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GT40 Hot Start Problem

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Category: Repairs and Maintenance
Forum Name: Engine Repair
Forum Discription: Engine problems and solutions
Printed Date: February-23-2025 at 8:34pm

Topic: GT40 Hot Start Problem
Posted By: CP99
Subject: GT40 Hot Start Problem
Date Posted: July-06-2017 at 12:42pm
I have a 99 Super Sport with hot start issues, but once it sits for 15-20 minutes it fires right back up and runs fine. The problem is worse when the weather is hotter and or the engine is working harder.
I have replaced the following.
The relay for the fuel pumps and ECM.
Low pressure fuel pump (you cannot hear this cycle on during the 15-20 minutes)
Also have done the following.
Sent the ECM out to have it checked by DIM, they said it was fine.
Bypassed the safety kill switch.
The boat and engine has 320 hours
I have read most of the posts on this issue but still cannot figure it out.

Posted By: Dreaming
Date Posted: July-06-2017 at 2:27pm
You didn't mention the Fuel control cell fix in your post, There is a rubber hose in the FCC that breaks down over time.   if it gets a leak in it, you could experience this issue.   cheap easy fix, hopefully it is the problem your experiencing and will get you back on the water.   do a Google search of the site, or use the site's search feature.   there is a poor mans GT-40 thread that may be helpful to you, and I would guess the fuel control cell issue is linked in that thread.

Posted By: CP99
Date Posted: July-06-2017 at 3:01pm
I have not checked the FCC. I will be bringing the boat home from the lake tonight and I will check this. Thanks

Posted By: CP99
Date Posted: August-01-2017 at 6:26pm
I have now replaced the short hose in the FCC given the motor a tune up (plug, wires, cap and rotor) and boat runs like a champ, until you shut it off after it gets hot, will not restart until it cools down 15-20 minutes. both relays click when you turn on the key but pumps do not run.
Has anyone had a heat soak issue with the ECM?
I have cleaned all the grounds I can see attached to the block, are there any I may have missed?

Posted By: fgroce
Date Posted: August-01-2017 at 11:17pm
Hi and welcome to the forum. Do you have a digital volt ohm meter? Heat soak the engine. Turn it off, Unplug the low pressure pump. Turn on the key, should have battery voltage for 3 seconds. Then unplug high pressure pump, Repeat test. If you get battery voltage on both test then you have a pump problem. On the back of the engine there is a EEC-IV test plug. You can look on the forum how to jump out two wires to make the pump run for testing. With a Gt40 engine you should have about 39 psi on fuel rail at injectors. Hope this helps.

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Posted By: Dreaming
Date Posted: August-02-2017 at 2:46am
good call FG.   I am not familiar with GT-40 nomenclature, but I would agree with your testing method. if you get no voltage at the pumps, then you need to run down the electrical path.   Lewy is probably the most knowledgeable on the gt-40 electrical stuff.   search for his screen name and i bet some of the fuel troubleshooting info will come up.

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: August-02-2017 at 10:10am
This is how to jump the fuel pumps so they run continuously


Posted By: CP99
Date Posted: August-02-2017 at 10:19am
I will run these tests next.

Posted By: lewy2001
Date Posted: August-02-2017 at 11:46am
Colin yes jumper the EEC (STO) to run pumps is the first step in diagnosing this problem.
Check out this" rel="nofollow - Thread it has lots of info in it that is relevant to your problem.

Hope that you do not have a faulty ECU. But these GT40 ECU's have now had a lot of extreme heat cycles in the approx. 20 years they have been under that engine cover. They are no longer available but there is a thread on PN about using another compatible Ford EEC1V computer and updating the code to the PCM program.

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