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1962? plastic classic

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-01-2025 at 3:01pm

Topic: 1962? plastic classic
Posted By: pc119
Subject: 1962? plastic classic
Date Posted: May-23-2004 at 8:45pm
i picked up this boat a few years ago and had some questions that were never rally answered. It is a 16ft. correct craft that had a ford intercepter in it. The registration said it was a 1962. The aluminum plate on the stringer says PC-119. A guy once told me that PC stood for plastic classic, and the 119 stood for the prodution number. Can anyone tell me if this is true and if not how can I figure out what this boat is. Did they make a mustang in 62. thanks for any answers

Posted By: Ryan
Date Posted: May-24-2004 at 6:18pm
I had a '63 Classic that was PC-159. It is true. Mine had the interceptor taken out and relaced with at 351W.


Get me in the water!

Posted By: nautique frk
Date Posted: May-24-2004 at 7:58pm
Contact Jeff Warner at Correct Craft ,email him at .
email him the serial # info and possibly a picture of the boat and ask for a documented letter on the history of your boat , ie: The date it was made , options , engine etc. Also see if he can send you a picture of the sales brochure for your boat . He was a great help with my 1964 Ski Nautique.
Mike Thrower.

Posted By: pc119
Date Posted: May-24-2004 at 9:09pm
thanks for the replies guys. I will try Jeff at correct craft

Posted By: avia8tur
Date Posted: June-18-2004 at 12:34am
Hey guys,

I was shocked to see these postings referencing your boats, pc119 and pc159. I have pc149. I went through Correct Craft and they identified it as a '63. It has also been repowered with a 351W.

I'd love to exchange some pictures to see her sister ships..

Posted By: 67nautique312
Date Posted: July-27-2004 at 1:47pm

I have a pc-146 with original 312 interceptor and velvet drive 1-1 trans. that im just finishing restore on!! I will be posting pics on forum when completed! Send some pics of yours on forum!! Would love to see it

1963 Classic (handed down to my daughter)
67 Riviera
68 barracuda
1971 Ski Nautique Promo
86 Silver Nautique
1995 Ski Nautique

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