Bust Out Another Thousand
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Printed Date: March-10-2025 at 6:23am
Topic: Bust Out Another Thousand
Posted By: Nautique2001
Subject: Bust Out Another Thousand
Date Posted: September-03-2018 at 6:09pm
Has anyone ever tried to fix their own boat by spending a bunch of money on new parts, installed them and had zero results? Then you realize you shouldn’t have blown all that money and turned it over to an expert. Then you dump a ton of money on that process. I’m that guy, and just happened this week with my 23’ Wellcraft. Feeling pretty deflated, so I ran my Nautique for hours today feeling like I have a solid, never-fail-me boat. Great cure for feeling crappy for burning money.
I/O’s and salt water don’t play nice together! Looking at a 2018 Key West w/Yamaha hanging off the back. Ken
------------- http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=1052&sort=&pagenum=4&yrstart=1986&yrend=1990" rel="nofollow - Nautique 2001
Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: September-03-2018 at 6:21pm
Sorry to hear that Ken. They can be frustrating at times, even Correct Crafts. I've been chasing a number of gremlins this year. Frustrating, but fortunately most were simple and quick to fix. Here you go, get one of these.

------------- _____________ “So, how was your weekend?” “Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”
Posted By: Nautique2001
Date Posted: September-03-2018 at 6:33pm
Thanks, Larry. Unfortunately I’m not a Benjamin so I’m definitely not a good DIY mechanic!. The marina is sending a workboat out to my mooring on Wednesday to repair. Guessing it needs a new starter?
Would love a Correct Craft on the ocean. I’m hearing outboards are the only way to go. Everyone in the bay has either one or four Yamaha’s hanging off the back. I’m all about being new and under warranty! Ken
------------- http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=1052&sort=&pagenum=4&yrstart=1986&yrend=1990" rel="nofollow - Nautique 2001
Posted By: audiodude
Date Posted: September-03-2018 at 8:42pm
over the years I have owned a few outboards and one I/O, I will never own another I/O. Outboard or direct drive inboard only way to go!
------------- 2000 Ski Nautique 1989 Correct Craft 2001
In the words of Milton Berle: "You can lead a man to Congress but you can't make him think"
Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: September-03-2018 at 11:34pm
Don't think that outboards used in salt water don't need maintenance though. They also need to be flushed after use if you want them to last,they don't have closed cooling systems. Yamaha's are the most popular in the Keys followed by Mercury's which are more money. Alot depends on how good the local dealer is too. A few years ago a neighbor had a 250 Yamaha go bad on his 30 foot Grady White, 55K later he had 2 new ones installed,didn't feel he could trust the other one besides looking funny with motors so many years apart.
------------- http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=1711&sort=&pagenum=1&yrstart=1966&yrend=1970" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS 95 Nautique Super Sport
Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: September-04-2018 at 8:22am
Overall I’ve had good luck with boats. My favorite boat took a few thousand to get going when I bought it. But the absolute worst luck was with a Key West with a Yamie. Bought it used at 1 year old. Problem after problem and I spent $1800 every 3 months on that damn motor.
------------- Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort 1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM
Posted By: MACS81SN
Date Posted: September-04-2018 at 10:02am
Use to repair Mercury, OMC, and Volvo I/O’s years ago. Couldn’t give me an I/O powered boat. Direct drive or outboards for me.
------------- Mark
1999 -SN - 502 Python 1981 - SN Owned 33 years - Sold 1968 - Mustang - Sold