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Nautique 200OB wake @30mph

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-10-2025 at 3:00am

Topic: Nautique 200OB wake @30mph
Posted By: Keven
Subject: Nautique 200OB wake @30mph
Date Posted: October-20-2018 at 3:58pm
How are the wakes on the Nautique 200OB at slower speeds (30mph) @ 15 and 22 off?? Skiing behind my ‘97 SNOB and now that I’m not so young anymore and need to ski slower (30 vice 34 or 36mph as I did when I was young) ... wondering if the new 200 maintains great wakes at the slower speed?? ( in my 97 at 34 or 36 speed the wakes are flat and soft but at 30 they are bigger.... yes I’m a wimp in my old age.. lol).



Posted By: DVskier
Date Posted: October-20-2018 at 4:07pm
The 200 has good wakes at 15/22 off 30.4 mph but honestly the MasterCraft 2014-2019 are softer. I've been a Nautique guy since 1997 but MC really has a winner and they can be had for much less money. Don't get a 2014 as they had transmission issues and were slow out of the hole. Also the Centurion Carbon Pro has very good wakes at those line lengths and speed. Can be a handful in the course with heavier, stronger pulling skiers to keep centered.

Posted By: Keven
Date Posted: October-20-2018 at 5:54pm


Posted By: bkhallpass
Date Posted: October-20-2018 at 6:15pm
I'm not sure if you are going to be happy with any boat. The bubble but SNs have a reputation as one of the better slow speed boats.

I have been told by several people that the Carbon Pros were pretty good at slower speeds. I have no personal experience.

I think you should ski behind whatever you are considering as you may find the newer boat is no better than what you have.

My $.02


Livin' the Dream

Posted By: Keven
Date Posted: October-20-2018 at 6:47pm
Agree, my concern too. From what I have seen in videos it looks pretty flat behind the 200s... but that may be at 34+??


Posted By: DVskier
Date Posted: October-20-2018 at 7:13pm
Actually the 15 off 30.4mph wake is just a little different than the MC but still it's a noticeable difference. MC is slightly softer wake.

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