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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-08-2025 at 7:54pm

Topic: gt40 EFI HELP
Posted By: Don W
Subject: gt40 EFI HELP
Date Posted: May-28-2019 at 5:23pm
At the start of the season my boat would crank and run a few seconds and then shut down. Through trial and error and a little luck and help from this group I found that I was not getting emough air- If I unplegged the pcv hose it would run fine, but at too high an idle. I ran it around the lake with the pcv hose off and then it would idle fine when I hooked it back up.. It runs great as long as you don't idle too lpng. I have been trying to teach the grand kids to ski and that requires a lot of idling. after a short whi;e it will start to run badly and shut off when put ito gear. I think I smell gas. It feels like there is not enough air to get good combustion at idle, that gas is loading up on the plugs. If I run it around the lake pretty hard it will act right again- for a little while. I did the obvious- changed the pdv valve and washed out the spark arrestor. Any words of wisdom will be appreciated!


Posted By: gt40KS
Date Posted: May-29-2019 at 1:00am
Hi Don, I'd first check your spark plugs after it shuts down to see if there is indeed excess, unburned fuel (wet tips).   If so this could either be a sign of failing plugs or worse, failing fuel injectors. When the injectors start to go bad they will sometimes drip during or after running. This can cause a hard start condition as well.

1995 Ski Nautique GT40

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: May-29-2019 at 8:40am
Check your other thread in "Boat Maintenance"

Posted By: lewy2001
Date Posted: May-30-2019 at 8:57pm
*****Moved post to engine section*****

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