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’79 Nautique Horsepower

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Topic: ’79 Nautique Horsepower
Posted By: katie
Subject: ’79 Nautique Horsepower
Date Posted: April-02-2006 at 7:12pm
Any ideas on how much horsepower a '79 Nautique- with a 351- would put out pulling up a slalom skier, and keeping them skiing about 3,000 RPMs? (We've run into a problem with some fishermen who hate skiers... on a private lake, and they're trying to kick us off the lake saying we've got too much horsepower.) Thanks!

Posted By: Jim_In_Houston
Date Posted: April-02-2006 at 8:02pm
Somethng seems very unamerican about this. Don't let them look under the hood. You can quote me on the following in regards to your horsepower output: "somewhere around 100, give or take a little".

I guess they would be happier if the skier was being pulled by a Jon boat with a 35HP Evinrude.

Arn't people something?

Happy owner of a '66 and a '68 Mustang

Posted By: GottaSki
Date Posted: April-02-2006 at 9:22pm
Your screwed, they can demonstrate to be an inconsolable miserable bunch of , uhm.. uncomplicated people.
Give them lots of room and always be polite.

"There is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worthwhile as messing around with boats...simply messing."

River Rat to Mole

Posted By: 2_Nautiques
Date Posted: April-02-2006 at 9:26pm
Just tell them you are trolling for sharks, just like they did in the movie Jaws II

-------------" rel="nofollow - 1988 Ski Nautique

Posted By: bkhallpass
Date Posted: April-02-2006 at 9:28pm
Threadjack: Gottaski, everytime I see your signature I think of 4th grade reading Wind and the Willows/Toad of Toad Hall. Of all the books I've read, and don't remember, don't know why I recall that one, and when I read it so vividly. Perhaps it was the line you've quoted.

Katie, I'm not positive, but I believe the HP was about 220. BKH

Livin' the Dream

Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: April-02-2006 at 9:54pm
Katie, You're only screwed if you sit back and let them do this to you. This happened to me 20 years ago. They put a picture of my boat on the front page of the newspaper stating that "someone is going to get killed". It was a photo of use barefooting of the boom and to someoen who doesn't know skiing it probably looks like an accident waiting to happen.

If you're on a private lake you probably have an association, get all the lakes skiers together and show up at a meeting and be prepared to show them that the hp rating of the boat is not the problem. On our lake we had some yahoos show up every weekend with 250hp outboards that we're doing 70 mph across a relatively small pond. Of course we we're the scapegoats because our boat was louder than everything else on the lake and with our skiing we drew a lot of attention.

We invited the city council to join us for an early morning ski and demonstrated how we used the boom as a learning tool so we could AVOID injury. We showed them some barefooting and built a pyramid and ran through the course. They needed to see that the hp of our boat was not the problem it was the speed and as you know flat out you can bairly get 45 mph out of these things. The real safety problem was the high Hp outboards.

Suprisingly they listened and we ended up with a 40MPH speed limit which we were ok with and they also banned Personnal watercraft which was fine by us. It really ticked off the fisherman because those were the guys running 50+ mph accross our ski paths just to cause trouble.

You might try contacting associations like AWSA, they may have crossed this problem before and could offer some assistance. You better make sure all the skiers on your lake are on their best behavior too because if you give them any ammo they'll use it against you. You can not lose this fight because I have seen lakes lose their skiing but I have never seen one get it back.

Good luck to you

You can’t change the wind but you can adjust your sails

Posted By: GottaSki
Date Posted: April-02-2006 at 10:01pm
Yes, exactly...Wind in the Willows...magical. Cool it stays with you too..

Beware being too logical with fish-men. If you say you have 100 hp they'll make the limit 99. Ski boats are so screwed in HP limits.
They obviously don't like something... the waves, the noise, the poximity. Try to find out soon. Talk to any skiers/boarders not behaving well before they do.

They can be irrational...I've witnessed a fish-man put his 12-footer on a colision course with us on purpose because he got upset when we went by trick skiing, and we were at a quite reasonable distance. He stayed in the a-post blind spot at a 90 degree convergace and I flagged my driver and spotter to take evasive action, and this fish-man never backed down, purposfully putting his young son in the path a
boat that would have cut them in two..they are just a rabid, irrational bunch.

How many acres is the lake?

"There is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worthwhile as messing around with boats...simply messing."

River Rat to Mole

Posted By: bkhallpass
Date Posted: April-02-2006 at 10:15pm
81 and Gottaski are right. Get the focus on speed, not HP. Those 200HP outboards can run over 70 mph. My 310 HP inboard won't top 46. BKH

Livin' the Dream

Posted By: katie
Date Posted: April-02-2006 at 10:34pm
There are 2 lakes, totaling about 190 acres. The smaller lake is the ski lake, the larger lake is the fishing lake. Yes, these lovely people have their own lake, and they still get irritated with us when we ski on "OUR side", within the boundaries, within the specific times, going in the correct direction... etc. Our house is also on the ski lake, so we don't even disturb the water on the fishing lake.

I've driven with my palms sweating when a pontoon boat pulling a tuber was so close to my skier there was no way the moron could have avoided running over my skier if he'd fallen. The fishing boats also like to try to mess up the water by cutting across when possible.

We certainly keep our distance, and treat the fishermen with respect. Maybe getting a group of "our people" together would help. Unfortunately the next board meeting is in the fall.

I think what really set these people off was when 3 of us skied a few weekends ago- in our wetsuits. There were probably 4 different fishing boats out there getting a little rocked, when they thought it was too cold for the evil skiers to be out. I guess it was easier for them to complain rather than MOVE DOWN the lake! (Right, they can fish in about 1/3 of the ski lake we aren't allowed to ski in.)

So, has anyone heard of a dyno (is that correct spelling?) test for a boat? They want to "inspect" my boat, if I have papers saying my boat only puts out 200hp, they can't touch the engine cover! (can they anyway, it's private property- does the private lake give them the right?)

Thanks for all of the great input! Skiers are so much better...

Posted By: stang72
Date Posted: April-02-2006 at 10:40pm
Hp on a 351 is uaually about 240...


Face plants are not that funny when it's you face!" rel="nofollow - The Super Air

Posted By: katie
Date Posted: April-02-2006 at 10:42pm
Still 240 on a '79 that hasn't been rebuilt? Any chance of a decrease?

Posted By: stang72
Date Posted: April-02-2006 at 11:42pm
If your trying to "say" it's lower....yours looks like a 302 to me!!! Most could not tell the diff! Then you could go as low as 200-210hp range.Don't you really have a 302??? Some SN's were powered with a 302 and unless someone measures ...who would tell you different!


Face plants are not that funny when it's you face!" rel="nofollow - The Super Air

Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: April-02-2006 at 11:43pm
Katie, thats a real strange request for someone to want or it sounds like demand to inspect your boat. I don't think any private citizen has a legal basis to demand to inspect your boat.

Here's another side, you have property on this lake, if they stop you from using the lake to waterski the value of your home and property may be negatively impacted. I hate to suggest this but it may be time for an attorney to protect the value of your home. Atleast talk to an attorney, You need to know your rights before you do anything wrong. They have rights too so make sure everyone on the lake is following all aplicable laws of the water. Are you always 100' from shore, other boats, etc. Do you always have a spotter , approved pfd's, etc. You need to do your homework, if they're serious they will shut you down for things you don't even know your doing wrong.

You can’t change the wind but you can adjust your sails

Posted By: katie
Date Posted: April-03-2006 at 2:06am
Great suggestions thank you.

It really does have a Ford 351... but I see where you're going, Stang. Thanks for the idea!

Alan- here's the crazy part- there is a barfoot nautique on the lake too! I know his boat is MUCH more powerful. I think we really ruffled the fishing feathers when we were skiing when it was still cool outside. We abide by all of the rules in place by the association, with the one time exception of skiing over the hours by 3 minutes. All of our equipment is approved and we always have a spotter. I guess because we do follow the rules, that's why they're attacking the horsepower of the boat. The person who owns the barfoot takes kids from the lake out and teaches them how to ski twice a season. Maybe that's what I need to do to get them off my back... teach their kids and grand kids how to ski.

Geish! I hope when I'm that age I find better things to do with my free time!

Posted By: stang72
Date Posted: April-03-2006 at 2:35am
Hey.. try this...After you are done with the skiing, drop by the guy's that are fishing and toss um a beer! You will make them love you!


Face plants are not that funny when it's you face!" rel="nofollow - The Super Air

Posted By: Nautique2001
Date Posted: April-03-2006 at 1:56pm
The loud exhaust on inboards make them sound very powerful and fast regardless of the HP. I'm sure if you owned a quiet I/O, the fishermen wouldn't complain as much. Maybe they're not catching any fish and they're blaming you.

Regardless, boating and skiing is your sport and fishing is theirs. What's the difference? I've run into this issue before, but I respectfully keep my distance and I'll always wave hello to them. Always party poopers out there. I wish you the best and don't back down.

PS: Dyno? That's the craziest request I've ever heard. That's IDIOT talk. I would go about your business and have a great time.


-------------" rel="nofollow - Nautique 2001

Posted By: stang72
Date Posted: April-03-2006 at 4:37pm
Alan makes a very good point...My business is real estate...lake properties certainly command much higher prices and restrictions on the use of the property do impact the value! Why did you purchase at that location? Most people that are in the market for a lake home will more than likely be boaters...and not just fishermen!
Is there an association or board that decides lake and property use ordinances?
If it does come to a battle...find a good real estate attorney...not your favorite attorney but a REAL ESTATE attorney(they understand the laws that deal with real estate much better).
Better yet...find out now what your property rights are !
Hope it works out without any battles...some people!!!


Face plants are not that funny when it's you face!" rel="nofollow - The Super Air

Posted By: katie
Date Posted: April-03-2006 at 6:02pm
I'd toss them a 6 pack if it would help!

My grandmother has a house/camp up there, when she bought it the rules weren't so crazy.

I spoke to some "boat people" today that said there was no way the engine was putting out over 185hp. Anyone agree, or disagree? I don't really want to lie to these people. I'm going to try the rational approach first... then use the advice of getting a real estate atty.

Posted By: 79nautique
Date Posted: April-03-2006 at 6:11pm
For that year boat it was rated at 235HP but that's not the route I would head down. You should be looking at speed not HP. It makes know difference if you have 200hp or 1000hp, it's what speed is the boat capable of running with that horse power. A Ranger or any BASS boat with a 150hp outboard will run circles around your boat and go almost twice as fast with less horse power.

------------- - 79 nautique

Posted By: 79nautique
Date Posted: April-03-2006 at 6:29pm
If it was me I would be asking for the rules or by-laws of the association, find out who the officers our and discuss it with them and see what rules you are breaking? and who is complaining and exactly what the complaint is. I would also look into weather or not they are up to date on their association dues and if the association is properly incorperated and operating legally. If the association is illegal or disolved, then they can go fly a kite. I would also look into if the whole lake is in the association. The lake I used to live on we had an association that was only for our side of the street/channel and limited on what they could inforced. If the association was establised before your your home was built and it is in another sub-division they maynot have authority to restrict your boat. I would also contact the DNR for your state, if it has a public launch or the launch is at a marina then it may not be as private as you think and the DNR would control what type and power rating limits for boat to operate on the lake.

------------- - 79 nautique

Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: April-03-2006 at 9:58pm

I'm gonna mention this again only because in your previous post you mentioned that your skier was in harms way because of someone following too close to your boat while towing. That tells me that there probably is a problem on your lake and it's probably not you. For some reason your sticking out of the crowd and their directing it at you. Now what I would suggest is that you take charge of the problem and form a safety committee and first educate the other boaters who may be causing trouble or report them to the authorities. Sounds to me like someone has ruffled a few feathers and now it's time to backtrack and make ammends even if it's not of your doing. You will lose in the end if you don't fix it now.

I stress that you can not become a traffic cop and you have to be extra diplomatic when approaching someone that is not doing things right but if you explain what's going on to them and show them what is at stake you should be able to create a safer and more enjoyable place to boat for everyone. This could actually work out to be a good thing in the end

You can’t change the wind but you can adjust your sails

Date Posted: April-04-2006 at 12:47am
    Drop a line out of the 79 for a bit, then go skiing....
All the info suggested sounds good... ITS CALLED "PLAY THE GAME"


MUSTANG COUNTRY - 1974 Mustang 17 - 1976 Mustang 17

Posted By: katie
Date Posted: April-04-2006 at 3:02am
I spoke with someone in charge of boat registration for the association. She has one of the other 2 Nautiques on the lake. When I told her the issue I was faced with she said she's never heard of a boat inspection! I only have to guess someone that's buddy-buddy with the "lake security" person that contacted me got made at us for skiing. (He should be sprayed!) She advised me to contact the President of the Board; she the horsepower is not even an issue, then said mean things about some of the people out there.

I guess now I'll just have to throw dummies for my dog (who LOVES to jump off our pier) when there is a fisherman present. (That's better than throwing rocks, right?)

I suppose I'm joining the board... we need someone on our side! I will certainly go for the speed, not the horsepower aspect. I might have to bring in an expert to get my point across, but if that's what it takes to "win", fine! Anyone have a radar gun for sale? I might need to clock some bass boats to make my point!

Assuming all goes well, I'll post a picture of my husband and I skiing together during Easter weekend, wearing bunny ears.

Keep your fingers crossed, and the great ideas coming! I have enough ideas for plan B, C and D.

Posted By: stang72
Date Posted: April-04-2006 at 3:30am
Nothing against most fishermen...(in fact I like fishing)...BUT,I could argue many issues to advocate banning those guys from all lakes!
How about...picking up you empty worm containers...and those balls of line left around to tangle on my prop or around the neck of some poor duck! Or speed??? Those dudes are flying from hole to hole!
Next time I am on the ramp and helping some poor drunk on their butts fisherman that just sunk thier Ranger cuase the plug was out....I will remind them not to badmouth the ski folks!
Again nothing against most fishermen...

Good luck katie!


Face plants are not that funny when it's you face!" rel="nofollow - The Super Air

Posted By: Nautique2001
Date Posted: April-04-2006 at 2:15pm
Really, we could bring up all sorts of situations that we're not pleased with. The PWC's that zip in front and back of your boat while you're pulling a skier. Sail boats that catch some wind right in your path. Canoes that don't know which way to paddle. I go fishing too, however I follow the rules and have common sense. We should be talking more about the people in the world who like making peoples lives miserable. Not all fishermen are that bad.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Nautique 2001

Posted By: stang72
Date Posted: April-05-2006 at 12:16am
Hey..I am just reacting to katie's situation!
Bottom line is(and my point)'s part of boating to be tolerant of others!We could all make a case against some other craft that interrupts our day on the lake....If you fish , ski...jet ski ..or whatever, be
good to the rest all the world!

In Katie's's BS... that someone would attempt it!

Did not in anyway mean to offend fishermen...I fish too!


Face plants are not that funny when it's you face!" rel="nofollow - The Super Air

Posted By: katie
Date Posted: April-05-2006 at 1:04am
I don't have anything against all fishermen, just the mean ones. I have a seadoo too, and I would NEVER come too close to another human, fisherman, skier, swimmer... It's all about respect for others.

I think we're going to be ok- I spoke with the person in charge of "lake security" and told him I had a letter stating the boat wouldn't exceed 185hp. (302?) I also told him I wanted to get involved in the association, and expressed speed/speeding will end up causing an accident, not the horsepower of boats. The current speed limit is 45 mph- I don't think I've pulled my heaviest slalom that fast- but I could be mistaken.

Posted By: ccskier16
Date Posted: April-05-2006 at 2:02am
Out of curiosity, where about is this crazy lake?


Posted By: stang72
Date Posted: April-05-2006 at 4:04am
Oh Katie you are stretching things a bit...302 is good for about 215 -220 hp...however i/o 302 engines are often rated for 180 or so...the good thing is that I think you could get away with stretching...don't mention the 351 part!
A well tuned strong engine in a nautique (302 or 351)will get close to 50 mph...if yours is a bit tired and you have a few folks in the won't be exceeding 45 anyway!

So where is this crazy lake???


Face plants are not that funny when it's you face!" rel="nofollow - The Super Air

Posted By: Bob's2001
Date Posted: April-07-2006 at 5:03am
Definitely get involved with the decision making process. The world is run by those who show up!

Bob Ed
83 2001

Posted By: katie
Date Posted: April-07-2006 at 8:53pm
This just keeps getting interesting! I contacted all of the "right" people, and turns out my boat has actually been "grandfathered in", since my grandmother was one of the first property owners on the lake. Boats weren't restricted, or required to be registered until the early-mid 90's. Since our boat was up there before... we're safe. Why we got the letter in the first place, I'll never know. Maybe someone was just trying to flex some muscle. Maybe they didn't realize I was going to jump on this to make sure we could still use our boat. Who knows!

Stang72, the lake is about an hour outside of Baton Rouge, La- very beautiful! I don't run the boat any faster than I do pulling a skiier... I'm in no hurry! (I don't have the fear someone else will catch MY fish!) Typically when we're not skiing we're over the BBQ pit or sipping on a vodka tonic watching the sunset.

Posted By: 79nautique
Date Posted: April-08-2006 at 4:22am
Katie it should be gin and tonic and what are you BBQ'n, rib's, brisket, shoulder, whole hog, or rib roast? hickory, apple, cherry or misquite wood?

------------- - 79 nautique

Posted By: Jim_In_Houston
Date Posted: April-08-2006 at 7:20pm
Probably Crawfish. Or like they call 'em up North, Crawdads.

Happy owner of a '66 and a '68 Mustang

Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: April-08-2006 at 7:51pm
Now this post is goin' the way jbear likes'em. None of this confusing tech stuff, just BBq and cold ones. AHHHHHHHHHH...


"Loud pipes save lives"

AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...

Posted By: stang72
Date Posted: April-09-2006 at 12:56pm
Katie...glad to hear that worry is hop that engine up as big as you can without sinking the boat! Oh ...and do ever sell it!

It does make you now aware that being involved and having a voice in your association is better than dealing with things after someone else has decided something...yes, do have some involment!

BBQ and Vodka tonic... Expect to get a call from jbear informing you that he and the miss's are on the way over! Send them up here next!


Face plants are not that funny when it's you face!" rel="nofollow - The Super Air

Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: April-09-2006 at 3:32pm
Stang: I am on my way to meet you eventually. Anyone who has an album of old pics that look just like lots of mine, well I gotta meet that guy.


"Loud pipes save lives"

AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...

Posted By: stang72
Date Posted: April-09-2006 at 4:04pm
I am looking forward to the day...your place or mine...or or or Green Lake!


Face plants are not that funny when it's you face!" rel="nofollow - The Super Air

Posted By: katie
Date Posted: April-14-2006 at 5:29pm
I got a phone call from AWSA! They sent me a listing of all approved "tow" boats- so I'm going to make a big to-do over the list at the next meeting, in the fall. I have got to get it through to these people horsepower isn't bad...

Crawfish will be boiling next weekend! We typically grill anything that walks or swims. We're doing venison burgers tonight and salmon on a cedar plank tomorrow night. Anyone ever heard of the Prop Stop on the Tickfaw River? You can get a great "worm bucket" there: Rum, pineapple juice, splash of oj, grenadine, splash of sprite and a gummy worm, of course. These are so good, they're like candy! The best umbrella drink ever :)

Work is killing me today! I need to be on the water! I feel like I know all of you now... if you care to reply, where are you from?

Posted By: bkhallpass
Date Posted: April-14-2006 at 6:08pm

Check out the thread, "where do you hang your hat." Just about everyone has listed there home digs. BKH

Livin' the Dream

Posted By: stang72
Date Posted: April-16-2006 at 1:53am
Katie...sounds like your livin the good life!
Grillin and bevs!!!
We are in central IL...we take a few trips each summer...puddle jumping. Get to see a lot of beautiful lakes that way! We head North for a month to a splendid Minn lake where we have cabins right on the beached water front! Lots of grillin, winery trips...and all the foofoo drinks you can stand it's a good life!


Face plants are not that funny when it's you face!" rel="nofollow - The Super Air

Posted By: 79nautique
Date Posted: April-16-2006 at 2:43am
foo foo drinks???

just want to clearify, we are on the same wave length, then again maybe not........

Frozen fruity mixtures or blends of ice, bacardi, cobo wabo, vodka, fruit and juice to taste and a splash of color for presentation????

or are those belly shots off of the hotties???

------------- - 79 nautique

Posted By: 64 Skier
Date Posted: April-17-2006 at 3:17am
Katie...what a small world. I was gonna post a while back and tell this story, but now I have to since you mention Baton Rouge!

I was starting my Ford 289 one morning just to warm her up. I lowered the boat into the water but the exhaust was not completley covered. Pretty loud running like this so I was walking to the controls to lower the boat a little more when I saw two friends fishing. Both are from Baton Rouge!

So anyway, this little 289 which is way over "Stock" is runing at about 1500 rpm's and sounds like two Harleys trying to make love to a Mercury Outboard when one of the guy's catches about a 4 lb Bass under the pier about 10 feet from the boat! They caught 3 fish in about so many minutes.

I have a place on Lake Bruin north of Baton Rouge. Learned to ski on the Tchefuncte River.

64 Skier
66" HO VTX and 67" HO Triumph - 71CC

Posted By: stang72
Date Posted: April-17-2006 at 9:29am foo drinks...yep those are the fruity things, beach punch , blender drinks & anything with an unbrella...the more fruit and decorations the more foo foo it is. Belly shots...well those are just belly shots right...but they could be foo foo belly shots I suppose!


Face plants are not that funny when it's you face!" rel="nofollow - The Super Air

Posted By: gigem75
Date Posted: April-18-2006 at 11:39am
We are on a private lake in E. Texas, all this talk of beverages and food is driving me crazy, mudbugs this weekend! Get involved in your association is the best advise I can give but it sounds like you have it worked out. Good luck!

Posted By: katie
Date Posted: May-12-2006 at 6:04pm
64 Skier- I do know where "your" lake is, but I've never visited. I learned how to ski on False River... I'm sure you know where that is, in New Roads, La. It wasn't quite as crowded then as it is now.

I haven't heard a word from anyone on the board since my last (very nice) conversation. I'm still waiting to get my letter from AWSA, then I'll be back at the battle.

No fruity umbrella drinks, cold beers or slaloms this weekend-- baby showers and graduations. Is it 5:00 yet???

Take a round on a ski for me!   

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