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1973 Correct Craft Ski Nautique Restoration

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-05-2025 at 1:34pm

Topic: 1973 Correct Craft Ski Nautique Restoration
Posted By: pcjeeper
Subject: 1973 Correct Craft Ski Nautique Restoration
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 6:44pm
New to the forum...

1973 Correct Craft Ski Nautique Chrysler Marine 440 Been trying to purchase this boat for 10 years, after multiple failed attempts of offering even more than it was worth, I had given up. The boat sat for another few years before coming unhitched while the previous owner was moving it to another storage location, and went through a cinder block garage, heavily damaging the trailer, but the boat survived with only some minor damage to the bow. It was again parked back where it had been for a few years. At the beginning of last summer (2014) a tree limb fell on the boat damaging the cover and driver seat. at this time the owner just let it go and fill up with water and leaves. This spring I noticed him out cleaning up the yard and I stopped by for one last ditch effort to get that boat before it was a lost memory, and to my surprise he told me that if I could haul it out today he would sell it to me, after some harsh negotiations ended up getting the boat, trailer, and the boat lift for a steal, and the restoration of a childhood memory of seeing this boat at my neighbors house and skiing & tubing behind it growing up was finally a reality. My wife even loves the old boat, and is helping with the process. I have removed most of the hardware and a rotted section of the floor, as well as the fuel cell 1/2 full of nasty fuel. Working on cleaning up the electrical and fuel system to try and breath life into the massive Chrysler Marine 440 big block. Once the motor work is done it will be time to tackle some trailer restructuring and some fiberglass work! Plans are to either paint the hull or have it wrapped in Cosmos Blue with white lettering/accents Hope to have it finished and in the water by the 4th of July!

Here are some pics of the 1973 Correct Craft Ski Nautique I have started restoring!

Removing the Carpet...

More to come as progress is made...

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 6:50pm
Very cool! The only big block 2gen SN's I've seen are the 80-81 Show Nautiques, an early boat with the 440 is badass.

Please don't paint or wrap it though- do what you can to salvage the original gel! I would get the structural issues squared away first though... I'm not sure there's really a proper way to bandaid a partially rotten floor back together- I'd be prepared for a full stringer job if needed. It sounds like the boat means quite a bit to you, so the extra time and expense would be worth it for the long lasting results.


Posted By: 74Wind
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 6:52pm
Wow. A 440 makes a big Coronado really get up and go, in an old SN you're gonna need wings....

1974 Southwind 18
1975 Century Mark II

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 7:07pm
There is some damage to the bow that i'm afraid will not look right once fixed, and there are blemishes and spider cracks all over how do you go about repairing those?

The stringers appear to be in good shape, it was the piece of plywood that was rotten, I bought a sheet of marine plywood to repair that from the local marina.

I am not going for a "show quality" restoration, but something that looks nice and is cost effective/functional and can take the family out in.

Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 7:09pm
YES, now that is a sweet find. Rare motor is the only way to go. I've never seen the elbows kicked in like that for clearance, brilliant

Now like Trbenj says you have to save the gel or regel, no paint. That boat needs to be done right.

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 7:12pm
Damaged area on bow (from when it went through the garage)

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 7:17pm
Originally posted by 81nautique 81nautique wrote:

YES, now that is a sweet find. Rare motor is the only way to go. I've never seen the elbows kicked in like that for clearance, brilliant

Now like Trbenj says you have to save the gel or regel, no paint. That boat needs to be done right.

What kind of $$$ are we talking for a regel?

Any idea of where to take it near northern Indiana? (i'm willing to drive a bit for the right shop/price)

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 7:21pm
Indy Marine Auto Body does nice work... But you'll want to be very specific about the type of repair you want. I would not allow them to steer me towards paint for $ reasons, they do good gel work, but it's not cheap.

I would encourage you to buff the hull out and ignore the cracks for now... Larger chips and the area on the bow would be worthy of spot repair. A decent gel/glass shop will be able to repair it properly and color match the gel so you can't tell it was ever damaged. The structural repair is not that difficult if you were ambitious- the hardest part would be the color match. The rest is just labor intensive.

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 7:55pm
Welcome and dig into that rare SN.

Tim said it all for me:
Originally posted by TRBenj TRBenj wrote:

Please don't paint or wrap it though- do what you can to salvage the original gel! I would get the structural issues squared away first though... I'm not sure there's really a proper way to bandaid a partially rotten floor back together- I'd be prepared for a full stringer job if needed. It sounds like the boat means quite a bit to you, so the extra time and expense would be worth it for the long lasting results. !

No on the paint, you need a full stringer job and the glass damage can be fixed. We even have members who have done their own glass work on damage way worse than yours.

Have you gotten the engine to run?

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 8:00pm
Just curious why do you think it needs a full stringer job?

I am going through the motor tonight and hope to be ready to fire it tomorrow it hasn't run in 3 years but was winterized before parked. So hopefully all is well.

Posted By: peter1234
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 8:11pm
please dont paint that boat   make the repair as stated above do the stringers if they need it ( probably a 90% chance they do) the spider cracks are considered marks of a good long life . it seems like a rare and desirable engine boat combo . enjoy it for the classic it is and dont ruin it .

former skylark owner now a formula but I cant let this place go

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 8:25pm
Let me clarify something here...

I'm not painting the boat had an estimate done that settled that.

My idea was to wrap it until I can get (afford) to get the boat re-geled since it can always be easily taken off, now that is unless getting the glass fixed cost less than a grand....

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 8:35pm
Might want to check the cost of a wrap as well... Those usually run in the thousands believe it or not! I'd wear the scars proudly!

The cracking at the floor/stringer joint and your mention of a "partially rotten" floor are typical signs that the stringers are at least partially mushy. Even well preserved boats aren't immune- ones that weren't stored properly for even a short amount of time usually don't fare well. Your description of the previous owner doesn't paint an optimistic picture! You'll know a bit more once you dig in.

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 8:40pm
Yes the wrap is about a grand...undecided still...

What is the best way to tell if the stingers are bad, tap with a hammer?

The rear eye for picking up the boat where the angle iron is bolted to the back is slightly rotten that is the only soft spot I have found so far...

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 8:41pm
Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

Let me clarify something here...

My idea was to wrap it until I can get (afford) to get the boat re-geled since it can always be easily taken off, now that is unless getting the glass fixed cost less than a grand....

I don't feel anyone here is too excited about the wrap idea ether! Some supplies, effort and time go a long way with a wet sand and buff. Spend some time searching and reading how well it's worked for our members. If you still want to do a wrap, I'm sure sites like PN or WW would be a great help. . BTW, if it is wrapped, you'll have to change the title of this thread!

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 9:28pm
Dot waste your money on a wrap. Run it looking just like that until you can afford the gel work.. Nice shop.


Posted By: jimsport93
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 9:41pm
Adam, you have waited ten years to get that boat. Do it right. Bring her back to her original glory. She is worth it. Nice boat
Drag her to a local CCFan reunion. I will buy you a beer and toast your accomplishment.
Probably everyone on this site would do the same........that is a lot of free beer!

------------- - 93 Sport Nautique

Posted By: 74Wind
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 9:52pm
When you get to the interior, you might try Indy Covers in Indianapolis. They did an outstanding job on the new interior of mine. when you get to that stage I can send you some pics if you'd like. I can also send the receipts if you'd like a ballpark cost.

1974 Southwind 18
1975 Century Mark II

Posted By: OldSchoolBlue84
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 10:02pm
Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

Any idea of where to take it near northern Indiana?

What part of Indiana? Nice boat

Kostas" rel="nofollow - 1984 Ski Nautique 2001

Posted By: Fabcon
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 10:22pm
Very nice boat

1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1984 Barefoot Nautique (Parting Out)

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 11:41pm
Originally posted by 74Wind 74Wind wrote:

When you get to the interior, you might try Indy Covers in Indianapolis. They did an outstanding job on the new interior of mine. when you get to that stage I can send you some pics if you'd like. I can also send the receipts if you'd like a ballpark cost.

Thanks, I will keep them in mind, I have a local gal lined up to do the seats and cover patches, i was going to lay the carpet my-self...

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 11:43pm
Originally posted by OldSchoolBlue84 OldSchoolBlue84 wrote:

Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

Any idea of where to take it near northern Indiana?

What part of Indiana? Nice boat

Marshall County, so Valpo/Michigan City wouldn't be to far.

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-29-2015 at 11:59pm
Update from tonights work:

"Fingers Crossed"

While going over the motor I found 2 freeze plugs in the bottom of the boat, it appears that both middle plugs were pushed out at some time over the last 3 reading some other post on the forum I went to the auto parts store and got some brass rubber plugs and put them in, there would be no way to properly press plugs into the block with it in the boat. i inspected all the cylinders and spark plugs for rust and compression all seems to be ok, an I didn't find any crack on the block (on the outside at least) I checked the oil again and it is right where it should be and not milky. So I guess I will put water to it tomorrow or Friday and see if there are any leaks or water gets in the oil. I was able to turn the motor over tonight after replacing the starter solenoide. However I determined that I am not getting spark, I have 12v on both sides of the coil and to the distributor, but that is where I stopped for the evening to come do some more research.

On another note, I pulled the buffer out and did a small test area on the bottom of the hull, and it did clean up nicely. I also determined that this was originally a stars and Stripes Model??? the bottom blue strip is actually red and it and the lettering plus red strip on the starboard side has been painted over blue. I really am leaning towards returning it to its original finish. I buffed some of the blue paint off and the original graphics are faded and spotty (I think from being over buffed sometime in the past, hense why they were painted over)

What is the best way to get that paint off?

So this is what I think it was from the factory:

Posted By: OldSchoolBlue84
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 1:02am
Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

Originally posted by OldSchoolBlue84 OldSchoolBlue84 wrote:

Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

Any idea of where to take it near northern Indiana?

What part of Indiana? Nice boat

Marshall County, so Valpo/Michigan City wouldn't be to far.

That's great, need to meet up one day over beers and bs........we dock/boat in Culver, Lake Maxinkuckee, need to meet up over the summer, normally head out during the week for smooth water. Good luck on your boat!

Kostas" rel="nofollow - 1984 Ski Nautique 2001

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 10:27am
Originally posted by OldSchoolBlue84 OldSchoolBlue84 wrote:

Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

Originally posted by OldSchoolBlue84 OldSchoolBlue84 wrote:

Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

Any idea of where to take it near northern Indiana?

What part of Indiana? Nice boat

Marshall County, so Valpo/Michigan City wouldn't be to far.

That's great, need to meet up one day over beers and bs........we dock/boat in Culver, Lake Maxinkuckee, need to meet up over the summer, normally head out during the week for smooth water. Good luck on your boat!

I've skied max a couple times, a friend of mine grew up there...Might just have to take you up on that beer sometime...

Are there any Correct Craft Reunions in this area?

Posted By: dochockey
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 12:05pm
Wow nice find ! and its a stars and stripe Bonus !

1989 Teal Ski Nautique
1967 Mustang
Harris Float

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 12:41pm
"stars and stripes" ???


Posted By: scootdogydog
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 12:56pm
cool looking boat! Here's another" rel="nofollow - stars and stripes

-------------" rel="nofollow - 1999 Python
1980 Ski Tique
1968 Mustang WIP

Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 12:57pm
Its patriotic anyway -
That boat definitely has some story behind it that 440 didn't fall into it without some money or influence being extended.

I can't for the life of me figure out what they gained by the exhaust crossover complication other than riser height. I am pretty sure that the typical bb Chrysler manifolds would have gotten the exhaust hoses down next to the stringers with essentially the same amount of overall length. However with the weight of that beast and the low nature of the SN they might have had issues keeping the water out of the engine?

------------- - 1983 Ski Nautique 2001
1967 Mustang 302 "Decoy" - Holeshot Video

Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 1:01pm
Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

"stars and stripes" ???

Yeah me too confused? Could this be the lost supposed mate of the California boat?

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 1:25pm
I still think that CA boat is bogus... At least in terms of the graphics and options having been done at the factory. This one is not the same- it is likely the (relatively) typical red/blue scheme shown in the brochure. One of the classiest looking SN's ever made... And it was a 73-only scheme as far as I can tell. But I do not see any stars.

The 440 is a big bonus and might make this example one of the coolest, rare CC's we've seen here in some time. I hope you do it justice!

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 1:33pm
Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

"stars and stripes" ???

When I showed the local marina the photo of the original boat above, the guy at the counter said it was a stars and Stripe edition, once I get all the paint off the original lettering I will verify my findings, so far it is looking exactly like that photo. He was only aware of a few 75 SNs as part of the 50 year promotion that ever came with that package. Which leads me to believe that maybe it is not a true "Stars and Stripes" package but a neat looking combination non-the-least.

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 1:40pm
Originally posted by TRBenj TRBenj wrote:

I still think that CA boat is bogus... At least in terms of the graphics and options having been done at the factory. This one is not the same- it is likely the (relatively) typical red/blue scheme shown in the brochure. One of the classiest looking SN's ever made... And it was a 73-only scheme as far as I can tell. But I do not see any stars.

The 440 is a big bonus and might make this example one of the coolest, rare CC's we've seen here in some time. I hope you do it justice!

There are 4 stars on the back of the boat that have been painted over. after rubbing some of the paint off, you can see the outline where they were, but they appear to have been buffed away.

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 1:41pm
This is hilarious


Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 1:47pm
Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

"stars and stripes" ???

When I showed the local marina the photo of the original boat above, the guy at the counter said it was a stars and Stripe edition, once I get all the paint off the original lettering I will verify my findings, so far it is looking exactly like that photo. He was only aware of a few 75 SNs as part of the 50 year promotion that ever came with that package. Which leads me to believe that maybe it is not a true "Stars and Stripes" package but a neat looking combination non-the-least.

I'm going to call this guy and see what he is smoking! I cannot find any other referance to a stars and strips that i'm digging deeper

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 1:52pm
Should have Art look it up and if it went thru Angola Ken just might remember that combo

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 1:57pm
Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

Should have Art look it up and if it went thru Angola Ken just might remember that combo

I wouldn't wast your time, i'n not going to mention the name of the marina other than they just got bought out, I think this guy was talking out his *** I just called him and asked again and this time he mentioned something about a mastercraft, so either I miss understood him, or who knows, I'm would like to remove the references to this as to to not muddy the waters how can I do that?

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 2:06pm
Well i guess I look like the idiot here...

I should have asked here first before believing what I had been told, and jumping to conclusions...i'm going to go chew on my foot for a little bit!

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 2:25pm
Ha, no harm no foul... The boat doesn't need a fictitious back story to be cool! Plenty of folks out there with good intentions but bad memories who can't keep correct crafts and mastercrafts straight. The 50-yr anniversary he mentioned also implies that he's not very good at math.

Posted By: JMurph
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 2:29pm
Nope. You don't look like an idiot over this. You are just going off of information from some guy who doesn't really know. When Gary referred to having Art look it up, he is speaking about Art Cozier who worked at the factory (and still goes there often) since 1974 or so. He might be able to locate the original build sheet and shed some light on any special modifications that were made at the factory. I suspect your boat originally looked like the 1973 brochure and I agree that color combination is one of the classiest combinations ever put together. I may have missed it earlier in the thread, but if someone didn't already suggest this, then try to find the hull id and contact Art Cozier to see if he can look for the build sheet. That sheet would also state which engine was originally placed in the boat. Hopefully it verifies the BB 440.

Welcome aboard. You have quite an interesting boat. It has an enormous amount of potential.

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 2:38pm
Fairly unmolested for a 40 year old boat but you never know what has been done by previous owners who may or may not remember things correctly...

Is there any evidence of a hyphen between Ski and Nautique?


Posted By: OldSchoolBlue84
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 2:39pm
Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

Are there any Correct Craft Reunions in this area?

Not many, had one few years back in Angola on Lake James that was a good turn out. Maybe it will happen again soon.

Kostas" rel="nofollow - 1984 Ski Nautique 2001

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 2:46pm
I would consider him to be pretty close to Green Lake, WI... Especially since there are some of us from NY, NC, OH, CT and sometimes FL and CA that make the trip.

Posted By: OldSchoolBlue84
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 2:48pm
Originally posted by TRBenj TRBenj wrote:

I would consider him to be pretty close to Green Lake, WI... Especially since there are some of us from NY, NC, OH, CT and sometimes FL and CA that make the trip.

Yes sir

If he could make it, we could caravan down!

Kostas" rel="nofollow - 1984 Ski Nautique 2001

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 3:00pm
Originally posted by JMurph JMurph wrote:

Nope. You don't look like an idiot over this. You are just going off of information from some guy who doesn't really know. When Gary referred to having Art look it up, he is speaking about Art Cozier who worked at the factory (and still goes there often) since 1974 or so. He might be able to locate the original build sheet and shed some light on any special modifications that were made at the factory. I suspect your boat originally looked like the 1973 brochure and I agree that color combination is one of the classiest combinations ever put together. I may have missed it earlier in the thread, but if someone didn't already suggest this, then try to find the hull id and contact Art Cozier to see if he can look for the build sheet. That sheet would also state which engine was originally placed in the boat. Hopefully it verifies the BB 440.

Welcome aboard. You have quite an interesting boat. It has an enormous amount of potential.

It would be awesome to have the original build sheets, I believe that the H-ID is CT022440673. and it was purchased in Calumet Park, IL on 7/23/73.

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 3:01pm
Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

Fairly unmolested for a 40 year old boat but you never know what has been done by previous owners who may or may not remember things correctly...

Is there any evidence of a hyphen between Ski and Nautique?

I will look for that this weekend

Posted By: DrCC
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 3:02pm
The funny part about proving or disproving an old "special" story is the fact that when people ask others to help sort out the facts, they (some) still seem to choose to believe the first story they heard.

But yes, I would send the serial no. to Art.
I kind of suspect a re-power.   The cross risers were all too common in v-drive houseboats.
But then on the other hand it could very well be original.

Anyway, Nice find!
Looks like a lot to do before July 4.
Should be do-able with an aggressive and ambitious schedule.

Posted By: 74Wind
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 3:08pm
Originally posted by TRBenj TRBenj wrote:

Ha, no harm no foul... The boat doesn't need a fictitious back story to be cool! Plenty of folks out there with good intentions but bad memories who can't keep correct crafts and mastercrafts straight. The 50-yr anniversary he mentioned also implies that he's not very good at math.

Funny that's what i was thinking, but if it's a Special 48-year Anniversary Edition that would make it even more rare, & hence more valuable

1974 Southwind 18
1975 Century Mark II

Posted By: JMurph
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 3:36pm
Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

Originally posted by JMurph JMurph wrote:

Nope. You don't look like an idiot over this. You are just going off of information from some guy who doesn't really know. When Gary referred to having Art look it up, he is speaking about Art Cozier who worked at the factory (and still goes there often) since 1974 or so. He might be able to locate the original build sheet and shed some light on any special modifications that were made at the factory. I suspect your boat originally looked like the 1973 brochure and I agree that color combination is one of the classiest combinations ever put together. I may have missed it earlier in the thread, but if someone didn't already suggest this, then try to find the hull id and contact Art Cozier to see if he can look for the build sheet. That sheet would also state which engine was originally placed in the boat. Hopefully it verifies the BB 440.

Welcome aboard. You have quite an interesting boat. It has an enormous amount of potential.

It would be awesome to have the original build sheets, I believe that the H-ID is CT022440673. and it was purchased in Calumet Park, IL on 7/23/73.

In 1973 the hull id should be formatted like this.... SN1234   The SN stands for Ski Nautique and the four numbers would indicate the sequence the boat was built. For example, my 1972 Ski Nautique has a hull id of SN18XX (I can't remember the last two digits). A 1973 Ski Nautique should be somewhere in the 2000 range. You can check the plate by your throttle. It should be stamped on there.

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 3:41pm
Originally posted by JMurph JMurph wrote:

Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

Originally posted by JMurph JMurph wrote:

Nope. You don't look like an idiot over this. You are just going off of information from some guy who doesn't really know. When Gary referred to having Art look it up, he is speaking about Art Cozier who worked at the factory (and still goes there often) since 1974 or so. He might be able to locate the original build sheet and shed some light on any special modifications that were made at the factory. I suspect your boat originally looked like the 1973 brochure and I agree that color combination is one of the classiest combinations ever put together. I may have missed it earlier in the thread, but if someone didn't already suggest this, then try to find the hull id and contact Art Cozier to see if he can look for the build sheet. That sheet would also state which engine was originally placed in the boat. Hopefully it verifies the BB 440.

Welcome aboard. You have quite an interesting boat. It has an enormous amount of potential.

It would be awesome to have the original build sheets, I believe that the H-ID is CT022440673. and it was purchased in Calumet Park, IL on 7/23/73.

In 1973 the hull id should be formatted like this.... SN1234   The SN stands for Ski Nautique and the four numbers would indicate the sequence the boat was built. For example, my 1972 Ski Nautique has a hull id of SN18XX (I can't remember the last two digits). A 1973 Ski Nautique should be somewhere in the 2000 range. You can check the plate by your throttle. It should be stamped on there.

ok I will check that plate next time i'm in the boat, I just pulled the number from the registration...

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 3:53pm
Not entirely... On any 72 model CC would have used their own serial numbering system. (72s were built late 71 and early 72)

"All boats manufactured or imported on or after November 1, 1972 must bear a HIN. The HIN is a 12 character serial number that uniquely identifies your boat."

Any 73 would have been built late 72 or early 73, therefore probably having a transom molded HIN.


Posted By: JMurph
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 4:11pm
Thanks for the correction. I was not aware of that mandate in 1972. I thought that came along much later.

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 4:15pm
So is it possible that the CC# on the registration is correct, or that it may actually be a 72, as nothing would surprise me at this point....

Curiosity is killing me, I will go out and double check the plate...

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 4:15pm
Then it changed again a little in 1984.


Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 4:18pm
Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

Any 73 would have been built late 72 or early 73.


Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 4:22pm
Well some bad news, you cannot read the plate...

Any Ideas?

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 4:26pm
Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

It would be awesome to have the original build sheets, I believe that the H-ID is CT022440673. and it was purchased in Calumet Park, IL on 7/23/73.

It's probably really
CTC -> Correct Craft
2244 -> serial number, aligns with JMurph's guess
06 -> June build? I have heard July-June build schedule. Sold 4-7 weeks later...
73 -> model year


Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 4:30pm
I also found the inspection from 06 when it was transfered from an IL reg to an IN it lists the HIN as CTC022440673-3NMU if that helps any???

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 4:32pm
Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

It would be awesome to have the original build sheets, I believe that the H-ID is CT022440673. and it was purchased in Calumet Park, IL on 7/23/73.

It's probably really
CTC -> Correct Craft
2244 -> serial number, aligns with JMurph's guess
06 -> June build? I have heard July-June build schedule. Sold 4-7 weeks later...
73 -> model year

The registration has a type-o it says CT####, the inspection has it right...

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 4:47pm
Frankly I don't trust any state generated paperwork. Tell me what's on the boat.

It could very well be CT 02244 but doubt it. I'm not familiar with the 73-83 boats. 2 digit manufacturer doesn't seem enough nor do I suspect they planned on building 98,000 more boats soon.


Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 5:08pm
Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

Frankly I don't trust any state generated paperwork. Tell me what's on the boat.

It could very well be CT 02244 but doubt it. I'm not familiar with the 70s or 60s boats. 2 digit manufacturer doesn't seem enough nor do I suspect they planned on building 98,000 more boats soon.

Yes, I find gov paperwork to be incorrect all the time, I have built/rebuilt a bunch of Jeeps, and a lot with salvage titles and there is something wrong on the title or registration all the time...frustrating.

The only document I have to go on is from the Sheriff's Inspection report when the 2nd owner changed the registration from IL to IN and it clearly states:

1973 Correct Craft Ski Nautique 18' CTC022440673-3NMU

Since I cannot read the original plate that is all I have to go from...I will have the registration corrected next week when I register the boat.

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 5:09pm
The number is on the transom 73+.

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 5:47pm
Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

1973 Correct Craft Ski Nautique 18' CTC022440673-3NMU

Since I cannot read the original plate that is all I have to go from...I will have the registration corrected next week when I register the boat.

I don't think you're going to find the HIN on that capacity plate since you have a HIN on the transom. Before that, the model + 4 digit serial number was on the plate.

My 80 HIN is CTC04001M80H

H stands for March, which is when the boat began construction. Not sure what the M stands for.

There is another identification for the model, in my case "19MQ". This is what I suspect is tagged on to the end of your HIN, but again not sure how correct 3NMU really is. Maybe SN18?

Then there's this CCFan with a traced HIN from his ~76 Mustang
Originally posted by tnkrtoy tnkrtoy wrote:

CTC 00321 17MS MM 76.

MM = Mustang?
76 = model year?

Doesn't align with either of our last 4 digits...


Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 6:46pm
I have scoured every inch of the transom and cannot find any tags or markings. is there somewhere else I should look?

I was able to make out the first 3 letters on the capacity plate and they are 3NM in the Model box. The 4th letter could be a U, O, or possibly 6, 8, 0...I can only see the lower section of the letter/number its looking to match the 3NMU on the inspection what I am leaning towards.

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 7:01pm
I just had an ah-ha moment when re-reading on of the topics about identifying the HID, I just assumed it was inside, just looked outside and you know what there it is plain as day....

and for the OFFICAL HID...


Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: April-30-2015 at 7:16pm
Originally posted by Orlando76 Orlando76 wrote:

Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

"stars and stripes" ???

Yeah me too confused? Could this be the lost supposed mate of the California boat?

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: ScottZ
Date Posted: May-01-2015 at 9:05am
Good luck with the project. My neighbor had a red and blue stripe 73 Ski Nautique with a 351 Ford Palmer engine in it. It was a nice boat until he sold it to someone else on the lake and then it got molested.   As for the engine I have a 318 in my 71 SN and love the extra loud sound of it! As JBEAR say, "Loud pipes saves lives!"

Scott Zuelzke
Lake Mitchell , AL
1984 Ski Nautique       
1972 Skier

Posted By: ultrahots
Date Posted: May-02-2015 at 1:55am
Awesome Find ! Love the oldies with good stories. I must agree with above comments. I have an odd one in the fleet and am just going to enjoy it in "Rough" Form till I can do it right.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 1980 Show Nautique

Posted By: Day2CC
Date Posted: May-03-2015 at 1:52am
Im no expert but does anyone else see 440 in the HIN? It seems to be in the same place as my 340 is at in my 340 powered 73 that also happens to be a red white and blue model

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 11:11am
Sorry, have made tons of headway on the project here is an update:

The letters and stripe that had been painted on the boat were flaking off and rough, I decided to repaint them back to the original design instead of all blue.

After masking and cutting the letters and stripes out it was time to start painting...

Time to start putting the interior back together....

Rear of the Boat assembled minus the Spedos yet...

Working on repairing the bow where it was damaged now...

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 12:42pm
Looking good! Any reason you didn't do the original tri-stripe on the deck?

Any evidence of a 3rd speedo having been mounted to the motorbox (or associated 3rd set of hardware on the transom)?

Posted By: LeftFieldEngineering
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 2:36pm
Originally posted by TRBenj TRBenj wrote:

Any evidence of a 3rd speedo having been mounted to the motorbox (or associated 3rd set of hardware on the transom)?

What was the 3rd speedo for? Judge, monitoring speed?

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 2:59pm
Correct. Common on the promo boats in the early 70's.

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 3:22pm
Since the stripes had been hand painted over with blue, and I didn't sand them all the way off, I choose to just recover them in solid red for much fiberglass repair that I have had to do on the bow, I am going to end up with a large spot that will have to be re-geled, so I am considering having the whole boat done, but not sure yet. I want to get the boat in that water and enjoy it this summer then pick back up on it next winter.

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 3:27pm
I have not found any evidence of a 3rd spedo, I am still looking for a solution to replace the dual spedo gauges and plate that are missing...I know TRBenj was working on finding me a pair of gauges, I have some 309 stainless steel 1/8 plate that i am contemplating make a mount out of, that is what I used to repair the area around the rear lift point that was badly damaged.

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 3:42pm
I know I have the parts, it's the time that's hard to come by... If you can be patient, I can get a few together for you.

Try a search for the proper speedo bracket replacement- I can't recall if plexi is correct or if I'm confusing my plastics. I know aluminum was used in the 60's but not in '73.

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 3:56pm
I agree the Plex-glass would look more original...

I would really like to find a pair for the AirGuide Model 725 B, but they have been hard to find so far...

Does anybody know the proper model that would have been in the boat?

Posted By: GottaSki
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 4:10pm
Lexan may be a good alternative, i find it more more predictable when cutting drilling or tapping.

"There is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worthwhile as messing around with boats...simply messing."

River Rat to Mole

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 4:11pm
I don't recall the model name, these are the ones cc used 70-77:

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 4:19pm
Ok, I think that is what you had sent me before...

This is the 725...

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 4:29pm
I can do those too, but cc didn't start installing that style until 1978.

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 4:49pm
Okay, well I think i'm going to hold true to the original gauges then....

Any pointers on building the plate out of Lexan?

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 7:09pm
Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

I agree the Plex-glass would look more original...

Originally posted by GottaSki GottaSki wrote:

Lexan may be a good alternative, i find it more more predictable when cutting drilling or tapping.

Di not use "plex-glass!!!!! As Tom states, it's acrylic and will break as well as needing special care when cutting drilling and taping. They even make special drill bits for it. You do not want to drill with a bit sharpened with a positive rake. Yes on the polycarbonate but do get the UV resistant.

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: Smithfamily
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 8:59pm
WOW Adam, you don't waste any time! She is looking Great!


Posted By: GottaSki
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 9:24pm
Lexan cuts well with a carbide fine pitch blade. feed slow.

When drilling, put a waste piece under the piece you are working on, and clamp. Preferably on a press. This will keep the bit from grabbing when it punches through the working piece. You will get a wonderfully clean throughhole with no burrs. egad

It sands well. for chamfering the edges.

You can keep it clear, or hit it with a DA sander afterwards for a nice frosted effect.

It taps easy, I put a tap on a vs cordless drill and fire away.

For that application consider 3/16 or 1/4" thick

"There is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worthwhile as messing around with boats...simply messing."

River Rat to Mole

Posted By: DrCC
Date Posted: June-01-2015 at 9:45pm
Yes, I would agree with 1/4" lexan.   We have a local glass/mirror/window shop who works with a lot of lexan. I can usually buy large scraps for only a few $$.
If need be, I might be able to send you a template tracing.

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: June-02-2015 at 10:47am
If you could send me that template that would be great!

Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: June-02-2015 at 11:15am
Its always fun to play with the various types of plexi. As Gottaski mentions If you you hack up the edge on a cut you can always get out a da sander with some 150 grit and either radius or flatten the edge to your preference. It will then be frosted but if you want it polished running a flame across it with a steady hand will melt out all the small scratches and leave a smooth finish.

Acrylic isn't all bad if its all you have access two, but it might take a couple shots and require some more tape applied during cutting. I used to cut long edges of 3/8" in a 12 ft sheetmetal shear... worked 90% of the time with only the cut off piece shattering into a million pieces, the other 10% of the time I had to find a co-op to do the clean up.

------------- - 1983 Ski Nautique 2001
1967 Mustang 302 "Decoy" - Holeshot Video

Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: June-02-2015 at 11:24am
So have you started it up yet? Does it turn freely?

------------- - 1983 Ski Nautique 2001
1967 Mustang 302 "Decoy" - Holeshot Video

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: June-02-2015 at 11:59am

Rebuilding the Carb this week...along with a full tune up, electronic ignition, etc

I will post a video once its is all back together

Posted By: Sam B
Date Posted: June-03-2015 at 10:36pm
Sweet Boat!!!!

Loud pipes save lives!!

2011 Green Lake Reunion Best of Show.

%20" rel="nofollow - Sam's 73

Posted By: DrCC
Date Posted: June-03-2015 at 11:15pm
pcjeeps,   PM me your addr.    Until then your 1/4" Lexan needs to be 11" wide, 10.5" high.

Posted By: Chevy350
Date Posted: June-04-2015 at 12:23am
I just noticed that your profile says you are in Bremen, Indiana. What lake would you boat on? I boat on Lake of the woods. We have a orange 1972 Mustang. Would be cool to see you your boat out on that lake.

1972 Mustang

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: June-04-2015 at 12:44am
Good old Lake of the Weeds! Grew up there, this boat has been on the lake of the woods since 84 to about 2010...just a couple doors down for where I grew up at the north end. I used to have the big red stingray 220sx i/o... Sold it a few years ago when I moved to me sometime...I'm sure I've seen you around the lake! I hope to put the boat in the water this weekend see you around!

Posted By: Chevy350
Date Posted: June-04-2015 at 12:54am
Originally posted by pcjeeper pcjeeper wrote:

Good old Lake of the Weeds! Grew up there, this boat has been on the lake of the woods since 84 to about 2010...just a couple doors down for where I grew up at the north end. I used to have the big red stingray 220sx i/o... Sold it a few years ago when I moved to me sometime...I'm sure I've seen you around the lake! I hope to put the boat in the water this weekend see you around!

We camp at ruperts. Would you happen to know the raglins? My uncle is re-building their old 1969 ski nautique. We won't be there for the next 2 weeks. But hope to see you. I'll be cruising around, don't be afraid to pull me over. I might be suprused though to see a 14 year old driving a correct craft mustang around the lake    .

1972 Mustang

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: June-04-2015 at 1:07am
Doesn't ring a bell, but i'm not great with names...

See you on the lake...Watch out for the DNR!

Posted By: 62 wood
Date Posted: June-04-2015 at 1:31am
Wowza!!! I need to check the site more often. Just saw this for the first time!

GREAT color combo! (I might be a little biased tho...    I thought my SBC powered 73 was a rare power option! Would be great if they could find the original invoice to verify the power, they found mine....

Here is a pic of my dash when I installed the depth sounder.... excuse the temporary Sun original Teleflex had been sent away for a rebuild. You can see part of my speedo's.

Like a few guys have already said, dont waste money on a wrap...buff out the hull and patch the damage for now until you can afford to have the repair done right. Get her running and go have fun!!
btw, I had 4 or 5 spots of gelcoat repair done.. Previous owner had installed a tower... first thing I took off and had repaired. Gel repair is not cheap...but worth the investment in the long run.

Nice work so far!

-------------" rel="nofollow - 64 American Skier

62 Classic..
73 Ski Nautique

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: June-04-2015 at 1:35am
That is pretty much exactly what i have done, patched it up, cleaned it up and going to enjoy it until I can afford to have the gel patched/redone...some new pics coming from this weeks work so far...

Posted By: pcjeeper
Date Posted: June-04-2015 at 1:45am
Just finished the repair to the front...before original damage photo is earlier in the thread this is after the crack had been ground and patched, and filler applied, then after some paint...

while that was in progress, got the gauges, wheel and mirror cleaned up and put back together...

Waiting on the carter carb rebuild kit to come in, then will be running it through the paces, test the cooling system/water pump, and then hopefully in the water this weekend.

Posted By: Chevy350
Date Posted: June-04-2015 at 1:50am
62 wood, that red steering wheel is amazing looking. If I recall, that's original right? If looks just like the steering wheels used on old cc's. I can't get over that red.

1972 Mustang

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