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Sport Nautique or Sierra Supreme

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Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 8:04pm

Topic: Sport Nautique or Sierra Supreme
Posted By: robertbruder
Subject: Sport Nautique or Sierra Supreme
Date Posted: April-02-2019 at 11:18pm
I am looking at buying a late 80's Early 90's inboard.

Have owned in the past 1984 Barefoot Nautique, 1986 Correct Craft Martinique and 1984 Ski Supreme.

I am currently looking for an open bow that I can put a wake board tower on.
My budget is approximately $10,000.00

I was thinking of an early Sport Nautique 89-90 as my target.
I am aware of the wood stringers in the early Sport Nautique's.

Locally there is an 88 Sierra Supreme for sale that I have arranged to take a look at.
I was happy with my 84 Ski Supreme however this was more of a slalolm wake than a wake board wake. My understanding is that in 84 the Supremes did not have foam and therefore the boat was lighter producing the slalom wake but that the wake characteristics are different in an 88 Supreme?

Also I read on here that Supreme was using composite stringers after 87.

Based on the Sierra Supreme being lower in price to a comparable Sport Nautique and the idea of composite stringers it seems like a relative deal.

Is there something I might be missing or overlooking when comparing the two?

Current: 1988 Sierra Supreme
Past: 1986 Correct Craft Martinique, 1984 Ski Supreme, 1984 Bare Foot Nautique

Posted By: hal2814
Date Posted: April-03-2019 at 10:48am
The 1992 and older sport hulls are noticeably different from the 1993+ hulls. There are lifting strakes up front and the back looks different and not just because of the integrated platform. I’m not sure what that does to the wake characteristics but it will be different than the later hulls.

The Sierra Supremes look nice. I saw an ad for one back when I bought my 2001 but the owner wanted way too much for it. You probably won’t find the same level of info on it as you would a Sport Nautique but I wouldn’t hesitate for the right price.

As far as foam vs no foam, that’s noting adding more ballast can’t fix.

Posted By: GottaSki
Date Posted: April-03-2019 at 11:14am

Regarding supreme, i can add the 84 was the last of the wood stringers and open cavity. 85-on were composite and foam filled

The sierra can throw a big wake when slow, it will be very different than your 84 was.

"There is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worthwhile as messing around with boats...simply messing."

River Rat to Mole

Posted By: robertbruder
Date Posted: April-03-2019 at 12:53pm
Thanks for the feedback and confirmation!

It sounds like if going for a Sport Nautique I would need to up my budget and for a later model year.

As long as the floor and stringers are solid on the Supreme I will probably go that direction and start saving for a Sport Nautique or SAN.

Thanks again!

Current: 1988 Sierra Supreme
Past: 1986 Correct Craft Martinique, 1984 Ski Supreme, 1984 Bare Foot Nautique

Posted By: stepper459
Date Posted: April-16-2019 at 1:03pm
I've ridden a lot behind my friends' 90 or 91 Sport Nautique. The biggest difference between the wake of that boat and the later ones, in my opinion, is the width - the distance wake-to-wake is less at the same line length as compared to the later hulls. The shape is really similar, and it throws a decent wake with a bit of ballast (they run fat sacs on both sides of the engine). With the integrated swim deck and sloped transom, it was also pretty easy to take a wave over the transom when running ballast. Still, it was a pretty good wakeboarding setup for a direct drive.

Posted By: rolleronariver
Date Posted: April-16-2019 at 6:29pm
I have a 92 sport nautique. I have installed a center ballast and we add fat sacks to both sides of the engine for wake boarding. It throws a very good wake like that for a direct drive. We do occasionally put on more fat sack in the very back and add a surf wedge for those occasions that we want to surf. The surf wave isn't bad if that's your thing. You can easily throw the rope in and do 360's and whip it pretty good. I'd just much rather be on a wake board. Either way, the pre 93 sport nautiques are still great for wake sports!

92 Sport nautique

Posted By: rolleronariver
Date Posted: April-16-2019 at 6:30pm
Also, I shopped around and found mine in Texas for $8k. I replaced the stringers and did a few minor things and we love it so they're out there for under $10k. We also have perfect pass which is a must for wake boarding imo. It has really saved my marriage!

92 Sport nautique

Posted By: Blamey
Date Posted: April-18-2019 at 3:28pm
I bought a 1995 Sport Nautique for $7000 (no trailer). So you can find deals. Trailers can be hard to find though. Use search tempest or similar to search craigslist in a wide area.

I also picked up a 1996 Super Sport for $10,500 based on a post on here.

Both boats ran fine without any major issues other than some bad vinyl that cost me around $1000 to fix on both boats.

I can't compare them to the supreme but I loved the Sport Nautique. Apart from storage space, it was an amazing all round boat. My favorite overall boat of the ones I have owned (Ski Supreme, Sport, Super Sport and SAN 230).

96 Super Sport
Previously: 95 Sport Nautique, 1980 Ski Supreme

Posted By: robertbruder
Date Posted: July-30-2019 at 2:43pm
That is an awesome price for a Super Sport, I definitely want to move into a V-Drive at some point.

I ended up buying the 1988 Sierra Supreme and have started another Topic for Supreme owner's as Supreme is now part of the Correct Craft family." rel="nofollow - Supreme Owner's Forum

Current: 1988 Sierra Supreme
Past: 1986 Correct Craft Martinique, 1984 Ski Supreme, 1984 Bare Foot Nautique

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