2002 DHM Trailer hub seal
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Topic: 2002 DHM Trailer hub seal
Posted By: GroovyNautique
Subject: 2002 DHM Trailer hub seal
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 12:14am
I am having a real hard time finding a replacement seal for the hub on my single axle 2002 DHM trailer. Have found the proper ID for the shaft, but the OD to go into the hub is either too big or too small on replacement seals I can find around here (Calgary, Alberta).
I see DHM is out of business now, so can't call them. Anyone know of the National/SKM/?? part number for the replacement seal? Or will I just have to buy a new hub? Shaft seems standard, as I had no problem getting replacement bearings that matched.
I don't have the seal anymore, as I went to a seal place with just the seal and the guy assured me he found the replacement. Chucked the old one when I had bought the replacement trusting that guy had the right one. Well, it was too small on the OD when I went to put it back together. Would have to take the other wheel apart to get that seal. Maybe that is what I will have to do. Or just get a new hub assembly.
Posted By: GroovyNautique
Date Posted: April-26-2019 at 12:50am
I think I may have found it here for others who may have to go through the same search.
Not sure why no one in town would have this in stock, but it does say in the notes that is for a UNIQUE #42 hub.