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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-09-2025 at 9:53am

Topic: DUI HEI
Posted By: 1TAZZ
Subject: DUI HEI
Date Posted: May-19-2019 at 7:01pm
Hello guys my PROTEC has craped out on me I have a 1991 excel with only 317 hours on it . My motor turns to the right if I am at the rear of the motor ,if I am looking at the front the motor turns to the left . When I lookup the Hei at summit it shows a standard rotation dizzy . would this be right for my boat . Thanks for any help with this .

Lake Wylie NC

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: May-19-2019 at 7:44pm
Originally posted by 1TAZZ 1TAZZ wrote:

Hello guys my PROTEC has craped out on me I have a 1991 excel with only 317 hours on it . My motor turns to the right if I am at the rear of the motor ,if I am looking at the front the motor turns to the left . When I lookup the Hei at summit it shows a standard rotation dizzy . would this be right for my boat . Thanks for any help with this .

You need a distributor with a Reverse Rotation gear going by your description.

Look at the DUI website in the link below, you'll have to select the 7000 rpm 351w distributor with RR gear from the dropdown box in the menu to see prices" rel="nofollow - link

Posted By: 1TAZZ
Date Posted: May-19-2019 at 7:52pm
Could I use the gear off my Pro Tec Dizzy on the new Dui Dizzy.

Lake Wylie NC

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: May-19-2019 at 8:03pm
If you look a little harder you might find this on the Summit website.

It looks like a generic picture but the part number is for a 351w RR with a blue cap

M35820RRBL is the DUI number on DUI's website, same as the Summit number.

Then you won't have to worry about swapping gears and getting the gear properly located on the shaft and most likely drilling a new hole for the roll pin" rel="nofollow - link

The BL on the end is for blue, you'll also find the same part number M35820RR with other color designators on the end like BK for black, RD for red for example and there are others on the Summit site too.

Posted By: 1TAZZ
Date Posted: May-19-2019 at 8:49pm
You guys are a lot of help thanks so much , it hurts that that little gear will cost me another 80 bucks

Lake Wylie NC

Posted By: Orlando76
Date Posted: May-19-2019 at 9:13pm
Be happy a RR gear is available!

Please support The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
1976 Ski Nautique 351 Escort
1993 Ski Nautique purple and black 351 HO PCM

Posted By: 1TAZZ
Date Posted: May-19-2019 at 9:24pm
I am looking forward to not having to worrying about getting towed every time I go out . that's why my boat only has 317 hours on .

Lake Wylie NC

Posted By: Air206
Date Posted: May-19-2019 at 11:05pm
Tazz -
I made this swap on my 91 Excel (Barefoot). You didn't state if it was a 454 or 351. I assume (and the info above is correct for) a 351 Ford.

If you are working on a 454, its rotation is reverse but its cam is NOT.... therefore for a 454 Excel you would get a standard rotation DUI.

Performance Distributors makes the DUI and are incredible to work with. Their shipping was REALLY fast and they worked with me figuring out what I needed and swapping a reverse for a standard rotation in 2 days. They are terrific and I recommend you buy direct from them (Plus you can get Blue/Clear/Red - whatever strikes your fancy)!

It is a great swap. Look at the other threads on CCFan about the swap. Keep the wiring straightforward as you use the harness. It will help for troubleshooting later if needed.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 04 Air206" rel="nofollow - 91 Barefoot
78 SkiTiq

Posted By: JDD33
Date Posted: May-19-2019 at 11:37pm
I have a brand new DUI reverse rotation distributor and a set of live wires I'm about to post for sale. Cap is blue and wires are blue.
PM me if your interested.

Old school goin back to school!

Posted By: 1TAZZ
Date Posted: May-22-2019 at 10:48pm
I was able to use the r/h gear off my ProTec dizzy and install it on the standard HEI . My boat is a 1991 excel. Thanks for all the help.

Lake Wylie NC

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: May-23-2019 at 1:09am
In your posts you've always said you had an Excel.

You still haven't exactly said you have a 351W in the boat. Like Air206 pointed out, some Excels came with a 454 Chevy.

It sounds like you're talking 351W so hopefully you checked the measurements as shown in either of the links below for properly installed gear height and didn't just slap the gear on without checking. Second link is easier to follow

Maybe you were lucky and the holes in both gears were at the same height, maybe not" rel="nofollow - link" rel="nofollow - link

Posted By: 1TAZZ
Date Posted: May-23-2019 at 8:46am
Sorry about that I do in fact have a 351 w motor, also I work at a machine shop all measurements where checked , only difference was the roll pin size on the protec dizzy gear had to opened up slightly for the new hei shaft.

Lake Wylie NC

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: May-23-2019 at 9:05am
Originally posted by 1TAZZ 1TAZZ wrote:

Sorry about that I do in fact have a 351 w motor, also I work at a machine shop all measurements where checked , only difference was the roll pin size on the protec dizzy gear had to opened up slightly for the new hei shaft.

Now that it's public knowledge that you work at a machine shop, everybody anywhere close by will want to send you little projects or maybe big ones too

Good job on the gear and saving yourself 80 bucks

Posted By: 1TAZZ
Date Posted: May-23-2019 at 11:34am
Thanks hope to drop it in this weekend thanks for all the help.

Lake Wylie NC

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