82 2001 bunks
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Topic: 82 2001 bunks
Posted By: dans
Subject: 82 2001 bunks
Date Posted: June-22-2006 at 2:05am
I need to redo bunks asap. Do you have any tips on the carridge bolts ? I have never used one ever .I guess you drill a hole first from the top of the bunk. How big ? Then whats the best way to get the carridge bolts into the wood. The dealership said to start at the back and bend the bunks with a helper one bolt at a time to the frame curve. My main problem is - How do you get the holes to line up with the holes on the trailer ? Thanks !! Dan
Posted By: PLBC
Date Posted: June-22-2006 at 8:59am
Match the bolt hole pattern of the old bunks.
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Posted By: David F
Date Posted: June-22-2006 at 12:01pm
Maybe this will work:
1. Remove old bunk board, match up holes like PLBC suggested. OR...
2. Place bunk board on trailer and clamp in place at one end (or have someone hold it in place). Drill a pilot hole through the mounting hole from below all the way through the bunk board.
3. using a wood paddle bit that is slightly larger than the head of the carraige bolt, drill out the pilot hole from above just deep enough to completly countersink the head of the carraige bolt.
4. Using a twist bit just larger than the shank of the carraige bolt, drill out the pilot hole all the way through the bunk board.
5. Using the carraige bolt (GALVANIZED), bolt the bunk in place.
6. Work you way forward repeating above steps for each mounting location. Just force the bunk board to conform to the trailer as you go.
FWIW: I would think #1 will be diffilcult do to the curvature that will remain in the old bunk when removed. I.e. the new bunk will be straight. But, I suppose you could screw them together temporarily to match drill the holes.
Posted By: PLBC
Date Posted: June-22-2006 at 5:00pm
FWIW DavidF I was thinking the same thing as another option, just wasn't in the typing mood.
I like the screw/clamp them together idea.
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Posted By: dans
Date Posted: June-22-2006 at 7:45pm
I have a 82 2001 trailer and the bottom is just like the top but without the holes. So you can't drill from under it cause the bottom rail will not let you . Has anyone else had this problem ? The only thing I can think is to do the first one and measure the distances between holes and hope they line up.Any tricks would be helpfull. Thanks about the carriage bold advise , that helps me a lot .Dan
Posted By: PLBC
Date Posted: June-23-2006 at 8:45am
trying to measure will probably get your holes thrown off.
try taking the bunk off and screwing or clamping them together and just drill through the old hole into the new bunk piece.
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Posted By: bbrech1
Date Posted: June-23-2006 at 8:59am
Did mine yesterday, similar to the second option. I did not drill a hole to sink the head of the bolt, I just tightened it down until the bolt was recessed.
When drilling from the bottom you need a long drill bit and drill it at an angle (So that you will not hit the bottom rail). This will put the head of the bolt in the center of the top flat section.