82-88 Exhaust setup photos?
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Topic: 82-88 Exhaust setup photos?
Posted By: throttle out
Subject: 82-88 Exhaust setup photos?
Date Posted: October-16-2018 at 10:41am
Good morning ya'll!
I have an 89 Ski that I have been restoring to factory original save for a couple minor modern touches. The one thing I simply could not keep however was the inveraflow. So this spring I removed it and replaced it with a centek Y-pipe with no mufflers. My boat sounds better and to be honest, has a unique sound to it now. All my lake buds know it's my boat just by how it sounds, but it is no where near what the 82-88 2001's sound like. Those boats are some of the best sounding boats on the water still to this day in my opinion. I feel because I still have two manifolds worth of water coming out of a single exit that recreating that sound simply wont happen with single exit. I understand converting my boat to true dual exhaust is an undertaking, but can be done (I believe someone here did their 93), but I'm wondering if anyone has any good pictures of their 88 and prior 2001 exhaust setup. My main obstacle I would assume would be the rudder arm and clearance for the hose. I also understand that the stringers in my boat are set closer to the keel of the hull further decreasing the room needed for the conversion.
A penny for your thoughts?
Thanks all!!
------------- 1989 Ski Nautique 2001 351 PCM w/ 1-1.23
Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: October-16-2018 at 11:41am
throttle out wrote:
I also understand that the stringers in my boat are set closer to the keel of the hull further decreasing the room needed for the conversion. | Incorrect. The mains on 89+ SN’s are wider by about 6” to allow for the use of the tabbed cradle. Prior to 89, the exhaust was run between the main and secondary stringers. Do a search for any pre-89 SN stringer thread and the structural difference should be fairly obvious.
Posted By: stevejuststeve
Date Posted: October-19-2018 at 2:54pm
What was your main motivation for removing the inveraflow if you don't mind me asking? Curious as an 89' Sport owner. Was there any noticeable difference or improvement other than sound?
Posted By: gt40KS
Date Posted: October-21-2018 at 1:46pm
Hi Sam - I'm not sure what year it is but this is one of the photos I copied from the site when I was doing research on my exhaust conversion. You can see what TR was talking about with the exhaust track.

I'm not sure how closely your 89 bilge is to my 95 but the largest problem you're going to have is like you said, the rudder arm. As you can see from this photo of mine there is very little room in/ around the rudder arm for even a 3" exhaust hose and the arm will swing relatively close to the transom.

------------- JCCI 1995 Ski Nautique GT40
Posted By: gt40KS
Date Posted: October-21-2018 at 1:57pm
stevejuststeve wrote:
Was there any noticeable difference or improvement other than sound? |
Likely no performance difference - that could be humanly detected anyway. Just a a better and slightly louder sound. The sound difference at sub-plane levels is negligible, on plane much more so.
------------- JCCI 1995 Ski Nautique GT40
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: October-21-2018 at 2:56pm
To gain clearance for the dual exhaust Tim made a couple mods. I believe he made a new bracket for the steering cable torque tube that fastened to the strut bolts instead of off the starboard stringer. I also remember he did some mods to the tiller arm.
------------- /diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -
54 Atom
/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique
64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: October-21-2018 at 2:58pm
If you want it to sound the same you'll need dual 3" outlets too. In that case fill the transom and drill your new exhaust out towards the stringers.
Obvioisly you'll need to flip the tiller upside down.
Posted By: throttle out
Date Posted: October-23-2018 at 9:09am
As always, you guys are a wealth of knowledge. I knew the stringers were different on the 89 and later hulls but couldn't recall which way, I had a 50/50 shot LOL.
------------- 1989 Ski Nautique 2001 351 PCM w/ 1-1.23