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5.5 year old battery

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-09-2025 at 4:39pm

Topic: 5.5 year old battery
Posted By: rebel skier
Subject: 5.5 year old battery
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 7:02pm
I pulled my 85 SN2001 home to get her ready for the River Ruckus.

My Kirkland Costo battery has a born on date of 8/13. Walmart showed that they have the EverStart Maxx 65 in stock, so I headed that way. Carried my Costco battery all the way in and they had none in stock. Now they show none anywhere in the Nashville area.

Wanting to fire up the boat, I put my 5.5 year old costco battery in and the boat roared to life.

Would you all just keep rolling with the old battery? I know it has to die sometime, but it shows full charge on my VOM, and fired up a winterized boat.

Hotty Toddy lets go skiing!

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 7:05pm
Originally posted by rebel skier rebel skier wrote:

, but it shows full charge on my VOM, and fired up a winterized boat.

That's not a good indicator of condition. Run a load test on the battery. FYI, I have the original 9 year old battery in the lezmobile and it's been going through a pretty cold winter (plenty of -20's) without a problem.

EDIT: What voltage did you read and are you sure it just wasn't a surface charge? .

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54 Atom

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64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 7:18pm

Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 7:21pm
Meh keep running it. They usually give you warning.

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM

Posted By: rebel skier
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 7:23pm
14.2 (analogue, not digital) resting -- no draw.

To load test, so I just measure at the terminals while firing up the boat, or take it to Napa and let them load test it.    

Hotty Toddy lets go skiing!

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 7:30pm
Surface charge is removed by letting the battery sit for 6 to 12 hours.

Have the load test done with a load tester that can apply the specific (1/2 CCA) amps on the battery. Cranking the engine in the boat doesn't do it.

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54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 7:37pm
Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:


Make up your mind on the spelling!
Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

Minus ever having a lesmobile.

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54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 7:40pm
It goes both ways?

Be honest, did you edit me?

Posted By: rebel skier
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 7:56pm
I hit the battery with my VOM over the winter, off charge, probably 10-15 times. I feel like the batter was between 13 and 14 (analogue) every time.

I will find a place to load test it.

Hotty Toddy lets go skiing!

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 9:04pm
Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

It goes both ways?

Be honest, did you edit me?

I did not. I had a feeling you had spelled it differently so I did a search.

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 9:19pm
So which do you prefer?

*btw the battery sounds like it's functioning perfectly fine

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 9:37pm
Originally posted by 8122pbrainard 8122pbrainard wrote:

Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

Your day to day lesbianmobile is 60 years old?

Sorry that you missed the point I was making.
No, the lesbianmobile isn't 60 years old!

Look at this from an old thread,(not another Mustang restoration thread page 48) you guys both agreed on the name and it was neither of the ones you're talking about.

This must be the more proper full name in the quote

Posted By: Duane in Indy
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 9:42pm
Originally posted by rebel skier rebel skier wrote:

I hit the battery with my VOM over the winter, off charge, probably 10-15 times. I feel like the batter was between 13 and 14 (analogue) every time

I will find a place to load test it.

General consensus seems to be AUTOZONE for tech stuff.

Keep it as original as YOU want it
        1978 Mustang (modified)

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 9:49pm
Pete must have lashed out at some [potential] customers at the HD today. He's being overly tolerant on here today.

Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: March-13-2019 at 11:15pm
Originally posted by Hollywood Hollywood wrote:

Pete must have lashed out at some [potential] customers at the HD today. He's being overly tolerant on here today.

Ha, kind reminds me of:
“Ouiser, you sound almost chipper. What happened today - you run over a small child or somethin'?”

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM

Posted By: rosconole
Date Posted: March-14-2019 at 1:07am
60+ months , depends on what the battery costco battery was it can't be far from you needing a paddle. Sure you can get a few starts out of it then you put a James Brown tape on the radio for too long and have have a few cold snacks next think you know click click click.

1989 ski nautique ,1991 barefoot nautique, 1993 Mustang Cobra 1998 5.0 Magazine shootout invitee

Posted By: Morfoot
Date Posted: March-14-2019 at 8:10am
Last time I checked you couldn't push start a boat. The journey to the Dora show is a 25 mile trip and you're in the middle of nowhere for most of it so I don't think I'd risk it. If ya don't then at least make sure you've got a set of jumper cables on board. Plenty of walmarts along the way to pick up a new one if ya go that route.

"Morfoot; He can ski. He can wakeboard.He can cook chicken.He can create his own self-named beverage, & can also apparently fly. A man of many talents."72 Mustang "Kermit",88 SN Miss Scarlett, 99 SN "Sherman"

Posted By: rebel skier
Date Posted: March-14-2019 at 6:48pm
The autozone load testing was mixed. They hooked it up, said it was fully changed, but failed the load test. The did it a second time and said it was good. They one more time and they said I need to buy a new battery.

I said thanks and left. I am stalking Walmarts for one in stock.

Hotty Toddy lets go skiing!

Posted By: rosconole
Date Posted: March-14-2019 at 7:21pm
If you have sam's club , I have heard good things about the Duracell Marine one they stock I have been tempted to try one.

1989 ski nautique ,1991 barefoot nautique, 1993 Mustang Cobra 1998 5.0 Magazine shootout invitee

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