New Shirts in the Store for Spring
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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-09-2025 at 4:40pm
Topic: New Shirts in the Store for Spring
Posted By: 81nautique
Subject: New Shirts in the Store for Spring
Date Posted: March-06-2019 at 8:08pm
In Stock now, we have 3 new shirt designs ready for 2019. There will be 2 additional shirts launched later in the year. We acquired these cool shirts from Gene Monahan's awesome collection last summer and finally have them ready to roll in the store.
So here they are available Now!

The CCfan store can be found" rel="nofollow - Here or from the banner add that appears at the top of the page^
Also another very exciting announcement is that this year in addition to a portion of the proceeds from shirt sales going back to to support the site, Action Screen Print, Inc and will be donating a portion of the proceeds to Ann's Angels Adaptive Waterski Foundation.. This is a great organization and certainly one that we are proud to support. Our very own John Berry and Chris Jemec spend a lot of time volunteering with the group and we wanted to get on board and help out.
You can check out" rel="nofollow - Ann's Angel by clicking Here . You better have a hankie ready when you watch the videos, it is truly heartwarming to watch. Better yet, talk to Jbear and listen to the emotion in his voice when he tells you about this fantastic group and the joy they bring to so many people. We urge you to get involved directly through volunteering or donating or at the very least buy yourself a few cool shirts knowing that a portion of the proceeds goes directly to Ann's Angels.
Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: March-06-2019 at 9:30pm
Thanks for the hard work and thanks for helping out Ann’s Angels.
------------- Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort 1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM
Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: March-08-2019 at 11:11pm
BIG thanx to Alan and Dana....
And to Gene for making these avalible to be copied.
But the best of all is the help the will go to Ann's Angels. I only skied with them 2 or 3 times this year. Eddie has also skied with them a couple of times. We will be doing it more..believe me. But Chris Jemec does so much more...using his boat and his awesome driving skills. I promise you guys...if you ever spend a day with these guys you will be hooked.
Funny story...when you side-ride with the skiers you use wide skis...almost like jumpers. Well my 1 st time there I had a little problem getting the skis on. The knees dont bend so well anymore and I was struggling. Been a long while since I had been on 2 skis. I was looking very clumsy. Got some looks like "how is this guy gonna be able to ski..looks like he needs the help"
Buy some shirts!
------------- "Loud pipes save lives"
AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...
Posted By: rosconole
Date Posted: March-09-2019 at 1:40am
------------- 1989 ski nautique ,1991 barefoot nautique, 1993 Mustang Cobra 1998 5.0 Magazine shootout invitee
Posted By: Morfoot
Date Posted: March-11-2019 at 1:17pm
Not sure how I missed this post but I'll be in for a couple of shirts for sure and I've already chatted with Chris about making a trip down there to help out with Ann's Angels sometime this summer. Just gotta coordinate with Chris, John and Eddie to make it a CCFan Volunteer Day to help out. Looking forward to it and sporting a new shirt. Thanks Gene for sharing your old school shirts with Alan so that Action Screen can get them back out there. Great job Fellas!!!!!
------------- "Morfoot; He can ski. He can wakeboard.He can cook chicken.He can create his own self-named beverage, & can also apparently fly. A man of many talents."72 Mustang "Kermit",88 SN Miss Scarlett, 99 SN "Sherman"
Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: March-11-2019 at 2:53pm
I contacted Ann’s Angels too. Keep in the loop Tim if y’all put something together.
------------- Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort 1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM
Posted By: skibum1110
Date Posted: March-17-2019 at 9:49am
Thank you Alan and Dana and everyone at Action Screen Printing for producing incredible shirts year after year.
Thank John and Tim.
Thank you very much for donating a portion of the new shirt sales to Ann's Angels Adaptive waterski foundation. My name is Chris Jemec I am a forum member for 10+ years. My forum name is Skibum1110. I am the lead boat driver for Anns Angels for for the past 2 years. I drive and own a 2000 Ski Nautique. This year we will travel approximately 3000 miles and and teach about 200-300 disabled adults and children how to water ski with my Nautique. This gives me extreme joy in life. I am also a driver for Cypress Gardens waterski show team, The Florida Aquamaids, The Lakeland Waterski Club which all these organizations are based out of central Florida. I will be hanging my CORRECTCRAFTFAN.COM banner at all our events this year.
Thanks Again Chris Jemec 863-860-3174
Feel free to contact me about being a volunteer at one of our amazing events in Florida
------------- 1992 Ski Nautique 1975 Ski Nautique 2000 Ski Nautique 2006 Ski Nautique 206 Limited 2005 Air Nautique 206 Team
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: March-17-2019 at 12:24pm
skibum1110 wrote:
Thanks John and Tim.
| Chris, You forgot to mention Alan and Dana who made the shirts!
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54 Atom
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Keep it original, Pete <