92 Sport—help w/ swim platform foam
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Topic: 92 Sport—help w/ swim platform foam
Posted By: Daveinater
Subject: 92 Sport—help w/ swim platform foam
Date Posted: May-27-2019 at 10:40am
Hi all,
I have a 1992 Sport Nautique, which came with the fiberglass swim platform. I have the stock black thin “foam” non slip material and despite the boat always being stored indoors, the foam is cracked and needs replacement. How much of a nightmare is it to remove, and does anyone have any recommendations for replacement material? Photos would be great.
Thanks all. I’ve been off this board for quite a while. Bought a Lotus, and some Harley’s....been “over there” but I’m back.
------------- Dave B. %20http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=3734" rel="nofollow - Our 1992 Sport Nautique
Posted By: GHTILL
Date Posted: May-27-2019 at 10:59am
Removing the old will require some elbow grease and a good scraper. Clean off all the old adhesive with acetone or something similar. Replacing it with SeaDek material will be the best IMO. Comes in many different colors and will be pretty easy to apply on a swim platform, You can order it through many different companies, even through them directly.
------------- TWSS
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: May-27-2019 at 11:12am
GHTILL wrote:
Removing the old will require some elbow grease and a good scraper. . | Dave, Do you have one of the muti tools? If so, get yourself one of the scraper blades.

Also, Acetone evaporates to quickly. Go for something like Toluene. Great solvency and doesn't evaporate as quick.
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Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Daveinater
Date Posted: May-27-2019 at 11:36am
Thanks for the advice, guys.
Scraper blade.....uh....no. Is that something that goes on one of those nibbler tools?
As far as "SeaDek" goes, since I've been away from this forum so long, I'm just catching up. I'm not familiar with that stuff. I do recall there were companies that made pre-cut custom foam pads for swim platforms. I'm not looking for anything flashy, but something that will last and weather well.
------------- Dave B. %20http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=3734" rel="nofollow - Our 1992 Sport Nautique
Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: May-27-2019 at 11:40am
Daveinater wrote:
Scraper blade.....uh....no. Is that something that goes on one of those nibbler tools? | Dave, The original multi tool:

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64 X55 Dunphy
Keep it original, Pete <
Posted By: Daveinater
Date Posted: May-27-2019 at 2:24pm
Got it Pete! I’ve seen those but don’t have one. I’m going to get one tho. I assume I’d have to be careful to not allow it to gouge or scrape the fiberglass.
------------- Dave B. %20http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=3734" rel="nofollow - Our 1992 Sport Nautique
Posted By: gt40KS
Date Posted: May-27-2019 at 4:42pm
Yes Dave, I was just going to add that. Tiny or small scrapes won't really matter if you're going to replace the non-slip, but only UNDER the new material. My suggestion is to get some green painters tape (sticks better than blue but still doesn't leave a residue) and tape around the perimeter right up to the original pad - A couple of layers wouldn't hurt.
------------- JCCI 1995 Ski Nautique GT40
Posted By: Daveinater
Date Posted: May-28-2019 at 10:01am
Thank you!
Does anyone have any recommendations for replacement material to apply to the swim platform? I’d prefer something already pre-cut to fit as a direct replacement. (Looks cleaner).
------------- Dave B. %20http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=3734" rel="nofollow - Our 1992 Sport Nautique
Posted By: quinner
Date Posted: May-28-2019 at 3:51pm
Sea Dek might have a pattern, otherwise they can send you a template. Get ready to drop your drawers when you price that stuff however as they must be very proud of their products
There are some alternative materials out there, want to say there was just an install on this site using an alternative product
------------- http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=1143" rel="nofollow - Mi Bowt
Posted By: brantb
Date Posted: May-28-2019 at 4:11pm
That and the 30% off would be roughly $100. You will have to cut it yourself however
Posted By: Daveinater
Date Posted: May-29-2019 at 12:36am
Thanks for the recommendation all. I did find Planet Nautique offers pre-cut SeaDek at “only “ $220. YOWSA. I e-mailed SeaDek to see if I can get it direct from them but somehow I doubt it.
This evening I took a sharp paint scraper and was able to scrape the entire 3 piece oem stuff off the swim platform. Despite the boat always being garaged or on a lift under cover, the oem stuff had cracked and was looking terrible. The paint scraper was able to get underneath it and it came up a LOT easier than I thought. It looks like acetone will get the glue off but THAT is going to take some time and elbow grease. I might try a wire brush.
Question: does it need to be totally bare with no remnants of glue, etc. before applying the SeaDek? If so, that’s going to take some serious doing.
------------- Dave B. %20http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=3734" rel="nofollow - Our 1992 Sport Nautique
Posted By: GHTILL
Date Posted: May-29-2019 at 10:03am
Dave, wire brush will work. A rotary one will work even better. Make sure you wear a mask for the dust though The surface doesn't need to be perfectly clean before application of the SeaDek, just clean enogh.
------------- TWSS
Posted By: Daveinater
Date Posted: May-29-2019 at 2:45pm
Thanks all. I used acetone and a wire brush on my drill to remove the remnants of the glue. It’s now all one big white shiny swim platform, with only a few specks remaining. Probably clean enough. LOL
FYI I called SeaDek and their price for a single color pre-cut kit was $280 plus shipping. NautiqueParts.com has the exact same thing, SeaDek material in one color (grey) for $225. The SeaDek lady couldn’t explain why their price was so much more but clearly I’ll be buying from NautiqueParts. Pays to shop around I guess....
------------- Dave B. %20http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=3734" rel="nofollow - Our 1992 Sport Nautique
Posted By: GHTILL
Date Posted: May-29-2019 at 3:20pm
Dave, On your checkout use PND as your discount code and you'll save some $$. I think it's 10%. That means you will only pay $202.50 for the SeaDek from Nautique Parts
------------- TWSS
Posted By: Daveinater
Date Posted: May-29-2019 at 9:59pm
YESSSS! Got this in just the nick of time. Thank you! You just saved me almost $25.
------------- Dave B. %20http://www.correctcraftfan.com/diaries/details.asp?ID=3734" rel="nofollow - Our 1992 Sport Nautique
Posted By: GHTILL
Date Posted: May-30-2019 at 5:03pm
Glad it worked for you! I've saved tons of money over the last year using the PND code.
------------- TWSS