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New bimini

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-09-2025 at 10:17am

Topic: New bimini
Posted By: gt40KS
Subject: New bimini
Date Posted: May-12-2019 at 5:05pm
   I had asked last fall what the best recommendation for a tower bimini was and the answer was very strongly Tower Biminis in California.   Bad weather rolled in early and coupled with spending a significant amount of time on jobs out of state pushed the job till spring. Well weather around here finally broke enough that I figured it was time to get it ordered, which I did about a month ago.
Dan called me the middle of last week and said it was done, looked awesome and was on the way - Never thought I'd be that excited about canvas before        It arrived Wednesday, but of course rained all week till today and I was finally able to get the boat out, set up the tower and install the new bimini. Perhaps I'm a bit biased, but I do think it looks great

   AWESOME JOB Danny and crew @ Tower Biminis    

1995 Ski Nautique GT40

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: May-12-2019 at 5:17pm
I like it. It matches your engine! Seriously I do like the tri color. ,

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: Fabcon
Date Posted: May-12-2019 at 5:47pm
That is really nice

1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1984 Barefoot Nautique (Parting Out)

Posted By: gt40KS
Date Posted: May-12-2019 at 11:54pm
Thanks - I was wanting the top to be a little larger than the standard 6 foot, covering just a little more fore and aft, and was looking to use the same colors as the boat itself. Communicating this to Danny and with some collaboration on design, etc. I think they did a great job giving me what I had pictured.   

Really wish I could have gotten out to the lake today for the first run of the season, but it seemed things were just stacked against it. First day in 7 or 8 that it hasn't rained so naturally I needed to get the lawn mowed - we've got more rain coming for nearly the entire week. Also, checking yesterday my close, go-to lake is only a foot below the top of the flood stage, and still rising due to all the rain. Lots of debris, etc in the water right now so not really the best time.   And of course today was Mother's Day. - enough said there.         Well, guess we'll have to see about next weekend

1995 Ski Nautique GT40

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