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Life outside Boating

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Printed Date: January-22-2025 at 1:18pm

Topic: Life outside Boating
Posted By: Chevy350
Subject: Life outside Boating
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 12:27am
Life outide the boats is different.

I go to school (8th Grade) and I grateful to be able to get an education that will get me through life, but I'm also grateful to be able to see my buddies at school. Generally after school, I get home from the bus and go out an ride my bike and go to the local skatepark which tends to be boring since it't the size of my room . But I usually ride around after that just trying to find a set of stairs or some cool spots to hang out at. I then get home eat dinner with my parents and now only my other brother and sometimes his girl friend. I then usually go on this site, or The Come Up Bmx forum. (not as good as CCF ). Then it's usually time for bed. Then repeat.

Now what do you all do outside of boating/skiing?

1972 Mustang

Posted By: storm34
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 1:55am
Originally posted by Chevy350 Chevy350 wrote:

Now what do you all do outside of boating/skiing?

Hang out on CCF of course!


Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 1:55am
serve my community

ride my Harley

go to minor league baseball games


"Loud pipes save lives"

AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...

Posted By: IAughtNaut
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 3:27am
general local bartenders and barbers, and mentor neighborhood kids of course. many people focus on the development of young children but forget about the ones just out of college trying to transition into adulthood, 23-27 year olds.

bring the ruckus" rel="nofollow - 2000 Pro Air

Posted By: 93/70 ccpb
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 4:07am
hey adam .david didnt go to college but you can be his mentor.hope your trip down under is going well.

what you dont want to hear from jbear and cant get in the boat till you get your minute,and they throw you back in water!

Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 8:51am
As hectic as my life is now and with all the responsibilities I have.... I darn sure wouldn't want to go back to 8th grade.

Two days of my life are never the same but a few things are always the same:
Every morning I wake up and make Mrs. 76 her complicated coffee which isn't what I really want to do prior to me having a pot of coffee, but it has it's benefits, hence part of not wanting to go back to 8th grade. I go to a job that I don't care much for but it's what I know and provides a good lifestyle. Some days I have flexibility, some days I have to work 8, 16, 24, even 42 hours straight to get it done. Everyday I have lunch with dad. Seems the need for further education never ends so after work I have to squeeze that with at least one form of house work, yard work, or boat work to keep the list from piling up. Then its dinner that hopefully Mrs. 76 made and I'm always the one doing dishes and always a walk, boat ride, or ball toss with the dog. And always make time for at least 3 ski trips a week in.

Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 10:04am
Oh and most importantly, I am a hunter. If it's bow season, do not disturb me!

Posted By: JPASS
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 10:14am
I work in an environmental laboratory out on Disney property Mon-Fri. Every day after work I hit the gym. It's probably the main reason I haven't killed any of my coworkers. It's by far the best way for me to get out my frustrations. I consider it my second home.

I also enjoy shooting, working on my autos, doing home improvements and helping out my friends who have no idea how to turn wrenches or swing a hammer.

Oh yeah, we also love vacationing. We usually take a big vacation once a year. The last 3 years were The Mediterranean, Hawaii, and the Eastern Caribbean. Mostly cruises as we enjoy being out on the water.

'92 Correctcraft Ski Nautique

Posted By: davidg
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 10:18am
Plastics my boy....PLASTICS!!!

Old Ford Trucks

Old(er) Harleys

Missing my old Correct Craft

Posted By: phatsat67
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 10:27am
You can still visit it Dave! it still looks like a boat for now haha.


Posted By: peter1234
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 10:36am
for me its enjoying my dogs ,travel and a couple of classic cars and one not so classic harley, i have a heating and air conditioning business and a landscaping division sort of all tied up together .

former skylark owner now a formula but I cant let this place go

Posted By: Treybizttu
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 10:56am
Hunting, Fishing, Beer League Softball, MTN Biking, Hanging out with the Wife and Munchkin....

Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 11:06am
Uh, Justin...I didn't see anything about homework in your daily routine. Other than that, your description made me flash back to late 60s, early 70s when I put about a billion miles on my bike, after school, after dinner, weekends. Riding around town and beyond with my buddies. Originally had a decent Schwinn 5 speed, then in about 9th grade, upgraded to a nice Schwinn 10-speed. That may sound quaint, but back in the day, they were not so common. A typical after school ride was to the Dairy Isle for a root beer float. No organized sports in your schedule? No they are not for everyone, but in the winter, my student life was dominated by swimming, practice and meets. Huge part of my life, contributed to who I am today. Discipline, hard work, team work, camaraderie, fitness, all good and important stuff. Still swim to this day. Still compete,, periodically.

Today....first joy is hanging with my family, not so routine anymore as my oldest is several states away and my youngest has his own life, but when we get together, its a hoot. Routinely, I am a putterer. Always have some house or yard project going on. Fixing, cleaning, painting, yard work (That's what I did this past weekend....mid winter yard clean up - love living where it doesn't snow and you can do yard work on a 50 - 60 degree February day.) This time of year, 2 or 3 trips to the pool a week, a walk with wifey, or dinner out or a movie. And in the summer, anything in, on or around the water: swimming, sailing, kayaking, boating and skiing obviously, and just sitting on the dock with a cold pop, watching the yahoos. And on occasion, I still get out my bike (yet another upgrade from the last one, but is still about 30 years old) and go for a peddle around the neighborhood.

“So, how was your weekend?”
“Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”

Posted By: Toertel
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 11:56am
Man, when I think about it, its way too much travel for work (100% of the time since June 2014) with an average of 150 flights per year since 2009.
I don't spend enough time with my family or friends, which sucks.
That is also one reason I love my CC. In the summer, we are out every weekend and the time on the boat, lake, waterpark, wakeboarding, skiing feels like a mini vacation and makes up some of the time I'm gone.

Other than that, hunting, shooting, running, freeletics and driving my ss.

1994 Sport Nautique

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 12:08pm
Originally posted by davidg davidg wrote:

Plastics my boy....PLASTICS!!!

You're dating yourself. I'd have to say most here don't know where that line came from! BTW, I'd say you took the advice and it worked out well!

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 6:12pm
Hmmm, What do I do outside of boating. I won't bore you with all my senseless hobbies but one thing I've started doing is more rewarding than just about anything I can think of.

My father-in-law has been in a care facility for just about a year and a half now and is pretty much bed ridden. It's a bit of a drive to get down to see him but we try to do it every weekend even if it's just for an hour or so. He still has his wits so we watch sports channel and talk about the weeks happenings.

Nothing out of the ordinary there, that's just what you do but we recently started going to visit after work since it cut about 30 minutes off of our 90 minute trip. Since the dog goes to work with us we figured we might as well bring him in for a visit. Well Lenny the wonder dog is a celebrity now. After we spend time with dad we walk the halls on our way out and let anyone interested visit with Lenny.

It's really amazing but if you've ever spent any time in a nursing home and you see how people exist day to day staring at the TV or the walls or the ceiling mumbling to themselves then to see their eyes light up when goofy Lenny shows up it's really quite a treat. We've got residents that keep dog treats for him now waiting for his next visit.

So that's my new hobby for a while, I hope when Dad is gone I still make the time to keep visiting. Lenny and his new found friends are counting on me.

Posted By: kytom2
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 6:17pm
Knowing the type of people you and Dana are, I'm sure you will find the time.


Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 7:16pm
Ha, great thread. Outside of work, I spend most of my time chasing around delivering my 3 girls to all their activities. The oldest, now 17 has been driving for almost a year and that has freed up some time, but the Freshman and 6th grader have plenty of activities to keep, me and their mother busy! Love it though, wouldn't trade it for the world. Oh and the doc says I am supposed to swim, so that happens before 7AM, right after the kids leave around 6:15AM.

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
My Dad's 63 Ski N

Posted By: davidg
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 7:46pm
Originally posted by 8122pbrainard 8122pbrainard wrote:

Originally posted by davidg davidg wrote:

Plastics my boy....PLASTICS!!!

You're dating yourself. I'd have to say most here don't know where that line came from! BTW, I'd say you took the advice and it worked out well!

Pete....I was wondering who would be the first to catch that line. You are good! Link to clip from "The Graduate" below.

Did I mention I love classic movies?

Posted By: SNobsessed
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 8:41pm
I joined a senior citizen's band (the bass drummer is 100).   But don't be fooled, these people rock. I play euphonium, haven't played since high school 45 years ago.

One of the pieces we are working on is a dixieland version of Amazing Grace, really cool.

Playing music is harder than my old job!

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

Ben Franklin

Posted By: Chevy350
Date Posted: February-10-2015 at 9:07pm
Originally posted by SNobsessed SNobsessed wrote:

I joined a senior citizen's band (the bass drummer is 100).   But don't be fooled, these people rock. I play euphonium, haven't played since high school 45 years ago.

One of the pieces we are working on is a dixieland version of Amazing Grace, really cool.

Playing music is harder than my old job!

Music is practically my life. Any kind of music is awesome. Just love listening to it no matter where I am. 100? Must be one cool dude to play the drums at a 100 years old.

1972 Mustang

Posted By: peter1234
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 10:16am
I bet he is pretty good with Emmy Lou Harris'   Bang the drum slowly

former skylark owner now a formula but I cant let this place go

Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 11:09am
Ok so I do have another hobby and this one is probably more of an addiction than the boats.

I have a pretty decent hi end 2 channel audio system and do a lot of listening. Currently running a pair of 100 watt tube powered mono blocks that feed a pair of speakers that I built last winter. The speakers were designed by a Danish audio engineer that designs, builds, tests his speakers and then you can buy the internals cross over circuitry and drivers then build your own cabinets to his specs.

The ones I built are a transmission line design (open on the bottom) with an 8" mid, a 1" tweeter with waveguide and 2 10" rear firing woofers.   95 decible sensitivity and with the tubes driving them they sound amazing. A few ccfans stayed around late at our Halloween party this year and we cranked them up. With a JL Audio sub backing them I'm amazed we don't crack windows.

So here's a few pictures, they're not great because photography is NOT one of my hobbies. The front baffle is made out of lacewood and yes the dark strips of wood are leftover mahogany, bet you can't guess where that came from.

Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 11:19am
Very cool Alan. With all the modern gadgets for delivering music today, "listening" to music doesn't seem to be the favorite past time that it used to be. That's a great set up. I'd love to hear it.

Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 11:40am
Originally posted by Riley Riley wrote:

Very cool Alan. With all the modern gadgets for delivering music today, "listening" to music doesn't seem to be the favorite past time that it used to be. That's a great set up. I'd love to hear it.

I'll turn it up Saturday night Bruce, put your ear to the west and you just might hear it!

As for gadgets I have a good friend who owns the local Hi End audio store so I bring home quite a bit of very expensive gear to test drive on the weekends. Granted I couldn't afford most of it but it sure is fun to sample it.

The latest craze is Streaming but I refuse to listen to compressed music.(yes I am an Audio snob) I recently found a streaming service that's almost identical to the popular Spotify with the big difference being they only stream CD quality lossless files, the service is called Tidal music streaming. Well worth the $20/month subscription. I scrapped Spotify for these guys and the quality is amazing.

My co-conspirator is Raindog, he's as much in trouble with this stuff as I am except he still spins vinyl.

Posted By: skutsch
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 11:43am
Alan - I have a real good friend who is the Co-Founder of" rel="nofollow - Indy Audio Labs , I would be happy to introduce you if you ever want to talk tech on amps and stuff. They turn out some unbelievable high end equipment that allows for super clean/accurate reproduction of audio.

Our" rel="nofollow - 98 Sport Nautique
My Dad's 63 Ski N

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 11:54am
Look man, You can listen to Jimi but you can't hear him. There's a difference man. Just because you're listening to him doesn't mean you're hearing him.


Posted By: phatsat67
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 12:48pm
Those are killer Alan. That picture on your TV however Creeepayyy.


Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 12:53pm
Originally posted by phatsat67 phatsat67 wrote:

Those are killer Allen. That picture on your TV however Creeepayyy.

haha yes Porcupine Tree, awesome Prog Rock band ala King Crimson Styling. give em a try.

Posted By: phatsat67
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 12:59pm
Will do. Are they on spotify ???


Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 1:01pm
Originally posted by phatsat67 phatsat67 wrote:

Will do. Are they on spotify ???

yes but do a 7 day free trial on Tidal, you will never listen to Spotify again!

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 1:27pm
Real nice work as always! Since my wife dropped her laptop the screen is all screwed up so I can't tell. Is the veneer wavy, figured, burl or 1/4 sawn white oak?

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 1:50pm
Originally posted by 8122pbrainard 8122pbrainard wrote:

Real nice work as always! Since my wife dropped her laptop the screen is all screwed up so I can't tell. Is the veneer wavy, figured, burl or 1/4 sawn white oak?

Thanks Pete, Solid Lacewood with mahogany inlay. Very textured surface, matches some other furniture I built a few years ago.

Posted By: phatsat67
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 6:19pm
May give that a shot Alan!


Posted By: dwouncmd
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 7:53pm
Kids, wife, yard, boats, cooking, try to stay fit; the order changes as seasons change. Like Larry always have multiple projects going.

I am an audio/home theater technophile. Alan, VERY cool. I have thought about amp and speaker building. I hope to design/build a dedicated listening room over my garage in the next couple of years. I will probably do some of the speaker building myself.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 89 SN
<a href="" rel="nofollow">7

Posted By: jhersey29
Date Posted: February-11-2015 at 11:02pm
This past year there has been little life outside of the boat. Between all the fixes and updates last year and engine rebuild this winter I'm about done with boat work. Thinking about ordering 3 skins to clean up the cracks in the vinyl but I don't understand the instructions from Christy's on how to do the speakers so I am avoiding the vinyl for the moment. In the mean time I'm snowboarding at Breckenridge, Vail and Keystone. Hiking and Mountain biking with the dog when the trails are dry and of course working. We painted the living room, kitchen and entry way last weekend. Also fixed all the cracks in the ceiling and painted it the past few weekends and evenings. I do miss the water and my waterski morning runs. Trying to keep busy but finding myself a little bored at times. I tried Candy Crush for a filler but I hit a level that I'm pretty sure requires either someone smarter than me or paying money for extra moves and that isn't going to happen.

Posted By: john b
Date Posted: February-13-2015 at 8:13am
Hey Justin. I'm from IL too. I have been retired for 8 years now and I do much the same as you. Hang out with family and friends, ride my bike in the summer, and try to explore new places. I have two adult girls, one married and one single, and a 19 month old grandson I'm babysitting for in Seattle right now. I am married to the girl I met when I was 5 years older than you are now and never went out with anyone else after. I'm a bit beat up from injuries now, some from doing sports In my younger days like Motocross, snow and water skiing, bike riding, and running, and some from my years of working as a mechanic, truck driver, salesman, and police officer. I like music and make time to play with some old cars, boats, and motorcycles, but I seldom ride the motorcycles any more. I had a Schwinn Continental and a Stingray when I was in 8th grade. My father gave me my first boat when I was in 7th grade, a Lone Star Malibu with a Merc Mark 30, and I used to use it on the Fox Chain of Lakes in Illinois. My grandfather lived in Fox Lake and we kept two boats there, the other was a Cruisers Inc 18'. I have loved boating since I was a small kid and still do. I am trying to finish a 70 Correct Craft Mustang before this summer but I don't have the skills or tenacity of some here. I'm sure you know there are some very skilled people who hang out here both in boat restoration and repair and water sports and they are always generous with their time and advice. Are you near a lake? Are you a boater yet?

1970 Mustang "Theseus' paradox"
If everyone else is doing it, you're too late!

Posted By: john b
Date Posted: February-13-2015 at 5:47pm
Justin, I forgot to ask if you have taken the Power Squadron course and received your boating license yet. You are old enough, and even if you don't have access to a boat right now, it is a good thing to have. The course is offered in most areas, frequently at community colleges. Both of my daughters took the course when they were 12 and received their licenses. It is good basic classroom information for anyone interested in boating.

1970 Mustang "Theseus' paradox"
If everyone else is doing it, you're too late!

Posted By: Chevy350
Date Posted: February-13-2015 at 11:13pm
Originally posted by john b john b wrote:

Justin, I forgot to ask if you have taken the Power Squadron course and received your boating license yet. You are old enough, and even if you don't have access to a boat right now, it is a good thing to have. The course is offered in most areas, frequently at community colleges. Both of my daughters took the course when they were 12 and received their licenses. It is good basic classroom information for anyone interested in boating.

John sorry I just got on my laptop and haven't answered sooner. But no i haven't taken any classes yet. I was gonna do it online, but I only use our boat at our campground in Indiana almost every weekend. My dad called the DNR in Indiana and asked if i can have an Illinois license and use it in Indiana, sadly they said no. I go to a lake called lake of the woods. It's near Bremen, Indiana. DNR rarely visits the lake so I drive the boat all the time. As you said about cars, I love cars. All kids my age who think of cars more than something to get you somewhere, love new modern sports cars. I on the other hand, love old muscle cars and trucks. My 2 dream cars are a 1969 Dodge Charger or a 1970 Oldsmobile 442. Trucks for me would be either a 2nd Gen Cummins or a 1972 Chevy C10. What are some of your favorite classic cars or trucks John?

1972 Mustang

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: February-14-2015 at 12:34am
Originally posted by Chevy350 Chevy350 wrote:

My dad called the DNR in Indiana and asked if i can have an Illinois license and use it in Indiana, sadly they said no. I go to a lake called lake of the woods. It's near Bremen, Indiana. DNR rarely visits the lake so I drive the boat all the time.

Don't take the chance. If authorities do show up, I feel they will head directly to you! Look into the power squadron as John suggested. It's a fantastic program.

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: OldSchoolBlue84
Date Posted: February-14-2015 at 1:47am
Originally posted by Chevy350 Chevy350 wrote:

I only use our boat at our campground in Indiana

What part of Indiana? Notice you profile says IL. Have a good one.

Kostas" rel="nofollow - 1984 Ski Nautique 2001

Posted By: Chevy350
Date Posted: February-14-2015 at 2:53am
Originally posted by OldSchoolBlue84 OldSchoolBlue84 wrote:

Originally posted by Chevy350 Chevy350 wrote:

I only use our boat at our campground in Indiana

What part of Indiana? Notice you profile says IL. Have a good one.

Bremen, Indiana. Well its near there, bout 5 minutes away. I noticed you live in Valparaiso, Indiana. I lived there for the first 2-3 years of my life. Don't know where we exactly lived. It was by a school called liberty elementary school.

1972 Mustang

Posted By: OldSchoolBlue84
Date Posted: February-14-2015 at 10:35pm
I know exactly where you boat, I work for the utility company and travel throughout northwest and east Indiana. The school you mentioned is the next Town north of me, Chesterton. Great area. My son's preschool is near by in the National Dunes Park. Anyhow, your about 35 minutes north of where I boat at in Culver, Lake Maxinkuckee. Your welcome anytime!

Kostas" rel="nofollow - 1984 Ski Nautique 2001

Posted By: john b
Date Posted: February-15-2015 at 1:48am
Justin, your dream cars are in the dreams of many. I enjoy many makes, models, and years, sports and not so sporty. I am not a truck guy, but do like to see an old original or restomod. I have no desire to own one. If you have followed CCF for a while you may know that many chuckle at my daily driver / tow vehicle. I like to post it now and then for the reactions.
Since you asked about cars, I"ll share one I play with now and then. It is a bit off the beaten path, but so am I. It is a 1989 Chrysler LeBaron Turbo GTC. It is one of the first "tuner cars"and has the suspension and drive train from a Shelby Daytona Turbo Z, It is one of 906 of these LeBarons Chrysler built. These cars were all identically equipped, Getrag 5 speed, 2.2 intercooled turbo, four wheel discs, fast steering rack, and a few other differences, The only option offered was white or red in color. The Chrysler / Dodge project came together due to the friendship between Lee Iacocca and Carroll Shelby to breathe some life into an almost dead Chrysler Corp. I gave this car to daughter 1 for her 16th birthday. When she went away to college I didn't want her to leave it outside behind the dorm so I put it in storage and gave her an appropriate "dorm car". I took it out about 10-15 years later and tweaked it. I don't drive it much but try to get out to a few of the Shelby Dodge Auto Club (SDAC) events. I am a member. Visually the car looks very stock, but as with many tuner cars (as opposed to ricers) it is easy to get a lot of performance out of it. The Shelby Dodge cars included the Horizon / Omni GLH (goes like hell) and GLHS (goes like hell some more), named that by Shelby, the CSX, CSXT, Shelby Daytona Turbo Z, Spirit RT, and a couple others. Chrysler also built some turbocharged minivans. I bought my wife one of them and installed a Mopar Performance computer and a few other mods to haul the kids around in. It was a great car and lots of fun to dust the ricers in. They make great sleepers and are relatively inexpensive.
I will tell you more about other cars I enjoy if you are interested. I just thought that since this was for a sixteen year old girl you would relate. It is known within the club as the LeBacon, because a white Chrysler LeBaron is decidedly feminine to most (as immortalized in the Cake song Short Skirt Long Jacket) but every guy likes bacon so that makes it more masculine in the eyes of the club members. This is the LeBaron and a video of one of the Chrysler Turbo minivans owned by an SDAC member in action. Sad to say they would dust your 70 Hemi charger. Mine was just like it but red and not quite as fast." rel="nofollow - Chrysler minivan drag race

1970 Mustang "Theseus' paradox"
If everyone else is doing it, you're too late!

Posted By: Chevy350
Date Posted: February-15-2015 at 2:58am
Originally posted by john b john b wrote:

Justin, your dream cars are in the dreams of many. I enjoy many makes, models, and years, sports and not so sporty. I am not a truck guy, but do like to see an old original or restomod. I have no desire to own one. If you have followed CCF for a while you may know that many chuckle at my daily driver / tow vehicle. I like to post it now and then for the reactions.
Since you asked about cars, I"ll share one I play with now and then. It is a bit off the beaten path, but so am I. It is a 1989 Chrysler LeBaron Turbo GTC. It is one of the first "tuner cars"and has the suspension and drive train from a Shelby Daytona Turbo Z, It is one of 906 of these LeBarons Chrysler built. These cars were all identically equipped, Getrag 5 speed, 2.2 intercooled turbo, four wheel discs, fast steering rack, and a few other differences, The only option offered was white or red in color. The Chrysler / Dodge project came together due to the friendship between Lee Iacocca and Carroll Shelby to breathe some life into an almost dead Chrysler Corp. I gave this car to daughter 1 for her 16th birthday. When she went away to college I didn't want her to leave it outside behind the dorm so I put it in storage and gave her an appropriate "dorm car". I took it out about 10-15 years later and tweaked it. I don't drive it much but try to get out to a few of the Shelby Dodge Auto Club (SDAC) events. I am a member. Visually the car looks very stock, but as with many tuner cars (as opposed to ricers) it is easy to get a lot of performance out of it. The Shelby Dodge cars included the Horizon / Omni GLH (goes like hell) and GLHS (goes like hell some more), named that by Shelby, the CSX, CSXT, Shelby Daytona Turbo Z, Spirit RT, and a couple others. Chrysler also built some turbocharged minivans. I bought my wife one of them and installed a Mopar Performance computer and a few other mods to haul the kids around in. It was a great car and lots of fun to dust the ricers in. They make great sleepers and are relatively inexpensive.
I will tell you more about other cars I enjoy if you are interested. I just thought that since this was for a sixteen year old girl you would relate. It is known within the club as the LeBacon, because a white Chrysler LeBaron is decidedly feminine to most (as immortalized in the Cake song Short Skirt Long Jacket) but every guy likes bacon so that makes it more masculine in the eyes of the club members. This is the LeBaron and a video of one of the Chrysler Turbo minivans owned by an SDAC member in action. Sad to say they would dust your 70 Hemi charger. Mine was just like it but red and not quite as fast." rel="nofollow - Chrysler minivan drag race

I'd be more than happy to talk about cars. Although I don't know as much as you or any other adult who enjoys cars, but hey I'll learn it all down the road. Sounds like quite the car you have. I also enoy more than muscle cars. Certain sports cars really grab my attention. BMW M3, M5, and the 335i. Porsche's, Subaru Wrx STI's, and certain Jaguars.

1972 Mustang

Posted By: john b
Date Posted: February-15-2015 at 3:23am
It's not "quite the car" Justin. It is a relatively inexpensive toy that is a great sleeper and fun to drive but will never be a high end collectable. Funny you would mention an M3. I am lucky to be able to enjoy some are that I do not own. On a recent trip down to my brothers house we played with a few of his toys. The M3 was just traded for a new car which is parked alongside his oldest car in his driveway. I handled the restoration of the 58 Corvette over the past year, but did not do much of the work myself. I much prefer the new toy over the M3 or the Boxster S not shown. Here is the last photo of the M3 where it was left at the Porsche dealer. The M3 would give the LeBacon a good run in a straight line.

1970 Mustang "Theseus' paradox"
If everyone else is doing it, you're too late!

Posted By: Kristof
Date Posted: February-15-2015 at 8:22am
Outside of boating, I'm active in de BMW scene. I'm a member of a few BMW-forums and we do organize quite some fun activities. Not only static meetings, but more driving fun get togethers. Like drifitng and trackdays, with the best one being the "Nordschleife" of the Nurburgring: 22km of epic racetrack

Some pics of the Nurburgring:

Even my big station wagon races on that track from time to time

And me drifting with my cousin's hardcore race car. Love that E30!
He is the current champion in the European youngtimer races with this car, so it is quite a thrill to be allowed to drive that monster

- Gun control means: using BOTH hands!
- Money doesn't make one happy, but when it rains cats and dogs, it's still better to cry in a Porsche than on a bicycle...

Posted By: john b
Date Posted: February-15-2015 at 2:19pm
Thanks for sharing that Kristof. The ring is on many bucket lists, but remains there for eternity for most. As you know, we have nothing like that here. We have some road courses that can be rented for a track day, but nothing a person can drive onto and race at their leisure. Our SDAC track days consist of a trip to the drag strip, renting a small track for a day (last year we did our road course on a GoKart track, seriously) or Autocross in an old parking lot. The Ring must be a fantastic experience, especially in the BMWs pictured.

Justin, here is what my SDAC club does on Sunday get togethers. Autocross is relatively cheap and builds skills very quickly. Drag racing breaks a lot of stuff. I don't autocross the LeBacon because, being an old Chrysler convertible, the car has the torsional rigidity of overcooked pasta. Our club is VERY opposed to any kind of street racing. You may notice some of the cars in the videos are not Shelby Dodges, but are Chrysler SRT products. The newest Shelby Dodge cars are 25 years old they are getting harder to find and some owners don't want to modify them for racing. The SRT cars are welcome at our events.
This stuff is low budget compared to Kristof!" rel="nofollow - SDAC drag racing" rel="nofollow - SDAC autocross

1970 Mustang "Theseus' paradox"
If everyone else is doing it, you're too late!

Posted By: oldcuda
Date Posted: February-15-2015 at 4:06pm
I worked for a Dodge dealer when those turbo models first came out and as the new car prep man got quite a surprise first time on the throttle. Was not used to that much power with front wheel drive .A lot of Daytona and Mitsubishi owners would have been pissed if they knew how hard their babbies where driven before they took delivery.

Posted By: Chevy350
Date Posted: February-15-2015 at 5:02pm
Originally posted by john b john b wrote:

It's not "quite the car" Justin. It is a relatively inexpensive toy that is a great sleeper and fun to drive but will never be a high end collectable. Funny you would mention an M3. I am lucky to be able to enjoy some are that I do not own. On a recent trip down to my brothers house we played with a few of his toys. The M3 was just traded for a new car which is parked alongside his oldest car in his driveway. I handled the restoration of the 58 Corvette over the past year, but did not do much of the work myself. I much prefer the new toy over the M3 or the Boxster S not shown. Here is the last photo of the M3 where it was left at the Porsche dealer. The M3 would give the LeBacon a good run in a straight line.

That Corvette is amazing. Great job on it John. What's in it? That M3 looks spotless also.

1972 Mustang

Posted By: Kristof
Date Posted: February-15-2015 at 7:18pm
Originally posted by john b john b wrote:

Thanks for sharing that Kristof. The ring is on many bucket lists, but remains there for eternity for most. As you know, we have nothing like that here. We have some road courses that can be rented for a track day, but nothing a person can drive onto and race at their leisure. Our SDAC track days consist of a trip to the drag strip, renting a small track for a day (last year we did our road course on a GoKart track, seriously) or Autocross in an old parking lot. The Ring must be a fantastic experience, especially in the BMWs pictured.

We do have quite a few intresting race tracks all within a four hour drive from my home. Even here in Belgium we have the smaller track at Zolder and the formula 1 track in Spa-Francorchamps (which was the favourite circuit of formula 1 legends Ayrton Senna and Michael Schumacher).
All these tracks have open days for people to race their car on...

BTW, the red M3 in my first picture belongs to a friend of mine. Öhlins race suspension, altered camber, Akrapovic exhaust, supercharged. It had a dyno test last week and the results were 634 HP and 647 NM of torque... Quite a thrill to drive on the Nurburgring!!

Originally posted by john b john b wrote:

This stuff is low budget compared to Kristof!

In the end it's all about having driving fun... I just have the good fortune of having friends and family with deep pockets that allow me to enjoy their expensive toys

I also have friends that participate in the "Carbage Run", the cheap counterpart of the "Gumball Rally", where your car may not cost more than 1500 euros (repairs and modifiactions included); Awesome fun with ludicrous cars!" rel="nofollow - Carbage Run

- Gun control means: using BOTH hands!
- Money doesn't make one happy, but when it rains cats and dogs, it's still better to cry in a Porsche than on a bicycle...

Posted By: Chevy350
Date Posted: April-08-2015 at 11:34pm
Thought I bring this thread to life again. It's cool to know the life of others outside boating. I just wish I'd be able to share my boating life like all of you do at reunions. My dad's just not as big of a fan as I am, I'm starting to realize. I'm hoping to go to green lake but he's not budging. Even though this thread is about non boating I'm just super excited to be back on the water with my cousins this summer. Hope to see you guys at an event soon.

1972 Mustang

Posted By: Hansel
Date Posted: April-13-2015 at 1:22am

It can be tough when you are young and at the mercy of parents, especially if they aren't as into things as you are. Hopefully something will work out, and even if they don't, I can tell you are passionate enough that your interests probably won't fade with age. I am pretty sure most/all of us here have loved boats since we were little kids.

To the "life outside of boating" angle, I was going to post earlier in this thread after Kristof brought up E30s, but I must have gotten sidetracked. I am a research scientist at a university by day, and outside of boating I have hobbies that include my two little cars, learning how to make food and be generally useful around the house, and travel.

I've seen some of John B's cars in person and they are super cool. He's also seen this one of mine; a 1990 BMW E30 325iX. This is BMW's first all-wheel drive model and is a relatively rare in North America (~6,500 cars imported), and was only slightly cheaper than the E30 M3s when new (however, even rough examples of E30 M3s are selling for $25K+ these days, but I can assure you my car is not worth anything close to that). Kristof, what BMW boards are you active on?

Good Luck getting to Green Lake. I went two summers ago and had a blast. I would love to return, but I've got many many conflicts this summer. Still, you never know...


Posted By: Kristof
Date Posted: April-13-2015 at 4:29am
Originally posted by Hansel Hansel wrote:

Kristof, what BMW boards are you active on?

- (Belgium) (Most active)
- (Holland)
- (UK)
- (Germany)

- Gun control means: using BOTH hands!
- Money doesn't make one happy, but when it rains cats and dogs, it's still better to cry in a Porsche than on a bicycle...

Posted By: Hansel
Date Posted: April-13-2015 at 6:37pm
Originally posted by Kristof Kristof wrote:

Originally posted by Hansel Hansel wrote:

Kristof, what BMW boards are you active on?

- (Belgium) (Most active)
- (Holland)
- (UK)
- (Germany)

Nice! I keep up with R3VLimited over here. They've got some good iX guys and this car always needs a helping hand (waiting on a driveshaft at the moment actually...).

I was in Liege visiting a friend last December, but didn't realize where Bree was. Next time I am in your area maybe we could meet up, but that probably won't be until 2015 at the earliest.

Posted By: 63 Skier
Date Posted: April-25-2015 at 3:29am
I'm just catching up with this thread now, nice subject Justin! A few points .....

I did get the reference to plastics.

I had a Schwinn Sprint, identical to a Continental 10 speed but had a curved down tube so the wheelbase was shorter and handled a bit better. I rode and rode and rode, loved it. Those bikes were tanks, not sure of actual weight but had to be double today's road bikes.

Outside of work I always have projects, am not so good at completing them. Right now I'm pulling the Berkeley 12-JG jet drive out of my Eliminator for a rebuild. I have a Cub Cadet 2084 tractor with the engine out of it, some ignition problems plus just a general cleanup. Tomorrow I'm putting a new lift pump in my '98 GMC 3/4 ton 6.5 diesel, old one died and I'm upgrading to a Walbro. I play a lot of volleyball and generally stay very active. I also spend a lot of time going to my kids various events, from crew races to plays to latin competitions and track meets, etc.

I can tell you aren't just interested in cars and boats etc., you spend the time to read and learn about them. That passion will serve you well in the future!

'63 American Skier - '98 Sport Nautique

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