma. It is a privately physician owned hospital. Fee for service. They post their procedure costs online, just like a retailer. Costs are way cheaper because no insurance or executives drawing outlandish salaries. Obama care is just another way to gain more control and protect the monopoly. Wake up folks.
Good post Ernest! I think you are spot on in every aspect. Let the free market/competition/entrepreneurs come in and straighten the mess out in healthcare.
Lasik eye surgery is a great expample. It is an elective procedure, and when people have to pay for it on their own, they shop around for the best value. That has brought the prices down for Lasik over the years.
Now, apply that to other procedures. It may not work for everything, but, start applying these principles slowly but surely, and watch it snowball from there.
Ever notice that auto insurance, property insurance, and life insurance tend not to be the big, hot topic issues that healthcare insurance is?? Why is that?
I think the American public has become too far removed from the actual decision making on their own healthcare needs, and how we pay for it. We have become too used to letting our company sponsored insurance plans cover everything. They just take money from our paychecks which we don't miss, and we assume everything just goes to plan. Check into the hospital and an aspirin will cost you $25. No big will pay for it.
I say give us back more control over how we pay for our healthcare, get government the HE%% out of it (VA??), give us more choices and competiton, and prices will come down. Start allowing insurance plans to be sold across state lines! Too much regulation and limited competition now!!
Posted By: emccallum
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 3:37pm
[QUOTE=JoeinNY] "Putting one’s head in the sand and saying man I wish Obama didn’t break our perfect health care system is the silliness I am arguing against."
We agree that the system has been broken a long time. Ever since the gvt and insurance companies got involved. ACA isn't going to help.
" You are stuck on certificates of need… but that is just one tool used by a huge corporation to crush competition… that is your free market at work."
CONs are the farthest thing from a free market. I think you need to look up "free market". I don't need a CON to open a deli, and I certainly don't need to ask the other Deli if they think there is a need for more Delis in the area. CONs are a large part of the healthcare problem....they are stifling competition. It would be great if I had influence on whether or not my competition could get a license to operate. I think the term for that is organized crime.
"What you need is a fair market for actual competition to improve services and pricing, but you can’t get a fair market with less regulation and with less government to enforce it."
You cant get a fair market with less regulation and less gvt? So, the gvt has to create a fair market? How does it do that? Central planning has never worked for any country at any time in history. Markets are far too complex and gvt are far too corrupt for any sort of central planning to work. Just look at any place (wage control, rent control, education, poverty, welfare,etc) gvt has intruded into the market place. They create more problems and typically cause more of what they are trying to fix. The gvt needs to ensure there aren't monopolies in the market place. It doesn't need to pick winners and losers or attempt to level the playing field.
"To get a chance at a fair healthcare market you would need to get the money out of politics so that people got elected for serving their constituents needs instead of corporate need."
No, you need to get the gvt out of the marketplace. In one sentence you state that you cant have a fair market without the gvt, now you say the gvt is is too corrupt to fix healthcare, then later you want a singlepayer??? You really want a single payer system? Much like the VA, the USPS, AMTRAK. Those are doing great,right? I think you are trying to have it both ways. You want to sound conservative, but your big gvt/liberal bias is screaming out between the lines.
"Since that is all but impossible we could do the only thing that has worked for other countries and go to a single payer system. Since that is all but impossible…. you get the ACA and less people die and insurance rates don’t go up quite as fast as they used to but that is about it."
Just hand over your freedom to gvt and let them fix it! How about voting some of the thugs out and put gvt back into the constraints the constitution set up for them. Enumerated powers.
Posted By: emccallum
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 4:49pm
Joe, I left one point out:
"You are wrong… I work in planning for a multinational manufacturer, I know exactly what healthcare costs have done in the US and I know exactly how it effects employers and where they choose to add employees. My previous three employers all now have their manufacturing done in mexico, I have seen the books and it wasn’t labor cost that moved them there"
So, you know how the cost of healthcare has affected the businesses you are and have worked for, to the point they have left the country and we/you have lost jobs. Still, you defend or want a system that is putting more burdens on manufacturing? So much so, Obama has postponed/given special favors to the employer mandate part of ACA until after the midterm elections. If it is so good, lets put it all in now.
You understand that healthcare costs have gone up. Please, I urge you to dig a little deeper and try to understand the real causes of the increased costs, not just the BS you see on TV.
No reason an MRI should cost 2K. I went from film based xrays to all digital about ten years ago. The cost of the machine and the yearly license ($150) are about the only cost I have. Basically costs me nothing to expose a radiograph. No film, no chemicals to process. Takes 30 seconds. Why have the costs gone up? IMO, it is because the insurance companies and the hospitals benefit from raising the fees. Zero incentive to control cost. If the UCR (usual and customary fee) is $500 and your insurance companies negotiates $350 you think your insurance company is saving you money. Nope, they like the big UCR so they can claim to be helping you, and then can justify raising premiums. The hospital likes it because they can charge more to everyone else. Self pay and indigent patients. Remember, they get reimbursed for indigent care thru programs like DSH, Disproportionate Share Hospital, so if they really pad the bill they can even make money on the patients that didn't even pay! Charge $500, collect $350 or even $150 and still make money because actual costs have gone down through not paying the docs, technology, hiring foreign doctors, etc. Hospitals are big money makers.
The Non profit hospital wins no matter who gets treatment, all thanks to the voter and taxpayer. If that isn't corruption, I don't know what is. I don't think more gvt will solve this problem.
Sorry for the rant. I am done. Caught me on a bad day.
Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: June-09-2014 at 5:11pm
Nothing you have mentioned has anything to do with obamacare which is all of 6 months old ,Certificates of need go back to the 50's... blaming obamacare for everything wrong with the medical industry, and in fact the country is the current strategy being employed by those who would control you to distract you from demanding any real changes. One side is negotiating with big business to allow some minor reforms in place, the other doesn't even bother to negotiate anything for the people in exchange for leaving the establishment unchecked they just collect their campaign contributions and turn over the keys. Neither is willing to implement the only solution that has ever been shown to work.
if you don't think more government can solve the problem what do you think will? If the big guys cant crush competition through regulation they will do it though acquisition or intimidation.
Posted By: Tim D
Date Posted: January-07-2015 at 6:47pm
I heard last week someone on Obamacare can see a specialist and their copay is $10. When I go it's $81.
------------- Tim D
Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: January-07-2015 at 8:03pm
Tim D wrote:
I heard last week someone on Obamacare can see a specialist and their copay is $10. When I go it's $81.
There is no such policy as Obamacare, there are many different policies that are available and they vary greatly by market. Some of them undoubtably have 10 dollar copays for a specialist but the average out of pocket cost for a bronze level plan to visit a specialist was 34% of the cost of the visit.
Posted By: Tim D
Date Posted: January-07-2015 at 8:28pm
I used the term obamacare for the complete system, which they fall under. It's the term used to talk about "it" isn't it?
------------- Tim D
Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: January-07-2015 at 9:19pm
We all fall under Obamacare as a system in some way. To talk about a specific copay you would need to talk about a program or a policy bought under a program -
Posted By: baitkiller
Date Posted: January-07-2015 at 9:58pm
Cant afford the coverage on the exchanges. Buying good non compliant full coverage and paying the penalty is waaayyyyy cheaper for me with better coverage. Being self employed with a large family I get slaughtered on the exchanges. I was quoted $897 a month with $5000 initial deductible. That equates to $15,764 a year before any benefit.
I now pay $560 a month with no deductible and max OOP of $750. No dental or optical but everything else is 100% covered, $20 scrips.
Yeah, Ill pay the penalty instead.
------------- Jesus was a bare-footer.............
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: January-07-2015 at 10:01pm
I guess I should not complain then,when I retired our coverage was 9.00 a month 30.00 copay. 3 years later I'm still 30 copay but now 400.00 a month
-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: Donald80SN
Date Posted: January-07-2015 at 10:07pm
I had my annual physical on October 31st and like each year, my doctor (Dr. Jelly Finger) drew blood and ordered the normal battery of test. I do not remember the number of test but for the sake of conversation lets say it was 10 things that they tested for. It was no more than they had done in years past. In years past, my insurance covered 100% of my annual physical, but in November I get a bill for $105.00 that was for some of these individual blood test that they had run. I called the insurance company to see if their was a mistake and they stated that due to changes in the Health Care Reform Laws, only two blood test are now considered preventive care. One was Cholesterol, and I can not remember the other one (Maybe LDL Cholesterol). The others were considered General Health and are not covered.
I have a Premium PPO with one of the big providers. Granted it is only $105.00, but you just keep getting nickeled and dimed to death. In April we will get hit with another large increase.
That is my Obamacare story for today.
Posted By: john b
Date Posted: January-07-2015 at 10:20pm
You guys should thank your lucky stars. As retired police we receive no health care benefits. I just received the medical renewal package from the village I worked for. The premium per month for family coverage is $2,428.66 / month. I get away a bit cheaper for $1,659.30 / month because I only have one dependant (my wife). $1,000 deductible, covered 80% in network, 70% out of network until a maximum of $4,500 out of pocket. Can't wait for that other good old government insurance program to kick in, Medicare. My daughter and her husband and child had it sooooo good for three years.....In Canada!
------------- 1970 Mustang "Theseus' paradox" If everyone else is doing it, you're too late!
Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: January-07-2015 at 10:28pm
Donald they lied - the aca requires them to cover the annual physical and preventive tests 100%, it didn't require them to stop covering the extra test - they did it cause they could and the aca gave them an excuse
baitkiller you will likely be better off as long as no one gets seriously sick with your non approved plan - but to me that defeats the purpose of insurance.
Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: January-07-2015 at 10:39pm
I'm more or less self employed. In 2008 while America was in a depression, errr, "Recession" i was in a depression bc I was without work for 9 months. Somewhere in that 9 months I was 2 weeks late 2 months in a row on my $550 payment to Blue X. On the second month they returned my check and said I was no longer covered due to non payment. What a kick in the balls bc that was always my first check written even before groceries. For two years I could not get another private policy bc I was "high risk" due to nonpayment and "high" blood pressure. When I say I couldn't get coverage, I mean I couldn't even offer 5k a month to the shady-est carrier. It wasn't until I got married to my wonderful boat driver could I get coverage which was through her employers group policy. So now we pay $900 a month for just her and I. And boy it's mediocre coverage at best. I have not checked into Obamacare yet. I will say I am glad that supposedly now a person is always eligible for coverage because that 2 years I was worried.
Posted By: baitkiller
Date Posted: January-07-2015 at 10:50pm
Joe please elaborate. If anybody goes down hard I'm out $750 and my ins. picks up the balance. Maybe I should re-read something?
------------- Jesus was a bare-footer.............
Posted By: john b
Date Posted: January-07-2015 at 11:27pm
If a fraction of the effort that was expended in the law suits, shut downs, and opposition to Obamacare was directed toward coming up to a better solution we would all benefit. Certainly there could be better plans, but it is better than what we had before. If everyone could work together toward a solution we would all benefit, but not the insurers and drug companies so that's not really going to happen here.
After seeing the benefits of the single payer system in Canada it is hard to accept our dismal system. I owe a great debt of gratitude to Canada for making it possible to have a grandson. Due to costs and the lack of coverage for fertility treatments here in the states it would not have been possible. Felix was born on July 6, 2013 at Victoria General, in Victoria Canada, the hospital my daughter worked at as a nurse (in the same unit where he was delivered). He was the product of In-vitro fertilisation. He was born premature and spent about 10 days in the NNICU and additional time in the hospital until his lungs fully developed. He went home a healthy baby. There was no bill to follow. All of his follow ups and continuing health care, like my daughter's and her husband's, were provided free of cost courtesy of the Canadian Government. Only Felix is a Canadian citizen (their anchor baby as everyone likes to call them here).
I just can't get enough of Felix. I will be visiting him in February again. Seems I can't go more than 8 weeks without a Seattle Felix trip. I'm afraid he is the only grandson I will ever have due to the costs here in the USofA..
------------- 1970 Mustang "Theseus' paradox" If everyone else is doing it, you're too late!
Posted By: Tim D
Date Posted: January-08-2015 at 12:01am
Joe, you seem pleased with obamacare, did you vote for him?