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Fuel Control Cell

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-10-2025 at 2:57am

Topic: Fuel Control Cell
Posted By: AlfaDon
Subject: Fuel Control Cell
Date Posted: July-25-2018 at 5:17pm
What Fuel control cell or fuel pump configuration was used after 95? I'm interested in getting am assembly to use on my EFI conversion. I see that Nautique Parts sells a retrofit kit that is made for the 94-95 GT-40, but I don't see anything that is made for later years.

Is that when PCM stopped using Ford based engines and used GM instead?

I've read a series of posts about finding different internal pumps for the FCC. Has a solid solution been found?   The fuel cooler I have that come off a OMC 5.0L has dual pumps and a fuel cooler, but I don't think it's a sophisticated as the PCM solution.


Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: July-25-2018 at 6:53pm
1995 was the first year of the GT-40 and it didn't have a Fuel Control Cell that year. All the later years into the early 2000's did and there was no need for a retrofit kit on those.

It was about 2002 when the GT40 ended it's marine run.

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: July-25-2018 at 7:11pm
One of these" rel="nofollow -

And one of these is what they had" rel="nofollow -

PS I have one of each I’d sell since I just recently sold my ‘95

Posted By: AlfaDon
Date Posted: July-25-2018 at 9:31pm
Thanks guys.

Keno- I guess I misunderstood the ad on NP. I thought it was only for the 94-95 (or 95)

Gun--driver- Is that the submersible pump that goes inside the FCC? Thanks for the offer, but I don't need one now, as I'll probably get the whole kit if I decide to go that route.

Does the return line go back to the FCC rather than back to the tank? Is that the way they avoid pressurized fuel going through the bilge?

The fuel cooler that was on the OMC 5.0 used raw water to cool the return fuel. I just don't think it was as advantageous in avoiding getting air in the system.

Posted By: gun-driver
Date Posted: July-25-2018 at 9:44pm
You asked about a ‘95 your mixing the two. The ‘95 had what I posted some ‘96 and on had the fuel cell’s. I say some because there were some early ‘96 models that still used the ‘95 version I guess using up stock.
The ‘95 version pumps are not the submerable style as were the later fuel cell style. It would be the cheaper way to go if you are making you’re own EFI as the retro fit kits are pretty expensive.
In the ‘95 version the fuel returns to the tank.

Posted By: AlfaDon
Date Posted: July-31-2018 at 4:29pm
Hi Gun-driver,
Do you think that first Carter pump that you listed, that's rated at 9 psi, will work in a carburetor application with a regulator to step it down to 5 or 6 psi?

Posted By: man0seven
Date Posted: October-27-2018 at 12:12pm
Originally posted by gun-driver gun-driver wrote:

PS I have one of each I’d sell since I just recently sold my ‘95

Hey Gun Driver,
If you still have these I might be interested in them. Let me know.

2005 Ski Nautique

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