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carb from 78SN

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Category: Buy and Sell
Forum Name: Boat Parts For Sale
Forum Discription: Parts for sale only
Printed Date: February-21-2025 at 5:27am

Topic: carb from 78SN
Posted By: great78
Subject: carb from 78SN
Date Posted: June-27-2006 at 2:08am
I have an original Holley carb off my 78SN with the 351W. I'll let it go for whatever you feel is an appropriate donation to CCF. I put on an Edelbrock carb so I could rebuild this one, but then the neighbor ended up talking me in to selling the boat to him and he doesnt want the old carb. Anyway the choak was a little sticky and there was a bit of a flat spot under slow acceleration just before you come up on plane. Hard accel worked great. Let me know if anyone has any interest.

------------- - Missin' this 78SN - Lovin' this 96

Posted By: fuelctrl
Date Posted: June-27-2006 at 10:57pm
is it a holley 4160? I have a 302 tique and realy need a replacemnet for the car edelbrock the last owner installed.

Posted By: great78
Date Posted: June-28-2006 at 3:04pm
Sean, I believe it is but cannot find that number on it. I'll try to post some pics later today.

------------- - Missin' this 78SN - Lovin' this 96

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