Trailer VIN location?
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Printed Date: March-10-2025 at 2:49am
Topic: Trailer VIN location?
Posted By: DayTony
Subject: Trailer VIN location?
Date Posted: July-23-2017 at 10:57am
Ok I have two different vins written down on my paperwork for the bfn. I'm trying to register the trailer finally. The numbers are not legible on the trailer sticker and ì see no stampings on the trailer anywhere except the 4 number on top of the tongue. Anyone know if it's located anywhere else on these? It is an 88 bfn trailer.
IF the sticker is illegible, is there any hard marking on the trailer in any location?
I found one tiny little sticker just under the turnbuckle mount but it only has a few of the number readable
------------- 1988 Barefoot nautique-454
Posted By: Morfoot
Date Posted: July-24-2017 at 8:00am
Pretty sure the 4#'s stamped on the tongue is it. I think I heard somewhere here that the #'s might be stamped on the axle??? I know on the 87 trailer that's under the 88' it's stamped near the tongue.
------------- "Morfoot; He can ski. He can wakeboard.He can cook chicken.He can create his own self-named beverage, & can also apparently fly. A man of many talents."72 Mustang "Kermit",88 SN Miss Scarlett, 99 SN "Sherman"
Posted By: td_in_nc
Date Posted: July-24-2017 at 10:25am
I found out on my 1985 trailer that there are two white stickers. The one you mentioned then there was one on the main beam of the trailer towards the back of the boat. If I recall correctly it was on the starboard side on the web of the channel.
Posted By: mark c
Date Posted: July-24-2017 at 4:49pm
The numbers stamped on the tongue of the trailer (top of my 87 right behind the bolt on hitch) is the order number assigned when the order for the boat was being built. It's not the VIN. CC couldn't tell me what my Vin should have been as they didn't have the records or couldn't access them 4 years ago. Mine is titled using the order number since its the only legible permanent number found on the trailer.
Posted By: DayTony
Date Posted: July-24-2017 at 5:16pm
Thanks. I will have to look a little better when this rain stops. Didn't think it would be any further back than the tongue area.
------------- 1988 Barefoot nautique-454
Posted By: mark c
Date Posted: July-24-2017 at 10:44pm
Heres mine just between the hitch and the jack;

Heres one of my 2 completely faded out VIN tags inside the frame rail, both are on the right side rail of the trailer, one about 2 feet from the very back the other is directly below the leading edge of the windshield when the boat is on the trailer. Taken a million pictures of each one using all kinds of different lighting and can't raise a single character on either of the two tags. The one on the side of the trailer under the jack mount (the manufacturers label) is all chewed up and also faded away
Posted By: DayTony
Date Posted: July-25-2017 at 11:24am
Ok yes. See that small sticker i found under the turnbuckle mount and it had 3 legible letter on it and i did the same thing you did. I tried taking pictures etc. I was thining of trying some kind of etch or something the restore it even just to read it for a moment
------------- 1988 Barefoot nautique-454
Posted By: illiniball2000
Date Posted: November-03-2018 at 8:46pm
Glad I found this thread as I was having trouble finding the vin number on a recently acquired trailer. The sticker close to the tongue was to faded to see any numbers but the one in the back was good enough to get the numbers off of for the paperwork. Thanks everyone.
------------- Beer is my friend 87 Dominique Had 67 Starflite