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Worth upgrading a 351 to commander manifolds?

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Topic: Worth upgrading a 351 to commander manifolds?
Posted By: zwoobah
Subject: Worth upgrading a 351 to commander manifolds?
Date Posted: November-27-2018 at 10:36pm
Good news: I can have these manifolds for free
Bad news: They come with a rotten '78 American Skier that's been sitting outside since 1991

Worth the upgrade from my cast iron manifolds?
Unfortunately I have no way to test them without first accepting ownership of the entire boat. Boat they are in shows 860hr. I could likely make back enough money to make parting out the boat worth while, but I have no place to park it. I'd have to rip it apart on my street in an afternoon and then junk the rest.

1968 Mustang 16 - 351W powered

Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: November-27-2018 at 10:49pm
Between the trailer, the manifolds and a couple parts I can see, there's got to be $1000 there, so worth the effort if you like wrestling with old boats.

Posted By: zwoobah
Date Posted: November-27-2018 at 11:03pm
I agree on valuation - my issue is parking. I live in the city. It will also cost about $350 at my local landfill to junk whatever I don't sell. So, not a lot of profit to be made here after factoring in a fair amount of time.

1968 Mustang 16 - 351W powered

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 12:17am
If you have cast iron pyramids like PCM's they are pretty efficient,they are all equal length. A log is not,the front cylinder obviously has alot farther to travel out than each cylinder down. You might also have fitment issues. A log manifold will be wider across,a pyramid will sit so close to the head that it is difficult to get a socket and extension in to remove a valve cover. As you can see in your engine pictures of that Skier it is very easy to get to the valve cover bolts on the log type. Add the fact that a 351 block is 1/2" taller than a 302 you might be hard pressed to have your engine cover fit because your engine and those logs will that much wider. The work involved making the motorbox wider to fit the manifolds won't be worth the effort you might gain ,if at all, let alone losing any more of the limited floor space that you already have.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: zwoobah
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 12:40am
Thanks Gary. Didn't realize it would be wider with these manifolds. I'm definitely not interested in modifying the doghouse.

1968 Mustang 16 - 351W powered

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 8:36am

If your heart is set on the manifolds for the bling factor I see an engine cover in the picture that fits over the manifolds. It might take some work to make it match your boat but it's right there with the engine.

Plenty of other parts like the engine mounts, water pump, some pulleys that are hard to find, the previously mentioned trailer. Can't really tell if there's a transmission or any running gear there but that would be bonus stuff

For some reason(the pictures of the backyard launch ramp and you saying it will live on a lake in NH make me think this) I'm under the impression that you use the boat at a cottage , couldn't it get parked there for the winter and maybe find a buyer for what's left or at least somebody to take it away for free to use the hull etc after you get your parts from it?

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 11:05am
Haven't heard any motorbox interference issues with edelbrock or commander logs with any 70+ motorbox.

Any specific models/engine combos to look out for Gary?

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 11:24am
No but he has a Mustang/Skier with its original glass ‘box covering a 351 now. Mine has the wood box to clear the HM logs because the 70’s hadn’t happened yet😊. Now he could use that doaner Mustangs box but it will cut down on the limited floor space he has now -but for what gain? 0 to none IMHO.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 11:30am
Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

but for what gain? 0 to none IMHO.

Cooler looking manifolds that are more period correct...

Posted By: zwoobah
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 11:37am
Ken - my Mustang lives in NH, I live in RI and so does this parts boat. I don’t trust the freebie trailer to make a 3hr Highway trip. Also the landfill in RI will accept the stripped hull. NH already has 1.5’ of snow so not ideal weather for moving and disassembling a boat in the yard :)

It does have a 1:1 velvet drive trans, driveshaft, rudder, swim platform, half a windshield, etc. The 351 is almost definitely scrap - it’s been sitting outside uncovered with the valve covers and intake manifold off.

And Gary is correct. I don’t want to install a wider doghouse. Can just barely walk past mine as is. If I pick up this parts boat, I’ll strip the manifolds and do some measuring on the mustang in spring.

1968 Mustang 16 - 351W powered

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 11:40am
Only when the motor box is open...

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: woodyelc
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 11:45am
FYI   The motor box is the same ether with a 302 or 351. CC used the same box on all boats.except those with the 454. back in the day.


Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 11:47am
^^for 70+ that is correct but he has a 60’s mustang with the narrower glass box.

Send me a PM regarding that free hull.

Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 11:48am
Originally posted by Gary S Gary S wrote:

Only when the motor box is open...

Says the guy with the Holman Moody...

Posted By: woodyelc
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 11:51am
Sorry did not know he had a 60"s boat. Yes they had a smaller box.


Posted By: zwoobah
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 11:55am
TRBenJ you've got PM

1968 Mustang 16 - 351W powered

Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 12:08pm
Cool factor? Oh hell yes. But I’m lazy and hate breaking manifold bolts.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 12:45pm
so like mentioned before and like Woody said, that Mustang motor box fits over a 302 or 351 and it'll fit over Zwoob's 302 with whatever manifolds.

It'll take up some interior space though

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 1:13pm
Mustang or American Skier Ken?

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 3:19pm
Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

Mustang or American Skier Ken?

Well, um ahh you know what I mean

The Amstang 17 that's full of leaves,........ that motor box

Posted By: zwoobah
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 4:30pm
Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:

Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

Mustang or American Skier Ken?

Well, um ahh you know what I mean

The Amstang 17 that's full of leaves,........ that motor box

I also have a 351, not a 302 :)

Anyone know if the platform from this Skier 17 will fit my Mustang 16?

I know, I know, it's a travesty to put a platform on an early hull. My boat will see a fair bit of recreational skiing and many afternoons at the sandbar. A platform would be really useful, and this one is in decent shape.

1968 Mustang 16 - 351W powered

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 4:34pm
Travesty, indeed...

The platform itself will likely fit with some modification to match the curve of the transom. The 17’ hull is wider than the 16’1” but tapered quite a bit towards the rear
So the width is likely close, if I had to guess. I would be very surprised if the brackets could be used- rise and swing are likely quite different. I may have some brackets that someone had used on a gen1 mustang...

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 4:42pm
Originally posted by zwoobah zwoobah wrote:

Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:

[QUOTE=Hollywood] Mustang or American Skier Ken?

Well, um ahh you know what I mean

The Amstang 17 that's full of leaves,........ that motor box

I also have a 351, not a 302 :)

The"leafy" engine box doesn't care whether there's a 351 or 302 under it, there's room for either.

Posted By: Duane in Indy
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 5:16pm
Originally posted by Orlando76 Orlando76 wrote:

Cool factor? Oh hell yes. .

Cool factor???    TRB should post a pic of his S/S manifolds. Now they are cool!!!

Keep it as original as YOU want it
        1978 Mustang (modified)

Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 6:28pm
Travesty to put a platform on? Ha. For those of us who’s pockets aren’t deep enough to live on the lake and actually use these boats as they’ were intended to be used.... platform on baby!!!! That’s the one non original item that shouldn’t be shamed upon, along with perfect pass.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM

Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 6:35pm
Originally posted by Duane in Indy Duane in Indy wrote:

Originally posted by Orlando76 Orlando76 wrote:

Cool factor? Oh hell yes. .

Cool factor???    TRB should post a pic of his S/S manifolds. Now they are cool!!!

No dis to Tim and Hi Tek but coolness factor begins with Holman Moody, tied with Interceptor and Commander, and then the rest of the kids.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 6:40pm
Pain meds seem to be working

Posted By: Gary S
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 7:22pm
Originally posted by Orlando76 Orlando76 wrote:

No dis to Tim and Hi Tek but coolness factor begins with Holman Moody, tied with Interceptor and Commander, and then the rest of the kids.

I guess they all have their place. The HM's are easy to mount,easy to change plugs and easy to remove the valve covers- everything you'd expect from guy's who had experience working on engines themselves. They do take up alot of room though.
The Hi Teks are compact and lite and seem to be lasting in the worse possible conditions. Not direct bolt on when received,need to do alot of fitting and grinding. Real close to impossible to remove the sparkplugs but that might be just because of the boat they are in.
The PCM's are readily available,inexpensive,fit great.Down sides are heavy, thin in the riser to manifold joint and cheap hardware. Would it have killed them to used stainless?

-------------" rel="nofollow - 69 Mustang HM SS
95 Nautique Super Sport

Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 8:53pm
Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

Pain meds seem to be working

Lol. Platforms and perfect pass on 60’s mustangs?

No HiTeks or SS here! I’m all big blocks and factory logs these days.

Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: November-28-2018 at 9:02pm
Well ok no PP on Mustangs but full speed with a platform.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM

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